@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
# WS2812Serial - Non-Blocking WS2812B / NeoPixel LEDs Library |
Similar to [OctoWS2811](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_OctoWS2811.html), this library |
allows you to use WS2811, WS2812, WS2812B / NeoPixel LEDs without blocking interrupts. |
Non-blocking allows other libraries, especially |
[Audio](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Audio.html) and high speed serial communication |
to function properly while the LEDs update. Complex animation can also run faster, |
because the show() function does not wait for the LEDs to update, allowing your code |
more time to draw the next frame. |
## Hardware Resources Used |
WS2812Serial controls a single LED strip, using only 1 pin. While any number of |
LEDs may be connected, in practice 1 pin is best for small projects with less |
than 500 to 1000 LEDs. OctoWS2811 offers 8 parallel outputs for large projects. |
Non-blocking performance does come with a cost. 15 bytes of memory are required |
per LED, rather than the usual 3 bytes with [FastLED](http://fastled.io/) or |
[Adafruit NeoPixel](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel). One of |
the [hardware serial ports](https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_uart.html) is also |
used to transmit the data, making that port unavailable for other uses. |
## Supported Pins & Serial Ports |
| Port | Teensy LC | Teensy 3.2 | Teensy 3.5 | Teensy 3.6 | |
| :------ | :---------: | :--------: | :--------: | :--------: | |
| Serial1 | 1, 4, 5, 24 | 1, 5 | 1, 5, 26 | 1, 5, 26 | |
| Serial2 | | 10, 31 | 10 | 10 | |
| Serial3 | | 8, 20 | 8, 20 | 8, 20 | |
| Serial4 | | | 32 | 32 | |
| Serial5 | | | 33 | 33 | |
| Serial6 | | | 48 | | |
Serial2 & Serial3 on Teensy LC are not supported, due to lack of configurable |
oversampling needed to run at the high speed required. |
Serial6 on Teensy 3.6 is not currently supported, due to different hardware |
registers. |