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5 yıl önce
5 yıl önce
  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Refer:
  3. # -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
  4. project = 'dds'
  5. copyright = '2019, vector-of-bool'
  6. author = 'vector-of-bool'
  7. # The short X.Y version
  8. version = ''
  9. # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
  10. release = '0.1.0'
  11. # -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
  12. extensions = []
  13. templates_path = ['_templates']
  14. source_suffix = '.rst'
  15. master_doc = 'index'
  16. language = None
  17. exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
  18. pygments_style = None
  19. # -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
  20. html_theme = 'pyramid'
  21. html_theme_options = {}
  22. html_static_path = ['_static']
  23. html_sidebars = {}
  24. def setup(app):
  25. app.add_stylesheet('tweaks.css')