5 anos atrás
  1. .SILENT:
  2. .PHONY: docs docs-server docs-watch docs-sync-server
  3. _invalid:
  4. echo "Specify a target name to execute"
  5. docs:
  6. sphinx-build -b html \
  7. docs \
  8. _build/docs \
  9. -Wqaj8
  10. echo "Docs generated to _build/docs"
  11. docs-server: docs
  12. echo "Docs are visible on http://localhost:9794/"
  13. cd _build/docs && \
  14. python -m http.server 9794
  15. docs-watch: docs
  16. +sh tools/docs-watch.sh
  17. docs-sync-server: docs
  18. cd _build/docs && \
  19. browser-sync start --server \
  20. --reload-delay 300 \
  21. --watch **/*.html