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- Error: Duplicate Library Identifier
- Libraries in ``dds`` are represented by a *namespace* and a *name*, joined
- together with a forward-slash "``/``". Suppose that we have a library named
- ``Gadgets`` that lives in the ``ACME`` library-namespace. The combined library
- identifier would be ``ACME/Gadgets``.
- .. note::
- The "namespace" of a library in this case is arbitrary and not necessarily
- associated with any C++ ``namespace``.
- If more than one library declares itself to have the same ``name`` and lives in
- the same ``namespace``, ``dds`` will issue an error.
- To avoid this error in your own project and to avoid causing this error in your
- downstream consumers, the ``namespace`` of your package should be considered
- carefully and be unique. Do not use a ``namespace`` that is likely to be used
- by another developer or organization, especially generic names.
- If you are seeing this issue and it names a library that you do not own, it
- means that two or more of your dependencies are attempting to declare a library
- of the same ``name`` in the same ``namespace``. This issue should be raised
- with the maintainers of the packages in question.
- .. seealso::
- For more information, refer to the :ref:`pkgs.pkgs` section and the
- :ref:`pkgs.libs` section.