get-win-openssl.ps1 1.1KB

  1. [CmdletBinding()]
  2. param ()
  3. $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
  4. $this_script = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
  5. $tools_dir = Split-Path -Parent $this_script
  6. $root_dir = Split-Path -Parent $tools_dir
  7. $build_dir = Join-Path $root_dir "_build"
  8. New-Item -ItemType Container $build_dir -ErrorAction Ignore
  9. $local_tgz = Join-Path $build_dir "openssl.tgz"
  10. # This is the path to the release static vs2019 x64 build of OpenSSL in bintray
  11. $conan_ssl_path = "_/openssl/1.1.1h/_/7098aea4e4f2247cc9b5dcaaa1ebddbe/package/a79a557254fabcb77849dd623fed97c9c5ab7651/141ef2c6711a254707ba1f7f4fd07ad4"
  12. $openssl_url = "$conan_ssl_path/conan_package.tgz"
  13. Write-Host "Downloading OpenSSL for Windows"
  14. Invoke-WebRequest `
  15. -Uri $openssl_url `
  16. -OutFile $local_tgz
  17. $openssl_tree = Join-Path $root_dir "external/OpenSSL"
  18. Write-Host "Expanding OpenSSL archive..."
  19. Remove-Item $openssl_tree -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
  20. New-Item $openssl_tree -ItemType Container | Out-Null
  21. & cmake -E chdir $openssl_tree cmake -E tar xf $local_tgz
  22. if ($LASTEXITCODE) {
  23. throw "Archive expansion failed"
  24. }