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Cleanup compile_exec

vector-of-bool 5 vuotta sitten
2 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 65 lisäystä ja 19 poistoa
  1. +57
  2. +8

+ 57
- 19
src/dds/build/plan/compile_exec.cpp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -72,29 +72,42 @@ bool parallel_run(Range&& rng, int n_jobs, Fn&& fn) {
return exceptions.empty();

/// The actual "real" information that we need to perform a compilation.
struct compile_file_full {
const compile_file_plan& plan;
fs::path object_file_path;
compile_command_info cmd_info;

/// Simple aggregate that stores a counter for keeping track of compile progress
struct compile_counter {
std::atomic_size_t n;
const std::size_t max;
const std::size_t max_digits;

* Actually performs a compilation and collects deps information from that compilation
* @param cf The compilation to execute
* @param env The build environment
* @param counter A thread-safe counter for display progress to the user
do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& counter) {
// Create the parent directory

// Generate a log message to display to the user
auto source_path = cf.plan.source_path();
auto msg = fmt::format("[{}] Compile: {}",
fs::relative(source_path, cf.plan.source().basis_path).string());

// Do it!
auto&& [dur_ms, proc_res]
= timed<std::chrono::milliseconds>([&] { return run_proc(cf.cmd_info.command); });

auto nth = counter.n.fetch_add(1);
spdlog::info("{:60} - {:>7n}ms [{:{}}/{}]",
@@ -108,16 +121,17 @@ do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& coun
const auto compile_signal = proc_res.signal;
std::string compiler_output = std::move(proc_res.output);

// Build dependency information, if applicable to the toolchain
std::optional<deps_info> ret_deps_info;

if (env.toolchain.deps_mode() == deps_mode::gnu) {
// GNU-style deps using Makefile generation
auto& df_path = *cf.cmd_info.gnu_depfile_path;
if (!fs::is_regular_file(df_path)) {
"The expected Makefile deps were not generated on disk. This is a bug! "
"(Expected "
"file to exist: [{}])",
"(Expected file to exist: [{}])",
} else {
auto dep_info = dds::parse_mkfile_deps_file(df_path);
@@ -127,16 +141,25 @@ do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& coun
ret_deps_info = std::move(dep_info);
} else if (env.toolchain.deps_mode() == deps_mode::msvc) {
// Uglier deps generation by parsing the output from cl.exe
/// TODO: Handle different #include Note: prefixes, since those are localized
auto msvc_deps = parse_msvc_output_for_deps(compiler_output, "Note: including file:");
msvc_deps.deps_info.output = cf.object_file_path;
msvc_deps.deps_info.command = quote_command(cf.cmd_info.command);
msvc_deps.deps_info.command_output = msvc_deps.cleaned_output;
ret_deps_info = std::move(msvc_deps.deps_info);
compiler_output = std::move(msvc_deps.cleaned_output);
// parse_msvc_output_for_deps will return the compile output without the /showIncludes notes
compiler_output = std::move(msvc_deps.cleaned_output);
// Only update deps if we actually parsed anything, other wise we can't be sure that we
// successfully parsed anything, and we don't want to store garbage deps info and possibly
// cause a miscompile
if (!msvc_deps.deps_info.inputs.empty()) {
// Add the main source file as an input, since it is not listed by /showIncludes
msvc_deps.deps_info.output = cf.object_file_path;
msvc_deps.deps_info.command = quote_command(cf.cmd_info.command);
msvc_deps.deps_info.command_output = compiler_output;
ret_deps_info = std::move(msvc_deps.deps_info);

// MSVC prints the filename of the source file. Dunno why, but they do.
// MSVC prints the filename of the source file. Remove it from the output.
if (compiler_output.find(source_path.filename().string()) == 0) {
compiler_output.erase(0, source_path.filename().string().length());
if (starts_with(compiler_output, "\r")) {
@@ -147,6 +170,7 @@ do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& coun

// Log a compiler failure
if (!compiled_okay) {
spdlog::error("Compilation failed: {}", source_path.string());
spdlog::error("Subcommand FAILED [Exitted {}]: {}\n{}",
@@ -159,6 +183,7 @@ do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& coun
throw compile_failure(fmt::format("Compilation failed for {}", source_path.string()));

// Print any compiler output, sans whitespace
if (!dds::trim_view(compiler_output).empty()) {
spdlog::warn("While compiling file {} [{}]:\n{}",
@@ -166,24 +191,27 @@ do_compile(const compile_file_full& cf, build_env_ref env, compile_counter& coun

// We must always generate deps info if it was possible:
// We'll only get here if the compilation was successful, otherwise we throw
assert(ret_deps_info.has_value() || env.toolchain.deps_mode() == deps_mode::none);
return ret_deps_info;

/// Generate the full compile command information from an abstract plan
compile_file_full realize_plan(const compile_file_plan& plan, build_env_ref env) {
auto cmd_info = plan.generate_compile_command(env);
return compile_file_full{plan, plan.calc_object_file_path(env), cmd_info};

bool should_compile(const compile_file_full& comp, build_env_ref env) {
* Determine if the given compile command should actually be executed based on
* the dependency information we have recorded in the database.
bool should_compile(const compile_file_full& comp, const database& db) {
if (!fs::exists(comp.object_file_path)) {
// The output file simply doesn't exist. We have to recompile, of course.
return true;
database& db = env.db;
auto rb_info = get_rebuild_info(db, comp.object_file_path);
auto rb_info = get_rebuild_info(db, comp.object_file_path);
if (rb_info.previous_command.empty()) {
// We have no previous compile command for this file. Assume it is new.
return true;
@@ -206,18 +234,25 @@ bool should_compile(const compile_file_full& comp, build_env_ref env) {
bool dds::detail::compile_all(const ref_vector<const compile_file_plan>& compiles,
build_env_ref env,
int njobs) {
auto each_realized = //
compiles //
| views::transform([&](auto&& plan) { return realize_plan(plan, env); }) //
| views::filter([&](auto&& real) { return should_compile(real, env); }) //
auto each_realized = //
// Convert each _plan_ into a concrete object for compiler invocation.
| views::transform([&](auto&& plan) { return realize_plan(plan, env); })
// Filter out compile jobs that we don't need to run. This drops compilations where the
// output is "up-to-date" based on its inputs.
| views::filter([&](auto&& real) { return should_compile(real, env.db); })
// Convert to to a real vector so we can ask its size.
| ranges::to_vector;

// Keep a counter to display progress to the user.
const auto total = each_realized.size();
const auto max_digits = fmt::format("{}", total).size();
compile_counter counter{{1}, total, max_digits};

// Ass we execute, accumulate new dependency information from successful compilations
std::vector<deps_info> all_new_deps;
std::mutex mut;
// Do it!
auto okay = parallel_run(each_realized, njobs, [&](const compile_file_full& full) {
auto new_dep = do_compile(full, env, counter);
if (new_dep) {
@@ -226,9 +261,12 @@ bool dds::detail::compile_all(const ref_vector<const compile_file_plan>& compile

// Update compile dependency information
auto tr = env.db.transaction();
for (auto& info : all_new_deps) {
update_deps_info(env.db, info);

// Return whether or not there were any failures.
return okay;

+ 8
- 0
src/dds/build/plan/compile_exec.hpp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ bool compile_all(const ref_vector<const compile_file_plan>& files, build_env_ref

} // namespace detail

* Compiles all files in the given range of `compile_file_plan`. Uses as much
* parallelism as specified by `njobs`.
* @param rng The file compilation plans to execute
* @param env The build environment in which the compilations will execute
* @param njobs The maximum number of parallel compilations to execute at once.
* @returns `true` if all compilations were successful, `false` otherwise.
template <typename Range>
bool compile_all(Range&& rng, build_env_ref env, int njobs) {
ref_vector<const compile_file_plan> cfps;
