Переглянути джерело

Merge branch 'feature/build-deps' into develop

vector-of-bool 5 роки тому
27 змінених файлів з 643 додано та 496 видалено
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+ 0
- 2
.gitignore Переглянути файл

@@ -2,7 +2,5 @@ _build/

+ 136
- 32
src/dds.main.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include <dds/build.hpp>
#include <dds/build/builder.hpp>
#include <dds/catalog/catalog.hpp>
#include <dds/catalog/get.hpp>
#include <dds/repo/repo.hpp>
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include <dds/util/paths.hpp>
#include <dds/util/signal.hpp>

#include <range/v3/action/join.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/concat.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/group_by.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>

@@ -66,6 +68,15 @@ struct catalog_path_flag : path_flag {
dds::catalog open() { return dds::catalog::open(Get()); }

struct num_jobs_flag : args::ValueFlag<int> {
num_jobs_flag(args::Group& cmd)
: ValueFlag(cmd,
"Set the number of parallel jobs when compiling files",
{"jobs", 'j'},
0) {}

* Base class holds the actual argument parser
@@ -488,19 +499,13 @@ struct cli_build {
args::Flag no_warnings{cmd, "no-warings", "Disable build warnings", {"no-warnings"}};
toolchain_flag tc_filepath{cmd};

args::Flag export_{cmd, "export", "Generate a library export", {"export", 'E'}};

"Path to an existing libman index from which to load deps (usually INDEX.lmi)",
{"lm-index", 'I'}};

args::ValueFlag<int> num_jobs{cmd,
"Set the number of parallel jobs when compiling files",
{"jobs", 'j'},
num_jobs_flag n_jobs{cmd};

path_flag out{cmd,
@@ -510,26 +515,29 @@ struct cli_build {

int run() {
dds::build_params params;
params.root = project.root.Get();
params.out_root = out.Get();
params.toolchain = tc_filepath.get_toolchain();
params.do_export = export_.Get();
params.build_tests = !no_tests.Get();
params.build_apps = !no_apps.Get();
params.enable_warnings = !no_warnings.Get();
params.parallel_jobs = num_jobs.Get();
params.out_root = out.Get();
params.toolchain = tc_filepath.get_toolchain();
params.parallel_jobs = n_jobs.Get();
dds::package_manifest man;
const auto man_filepath = params.root / "package.dds";
const auto man_filepath = project.root.Get() / "package.dds";
if (exists(man_filepath)) {
man = dds::package_manifest::load_from_file(man_filepath);

dds::builder bd;
dds::sdist_build_params main_params;
main_params.build_apps = !no_apps.Get();
main_params.enable_warnings = !no_warnings.Get();
main_params.run_tests = main_params.build_tests = !no_tests.Get();

bd.add(dds::sdist{man, project.root.Get()}, main_params);
if (lm_index) {
params.existing_lm_index = lm_index.Get();
} else {
// Download and build dependencies
// Build the dependencies
auto cat = cat_path.open();
params.dep_sdists = dds::repository::with_repository( //
auto cat = cat_path.open();
dds::repository::with_repository( //
dds::repo_flags::write_lock | dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent,
[&](dds::repository repo) {
@@ -544,17 +552,110 @@ struct cli_build {
auto tsd = dds::get_package_sdist(*opt_pkg);
repo.add_sdist(tsd.sdist, dds::if_exists::throw_exc);
auto sdist_ptr = repo.find(pk);
dds::sdist_build_params deps_params;
= dds::fs::path("_deps") / sdist_ptr->manifest.pkg_id.to_string();
bd.add(*sdist_ptr, deps_params);
return deps //
| ranges::views::transform([&](auto& id) {
auto ptr = repo.find(id);
return *ptr;
| ranges::to_vector;
dds::build(params, man);
return 0;

######## ## ## #### ## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ###### ######## ######
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
######## ####### #### ######## ######## ######## ######## ## ######

struct cli_build_deps {
cli_base& base;
args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group,
"Build a set of dependencies and emit a libman index"};

toolchain_flag tc{cmd};
repo_path_flag repo_path{cmd};
catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
num_jobs_flag n_jobs{cmd};

args::ValueFlagList<dds::fs::path> deps_files{cmd,
"Install dependencies from the named files",
{"deps", 'd'}};

path_flag out_path{cmd,
"Directory where build results should be placed",
{"out", 'o'},
dds::fs::current_path() / "_deps"};

path_flag lmi_path{cmd,
"Path to the output libman index file (INDEX.lmi)",
dds::fs::current_path() / "INDEX.lmi"};

args::PositionalList<std::string> deps{cmd, "deps", "List of dependencies to install"};

int run() {
dds::build_params params;
params.out_root = out_path.Get();
params.toolchain = tc.get_toolchain();
params.parallel_jobs = n_jobs.Get();
params.emit_lmi = lmi_path.Get();

dds::builder bd;
dds::sdist_build_params sdist_params;

auto all_file_deps = deps_files.Get() //
| ranges::views::transform([&](auto dep_fpath) {
spdlog::info("Reading deps from {}", dep_fpath.string());
return dds::dependency_manifest::from_file(dep_fpath).dependencies;
| ranges::actions::join;

auto cmd_deps = ranges::views::transform(deps.Get(), [&](auto dep_str) {
return dds::dependency::parse_depends_string(dep_str);

auto all_deps = ranges::views::concat(all_file_deps, cmd_deps) | ranges::to_vector;

auto cat = cat_path.open();
dds::repository::with_repository( //
dds::repo_flags::write_lock | dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent,
[&](dds::repository repo) {
// Download dependencies
spdlog::info("Loading {} dependencies", all_deps.size());
auto deps = repo.solve(all_deps, cat);
for (const dds::package_id& pk : deps) {
auto exists = !!repo.find(pk);
if (!exists) {
spdlog::info("Download dependency: {}", pk.to_string());
auto opt_pkg = cat.get(pk);
auto tsd = dds::get_package_sdist(*opt_pkg);
repo.add_sdist(tsd.sdist, dds::if_exists::throw_exc);
auto sdist_ptr = repo.find(pk);
dds::sdist_build_params deps_params;
deps_params.subdir = sdist_ptr->manifest.pkg_id.to_string();
spdlog::info("Dependency: {}", sdist_ptr->manifest.pkg_id.to_string());
bd.add(*sdist_ptr, deps_params);

return 0;
@@ -578,11 +679,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S] [%^%-5l%$] %v");
args::ArgumentParser parser("DDS - The drop-dead-simple library manager");

cli_base cli{parser};
cli_build build{cli};
cli_sdist sdist{cli};
cli_repo repo{cli};
cli_catalog catalog{cli};
cli_base cli{parser};
cli_build build{cli};
cli_sdist sdist{cli};
cli_repo repo{cli};
cli_catalog catalog{cli};
cli_build_deps build_deps{cli};
try {
parser.ParseCLI(argc, argv);
} catch (const args::Help&) {
@@ -608,6 +710,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return repo.run();
} else if (catalog.cmd) {
return catalog.run();
} else if (build_deps.cmd) {
return build_deps.run();
} else {

+ 0
- 343
src/dds/build.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
#include "./build.hpp"

#include <dds/build/plan/compile_exec.hpp>
#include <dds/catch2_embedded.hpp>
#include <dds/compdb.hpp>
#include <dds/usage_reqs.hpp>
#include <dds/util/algo.hpp>
#include <dds/util/time.hpp>
#include <libman/index.hpp>
#include <libman/parse.hpp>

#include <range/v3/algorithm/transform.hpp>
#include <range/v3/range/conversion.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>

#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>

using namespace dds;

namespace {

struct archive_failure : std::runtime_error {
using runtime_error::runtime_error;

void copy_headers(const fs::path& source, const fs::path& dest) {
for (fs::path file : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(source)) {
if (infer_source_kind(file) != source_kind::header) {
auto relpath = fs::relative(file, source);
auto dest_fpath = dest / relpath;
spdlog::info("Export header: {}", relpath.string());
fs::copy_file(file, dest_fpath);

fs::path export_project_library(const library_plan& lib, build_env_ref env, path_ref export_root) {
auto lib_out_root = export_root / lib.name();
auto header_root = lib.source_root() / "include";
if (!fs::is_directory(header_root)) {
header_root = lib.source_root() / "src";

auto lml_path = export_root / fmt::format("{}.lml", lib.name());
auto lml_parent_dir = lml_path.parent_path();

std::vector<lm::pair> pairs;
pairs.emplace_back("Type", "Library");
pairs.emplace_back("Name", lib.name());

if (fs::is_directory(header_root)) {
auto header_dest = lib_out_root / "include";
copy_headers(header_root, header_dest);
pairs.emplace_back("Include-Path", fs::relative(header_dest, lml_parent_dir).string());

if (lib.create_archive()) {
auto ar_path = lib.create_archive()->calc_archive_file_path(env);
auto ar_dest = lib_out_root / ar_path.filename();
fs::copy_file(ar_path, ar_dest);
pairs.emplace_back("Path", fs::relative(ar_dest, lml_parent_dir).string());

for (const auto& use : lib.uses()) {
pairs.emplace_back("Uses", fmt::format("{}/{}", use.namespace_, use.name));
for (const auto& links : lib.links()) {
pairs.emplace_back("Links", fmt::format("{}/{}", links.namespace_, links.name));

lm::write_pairs(lml_path, pairs);
return lml_path;

void export_project(const package_plan& pkg, build_env_ref env) {
if (pkg.name().empty()) {
throw compile_failure(
fmt::format("Cannot generate an export when the package has no name (Provide a "
"package.dds with a `Name` field)"));
const auto export_root = env.output_root / fmt::format("{}.lpk", pkg.name());
spdlog::info("Generating project export: {}", export_root.string());

std::vector<lm::pair> pairs;

pairs.emplace_back("Type", "Package");
pairs.emplace_back("Name", pkg.name());
pairs.emplace_back("Namespace", pkg.namespace_());

for (const auto& lib : pkg.libraries()) {
export_project_library(lib, env, export_root);

lm::write_pairs(export_root / "package.lmp", pairs);

load_usage_requirements(path_ref project_root, path_ref build_root, path_ref user_lm_index) {
fs::path lm_index_path = user_lm_index;
for (auto cand : {project_root / "INDEX.lmi", build_root / "INDEX.lmi"}) {
if (fs::exists(lm_index_path) || !user_lm_index.empty()) {
lm_index_path = cand;
if (!fs::exists(lm_index_path)) {
spdlog::warn("No INDEX.lmi found, so we won't be able to load/use any dependencies");
return {};
lm::index idx = lm::index::from_file(lm_index_path);
return usage_requirement_map::from_lm_index(idx);

void prepare_catch2_driver(library_build_params& lib_params,
test_lib test_driver,
const build_params& params,
build_env_ref env_) {
fs::path test_include_root = params.out_root / "_catch-2.10.2";

auto catch_hpp = test_include_root / "catch2/catch.hpp";
if (!fs::exists(catch_hpp)) {
auto hpp_strm = open(catch_hpp, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

if (test_driver == test_lib::catch_) {
// Don't generate a test library helper

std::string fname;
std::string definition;

if (test_driver == test_lib::catch_main) {
fname = "catch-main.cpp";
definition = "CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN";
} else {
assert(false && "Impossible: Invalid `test_driver` for catch library");

shared_compile_file_rules comp_rules;

auto catch_cpp = test_include_root / "catch2" / fname;
auto cpp_strm = open(catch_cpp, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
cpp_strm << "#include \"./catch.hpp\"\n";

auto sf = source_file::from_path(catch_cpp, test_include_root);

compile_file_plan plan{comp_rules, std::move(*sf), "Catch2", "v1"};

build_env env2 = env_;
env2.output_root /= "_test-driver";
auto obj_file = plan.calc_object_file_path(env2);

if (!fs::exists(obj_file)) {
spdlog::info("Compiling Catch2 test driver (This will only happen once)...");
compile_all(std::array{plan}, env2, 1);


void prepare_test_driver(library_build_params& lib_params,
const build_params& params,
const package_manifest& man,
build_env_ref env) {
auto& test_driver = *man.test_driver;
if (test_driver == test_lib::catch_ || test_driver == test_lib::catch_main) {
prepare_catch2_driver(lib_params, test_driver, params, env);
} else {
assert(false && "Unreachable");

void add_ureqs(usage_requirement_map& ureqs,
const sdist& sd,
const library& lib,
const library_plan& lib_plan,
build_env_ref env) {
lm::library& reqs = ureqs.add(sd.manifest.namespace_, lib.manifest().name);
reqs.name = lib.manifest().name;
reqs.uses = lib.manifest().uses;
reqs.links = lib.manifest().links;
if (lib_plan.create_archive()) {
reqs.linkable_path = lib_plan.create_archive()->calc_archive_file_path(env);
// TODO: preprocessor definitions

using sdist_index_type = std::map<std::string, std::reference_wrapper<const sdist>>;
using sdist_names = std::set<std::string>;

void add_sdist_to_build(build_plan& plan,
const sdist& sd,
const sdist_index_type& sd_idx,
build_env_ref env,
usage_requirement_map& ureqs,
sdist_names& already_added) {
if (already_added.find(sd.manifest.pkg_id.name) != already_added.end()) {
// This one has already been added
spdlog::debug("Adding dependent build: {}", sd.manifest.pkg_id.name);
// Ensure that ever dependency is loaded up first)
for (const auto& dep : sd.manifest.dependencies) {
auto other = sd_idx.find(dep.name);
assert(other != sd_idx.end()
&& "Failed to load a transitive dependency shortly after initializing them. What?");
add_sdist_to_build(plan, other->second, sd_idx, env, ureqs, already_added);
// Record that we have been processed
// Finally, actually add the package:
auto& pkg = plan.add_package(package_plan(sd.manifest.pkg_id.name, sd.manifest.namespace_));
auto libs = collect_libraries(sd.path);
for (const auto& lib : libs) {
shared_compile_file_rules comp_rules = lib.base_compile_rules();
library_build_params lib_params;
lib_params.out_subdir = fs::path("deps") / sd.manifest.pkg_id.name;
auto lib_plan = library_plan::create(lib, lib_params, ureqs);
// Create usage requirements for this libary.
add_ureqs(ureqs, sd, lib, lib_plan, env);
// Add it to the plan:

void add_deps_to_build(build_plan& plan,
usage_requirement_map& ureqs,
const build_params& params,
build_env_ref env) {
auto sd_idx = params.dep_sdists //
| ranges::views::transform([](const auto& sd) {
return std::pair(sd.manifest.pkg_id.name, std::cref(sd));
}) //
| ranges::to<sdist_index_type>();

sdist_names already_added;
for (const sdist& sd : params.dep_sdists) {
add_sdist_to_build(plan, sd, sd_idx, env, ureqs, already_added);

} // namespace

void dds::build(const build_params& params, const package_manifest& man) {
auto db = database::open(params.out_root / ".dds.db");
dds::build_env env{params.toolchain, params.out_root, db};

// The build plan we will fill out:
build_plan plan;

// Collect libraries for the current project
auto libs = collect_libraries(params.root);
if (!libs.size()) {
spdlog::warn("Nothing found to build!");

usage_requirement_map ureqs;

if (params.existing_lm_index) {
ureqs = load_usage_requirements(params.root, params.out_root, *params.existing_lm_index);
} else {
add_deps_to_build(plan, ureqs, params, env);

// Initialize the build plan for this project.
auto& pkg = plan.add_package(package_plan(man.pkg_id.name, man.namespace_));

// assert(false && "Not ready yet!");

library_build_params lib_params;
lib_params.build_tests = params.build_tests;
lib_params.build_apps = params.build_apps;
lib_params.enable_warnings = params.enable_warnings;

if (man.test_driver) {
prepare_test_driver(lib_params, params, man, env);

for (const library& lib : libs) {
lib_params.out_subdir = fs::relative(lib.path(), params.root);
pkg.add_library(library_plan::create(lib, lib_params, ureqs));

if (params.generate_compdb) {
generate_compdb(plan, env);

dds::stopwatch sw;
plan.compile_all(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Compilation completed in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

plan.archive_all(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Archiving completed in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

if (params.build_apps || params.build_tests) {
plan.link_all(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Runtime binary linking completed in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

if (params.build_tests) {
auto test_failures = plan.run_all_tests(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Test execution finished in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

for (auto& failures : test_failures) {
spdlog::error("Test {} failed! Output:\n{}[dds - test output end]",
if (!test_failures.empty()) {
throw compile_failure("Test failures during the build!");

if (params.do_export) {
export_project(pkg, env);

+ 0
- 10
src/dds/build.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#pragma once

#include <dds/build/params.hpp>
#include <dds/package/manifest.hpp>

namespace dds {

void build(const build_params&, const package_manifest& man);

} // namespace dds

+ 243
- 0
src/dds/build/builder.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
#include "./builder.hpp"

#include <dds/build/plan/compile_exec.hpp>
#include <dds/build/plan/full.hpp>
#include <dds/catch2_embedded.hpp>
#include <dds/compdb.hpp>
#include <dds/usage_reqs.hpp>
#include <dds/util/time.hpp>

#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>

#include <array>
#include <set>

using namespace dds;

namespace {

struct state {
bool generate_catch2_header = false;
bool generate_catch2_main = false;

prepare_catch2_driver(test_lib test_driver, const build_params& params, build_env_ref env_) {
fs::path test_include_root = params.out_root / "_catch-2.10.2";

lm::library ret_lib;
auto catch_hpp = test_include_root / "catch2/catch.hpp";
if (!fs::exists(catch_hpp)) {
auto hpp_strm = open(catch_hpp, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

if (test_driver == test_lib::catch_) {
// Don't compile a library helper
return ret_lib;

std::string fname;
std::string definition;

if (test_driver == test_lib::catch_main) {
fname = "catch-main.cpp";
definition = "CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN";
} else {
assert(false && "Impossible: Invalid `test_driver` for catch library");

shared_compile_file_rules comp_rules;

auto catch_cpp = test_include_root / "catch2" / fname;
auto cpp_strm = open(catch_cpp, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
cpp_strm << "#include \"./catch.hpp\"\n";

auto sf = source_file::from_path(catch_cpp, test_include_root);

compile_file_plan plan{comp_rules, std::move(*sf), "Catch2", "v1"};

build_env env2 = env_;
env2.output_root /= "_test-driver";
auto obj_file = plan.calc_object_file_path(env2);

if (!fs::exists(obj_file)) {
spdlog::info("Compiling Catch2 test driver (This will only happen once)...");
compile_all(std::array{plan}, env2, 1);

ret_lib.linkable_path = obj_file;
return ret_lib;

prepare_test_driver(const build_params& params, test_lib test_driver, build_env_ref env) {
if (test_driver == test_lib::catch_ || test_driver == test_lib::catch_main) {
return prepare_catch2_driver(test_driver, params, env);
} else {
assert(false && "Unreachable");

library_plan prepare_library(state& st,
const sdist_target& sdt,
const library& lib,
const package_manifest& pkg_man) {
library_build_params lp;
lp.out_subdir = sdt.params.subdir;
lp.build_apps = sdt.params.build_apps;
lp.build_tests = sdt.params.build_tests;
lp.enable_warnings = sdt.params.enable_warnings;
if (lp.build_tests) {
if (pkg_man.test_driver == test_lib::catch_
|| pkg_man.test_driver == test_lib::catch_main) {
lp.test_uses.push_back({".dds", "Catch"});
st.generate_catch2_header = true;
if (pkg_man.test_driver == test_lib::catch_main) {
lp.test_uses.push_back({".dds", "Catch-Main"});
st.generate_catch2_main = true;
return library_plan::create(lib, std::move(lp));

package_plan prepare_one(state& st, const sdist_target& sd) {
package_plan pkg{sd.sd.manifest.pkg_id.name, sd.sd.manifest.namespace_};
auto libs = collect_libraries(sd.sd.path);
for (const auto& lib : libs) {
pkg.add_library(prepare_library(st, sd, lib, sd.sd.manifest));
return pkg;

build_plan prepare_build_plan(state& st, const std::vector<sdist_target>& sdists) {
build_plan plan;
for (const auto& sd_target : sdists) {
plan.add_package(prepare_one(st, sd_target));
return plan;

prepare_ureqs(const build_plan& plan, const toolchain& toolchain, path_ref out_root) {
usage_requirement_map ureqs;
for (const auto& pkg : plan.packages()) {
for (const auto& lib : pkg.libraries()) {
auto& lib_reqs = ureqs.add(pkg.namespace_(), lib.name());
lib_reqs.uses = lib.library_().manifest().uses;
lib_reqs.links = lib.library_().manifest().links;
if (const auto& arc = lib.create_archive()) {
lib_reqs.linkable_path = out_root / arc->calc_archive_file_path(toolchain);
return ureqs;

void write_lml(build_env_ref env, const library_plan& lib, path_ref lml_path) {
auto out = open(lml_path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
out << "Type: Library\n"
<< "Name: " << lib.name() << '\n'
<< "Include-Path: " << lib.library_().public_include_dir().generic_string() << '\n';
for (auto&& use : lib.uses()) {
out << "Uses: " << use.namespace_ << "/" << use.name << '\n';
for (auto&& link : lib.links()) {
out << "Links: " << link.namespace_ << "/" << link.name << '\n';
if (auto&& arc = lib.create_archive()) {
out << "Path: "
<< (env.output_root / arc->calc_archive_file_path(env.toolchain)).generic_string()
<< '\n';

void write_lmp(build_env_ref env, const package_plan& pkg, path_ref lmp_path) {
auto out = open(lmp_path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
out << "Type: Package\n"
<< "Name: " << pkg.name() << '\n'
<< "Namespace: " << pkg.namespace_() << '\n';
for (const auto& lib : pkg.libraries()) {
auto lml_path = lmp_path.parent_path() / pkg.namespace_() / (lib.name() + ".lml");
write_lml(env, lib, lml_path);
out << "Library: " << lml_path.generic_string() << '\n';

void write_lmi(build_env_ref env, const build_plan& plan, path_ref base_dir, path_ref lmi_path) {
auto out = open(lmi_path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
out << "Type: Index\n";
for (const auto& pkg : plan.packages()) {
auto lmp_path = base_dir / "_libman" / (pkg.name() + ".lmp");
write_lmp(env, pkg, lmp_path);
out << "Package: " << pkg.name() << "; " << lmp_path.generic_string() << '\n';

} // namespace

void builder::build(const build_params& params) const {
auto db = database::open(params.out_root / ".dds.db");

state st;
auto plan = prepare_build_plan(st, _sdists);
auto ureqs = prepare_ureqs(plan, params.toolchain, params.out_root);
build_env env{params.toolchain, params.out_root, db, ureqs};

if (st.generate_catch2_main) {
auto catch_lib = prepare_test_driver(params, test_lib::catch_main, env);
ureqs.add(".dds", "Catch-Main") = catch_lib;
if (st.generate_catch2_header) {
auto catch_lib = prepare_test_driver(params, test_lib::catch_, env);
ureqs.add(".dds", "Catch") = catch_lib;

if (params.generate_compdb) {
generate_compdb(plan, env);

dds::stopwatch sw;
plan.compile_all(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Compilation completed in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

plan.archive_all(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Archiving completed in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

plan.link_all(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Runtime binary linking completed in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

auto test_failures = plan.run_all_tests(env, params.parallel_jobs);
spdlog::info("Test execution finished in {:n}ms", sw.elapsed_ms().count());

for (auto& failures : test_failures) {
spdlog::error("Test {} failed! Output:\n{}[dds - test output end]",
if (!test_failures.empty()) {
throw compile_failure("Test failures during the build!");

if (params.emit_lmi) {
write_lmi(env, plan, params.out_root, *params.emit_lmi);

+ 57
- 0
src/dds/build/builder.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#pragma once

#include <dds/build/params.hpp>
#include <dds/source/dist.hpp>

#include <cassert>
#include <map>

namespace dds {

* Parameters for building an individual source distribution as part of a larger build plan.
struct sdist_build_params {
/// The subdirectory in which the source directory should be built
fs::path subdir;
/// Whether to build tests
bool build_tests = false;
/// Whether to run tests
bool run_tests = false;
/// Whether to build applications
bool build_apps = false;
/// Whether to enable build warnings
bool enable_warnings = false;

* Just a pairing of an sdist to the parameters that are used to build it.
struct sdist_target {
/// The source distribution
sdist sd;
/// The build parameters thereof
sdist_build_params params;

* A builder object. Source distributions are added to the builder, and then they are all built in parallel via `build()`
class builder {
/// Source distributions that have been added
std::vector<sdist_target> _sdists;

/// Add more source distributions
void add(sdist sd) { add(std::move(sd), sdist_build_params()); }
void add(sdist sd, sdist_build_params params) {
_sdists.push_back({std::move(sd), std::move(params)});

* Execute the build
void build(const build_params& params) const;

} // namespace dds

+ 1
- 6
src/dds/build/params.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -9,15 +9,10 @@
namespace dds {

struct build_params {
fs::path root;
fs::path out_root;
std::optional<fs::path> existing_lm_index;
std::optional<fs::path> emit_lmi;
dds::toolchain toolchain;
std::vector<sdist> dep_sdists;
bool do_export = false;
bool build_tests = false;
bool enable_warnings = false;
bool build_apps = false;
bool generate_compdb = true;
int parallel_jobs = 0;

+ 3
- 4
src/dds/build/plan/archive.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@

using namespace dds;

fs::path create_archive_plan::calc_archive_file_path(const build_env& env) const noexcept {
return env.output_root / _subdir
/ fmt::format("{}{}{}", "lib", _name, env.toolchain.archive_suffix());
fs::path create_archive_plan::calc_archive_file_path(const toolchain& tc) const noexcept {
return _subdir / fmt::format("{}{}{}", "lib", _name, tc.archive_suffix());

void create_archive_plan::archive(const build_env& env) const {
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ void create_archive_plan::archive(const build_env& env) const {
// Build up the archive command
archive_spec ar;
ar.input_files = std::move(objects);
ar.out_path = calc_archive_file_path(env);
ar.out_path = env.output_root / calc_archive_file_path(env.toolchain);
auto ar_cmd = env.toolchain.create_archive_command(ar);

// `out_relpath` is purely for the benefit of the user to have a short name

+ 4
- 4
src/dds/build/plan/archive.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ public:
const std::string& name() const noexcept { return _name; }

* Calculate the absolute path where the generated archive libary file will
* be generated after execution.
* @param env The build environment for the archival.
* Calculate the path relative to the build output root where the static library archive will be
* placed upon creation.
* @param tc The toolchain that will be used
fs::path calc_archive_file_path(build_env_ref env) const noexcept;
fs::path calc_archive_file_path(const toolchain& tc) const noexcept;

* Get the compilation plans for this library.

+ 3
- 0
src/dds/build/plan/base.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include <dds/db/database.hpp>
#include <dds/toolchain/toolchain.hpp>
#include <dds/usage_reqs.hpp>
#include <dds/util/fs.hpp>

namespace dds {
@@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ struct build_env {
dds::toolchain toolchain;
fs::path output_root;
database& db;

const usage_requirement_map& ureqs;

using build_env_ref = const build_env&;

+ 3
- 0
src/dds/build/plan/compile_file.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ compile_command_info compile_file_plan::generate_compile_command(build_env_ref e
compile_file_spec spec{_source.path, calc_object_file_path(env)};
spec.enable_warnings = _rules.enable_warnings();
extend(spec.include_dirs, _rules.include_dirs());
for (const auto& use : _rules.uses()) {
extend(spec.include_dirs, env.ureqs.include_paths(use));
extend(spec.definitions, _rules.defs());
return env.toolchain.create_compile_command(spec);

+ 9
- 0
src/dds/build/plan/compile_file.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <dds/build/plan/base.hpp>
#include <dds/source/file.hpp>

#include <libman/library.hpp>

#include <memory>

namespace dds {
@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ class shared_compile_file_rules {
struct rules_impl {
std::vector<fs::path> inc_dirs;
std::vector<std::string> defs;
std::vector<lm::usage> uses;
bool enable_warnings = false;

@@ -53,6 +56,12 @@ public:
auto& defs() noexcept { return _impl->defs; }
auto& defs() const noexcept { return _impl->defs; }

* Access the named usage requirements for this set of rules
auto& uses() noexcept { return _impl->uses; }
auto& uses() const noexcept { return _impl->uses; }

* A boolean to toggle compile warnings for the associated compiles

+ 6
- 1
src/dds/build/plan/exe.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include <dds/build/plan/library.hpp>
#include <dds/proc.hpp>
#include <dds/util/algo.hpp>
#include <dds/util/time.hpp>

#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
@@ -20,10 +21,14 @@ void link_executable_plan::link(build_env_ref env, const library_plan& lib) cons
link_exe_spec spec;
spec.output = calc_executable_path(env);
spec.inputs = _input_libs;
for (const lm::usage& links : _links) {
extend(spec.inputs, env.ureqs.link_paths(links));
if (lib.create_archive()) {
// The associated library has compiled components. Add the static library a as a linker
// input
/ lib.create_archive()->calc_archive_file_path(env.toolchain));

// The main object should be a linker input, of course.

+ 11
- 4
src/dds/build/plan/exe.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <dds/build/plan/compile_file.hpp>
#include <dds/util/fs.hpp>

#include <libman/library.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <vector>

@@ -26,6 +28,8 @@ struct test_failure {
class link_executable_plan {
/// The linker inputs that should be linked into the executable
std::vector<fs::path> _input_libs;
/// Usage requirements for this executable
std::vector<lm::usage> _links;
/// The compilation plan for the entry-point source file
compile_file_plan _main_compile;
/// The subdirectory in which the executable should be generated
@@ -37,15 +41,18 @@ public:
* Create a new instance
* @param in_libs Linker inputs for the executable
* @param links The library identifiers that the executable should link with
* @param cfp The file compilation that defines the entrypoint of the application
* @param out_subdir The subdirectory of the build root in which the executable should be placed
* @param name_ The name of the executable
link_executable_plan(std::vector<fs::path> in_libs,
compile_file_plan cfp,
path_ref out_subdir,
std::string name_)
link_executable_plan(std::vector<fs::path> in_libs,
std::vector<lm::usage> links,
compile_file_plan cfp,
path_ref out_subdir,
std::string name_)
: _input_libs(std::move(in_libs))
, _links(std::move(links))
, _main_compile(std::move(cfp))
, _out_subdir(out_subdir)
, _name(std::move(name_)) {}

+ 23
- 34
src/dds/build/plan/library.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@

using namespace dds;

library_plan library_plan::create(const library& lib,
const library_build_params& params,
const usage_requirement_map& ureqs) {
library_plan library_plan::create(const library& lib, const library_build_params& params) {
// Source files are kept in three groups:
std::vector<source_file> app_sources;
std::vector<source_file> test_sources;
@@ -41,12 +39,7 @@ library_plan library_plan::create(const library& lib,
// Load up the compile rules
auto compile_rules = lib.base_compile_rules();
compile_rules.enable_warnings() = params.enable_warnings;

// Apply our transitive usage requirements. This gives us the search directories for our
// dependencies.
for (const auto& use : lib.manifest().uses) {
ureqs.apply(compile_rules, use.namespace_, use.name);
compile_rules.uses() = lib.manifest().uses;

// Convert the library sources into their respective file compilation plans.
auto lib_compile_files = //
@@ -70,21 +63,19 @@ library_plan library_plan::create(const library& lib,

// Collect the paths to linker inputs that should be used when generating executables for this
// library.
std::vector<fs::path> link_libs;
for (auto& use : lib.manifest().uses) {
extend(link_libs, ureqs.link_paths(use.namespace_, use.name));
for (auto& link : lib.manifest().links) {
extend(link_libs, ureqs.link_paths(link.namespace_, link.name));
std::vector<lm::usage> links;
extend(links, lib.manifest().uses);
extend(links, lib.manifest().links);

// Linker inputs for tests may contain additional code for test execution
auto test_link_libs = link_libs;
extend(test_link_libs, params.test_link_files);
std::vector<fs::path> link_libs;
std::vector<fs::path> test_link_libs = params.test_link_files;

// There may also be additional #include paths for test source files
// There may also be additional usage requirements for tests
auto test_rules = compile_rules.clone();
extend(test_rules.include_dirs(), params.test_include_dirs);
auto test_links = links;
extend(test_rules.uses(), params.test_uses);
extend(test_links, params.test_uses);

// Generate the plans to link any executables for this library
std::vector<link_executable_plan> link_executables;
@@ -99,21 +90,19 @@ library_plan library_plan::create(const library& lib,
auto rules = is_test ? test_rules : compile_rules;
// Pick input libs based on app/test
auto& exe_link_libs = is_test ? test_link_libs : link_libs;
auto& exe_links = is_test ? test_links : links;
// TODO: Apps/tests should only see the _public_ include dir, not both
params.out_subdir / "obj"),
auto exe = link_executable_plan{exe_link_libs,
params.out_subdir / "obj"),

// Done!
return library_plan{lib.manifest().name,
return library_plan{lib, std::move(create_archive), std::move(link_executables)};

+ 21
- 30
src/dds/build/plan/library.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <dds/usage_reqs.hpp>
#include <dds/util/fs.hpp>

#include <libman/library.hpp>

#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@@ -29,6 +31,9 @@ struct library_build_params {
std::vector<fs::path> test_include_dirs;
/// Files that should be added as inputs when linking test executables
std::vector<fs::path> test_link_files;

/// Libraries that are used by tests
std::vector<lm::usage> test_uses;

@@ -47,50 +52,39 @@ struct library_build_params {
* initialize all of the constructor parameters correctly.
class library_plan {
/// The name of the library
std::string _name;
/// The directory at the root of this library
fs::path _source_root;
/// The underlying library object
library _lib;
/// The `create_archive_plan` for this library, if applicable
std::optional<create_archive_plan> _create_archive;
/// The executables that should be linked as part of this library's build
std::vector<link_executable_plan> _link_exes;
/// The libraries that we use
std::vector<lm::usage> _uses;
/// The libraries that we link
std::vector<lm::usage> _links;

* Construct a new `library_plan`
* @param name The name of the library
* @param source_root The directory that contains this library
* @param lib The `library` object underlying this plan.
* @param ar The `create_archive_plan`, or `nullopt` for this library.
* @param exes The `link_executable_plan` objects for this library.
* @param uses The identities of the libraries that are used by this library
* @param links The identities of the libraries that are linked by this library
library_plan(std::string_view name,
path_ref source_root,
library_plan(library lib,
std::optional<create_archive_plan> ar,
std::vector<link_executable_plan> exes,
std::vector<lm::usage> uses,
std::vector<lm::usage> links)
: _name(name)
, _source_root(source_root)
std::vector<link_executable_plan> exes)
: _lib(std::move(lib))
, _create_archive(std::move(ar))
, _link_exes(std::move(exes))
, _uses(std::move(uses))
, _links(std::move(links)) {}
, _link_exes(std::move(exes)) {}

* Get the underlying library object
auto& library_() const noexcept { return _lib; }
* Get the name of the library
auto& name() const noexcept { return _name; }
auto& name() const noexcept { return _lib.manifest().name; }
* The directory that defines the source root of the library.
path_ref source_root() const noexcept { return _source_root; }
path_ref source_root() const noexcept { return _lib.path(); }
* A `create_archive_plan` object, or `nullopt`, depending on if this library has compiled
* components
@@ -103,11 +97,11 @@ public:
* The library identifiers that are used by this library
auto& uses() const noexcept { return _uses; }
auto& uses() const noexcept { return _lib.manifest().uses; }
* The library identifiers that are linked by this library
auto& links() const noexcept { return _links; }
auto& links() const noexcept { return _lib.manifest().links; }

* Named constructor: Create a new `library_plan` automatically from some build-time parameters.
@@ -115,14 +109,11 @@ public:
* @param lib The `library` object from which we will inherit several properties.
* @param params Parameters controlling the build of the library. i.e. if we create tests,
* enable warnings, etc.
* @param ureqs The usage requirements map. This should be populated as appropriate.
* The `lib` parameter defines the usage requirements of this library, and they are looked up in
* the `ureqs` map. If there are any missing requirements, an exception will be thrown.
static library_plan create(const library& lib,
const library_build_params& params,
const usage_requirement_map& ureqs);
static library_plan create(const library& lib, const library_build_params& params);

} // namespace dds

+ 17
- 0
src/dds/deps.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -40,3 +40,20 @@ dependency dependency::parse_depends_string(std::string_view str) {

dependency_manifest dependency_manifest::from_file(path_ref fpath) {
auto kvs = lm::parse_file(fpath);
dependency_manifest ret;
fmt::format("Reading dependencies from '{}'", fpath.string()),
[&](auto, auto key, auto val) {
if (key == "Depends") {
return true;
return false;
return ret;

+ 10
- 1
src/dds/deps.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#pragma once

#include <dds/build/plan/full.hpp>
#include <dds/util/fs.hpp>

#include <pubgrub/interval.hpp>
#include <semver/range.hpp>
@@ -19,4 +19,13 @@ struct dependency {
static dependency parse_depends_string(std::string_view str);

* Represents a dependency listing file, which is a subset of a package manifest
struct dependency_manifest {
std::vector<dependency> dependencies;

static dependency_manifest from_file(path_ref where);

} // namespace dds

+ 1
- 0
src/dds/source/dist.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "./dist.hpp"

#include <dds/library/library.hpp>
#include <dds/temp.hpp>
#include <dds/util/fs.hpp>

+ 23
- 7
src/dds/usage_reqs.cpp Переглянути файл

@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@

using namespace dds;

const lm::library* usage_requirement_map::get(std::string ns, std::string name) const noexcept {
auto found = _reqs.find(library_key{ns, name});
const lm::library* usage_requirement_map::get(const lm::usage& key) const noexcept {
auto found = _reqs.find(key);
if (found == _reqs.end()) {
return nullptr;
@@ -54,21 +54,37 @@ usage_requirement_map usage_requirement_map::from_lm_index(const lm::index& idx)
return ret;

std::vector<fs::path> usage_requirement_map::link_paths(std::string ns, std::string name) const {
auto req = get(ns, name);
std::vector<fs::path> usage_requirement_map::link_paths(const lm::usage& key) const {
auto req = get(key);
if (!req) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Unable to find linking requirement '{}/{}'", ns, name));
fmt::format("Unable to find linking requirement '{}/{}'", key.namespace_, key.name));
std::vector<fs::path> ret;
if (req->linkable_path) {
for (const auto& dep : req->uses) {
extend(ret, link_paths(dep.namespace_, dep.name));
extend(ret, link_paths(dep));
for (const auto& link : req->links) {
extend(ret, link_paths(link.namespace_, link.name));
extend(ret, link_paths(link));
return ret;

std::vector<fs::path> usage_requirement_map::include_paths(const lm::usage& usage) const {
std::vector<fs::path> ret;
auto lib = get(usage.namespace_, usage.name);
if (!lib) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Cannot find non-existent usage requirements for '{}/{}'",
extend(ret, lib->include_paths);
for (const auto& transitive : lib->uses) {
extend(ret, include_paths(transitive));
return ret;

+ 7
- 6
src/dds/usage_reqs.hpp Переглянути файл

@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ class shared_compile_file_rules;

class usage_requirement_map {

struct library_key {
std::string namespace_;
std::string name;
using library_key = lm::usage;

struct library_key_compare {
bool operator()(const library_key& lhs, const library_key& rhs) const noexcept {
@@ -36,12 +33,16 @@ class usage_requirement_map {
std::map<library_key, lm::library, library_key_compare> _reqs;

const lm::library* get(std::string ns, std::string name) const noexcept;
const lm::library* get(const lm::usage& key) const noexcept;
const lm::library* get(std::string ns, std::string name) const noexcept {
return get({ns, name});
lm::library& add(std::string ns, std::string name);
void add(std::string ns, std::string name, lm::library lib) { add(ns, name) = lib; }

void apply(shared_compile_file_rules, std::string ns, std::string name) const;
std::vector<fs::path> link_paths(std::string ns, std::string name) const;
std::vector<fs::path> link_paths(const lm::usage&) const;
std::vector<fs::path> include_paths(const lm::usage& req) const;

static usage_requirement_map from_lm_index(const lm::index&) noexcept;

+ 1
- 1
tests/basics/test_simple.py Переглянути файл

@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ def test_simple_lib(dds: DDS, scope: ExitStack):

dds.build(tests=True, apps=False, warnings=False, export=True)
dds.build(tests=True, apps=False, warnings=False)
assert (dds.build_dir / 'compile_commands.json').is_file()
assert list(dds.build_dir.glob('libTestLibrary*')) != []

+ 1
- 1
tests/basics/test_test_only.py Переглянути файл

@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ def test_lib_with_just_test(dds: DDS, scope: ExitStack):
b'int main() {}',

dds.build(tests=True, apps=False, warnings=False, export=False)
dds.build(tests=True, apps=False, warnings=False)
assert (dds.build_dir / f'test/foo{dds.exe_suffix}').is_file()

+ 9
- 10
tests/dds.py Переглянути файл

@@ -69,15 +69,16 @@ class DDS:
def project_dir_arg(self) -> str:
return f'--project-dir={self.source_root}'

def deps_build(self, *,
def build_deps(self, args: proc.CommandLine, *,
toolchain: str = None) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
return self.run([
f'--toolchain={toolchain or self.default_builtin_toolchain}',

def build(self,
@@ -85,8 +86,7 @@ class DDS:
toolchain: str = None,
apps: bool = True,
warnings: bool = True,
tests: bool = True,
export: bool = False) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
tests: bool = True) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
return self.run([
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ class DDS:
['--no-tests'] if not tests else [],
['--no-apps'] if not apps else [],
['--no-warnings'] if not warnings else [],
['--export'] if export else [],

@@ -119,9 +118,9 @@ class DDS:
def default_builtin_toolchain(self) -> str:
if os.name == 'posix':
return ':gcc-9'
return ':c++17:gcc-9'
elif os.name == 'nt':
return ':msvc'
return ':c++17:msvc'
raise RuntimeError(
f'No default builtin toolchain defined for tests on platform "{os.name}"'

+ 21
- 0
tests/deps/build-deps/project/catalog.json Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"version": 1,
"packages": {
"neo-sqlite3": {
"0.1.0": {
"git": {
"url": "https://github.com/vector-of-bool/neo-sqlite3.git",
"ref": "0.1.0"
"depends": {}
"0.2.2": {
"git": {
"url": "https://github.com/vector-of-bool/neo-sqlite3.git",
"ref": "0.2.2"
"depends": {}

+ 2
- 0
tests/deps/build-deps/project/deps.dds Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Depends: neo-sqlite3 +0.2.2

+ 31
- 0
tests/deps/build-deps/test_build_deps.py Переглянути файл

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
from tests import dds, DDS

def test_build_deps_from_file(dds: DDS):
assert not dds.deps_build_dir.is_dir()
dds.catalog_import(dds.source_root / 'catalog.json')
dds.build_deps(['-d', 'deps.dds'])
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / 'neo-sqlite3@0.2.2').is_dir()
assert (dds.scratch_dir / 'INDEX.lmi').is_file()
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / '_libman/neo-sqlite3.lmp').is_file()
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / '_libman/neo/sqlite3.lml').is_file()

def test_build_deps_from_cmd(dds: DDS):
assert not dds.deps_build_dir.is_dir()
dds.catalog_import(dds.source_root / 'catalog.json')
dds.build_deps(['neo-sqlite3 =0.2.2'])
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / 'neo-sqlite3@0.2.2').is_dir()
assert (dds.scratch_dir / 'INDEX.lmi').is_file()
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / '_libman/neo-sqlite3.lmp').is_file()
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / '_libman/neo/sqlite3.lml').is_file()

def test_multiple_deps(dds: DDS):
assert not dds.deps_build_dir.is_dir()
dds.catalog_import(dds.source_root / 'catalog.json')
dds.build_deps(['neo-sqlite3 ^0.2.2', 'neo-sqlite3 ~0.2.0'])
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / 'neo-sqlite3@0.2.2').is_dir()
assert (dds.scratch_dir / 'INDEX.lmi').is_file()
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / '_libman/neo-sqlite3.lmp').is_file()
assert (dds.deps_build_dir / '_libman/neo/sqlite3.lml').is_file()
