import argparse import gzip import os import json import json5 import itertools import base64 from urllib import request, parse as url_parse from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple, List, Sequence, Union, Optional, Mapping, Iterable import re from pathlib import Path import sys import textwrap from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor class CopyMoveTransform(NamedTuple): frm: str to: str strip_components: int = 0 include: Sequence[str] = [] exclude: Sequence[str] = [] def to_dict(self): return { 'from': self.frm, 'to':, 'include': self.include, 'exclude': self.exclude, 'strip-components': self.strip_components, } class OneEdit(NamedTuple): kind: str line: int content: Optional[str] = None def to_dict(self): d = { 'kind': self.kind, 'line': self.line, } if self.content: d['content'] = self.content return d class EditTransform(NamedTuple): path: str edits: Sequence[OneEdit] = [] def to_dict(self): return { 'path': self.path, 'edits': [e.to_dict() for e in self.edits], } class WriteTransform(NamedTuple): path: str content: str def to_dict(self): return { 'path': self.path, 'content': self.content, } class RemoveTransform(NamedTuple): path: str only_matching: Sequence[str] = () def to_dict(self): return { 'path': self.path, 'only-matching': self.only_matching, } class FSTransform(NamedTuple): copy: Optional[CopyMoveTransform] = None move: Optional[CopyMoveTransform] = None remove: Optional[RemoveTransform] = None write: Optional[WriteTransform] = None edit: Optional[EditTransform] = None def to_dict(self): d = {} if self.copy: d['copy'] = self.copy.to_dict() if self.move: d['move'] = self.move.to_dict() if self.remove: d['remove'] = self.remove.to_dict() if self.write: d['write'] = self.write.to_dict() if self.edit: d['edit'] = self.edit.to_dict() return d class Git(NamedTuple): url: str ref: str auto_lib: Optional[str] = None transforms: Sequence[FSTransform] = [] def to_dict(self) -> dict: d = { 'url': self.url, 'ref': self.ref, 'transform': [f.to_dict() for f in self.transforms], } if self.auto_lib: d['auto-lib'] = self.auto_lib return d def to_dict_2(self) -> str: url = f'git+{self.url}' if self.auto_lib: url += f'?lm={self.auto_lib}' url += f'#{self.ref}' return url RemoteInfo = Union[Git] class Version(NamedTuple): version: str remote: RemoteInfo depends: Sequence[str] = [] description: str = '(No description provided)' def to_dict(self) -> dict: ret: dict = { 'description': self.description, 'depends': list(self.depends), } if isinstance(self.remote, Git): ret['git'] = self.remote.to_dict() return ret def to_dict_2(self) -> dict: ret: dict = { 'description': self.description, 'depends': list(self.depends), 'transform': [f.to_dict() for f in self.remote.transforms], } ret['url'] = self.remote.to_dict_2() return ret class VersionSet(NamedTuple): version: str depends: Sequence[str] class Package(NamedTuple): name: str versions: List[Version] HTTP_POOL = ThreadPoolExecutor(10) def github_http_get(url: str): url_dat = url_parse.urlparse(url) req = request.Request(url) req.add_header('Accept-Encoding', 'application/json') req.add_header('Authorization', f'token {os.environ["GITHUB_API_TOKEN"]}') if url_dat.hostname != '': raise RuntimeError(f'Request is outside of [{url}]') resp = request.urlopen(req) if resp.status != 200: raise RuntimeError( f'Request to [{url}] failed [{resp.status} {resp.reason}]') return json5.loads( def _get_github_tree_file_content(url: str) -> bytes: json_body = github_http_get(url) content_b64 = json_body['content'].encode() assert json_body['encoding'] == 'base64', json_body content = base64.decodebytes(content_b64) return content def _version_for_github_tag(pkg_name: str, desc: str, clone_url: str, tag) -> Version: print(f'Loading tag {tag["name"]}') commit = github_http_get(tag['commit']['url']) tree = github_http_get(commit['commit']['tree']['url']) tree_content = {t['path']: t for t in tree['tree']} cands = ['package.json', 'package.jsonc', 'package.json5'] for cand in cands: if cand in tree_content: package_json_fname = cand break else: raise RuntimeError( f'No package JSON5 file in tag {tag["name"]} for {pkg_name} (One of {tree_content.keys()})' ) package_json = json5.loads( _get_github_tree_file_content(tree_content[package_json_fname]['url'])) version = package_json['version'] if pkg_name != package_json['name']: raise RuntimeError(f'package name in repo "{package_json["name"]}" ' f'does not match expected name "{pkg_name}"') depends = package_json.get('depends') pairs: Iterable[str] if isinstance(depends, dict): pairs = ((k + v) for k, v in depends.items()) elif isinstance(depends, list): pairs = depends elif depends is None: pairs = [] else: raise RuntimeError( f'Unknown "depends" object from json file: {depends!r}') remote = Git(url=clone_url, ref=tag['name']) return Version( version, description=desc, depends=list(pairs), remote=remote) def github_package(name: str, repo: str, want_tags: Iterable[str]) -> Package: print(f'Downloading repo from {repo}') repo_data = github_http_get(f'{repo}') desc = repo_data['description'] avail_tags = github_http_get(repo_data['tags_url']) missing_tags = set(want_tags) - set(t['name'] for t in avail_tags) if missing_tags: raise RuntimeError( 'One or more wanted tags do not exist in ' f'the repository "{repo}" (Missing: {missing_tags})') tag_items = (t for t in avail_tags if t['name'] in want_tags) versions = lambda tag: _version_for_github_tag(name, desc, repo_data['clone_url'], tag), tag_items) return Package(name, list(versions)) def simple_packages(name: str, description: str, git_url: str, versions: Sequence[VersionSet], auto_lib: Optional[str] = None, *, tag_fmt: str = '{}') -> Package: return Package(name, [ Version( ver.version, description=description, remote=Git( git_url, tag_fmt.format(ver.version), auto_lib=auto_lib), depends=ver.depends) for ver in versions ]) def many_versions(name: str, versions: Sequence[str], *, tag_fmt: str = '{}', git_url: str, auto_lib: str = None, transforms: Sequence[FSTransform] = (), description='(No description was provided)') -> Package: return Package(name, [ Version( ver, description='\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(description)), remote=Git( url=git_url, ref=tag_fmt.format(ver), auto_lib=auto_lib, transforms=transforms)) for ver in versions ]) # yapf: disable PACKAGES = [ github_package('neo-buffer', 'vector-of-bool/neo-buffer', ['0.2.1', '0.3.0', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2']), github_package('neo-compress', 'vector-of-bool/neo-compress', ['0.1.0', '0.1.1']), github_package('neo-url', 'vector-of-bool/neo-url', ['0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2']), github_package('neo-sqlite3', 'vector-of-bool/neo-sqlite3', ['0.2.3', '0.3.0', '0.4.0', '0.4.1']), github_package('neo-fun', 'vector-of-bool/neo-fun', [ '0.1.1', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', ]), github_package('neo-io', 'vector-of-bool/neo-io', ['0.1.0']), github_package('neo-http', 'vector-of-bool/neo-http', ['0.1.0']), github_package('neo-concepts', 'vector-of-bool/neo-concepts', ( '0.2.2', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.4.0', )), github_package('semver', 'vector-of-bool/semver', ['0.2.2']), github_package('pubgrub', 'vector-of-bool/pubgrub', ['0.2.1']), github_package('vob-json5', 'vector-of-bool/json5', ['0.1.5']), github_package('vob-semester', 'vector-of-bool/semester', ['0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2']), many_versions( 'magic_enum', ( '0.5.0', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', ), description='Static reflection for enums', tag_fmt='v{}', git_url='', auto_lib='neargye/magic_enum', ), many_versions( 'nameof', [ '0.8.3', '0.9.0', '0.9.1', '0.9.2', '0.9.3', '0.9.4', ], description='Nameof operator for modern C++', tag_fmt='v{}', git_url='', auto_lib='neargye/nameof', ), many_versions( 'range-v3', ( '0.5.0', '0.9.0', '0.9.1', '0.10.0', '0.11.0', ), git_url='', auto_lib='range-v3/range-v3', description= 'Range library for C++14/17/20, basis for C++20\'s std::ranges', ), many_versions( 'nlohmann-json', ( # '3.0.0', # '3.0.1', # '3.1.0', # '3.1.1', # '3.1.2', # '3.2.0', # '3.3.0', # '3.4.0', # '3.5.0', # '3.6.0', # '3.6.1', # '3.7.0', '3.7.1', # Only this version has the dds forked branch # '3.7.2', # '3.7.3', ), git_url='', tag_fmt='dds/{}', description='JSON for Modern C++', ), Package('ms-wil', [ Version( '2020.03.16', description='The Windows Implementation Library', remote=Git('', 'dds/2020.03.16')) ]), many_versions( 'ctre', ( '2.8.1', '2.8.2', '2.8.3', '2.8.4', ), git_url= '', tag_fmt='v{}', auto_lib='hanickadot/ctre', description= 'A compile-time PCRE (almost) compatible regular expression matcher', ), Package( 'spdlog', [ Version( ver, description='Fast C++ logging library', depends=['fmt+6.0.0'], remote=Git( url='', ref=f'v{ver}', transforms=[ FSTransform( write=WriteTransform( path='package.json', content=json.dumps({ 'name': 'spdlog', 'namespace': 'spdlog', 'version': ver, 'depends': ['fmt+6.0.0'], }))), FSTransform( write=WriteTransform( path='library.json', content=json.dumps({ 'name': 'spdlog', 'uses': ['fmt/fmt'] }))), FSTransform( # It's all just template instantiations. remove=RemoveTransform(path='src/'), # Tell spdlog to use the external fmt library edit=EditTransform( path='include/spdlog/tweakme.h', edits=[ OneEdit( kind='insert', content='#define SPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL 1', line=13, ), ])), ], ), ) for ver in ( '1.4.0', '1.4.1', '1.4.2', '1.5.0', '1.6.0', '1.6.1', '1.7.0', ) ]), many_versions( 'fmt', ( '6.0.0', '6.1.0', '6.1.1', '6.1.2', '6.2.0', '6.2.1', '7.0.0', '7.0.1', '7.0.2', '7.0.3', ), git_url='', auto_lib='fmt/fmt', description='A modern formatting library :', ), Package('catch2', [ Version( '2.12.4', description='A modern C++ unit testing library', remote=Git( '', 'v2.12.4', auto_lib='catch2/catch2', transforms=[ FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='include', to='include/catch2')), FSTransform( copy=CopyMoveTransform(frm='include', to='src'), write=WriteTransform( path='include/catch2/catch_with_main.hpp', content=''' #pragma once #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include "./catch.hpp" namespace Catch { CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER("console", ConsoleReporter) } ''')), ])) ]), Package('asio', [ Version( ver, description='Asio asynchronous I/O C++ library', remote=Git( '', f'asio-{ver.replace(".", "-")}', auto_lib='asio/asio', transforms=[ FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='asio/src', to='src/', ), remove=RemoveTransform( path='src/', only_matching=[ 'doc/**', 'examples/**', 'tests/**', 'tools/**', ], ), ), FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='asio/include/', to='include/', ), edit=EditTransform( path='include/asio/detail/config.hpp', edits=[ OneEdit( line=13, kind='insert', content='#define ASIO_STANDALONE 1'), OneEdit( line=14, kind='insert', content= '#define ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION 1') ]), ), ]), ) for ver in [ '1.12.0', '1.12.1', '1.12.2', '1.13.0', '1.14.0', '1.14.1', '1.16.0', '1.16.1', ] ]), Package( 'abseil', [ Version( ver, description='Abseil Common Libraries', remote=Git( '', tag, auto_lib='abseil/abseil', transforms=[ FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='absl', to='src/absl/', ), remove=RemoveTransform( path='src/', only_matching=[ '**/*_test.c*', '**/*_testing.c*', '**/*_benchmark.c*', '**/benchmarks.c*', '**/*_test_common.c*', '**/mocking_*.c*', # Misc files that should be removed: '**/', '**/', '**/', '**/', '**/*', ]), ) ]), ) for ver, tag in [ ('2018.6.0', '20180600'), ('2019.8.8', '20190808'), ('2020.2.25', '20200225.2'), ] ]), Package('zlib', [ Version( ver, description= 'A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library', remote=Git( '', tag or f'v{ver}', auto_lib='zlib/zlib', transforms=[ FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='.', to='src/', include=[ '*.c', '*.h', ], )), FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='src/', to='include/', include=['zlib.h', 'zconf.h'], )), ]), ) for ver, tag in [ ('1.2.11', None), ('1.2.10', None), ('1.2.9', None), ('1.2.8', None), ('1.2.7', 'v1.2.7.3'), ('1.2.6', 'v1.2.6.1'), ('1.2.5', 'v1.2.5.3'), ('1.2.4', 'v1.2.4.5'), ('1.2.3', 'v1.2.3.8'), ('1.2.2', 'v1.2.2.4'), ('1.2.1', 'v1.2.1.2'), ('1.2.0', 'v1.2.0.8'), ] ]), Package('sol2', [ Version( ver, description= 'A C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance', depends=['lua+0.0.0'], remote=Git( '', f'v{ver}', transforms=[ FSTransform( write=WriteTransform( path='package.json', content=json.dumps( { 'name': 'sol2', 'namespace': 'sol2', 'version': ver, 'depends': [f'lua+0.0.0'], }, indent=2, )), move=(None if ver.startswith('3.') else CopyMoveTransform( frm='sol', to='src/sol', )), ), FSTransform( write=WriteTransform( path='library.json', content=json.dumps( { 'name': 'sol2', 'uses': ['lua/lua'], }, indent=2, ))), ]), ) for ver in [ '3.2.1', '3.2.0', '3.0.3', '3.0.2', '2.20.6', '2.20.5', '2.20.4', '2.20.3', '2.20.2', '2.20.1', '2.20.0', ] ]), Package('lua', [ Version( ver, description= 'Lua is a powerful and fast programming language that is easy to learn and use and to embed into your application.', remote=Git( '', f'v{ver}', auto_lib='lua/lua', transforms=[ FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='.', to='src/', include=['*.c', '*.h'], )) ]), ) for ver in [ '5.4.0', '5.3.5', '5.3.4', '5.3.3', '5.3.2', '5.3.1', '5.3.0', '5.2.3', '5.2.2', '5.2.1', '5.2.0', '5.1.1', ] ]), Package('pegtl', [ Version( ver, description='Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library', remote=Git( '', ver, auto_lib='tao/pegtl', transforms=[FSTransform(remove=RemoveTransform(path='src/'))], )) for ver in [ '2.8.3', '2.8.2', '2.8.1', '2.8.0', '2.7.1', '2.7.0', '2.6.1', '2.6.0', ] ]), many_versions( 'boost.pfr', ['1.0.0', '1.0.1'], auto_lib='boost/pfr', git_url=''), many_versions( 'boost.leaf', [ '0.1.0', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.3.0', ], auto_lib='boost/leaf', git_url='', ), many_versions( 'boost.mp11', ['1.70.0', '1.71.0', '1.72.0', '1.73.0'], tag_fmt='boost-{}', git_url='', auto_lib='boost/mp11', ), many_versions( 'libsodium', [ '1.0.10', '1.0.11', '1.0.12', '1.0.13', '1.0.14', '1.0.15', '1.0.16', '1.0.17', '1.0.18', ], git_url='', auto_lib='sodium/sodium', description='Sodium is a new, easy-to-use software library ' 'for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more.', transforms=[ FSTransform( move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='src/libsodium/include', to='include/'), edit=EditTransform( path='include/sodium/export.h', edits=[ OneEdit( line=8, kind='insert', content='#define SODIUM_STATIC 1') ])), FSTransform( edit=EditTransform( path='include/sodium/private/common.h', edits=[ OneEdit( kind='insert', line=1, content=Path(__file__).parent.joinpath( 'libsodium-config.h').read_text(), ) ])), FSTransform( copy=CopyMoveTransform( frm='builds/msvc/version.h', to='include/sodium/version.h', ), move=CopyMoveTransform( frm='src/libsodium', to='src/', ), remove=RemoveTransform(path='src/libsodium'), ), FSTransform( copy=CopyMoveTransform( frm='include', to='src/', strip_components=1)), ]), many_versions( 'tomlpp', [ '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.2.0', '1.2.3', '1.2.4', '1.2.5', '1.3.0', # '1.3.2', # Wrong tag name in upstream '1.3.3', '2.0.0', ], tag_fmt='v{}', git_url='', auto_lib='tomlpp/tomlpp', description= 'Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for modern C++'), Package('inja', [ *(Version( ver, description='A Template Engine for Modern C++', remote=Git( '', f'v{ver}', auto_lib='inja/inja')) for ver in ('1.0.0', '2.0.0', '2.0.1')), *(Version( ver, description='A Template Engine for Modern C++', depends=['nlohmann-json+0.0.0'], remote=Git( '', f'v{ver}', transforms=[ FSTransform( write=WriteTransform( path='package.json', content=json.dumps({ 'name': 'inja', 'namespace': 'inja', 'version': ver, 'depends': [ 'nlohmann-json+0.0.0', ] }))), FSTransform( write=WriteTransform( path='library.json', content=json.dumps({ 'name': 'inja', 'uses': ['nlohmann/json'] }))), ], )) for ver in ('2.1.0', '2.2.0')), ]), many_versions( 'cereal', [ '0.9.0', '0.9.1', '1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.1.1', '1.1.2', '1.2.0', '1.2.1', '1.2.2', '1.3.0', ], auto_lib='cereal/cereal', git_url='', tag_fmt='v{}', description='A C++11 library for serialization', ), many_versions( 'pybind11', [ '2.0.0', '2.0.1', '2.1.0', '2.1.1', '2.2.0', '2.2.1', '2.2.2', '2.2.3', '2.2.4', '2.3.0', '2.4.0', '2.4.1', '2.4.2', '2.4.3', '2.5.0', ], git_url='', description='Seamless operability between C++11 and Python', auto_lib='pybind/pybind11', tag_fmt='v{}', ), Package('pcg-cpp', [ Version( '0.98.1', description='PCG Randum Number Generation, C++ Edition', remote=Git( url='', ref='v0.98.1', auto_lib='pcg/pcg-cpp')) ]), many_versions( 'hinnant-date', ['2.4.1', '3.0.0'], description= 'A date and time library based on the C++11/14/17 header', auto_lib='hinnant/date', git_url='', tag_fmt='v{}', transforms=[FSTransform(remove=RemoveTransform(path='src/'))], ), ] # yapf: enable if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() args = parser.parse_args() data = { 'version': 2, 'packages': { {ver.version: ver.to_dict_2() for ver in pkg.versions} for pkg in PACKAGES } } old_data = { 'version': 1, 'packages': { {ver.version: ver.to_dict() for ver in pkg.versions} for pkg in PACKAGES } } json_str = json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True) Path('catalog.json').write_text(json_str) Path('catalog.old.json').write_text( json.dumps(old_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) cpp_template = textwrap.dedent(r''' #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * The following array of integers is generated and contains gzip-compressed * JSON encoded initial catalog. MSVC can't handle string literals over * 64k large, so we have to resort to using a regular char array: */ static constexpr const unsigned char INIT_PACKAGES_CONTENT[] = { @JSON@ }; const std::vector& dds::init_catalog_packages() noexcept { using std::nullopt; static auto pkgs = []{ using namespace neo; string_dynbuf_io str_out; buffer_copy(str_out, buffer_transform_source{ buffers_consumer(as_buffer(INIT_PACKAGES_CONTENT)), gzip_decompressor{inflate_decompressor{}}}, @JSON_LEN@); return dds::parse_packages_json(str_out.read_area_view()); }(); return pkgs; } ''') json_small = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True) json_compr = gzip.compress(json_small.encode('utf-8'), compresslevel=9) json_small_arr = ','.join(str(c) for c in json_compr) cpp_content = cpp_template.replace('@JSON@', json_small_arr).replace( '@JSON_LEN@', str(len(json_small))) Path('src/dds/catalog/init_catalog.cpp').write_text(cpp_content)