A *Hello, World* Library

Creating a single application is fun, but what if we want to create code that
we can distribute and reuse across other packages and projects? That's what
*libraries* are for.

You may notice something strange: This page is much shorter than the previous.
What gives?

It turns out that we've already covered all the material to make a library in
the page on creating a :doc:`Hello, world! executable <hello-world>`. As soon
as we created the ``strings.hpp`` file, our project had become a library. When
we added a ``strings.cpp`` file to accompany it, our library became a *compiled*

The ``hello-world.main.cpp`` file is expressly *not* considered to be part of a
library, as it is specifically designated to be an application entry point,
and source files of such kind are not part of a library.

Before continuing on, note the following about creating a library that wasn't
specifically addressed in the prior example:

#. The *source roots* of a library are added to the compiler's ``#include``
   search-path. In our example, this is only the ``src/`` directory of the
#. ``dds`` also supports a top-level directory named ``include/``. Both
   ``include/`` and ``src/`` may be present in a single library, but there are
   some important differences. Refer to :ref:`pkgs.lib-roots` in the layout
#. A single *library root* may contain any number of applications defined in
   ``.main`` files, but a *library root* will correspond to exactly *one*
   library. Defining additional libraries requires additional packages or
   adding multiple library roots to a single package.

.. seealso::
    Like flossing, we all know we *should* be writing tests, but it can be such
    a hassle. Fortunately, ``dds`` makes it simple. Read on to: