/// \file // Range v3 library // // Copyright Eric Niebler 2014-present // // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Project home: https://github.com/ericniebler/range-v3 // #ifndef RANGES_V3_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH_HPP #define RANGES_V3_ALGORITHM_MISMATCH_HPP #include <utility> #include <meta/meta.hpp> #include <range/v3/range_fwd.hpp> #include <range/v3/algorithm/result_types.hpp> #include <range/v3/functional/comparisons.hpp> #include <range/v3/functional/identity.hpp> #include <range/v3/functional/invoke.hpp> #include <range/v3/iterator/concepts.hpp> #include <range/v3/iterator/traits.hpp> #include <range/v3/range/access.hpp> #include <range/v3/range/concepts.hpp> #include <range/v3/range/dangling.hpp> #include <range/v3/range/traits.hpp> #include <range/v3/utility/static_const.hpp> namespace ranges { /// \addtogroup group-algorithms /// @{ template<typename I1, typename I2> using mismatch_result = detail::in1_in2_result<I1, I2>; RANGES_BEGIN_NIEBLOID(mismatch) /// \brief function template \c mismatch template<typename I1, typename S1, typename I2, typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = identity, typename P2 = identity> RANGES_DEPRECATED( "Use the variant of ranges::mismatch that takes an upper bound for " "both sequences") auto RANGES_FUN_NIEBLOID(mismatch)(I1 begin1, S1 end1, I2 begin2, C pred = C{}, P1 proj1 = P1{}, P2 proj2 = P2{}) // ->CPP_ret(mismatch_result<I1, I2>)( // requires input_iterator<I1> && sentinel_for<S1, I1> && input_iterator<I2> && indirect_relation<C, projected<I1, P1>, projected<I2, P2>>) { for(; begin1 != end1; ++begin1, ++begin2) if(!invoke(pred, invoke(proj1, *begin1), invoke(proj2, *begin2))) break; return {begin1, begin2}; } /// \overload template<typename I1, typename S1, typename I2, typename S2, typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = identity, typename P2 = identity> auto RANGES_FUN_NIEBLOID(mismatch)(I1 begin1, S1 end1, I2 begin2, S2 end2, C pred = C{}, P1 proj1 = P1{}, P2 proj2 = P2{}) // ->CPP_ret(mismatch_result<I1, I2>)( // requires input_iterator<I1> && sentinel_for<S1, I1> && input_iterator<I2> && sentinel_for<S2, I2> && indirect_relation<C, projected<I1, P1>, projected<I2, P2>>) { for(; begin1 != end1 && begin2 != end2; ++begin1, ++begin2) if(!invoke(pred, invoke(proj1, *begin1), invoke(proj2, *begin2))) break; return {begin1, begin2}; } /// \overload template<typename Rng1, typename I2Ref, typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = identity, typename P2 = identity> RANGES_DEPRECATED( "Use the variant of ranges::mismatch that takes an upper bound for " "both sequences") auto RANGES_FUN_NIEBLOID(mismatch)(Rng1 && rng1, I2Ref && begin2, C pred = C{}, // see below [*] P1 proj1 = P1{}, P2 proj2 = P2{}) // ->CPP_ret(mismatch_result<safe_iterator_t<Rng1>, uncvref_t<I2Ref>>)( // requires input_range<Rng1> && input_iterator<uncvref_t<I2Ref>> && indirect_relation<C, projected<iterator_t<Rng1>, P1>, projected<uncvref_t<I2Ref>, P2>>) { RANGES_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH RANGES_DIAGNOSTIC_IGNORE_DEPRECATED_DECLARATIONS return (*this)(begin(rng1), end(rng1), static_cast<uncvref_t<I2Ref> &&>(begin2), std::move(pred), std::move(proj1), std::move(proj2)); RANGES_DIAGNOSTIC_POP } /// \overload template<typename Rng1, typename Rng2, typename C = equal_to, typename P1 = identity, typename P2 = identity> auto RANGES_FUN_NIEBLOID(mismatch)( Rng1 && rng1, Rng2 && rng2, C pred = C{}, P1 proj1 = P1{}, P2 proj2 = P2{}) // ->CPP_ret(mismatch_result<safe_iterator_t<Rng1>, safe_iterator_t<Rng2>>)( // requires input_range<Rng1> && input_range<Rng2> && indirect_relation<C, projected<iterator_t<Rng1>, P1>, projected<iterator_t<Rng2>, P2>>) { return (*this)(begin(rng1), end(rng1), begin(rng2), end(rng2), std::move(pred), std::move(proj1), std::move(proj2)); } RANGES_END_NIEBLOID(mismatch) namespace cpp20 { using ranges::mismatch; using ranges::mismatch_result; } // namespace cpp20 // [*] In this case, the 'begin2' iterator is taken by universal reference. Why? So // that we can properly distinguish this case: // int x[] = {1,2,3,4}; // int y[] = {1,2,3,4}; // mismatch(x, y); // Had 'begin2' been taken by value as is customary, this call could match as either // two ranges, or a range and an iterator, where the iterator is the array, decayed // to a pointer. Yuk! /// @} } // namespace ranges #endif // include guard