Remote-Package: range-v3 0.9.1; git url= ref=0.9.1 auto=Niebler/range-v3 Remote-Package: spdlog 1.4.2; git url= ref=v1.4.2 auto=spdlog/spdlog # Even a shallow clone of nlohmann-json is HUGE. This fork has only the minimal Remote-Package: nlohmann-json 3.7.1; git url= ref=dds/3.7.1 # MS never tags anything in this repo, so we'll use a fork that has some tags. Remote-Package: ms-wil 2019.11.10; git url= ref=dds/2019.11.10 # XXX: Don't depend on a moving revision! Remote-Package: neo-buffer 0.1.0; git url= ref=develop