- import argparse
- from typing_extensions import Protocol
- import yapf
- from . import paths, proc
- class FormatArguments(Protocol):
- check: bool
- cpp: bool
- py: bool
- def start() -> None:
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--check',
- help='Check whether files need to be formatted, but do not modify them.',
- action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--no-cpp', help='Skip formatting/checking C++ files', action='store_false', dest='cpp')
- parser.add_argument('--no-py', help='Skip formatting/checking Python files', action='store_false', dest='py')
- args: FormatArguments = parser.parse_args()
- if args.cpp:
- format_cpp(args)
- if args.py:
- format_py(args)
- def format_cpp(args: FormatArguments) -> None:
- src_dir = paths.PROJECT_ROOT / 'src'
- cpp_files = src_dir.glob('**/*.[hc]pp')
- cf_args: proc.CommandLine = [
- ('--dry-run', '--Werror') if args.check else (),
- '-i',
- '--verbose',
- ]
- for cf_cand in ('clang-format-10', 'clang-format-9', 'clang-format-8', 'clang-format'):
- cf = paths.find_exe(cf_cand)
- if not cf:
- continue
- break
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('No clang-format executable found')
- print(f'Using clang-format: {cf_cand}')
- res = proc.run([cf, cf_args, cpp_files])
- if res.returncode and args.check:
- raise RuntimeError('Format checks failed for one or more C++ files. (See above.)')
- if res.returncode:
- raise RuntimeError('Format execution failed. Check output above.')
- def format_py(args: FormatArguments) -> None:
- py_files = paths.TOOLS_DIR.rglob('*.py')
- rc = yapf.main(
- list(proc.flatten_cmd([
- '--parallel',
- '--verbose',
- ('--diff') if args.check else ('--in-place'),
- py_files,
- ])))
- if rc and args.check:
- raise RuntimeError('Format checks for one or more Python files. (See above.)')
- if rc:
- raise RuntimeError('Format execution failed for Python code. See above.')
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- start()