- //*********************************************************
- //
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
- // This code is licensed under the MIT License.
- //
- //*********************************************************
- #include "result_macros.h"
- #include "wistd_functional.h"
- #include "wistd_memory.h"
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:26135 26110) // Missing locking annotation, Caller failing to hold lock
- #pragma warning(disable:4714) // __forceinline not honored
- #ifndef __WIL_RESOURCE
- #define __WIL_RESOURCE
- // stdint.h and intsafe.h have conflicting definitions, so it's not safe to include either to pick up our dependencies,
- // so the definitions we need are copied below
- #ifdef _WIN64
- #define __WI_SIZE_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffui64 // UINT64_MAX
- #else /* _WIN64 */
- #define __WI_SIZE_MAX 0xffffffffui32 // UINT32_MAX
- #endif /* _WIN64 */
- // Forward declaration
- /// @cond
- namespace Microsoft
- {
- namespace WRL
- {
- template <typename T>
- class ComPtr;
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- namespace wil
- {
- //! This type copies the current value of GetLastError at construction and resets the last error
- //! to that value when it is destroyed.
- //!
- //! This is useful in library code that runs during a value's destructor. If the library code could
- //! inadvertantly change the value of GetLastError (by calling a Win32 API or similar), it should
- //! instantiate a value of this type before calling the library function in order to preserve the
- //! GetLastError value the user would expect.
- //!
- //! This construct exists to hide kernel mode/user mode differences in wil library code.
- //!
- //! Example usage:
- //!
- //! if (!CreateFile(...))
- //! {
- //! auto lastError = wil::last_error_context();
- //! WriteFile(g_hlog, logdata);
- //! }
- //!
- class last_error_context
- {
- bool m_dismissed;
- DWORD m_error;
- public:
- last_error_context() WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_dismissed(false),
- m_error(::GetLastError())
- {
- }
- last_error_context(last_error_context&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- operator=(wistd::move(other));
- }
- last_error_context & operator=(last_error_context&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_dismissed = other.m_dismissed;
- m_error = other.m_error;
- other.m_dismissed = true;
- return *this;
- }
- ~last_error_context() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (!m_dismissed)
- {
- ::SetLastError(m_error);
- }
- }
- //! last_error_context doesn't own a concrete resource, so therefore
- //! it just disarms its destructor and returns void.
- void release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- WI_ASSERT(!m_dismissed);
- m_dismissed = true;
- }
- #else
- public:
- void release() WI_NOEXCEPT { }
- #endif // WIL_KERNEL_MODE
- };
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- typedef wistd::integral_constant<size_t, 0> pointer_access_all; // get(), release(), addressof(), and '&' are available
- typedef wistd::integral_constant<size_t, 1> pointer_access_noaddress; // get() and release() are available
- typedef wistd::integral_constant<size_t, 2> pointer_access_none; // the raw pointer is not available
- template <typename pointer, // The handle type
- typename close_fn_t, // The handle close function type
- close_fn_t close_fn, // * and function pointer
- typename pointer_access = pointer_access_all, // all, noaddress or none to control pointer method access
- typename pointer_storage = pointer, // The type used to store the handle (usually the same as the handle itself)
- typename invalid_t = pointer, // The invalid handle value type
- invalid_t invalid = invalid_t(), // * and its value (default ZERO value)
- typename pointer_invalid = wistd::nullptr_t> // nullptr_t if the invalid handle value is compatible with nullptr, otherwise pointer
- struct resource_policy
- {
- typedef pointer_storage pointer_storage;
- typedef pointer pointer;
- typedef pointer_invalid pointer_invalid;
- typedef pointer_access pointer_access;
- __forceinline static pointer_storage invalid_value() WI_NOEXCEPT { return (pointer)invalid; }
- __forceinline static bool is_valid(pointer_storage value) WI_NOEXCEPT { return (static_cast<pointer>(value) != (pointer)invalid); }
- __forceinline static void close(pointer_storage value) WI_NOEXCEPT { wistd::invoke(close_fn, value); }
- inline static void close_reset(pointer_storage value) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto preserveError = last_error_context();
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, value);
- }
- };
- // This class provides the pointer storage behind the implementation of unique_any_t utilizing the given
- // resource_policy. It is separate from unique_any_t to allow a type-specific specialization class to plug
- // into the inheritance chain between unique_any_t and unique_storage. This allows classes like unique_event
- // to be a unique_any formed class, but also expose methods like SetEvent directly.
- template <typename policy>
- class unique_storage
- {
- protected:
- typedef policy policy;
- typedef typename policy::pointer_storage pointer_storage;
- typedef typename policy::pointer pointer;
- typedef unique_storage<policy> base_storage;
- unique_storage() WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_ptr(policy::invalid_value())
- {
- }
- explicit unique_storage(pointer_storage ptr) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_ptr(ptr)
- {
- }
- unique_storage(unique_storage &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_ptr(wistd::move(other.m_ptr))
- {
- other.m_ptr = policy::invalid_value();
- }
- ~unique_storage() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (policy::is_valid(m_ptr))
- {
- policy::close(m_ptr);
- }
- }
- void replace(unique_storage &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(other.m_ptr);
- other.m_ptr = policy::invalid_value();
- }
- public:
- bool is_valid() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return policy::is_valid(m_ptr);
- }
- void reset(pointer_storage ptr = policy::invalid_value()) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (policy::is_valid(m_ptr))
- {
- policy::close_reset(m_ptr);
- }
- m_ptr = ptr;
- }
- void reset(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "reset(nullptr): valid only for handle types using nullptr as the invalid value");
- reset();
- }
- pointer get() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return static_cast<pointer>(m_ptr);
- }
- pointer_storage release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(!wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, pointer_access_none>::value, "release(): the raw handle value is not available for this resource class");
- auto ptr = m_ptr;
- m_ptr = policy::invalid_value();
- return ptr;
- }
- pointer_storage *addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, pointer_access_all>::value, "addressof(): the address of the raw handle is not available for this resource class");
- return &m_ptr;
- }
- private:
- pointer_storage m_ptr;
- };
- } // details
- /// @endcond
- // This class when paired with unique_storage and an optional type-specific specialization class implements
- // the same interface as STL's unique_ptr<> for resource handle types. It is a non-copyable, yet movable class
- // supporting attach (reset), detach (release), retrieval (get()).
- template <typename storage_t>
- class unique_any_t : public storage_t
- {
- public:
- typedef typename storage_t::policy policy;
- typedef typename policy::pointer_storage pointer_storage;
- typedef typename policy::pointer pointer;
- unique_any_t(unique_any_t const &) = delete;
- unique_any_t& operator=(unique_any_t const &) = delete;
- // Note that the default constructor really shouldn't be needed (taken care of by the forwarding constructor below), but
- // the forwarding constructor causes an internal compiler error when the class is used in a C++ array. Defining the default
- // constructor independent of the forwarding constructor removes the compiler limitation.
- unique_any_t() = default;
- // forwarding constructor: forwards all 'explicit' and multi-arg constructors to the base class
- template <typename arg1, typename... args_t>
- explicit unique_any_t(arg1 && first, args_t&&... args) : // should not be WI_NOEXCEPT (may forward to a throwing constructor)
- storage_t(wistd::forward<arg1>(first), wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_none>::value ||
- wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_all>::value ||
- wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_noaddress>::value, "pointer_access policy must be a known pointer_access* integral type");
- }
- unique_any_t(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "nullptr constructor: valid only for handle types using nullptr as the invalid value");
- }
- unique_any_t(unique_any_t &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- storage_t(wistd::move(other))
- {
- }
- unique_any_t& operator=(unique_any_t &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- // cast to base_storage to 'skip' calling the (optional) specialization class that provides handle-specific functionality
- storage_t::replace(wistd::move(static_cast<typename storage_t::base_storage &>(other)));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- unique_any_t& operator=(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "nullptr assignment: valid only for handle types using nullptr as the invalid value");
- storage_t::reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- void swap(unique_any_t &other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- unique_any_t self(wistd::move(*this));
- operator=(wistd::move(other));
- other = wistd::move(self);
- }
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return storage_t::is_valid();
- }
- //! ~~~~
- //! BOOL OpenOrCreateWaffle(PCWSTR name, HWAFFLE* handle);
- //! wil::unique_any<HWAFFLE, decltype(&::CloseWaffle), ::CloseWaffle> waffle;
- //! RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(OpenOrCreateWaffle(L"tasty.yum", waffle.put()));
- //! ~~~~
- pointer_storage *put() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_all>::value, "operator & is not available for this handle");
- storage_t::reset();
- return storage_t::addressof();
- }
- pointer_storage *operator&() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return put();
- }
- pointer get() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(!wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_none>::value, "get(): the raw handle value is not available for this resource class");
- return storage_t::get();
- }
- // The following functions are publicly exposed by their inclusion in the unique_storage base class
- // explicit unique_any_t(pointer_storage ptr) WI_NOEXCEPT
- // void reset(pointer_storage ptr = policy::invalid_value()) WI_NOEXCEPT
- // void reset(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- // pointer_storage release() WI_NOEXCEPT // not exposed for some resource types
- // pointer_storage *addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT // not exposed for some resource types
- };
- template <typename policy>
- void swap(unique_any_t<policy>& left, unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- left.swap(right);
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator==(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (left.get() == right.get());
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator==(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename unique_any_t<policy>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !left;
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator==(wistd::nullptr_t, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename unique_any_t<policy>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !right;
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator!=(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (!(left.get() == right.get()));
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator!=(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename unique_any_t<policy>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !!left;
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator!=(wistd::nullptr_t, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename unique_any_t<policy>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !!right;
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator<(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (left.get() < right.get());
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator>=(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (!(left < right));
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator>(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (right < left);
- }
- template <typename policy>
- bool operator<=(const unique_any_t<policy>& left, const unique_any_t<policy>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (!(right < left));
- }
- // unique_any provides a template alias for easily building a unique_any_t from a unique_storage class with the given
- // template parameters for resource_policy.
- template <typename pointer, // The handle type
- typename close_fn_t, // The handle close function type
- close_fn_t close_fn, // * and function pointer
- typename pointer_access = details::pointer_access_all, // all, noaddress or none to control pointer method access
- typename pointer_storage = pointer, // The type used to store the handle (usually the same as the handle itself)
- typename invalid_t = pointer, // The invalid handle value type
- invalid_t invalid = invalid_t(), // * and its value (default ZERO value)
- typename pointer_invalid = wistd::nullptr_t> // nullptr_t if the invalid handle value is compatible with nullptr, otherwise pointer
- using unique_any = unique_any_t<details::unique_storage<details::resource_policy<pointer, close_fn_t, close_fn, pointer_access, pointer_storage, invalid_t, invalid, pointer_invalid>>>;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template <typename TLambda>
- class lambda_call
- {
- public:
- lambda_call(const lambda_call&) = delete;
- lambda_call& operator=(const lambda_call&) = delete;
- lambda_call& operator=(lambda_call&& other) = delete;
- explicit lambda_call(TLambda&& lambda) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_lambda(wistd::move(lambda))
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<decltype(lambda()), void>::value, "scope_exit lambdas must not have a return value");
- static_assert(!wistd::is_lvalue_reference<TLambda>::value && !wistd::is_rvalue_reference<TLambda>::value,
- "scope_exit should only be directly used with a lambda");
- }
- lambda_call(lambda_call&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_lambda(wistd::move(other.m_lambda)), m_call(other.m_call)
- {
- other.m_call = false;
- }
- ~lambda_call() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- }
- // Ensures the scope_exit lambda will not be called
- void release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_call = false;
- }
- // Executes the scope_exit lambda immediately if not yet run; ensures it will not run again
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (m_call)
- {
- m_call = false;
- m_lambda();
- }
- }
- // Returns true if the scope_exit lambda is still going to be executed
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_call;
- }
- protected:
- TLambda m_lambda;
- bool m_call = true;
- };
- template <typename TLambda>
- class lambda_call_log
- {
- public:
- lambda_call_log(const lambda_call_log&) = delete;
- lambda_call_log& operator=(const lambda_call_log&) = delete;
- lambda_call_log& operator=(lambda_call_log&& other) = delete;
- explicit lambda_call_log(void* address, const DiagnosticsInfo& info, TLambda&& lambda) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_address(address), m_info(info), m_lambda(wistd::move(lambda))
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<decltype(lambda()), void>::value, "scope_exit lambdas must return 'void'");
- static_assert(!wistd::is_lvalue_reference<TLambda>::value && !wistd::is_rvalue_reference<TLambda>::value,
- "scope_exit should only be directly used with a lambda");
- }
- lambda_call_log(lambda_call_log&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_address(other.m_address), m_info(other.m_info), m_lambda(wistd::move(other.m_lambda)), m_call(other.m_call)
- {
- other.m_call = false;
- }
- ~lambda_call_log() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- }
- // Ensures the scope_exit lambda will not be called
- void release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_call = false;
- }
- // Executes the scope_exit lambda immediately if not yet run; ensures it will not run again
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (m_call)
- {
- m_call = false;
- try
- {
- m_lambda();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- ReportFailure_CaughtException<FailureType::Log>(__R_DIAGNOSTICS(m_info), m_address);
- }
- }
- }
- // Returns true if the scope_exit lambda is still going to be executed
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_call;
- }
- private:
- void* m_address;
- DiagnosticsInfo m_info;
- TLambda m_lambda;
- bool m_call = true;
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- /** Returns an object that executes the given lambda when destroyed.
- Capture the object with 'auto'; use reset() to execute the lambda early or release() to avoid
- execution. Exceptions thrown in the lambda will fail-fast; use scope_exit_log to avoid. */
- template <typename TLambda>
- WI_NODISCARD inline auto scope_exit(TLambda&& lambda) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return details::lambda_call<TLambda>(wistd::forward<TLambda>(lambda));
- }
- /** Returns an object that executes the given lambda when destroyed; logs exceptions.
- Capture the object with 'auto'; use reset() to execute the lambda early or release() to avoid
- execution. Exceptions thrown in the lambda will be caught and logged without being propagated. */
- template <typename TLambda>
- WI_NODISCARD inline __declspec(noinline) auto scope_exit_log(const DiagnosticsInfo& diagnostics, TLambda&& lambda) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return details::lambda_call_log<TLambda>(_ReturnAddress(), diagnostics, wistd::forward<TLambda>(lambda));
- }
- #endif
- // Forward declaration...
- template <typename T, typename err_policy>
- class com_ptr_t;
- //! Type traits class that identifies the inner type of any smart pointer.
- template <typename Ptr>
- struct smart_pointer_details
- {
- typedef typename Ptr::pointer pointer;
- };
- /// @cond
- template <typename T>
- struct smart_pointer_details<Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<T>>
- {
- typedef T* pointer;
- };
- /// @endcond
- /** Generically detaches a raw pointer from any smart pointer.
- Caller takes ownership of the returned raw pointer; calls the correct release(), detach(),
- or Detach() method based on the smart pointer type */
- template <typename TSmartPointer>
- WI_NODISCARD typename TSmartPointer::pointer detach_from_smart_pointer(TSmartPointer& smartPtr)
- {
- return smartPtr.release();
- }
- /// @cond
- // Generically detaches a raw pointer from any smart pointer
- template <typename T, typename err>
- WI_NODISCARD T* detach_from_smart_pointer(wil::com_ptr_t<T, err>& smartPtr)
- {
- return smartPtr.detach();
- }
- // Generically detaches a raw pointer from any smart pointer
- template <typename T>
- WI_NODISCARD T* detach_from_smart_pointer(Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<T>& smartPtr)
- {
- return smartPtr.Detach();
- }
- template<typename T, typename err> class com_ptr_t; // forward
- namespace details
- {
- // The first two attach_to_smart_pointer() overloads are ambiguous when passed a com_ptr_t.
- // To solve that use this functions return type to elminate the reset form for com_ptr_t.
- template <typename T, typename err> wistd::false_type use_reset(wil::com_ptr_t<T, err>*) { return wistd::false_type(); }
- template <typename T> wistd::true_type use_reset(T*) { return wistd::true_type(); }
- }
- /// @endcond
- /** Generically attach a raw pointer to a compatible smart pointer.
- Calls the correct reset(), attach(), or Attach() method based on samrt pointer type. */
- template <typename TSmartPointer, typename EnableResetForm = wistd::enable_if_t<decltype(details::use_reset(static_cast<TSmartPointer*>(nullptr)))::value>>
- void attach_to_smart_pointer(TSmartPointer& smartPtr, typename TSmartPointer::pointer rawPtr)
- {
- smartPtr.reset(rawPtr);
- }
- /// @cond
- // Generically attach a raw pointer to a compatible smart pointer.
- template <typename T, typename err>
- void attach_to_smart_pointer(wil::com_ptr_t<T, err>& smartPtr, T* rawPtr)
- {
- smartPtr.attach(rawPtr);
- }
- // Generically attach a raw pointer to a compatible smart pointer.
- template <typename T>
- void attach_to_smart_pointer(Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<T>& smartPtr, T* rawPtr)
- {
- smartPtr.Attach(rawPtr);
- }
- /// @endcond
- //! @ingroup outparam
- /** Detach a smart pointer resource to an optional output pointer parameter.
- Avoids cluttering code with nullptr tests; works generically for any smart pointer */
- template <typename T, typename TSmartPointer>
- inline void detach_to_opt_param(_Out_opt_ T* outParam, TSmartPointer&& smartPtr)
- {
- if (outParam)
- {
- *outParam = detach_from_smart_pointer(smartPtr);
- }
- }
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template <typename T>
- struct out_param_t
- {
- typedef typename wil::smart_pointer_details<T>::pointer pointer;
- T &wrapper;
- pointer pRaw;
- bool replace = true;
- out_param_t(_Inout_ T &output) :
- wrapper(output),
- pRaw(nullptr)
- {
- }
- out_param_t(out_param_t&& other) :
- wrapper(other.wrapper),
- pRaw(other.pRaw)
- {
- WI_ASSERT(other.replace);
- other.replace = false;
- }
- operator pointer*()
- {
- WI_ASSERT(replace);
- return &pRaw;
- }
- ~out_param_t()
- {
- if (replace)
- {
- attach_to_smart_pointer(wrapper, pRaw);
- }
- }
- out_param_t(out_param_t const &other) = delete;
- out_param_t &operator=(out_param_t const &other) = delete;
- };
- template <typename Tcast, typename T>
- struct out_param_ptr_t
- {
- typedef typename wil::smart_pointer_details<T>::pointer pointer;
- T &wrapper;
- pointer pRaw;
- bool replace = true;
- out_param_ptr_t(_Inout_ T &output) :
- wrapper(output),
- pRaw(nullptr)
- {
- }
- out_param_ptr_t(out_param_ptr_t&& other) :
- wrapper(other.wrapper),
- pRaw(other.pRaw)
- {
- WI_ASSERT(other.replace);
- other.replace = false;
- }
- operator Tcast()
- {
- WI_ASSERT(replace);
- return reinterpret_cast<Tcast>(&pRaw);
- }
- ~out_param_ptr_t()
- {
- if (replace)
- {
- attach_to_smart_pointer(wrapper, pRaw);
- }
- }
- out_param_ptr_t(out_param_ptr_t const &other) = delete;
- out_param_ptr_t &operator=(out_param_ptr_t const &other) = delete;
- };
- } // details
- /// @endcond
- /** Use to retrieve raw out parameter pointers into smart pointers that do not support the '&' operator.
- This avoids multi-step handling of a raw resource to establish the smart pointer.
- Example: `GetFoo(out_param(foo));` */
- template <typename T>
- details::out_param_t<T> out_param(T& p)
- {
- return details::out_param_t<T>(p);
- }
- /** Use to retrieve raw out parameter pointers (with a required cast) into smart pointers that do not support the '&' operator.
- Use only when the smart pointer's &handle is not equal to the output type a function requries, necessitating a cast.
- Example: `wil::out_param_ptr<PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*>(securityDescriptor)` */
- template <typename Tcast, typename T>
- details::out_param_ptr_t<Tcast, T> out_param_ptr(T& p)
- {
- return details::out_param_ptr_t<Tcast, T>(p);
- }
- /** Use unique_struct to define an RAII type for a trivial struct that references resources that must be cleaned up.
- Unique_struct wraps a trivial struct using a custom clean up function and, optionally, custom initializer function. If no custom initialier function is defined in the template
- then ZeroMemory is used.
- Unique_struct is modeled off of std::unique_ptr. However, unique_struct inherits from the defined type instead of managing the struct through a private member variable.
- If the type you're wrapping is a system type, you can share the code by declaring it in this file (Resource.h). Send requests to wildisc.
- Otherwise, if the type is local to your project, declare it locally.
- @tparam struct_t The struct you want to manage
- @tparam close_fn_t The type of the function to clean up the struct. Takes one parameter: a pointer of struct_t. Return values are ignored.
- @tparam close_fn The function of type close_fn_t. This is called in the destructor and reset functions.
- @tparam init_fn_t Optional:The type of the function to initialize the struct. Takes one parameter: a pointer of struct_t. Return values are ignored.
- @tparam init_fn Optional:The function of type init_fn_t. This is called in the constructor, reset, and release functions. The default is ZeroMemory to initialize the struct.
- Defined using the default zero memory initializer
- ~~~
- typedef wil::unique_struct<PROPVARIANT, decltype(&::PropVariantClear), ::PropVariantClear> unique_prop_variant_default_init;
- unique_prop_variant propvariant;
- SomeFunction(&propvariant);
- ~~~
- Defined using a custom initializer
- ~~~
- typedef wil::unique_struct<PROPVARIANT, decltype(&::PropVariantClear), ::PropVariantClear, decltype(&::PropVariantInit), ::PropVariantInit> unique_prop_variant;
- unique_prop_variant propvariant;
- SomeFunction(&propvariant);
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename struct_t, typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn, typename init_fn_t = wistd::nullptr_t, init_fn_t init_fn = wistd::nullptr_t()>
- class unique_struct : public struct_t
- {
- public:
- //! Initializes the managed struct using the user-provided initialization function, or ZeroMemory if no function is specified
- unique_struct()
- {
- call_init(use_default_init_fn());
- }
- //! Takes ownership of the struct by doing a shallow copy. Must explicitly be type struct_t
- explicit unique_struct(const struct_t& other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- struct_t(other)
- {}
- //! Initializes the managed struct by taking the ownership of the other managed struct
- //! Then resets the other managed struct by calling the custom close function
- unique_struct(unique_struct&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- struct_t(other.release())
- {}
- //! Resets this managed struct by calling the custom close function and takes ownership of the other managed struct
- //! Then resets the other managed struct by calling the custom close function
- unique_struct & operator=(unique_struct&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- reset(other.release());
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //! Calls the custom close function
- ~unique_struct() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, this);
- }
- void reset(const unique_struct&) = delete;
- //! Resets this managed struct by calling the custom close function and begins management of the other struct
- void reset(const struct_t& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- {
- auto preserveError = last_error_context();
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, this);
- }
- struct_t::operator=(other);
- }
- //! Resets this managed struct by calling the custom close function
- //! Then initializes this managed struct using the user-provided initialization function, or ZeroMemory if no function is specified
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, this);
- call_init(use_default_init_fn());
- }
- void swap(struct_t&) = delete;
- //! Swaps the managed structs
- void swap(unique_struct& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- struct_t self(*this);
- struct_t::operator=(other);
- *(other.addressof()) = self;
- }
- //! Returns the managed struct
- //! Then initializes this managed struct using the user-provided initialization function, or ZeroMemory if no function is specified
- struct_t release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- struct_t value(*this);
- call_init(use_default_init_fn());
- return value;
- }
- //! Returns address of the managed struct
- struct_t * addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return this;
- }
- //! Resets this managed struct by calling the custom close function
- //! Then initializes this managed struct using the user-provided initialization function, or ZeroMemory if no function is specified
- //! Returns address of the managed struct
- struct_t * reset_and_addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- return this;
- }
- unique_struct(const unique_struct&) = delete;
- unique_struct& operator=(const unique_struct&) = delete;
- unique_struct& operator=(const struct_t&) = delete;
- private:
- typedef typename wistd::is_same<init_fn_t, wistd::nullptr_t>::type use_default_init_fn;
- void call_init(wistd::true_type)
- {
- RtlZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this));
- }
- void call_init(wistd::false_type)
- {
- init_fn(this);
- }
- };
- struct empty_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T) const
- {
- }
- };
- /** unique_any_array_ptr is a RAII type for managing conformant arrays that need to be freed and have elements that may need to be freed.
- The intented use for this RAII type would be to capture out params from API like IPropertyValue::GetStringArray.
- This class also maintains the size of the array, so it can iterate over the members and deallocate them before it deallocates the base array pointer.
- If the type you're wrapping is a system type, you can share the code by declaring it in this file (Resource.h). Send requests to wildisc.
- Otherwise, if the type is local to your project, declare it locally.
- @tparam ValueType: The type of array you want to manage.
- @tparam ArrayDeleter: The type of the function to clean up the array. Takes one parameter of type T[] or T*. Return values are ignored. This is called in the destructor and reset functions.
- @tparam ElementDeleter: The type of the function to clean up the array elements. Takes one parameter of type T. Return values are ignored. This is called in the destructor and reset functions.
- ~~~
- void GetSomeArray(_Out_ size_t*, _Out_ NOTMYTYPE**);
- struct not_my_deleter
- {
- void operator()(NOTMYTYPE p) const
- {
- destroy(p);
- }
- };
- wil::unique_any_array_ptr<NOTMYTYPE, ::CoTaskMemFree, not_my_deleter> myArray;
- GetSomeArray(myArray.size_address(), &myArray);
- ~~~ */
- template <typename ValueType, typename ArrayDeleter, typename ElementDeleter = empty_deleter>
- class unique_any_array_ptr
- {
- public:
- typedef ValueType value_type;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
- typedef ValueType *pointer;
- typedef const ValueType *const_pointer;
- typedef ValueType& reference;
- typedef const ValueType& const_reference;
- typedef ValueType* iterator;
- typedef const ValueType* const_iterator;
- unique_any_array_ptr() = default;
- unique_any_array_ptr(const unique_any_array_ptr&) = delete;
- unique_any_array_ptr& operator=(const unique_any_array_ptr&) = delete;
- unique_any_array_ptr(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- }
- unique_any_array_ptr& operator=(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- return *this;
- }
- unique_any_array_ptr(pointer ptr, size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr(ptr), m_size(size)
- {
- }
- unique_any_array_ptr(unique_any_array_ptr&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr(other.m_ptr), m_size(other.m_size)
- {
- other.m_ptr = nullptr;
- other.m_size = size_type{};
- }
- unique_any_array_ptr& operator=(unique_any_array_ptr&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- reset();
- swap(other);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~unique_any_array_ptr() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- }
- void swap(unique_any_array_ptr& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto ptr = m_ptr;
- auto size = m_size;
- m_ptr = other.m_ptr;
- m_size = other.m_size;
- other.m_ptr = ptr;
- other.m_size = size;
- }
- iterator begin() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (iterator(m_ptr));
- }
- const_iterator begin() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (const_iterator(m_ptr));
- }
- iterator end() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (iterator(m_ptr + m_size));
- }
- const_iterator end() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (const_iterator(m_ptr + m_size));
- }
- const_iterator cbegin() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (begin());
- }
- const_iterator cend() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (end());
- }
- size_type size() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_size);
- }
- bool empty() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (size() == size_type{});
- }
- reference operator[](size_type position)
- {
- WI_ASSERT(position < m_size);
- _Analysis_assume_(position < m_size);
- return (m_ptr[position]);
- }
- const_reference operator[](size_type position) const
- {
- WI_ASSERT(position < m_size);
- _Analysis_assume_(position < m_size);
- return (m_ptr[position]);
- }
- reference front()
- {
- WI_ASSERT(!empty());
- return (m_ptr[0]);
- }
- const_reference front() const
- {
- WI_ASSERT(!empty());
- return (m_ptr[0]);
- }
- reference back()
- {
- WI_ASSERT(!empty());
- return (m_ptr[m_size - 1]);
- }
- const_reference back() const
- {
- WI_ASSERT(!empty());
- return (m_ptr[m_size - 1]);
- }
- ValueType* data() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_ptr);
- }
- const ValueType* data() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_ptr);
- }
- pointer get() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_ptr;
- }
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_ptr != pointer());
- }
- pointer release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto result = m_ptr;
- m_ptr = nullptr;
- m_size = size_type{};
- return result;
- }
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (m_ptr)
- {
- reset_array(ElementDeleter());
- ArrayDeleter()(m_ptr);
- m_ptr = nullptr;
- m_size = size_type{};
- }
- }
- void reset(pointer ptr, size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- m_ptr = ptr;
- m_size = size;
- }
- pointer* addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return &m_ptr;
- }
- pointer* put() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- return addressof();
- }
- pointer* operator&() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return put();
- }
- size_type* size_address() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return &m_size;
- }
- template <typename TSize>
- struct size_address_ptr
- {
- unique_any_array_ptr& wrapper;
- TSize size{};
- bool replace = true;
- size_address_ptr(_Inout_ unique_any_array_ptr& output) :
- wrapper(output)
- {
- }
- size_address_ptr(size_address_ptr&& other) :
- wrapper(other.wrapper),
- size(other.size)
- {
- WI_ASSERT(other.replace);
- other.replace = false;
- }
- operator TSize*()
- {
- WI_ASSERT(replace);
- return &size;
- }
- ~size_address_ptr()
- {
- if (replace)
- {
- *wrapper.size_address() = static_cast<size_type>(size);
- }
- }
- size_address_ptr(size_address_ptr const &other) = delete;
- size_address_ptr &operator=(size_address_ptr const &other) = delete;
- };
- template <typename T>
- size_address_ptr<T> size_address() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return size_address_ptr<T>(*this);
- }
- private:
- pointer m_ptr = nullptr;
- size_type m_size{};
- void reset_array(const empty_deleter&)
- {
- }
- template <typename T>
- void reset_array(const T& deleter)
- {
- for (auto& element : make_range(m_ptr, m_size))
- {
- deleter(element);
- }
- }
- };
- // forward declaration
- template <typename T, typename err_policy>
- class com_ptr_t;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template <typename UniqueAnyType>
- struct unique_any_array_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- UniqueAnyType::policy::close_reset(p);
- }
- };
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- struct unique_struct_array_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T& p) const
- {
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, &p);
- }
- };
- struct com_unknown_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- if (p)
- {
- p->Release();
- }
- }
- };
- template <class T>
- struct element_traits
- {
- typedef empty_deleter deleter;
- typedef T type;
- };
- template <typename storage_t>
- struct element_traits<unique_any_t<storage_t>>
- {
- typedef unique_any_array_deleter<unique_any_t<storage_t>> deleter;
- typedef typename unique_any_t<storage_t>::pointer type;
- };
- template <typename T, typename err_policy>
- struct element_traits<com_ptr_t<T, err_policy>>
- {
- typedef com_unknown_deleter deleter;
- typedef T* type;
- };
- template <typename struct_t, typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn, typename init_fn_t, init_fn_t init_fn>
- struct element_traits<unique_struct<struct_t, close_fn_t, close_fn, init_fn_t, init_fn>>
- {
- typedef unique_struct_array_deleter<close_fn_t, close_fn> deleter;
- typedef struct_t type;
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- template <typename T, typename ArrayDeleter>
- using unique_array_ptr = unique_any_array_ptr<typename details::element_traits<T>::type, ArrayDeleter, typename details::element_traits<T>::deleter>;
- /** Adapter for single-parameter 'free memory' for `wistd::unique_ptr`.
- This struct provides a standard wrapper for calling a platform function to deallocate memory held by a
- `wistd::unique_ptr`, making declaring them as easy as declaring wil::unique_any<>.
- Consider this adapter in preference to `wil::unique_any<>` when the returned type is really a pointer or an
- array of items; `wistd::unique_ptr<>` exposes `operator->()` and `operator[]` for array-typed things safely.
- ~~~~
- EXTERN_C VOID WINAPI MyDllFreeMemory(void* p);
- EXTERN_C HRESULT MyDllGetString(_Outptr_ PWSTR* pString);
- EXTERN_C HRESULT MyDllGetThing(_In_ PCWSTR pString, _Outptr_ PMYSTRUCT* ppThing);
- template<typename T>
- using unique_mydll_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, wil::function_deleter<decltype(&MyDllFreeMemory), MyDllFreeMemory>>;
- HRESULT Test()
- {
- unique_mydll_ptr<WCHAR[]> dllString;
- unique_mydll_ptr<MYSTRUCT> thing;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(MyDllGetString(wil::out_param(dllString)));
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(MyDllGetThing(dllString.get(), wil::out_param(thing)));
- if (thing->Member)
- {
- // ...
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- ~~~~ */
- template<typename Q, Q TDeleter> struct function_deleter
- {
- template<typename T> void operator()(_Frees_ptr_opt_ T* toFree) const
- {
- TDeleter(toFree);
- }
- };
- /** Use unique_com_token to define an RAII type for a token-based resource that is managed by a COM interface.
- By comparison, unique_any_t has the requirement that the close function must be static. This works for functions
- such as CloseHandle(), but for any resource cleanup function that relies on a more complex interface,
- unique_com_token can be used.
- @tparam interface_t A COM interface pointer that will manage this resource type.
- @tparam token_t The token type that relates to the COM interface management functions.
- @tparam close_fn_t The type of the function that is called when the resource is destroyed.
- @tparam close_fn The function used to destroy the associated resource. This function should have the signature void(interface_t* source, token_t token).
- @tparam invalid_token Optional:An invalid token value. Defaults to default-constructed token_t().
- Example
- ~~~
- void __stdcall MyInterfaceCloseFunction(IMyInterface* source, DWORD token)
- {
- source->MyCloseFunction(token);
- }
- using unique_my_interface_token = wil::unique_com_token<IMyInterface, DWORD, decltype(MyInterfaceCloseFunction), MyInterfaceCloseFunction, 0xFFFFFFFF>;
- ~~~ */
- template <typename interface_t, typename token_t, typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn, token_t invalid_token = token_t()>
- class unique_com_token
- {
- public:
- unique_com_token() = default;
- unique_com_token(_In_opt_ interface_t* source, token_t token = invalid_token) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(source, token);
- }
- unique_com_token(unique_com_token&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_source(other.m_source), m_token(other.m_token)
- {
- other.m_source = nullptr;
- other.m_token = invalid_token;
- }
- unique_com_token& operator=(unique_com_token&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- reset();
- m_source = other.m_source;
- m_token = other.m_token;
- other.m_source = nullptr;
- other.m_token = invalid_token;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~unique_com_token() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- }
- //! Determine if the underlying source and token are valid
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_token != invalid_token) && m_source;
- }
- //! Associates a new source and releases the existing token if valid
- void associate(_In_opt_ interface_t* source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(source, invalid_token);
- }
- //! Assigns a new source and token
- void reset(_In_opt_ interface_t* source, token_t token) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- WI_ASSERT(source || (token == invalid_token));
- // Determine if we need to call the close function on our previous token.
- if (m_token != invalid_token)
- {
- if ((m_source != source) || (m_token != token))
- {
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, m_source, m_token);
- }
- }
- m_token = token;
- // Assign our new source and manage the reference counts
- if (m_source != source)
- {
- auto oldSource = m_source;
- m_source = source;
- if (m_source)
- {
- m_source->AddRef();
- }
- if (oldSource)
- {
- oldSource->Release();
- }
- }
- }
- //! Assigns a new token without modifying the source; associate must be called first
- void reset(token_t token) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(m_source, token);
- }
- //! Closes the token and the releases the reference to the source
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(nullptr, invalid_token);
- }
- //! Exchanges values with another managed token
- void swap(unique_com_token& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wistd::swap_wil(m_source, other.m_source);
- wistd::swap_wil(m_token, other.m_token);
- }
- //! Releases the held token to the caller without closing it and releases the reference to the source.
- //! Requires that the associated COM interface be kept alive externally or the released token may be invalidated
- token_t release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto token = m_token;
- m_token = invalid_token;
- reset();
- return token;
- }
- //! Returns address of the managed token; associate must be called first
- token_t* addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- WI_ASSERT(m_source);
- return &m_token;
- }
- //! Releases the held token and allows attaching a new token; associate must be called first
- token_t* put() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(invalid_token);
- return addressof();
- }
- //! Releases the held token and allows attaching a new token; associate must be called first
- token_t* operator&() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return put();
- }
- //! Retrieves the token
- token_t get() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_token;
- }
- unique_com_token(const unique_com_token&) = delete;
- unique_com_token& operator=(const unique_com_token&) = delete;
- private:
- interface_t* m_source = nullptr;
- token_t m_token = invalid_token;
- };
- /** Use unique_com_call to define an RAII type that demands a particular parameter-less method be called on a COM interface.
- This allows implementing an RAII type that can call a Close() method (think IClosable) or a SetSite(nullptr)
- method (think IObjectWithSite) or some other method when a basic interface call is required as part of the RAII contract.
- see wil::com_set_site in wil\com.h for the IObjectWithSite support.
- @tparam interface_t A COM interface pointer that provides context to make the call.
- @tparam close_fn_t The type of the function that is called to invoke the method.
- @tparam close_fn The function used to invoke the interface method. This function should have the signature void(interface_t* source).
- Example
- ~~~
- void __stdcall CloseIClosable(IClosable* source)
- {
- source->Close();
- }
- using unique_closable_call = wil::unique_com_call<IClosable, decltype(CloseIClosable), CloseIClosable>;
- ~~~ */
- template <typename interface_t, typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- class unique_com_call
- {
- public:
- unique_com_call() = default;
- explicit unique_com_call(_In_opt_ interface_t* ptr) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset(ptr);
- }
- unique_com_call(unique_com_call&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_ptr = other.m_ptr;
- other.m_ptr = nullptr;
- }
- unique_com_call& operator=(unique_com_call&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- reset();
- m_ptr = other.m_ptr;
- other.m_ptr = nullptr;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~unique_com_call() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- }
- //! Assigns an interface to make a given call on
- void reset(_In_opt_ interface_t* ptr = nullptr) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (ptr != m_ptr)
- {
- auto oldSource = m_ptr;
- m_ptr = ptr;
- if (m_ptr)
- {
- m_ptr->AddRef();
- }
- if (oldSource)
- {
- wistd::invoke(close_fn, oldSource);
- oldSource->Release();
- }
- }
- }
- //! Exchanges values with another class
- void swap(unique_com_call& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wistd::swap_wil(m_ptr, other.m_ptr);
- }
- //! Cancel the interface call that this class was expected to make
- void release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto ptr = m_ptr;
- m_ptr = nullptr;
- if (ptr)
- {
- ptr->Release();
- }
- }
- //! Returns true if the call this class was expected to make is still outstanding
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_ptr != nullptr);
- }
- //! Returns address of the internal interface
- interface_t** addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return &m_ptr;
- }
- //! Releases the held interface (first performing the interface call if required)
- //! and allows attaching a new interface
- interface_t** put() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- return addressof();
- }
- //! Releases the held interface (first performing the interface call if required)
- //! and allows attaching a new interface
- interface_t** operator&() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return put();
- }
- unique_com_call(const unique_com_call&) = delete;
- unique_com_call& operator=(const unique_com_call&) = delete;
- private:
- interface_t* m_ptr = nullptr;
- };
- /** Use unique_call to define an RAII type that demands a particular parameter-less global function be called.
- This allows implementing a RAII types that can call methods like CoUninitialize.
- @tparam close_fn_t The type of the function that is called to invoke the call.
- @tparam close_fn The function used to invoke the call. This function should have the signature void().
- @tparam default_value Determines whether the unique_call is active or inactive when default-constructed or reset.
- Example
- ~~~
- void __stdcall CoUninitializeFunction()
- {
- ::CoUninitialize();
- }
- using unique_couninitialize_call = wil::unique_call<decltype(CoUninitializeFunction), CoUninitializeFunction>;
- ~~~ */
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn, bool default_value = true>
- class unique_call
- {
- public:
- unique_call() = default;
- explicit unique_call(bool call) WI_NOEXCEPT : m_call(call)
- {
- }
- unique_call(unique_call&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_call = other.m_call;
- other.m_call = false;
- }
- unique_call& operator=(unique_call&& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- reset();
- m_call = other.m_call;
- other.m_call = false;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ~unique_call() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- reset();
- }
- //! Assigns a new ptr and token
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto call = m_call;
- m_call = false;
- if (call)
- {
- wistd::invoke(close_fn);
- }
- }
- //! Exchanges values with raii class
- void swap(unique_call& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wistd::swap_wil(m_call, other.m_call);
- }
- //! Make the interface call that was expected of this class
- void activate() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_call = true;
- }
- //! Do not make the interface call that was expected of this class
- void release() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_call = false;
- }
- //! Returns true if the call that was expected is still outstanding
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_call;
- }
- unique_call(const unique_call&) = delete;
- unique_call& operator=(const unique_call&) = delete;
- private:
- bool m_call = default_value;
- };
- // str_raw_ptr is an overloaded function that retrieves a const pointer to the first character in a string's buffer.
- // Overloads in this file support any string that is implicitly convertible to a PCWSTR, HSTRING, and any unique_any_t
- // that points to any other supported type (this covers unique_hstring, unique_cotaskmem_string, and similar).
- // An overload for std::wstring is available in stl.h.
- inline PCWSTR str_raw_ptr(PCWSTR str)
- {
- return str;
- }
- template <typename T>
- PCWSTR str_raw_ptr(const unique_any_t<T>& ua)
- {
- return str_raw_ptr(ua.get());
- }
- namespace details
- {
- // Forward declaration
- template<typename string_type> struct string_maker;
- // Concatenate any number of strings together and store it in an automatically allocated string. If a string is present
- // in the input buffer, it is overwritten.
- template <typename string_type>
- HRESULT str_build_nothrow(string_type& result, _In_reads_(strCount) PCWSTR* strList, size_t strCount)
- {
- size_t lengthRequiredWithoutNull{};
- for (auto& string : make_range(strList, strCount))
- {
- lengthRequiredWithoutNull += string ? wcslen(string) : 0;
- }
- details::string_maker<string_type> maker;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(maker.make(nullptr, lengthRequiredWithoutNull));
- auto buffer = maker.buffer();
- auto bufferEnd = buffer + lengthRequiredWithoutNull + 1;
- for (auto& string : make_range(strList, strCount))
- {
- if (string)
- {
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(StringCchCopyExW(buffer, (bufferEnd - buffer), string, &buffer, nullptr, STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS));
- }
- }
- result = maker.release();
- return S_OK;
- }
- // NOTE: 'Strings' must all be PCWSTR, or convertible to PCWSTR, but C++ doesn't allow us to express that cleanly
- template <typename string_type, typename... Strings>
- HRESULT str_build_nothrow(string_type& result, Strings... strings)
- {
- PCWSTR localStrings[] = { strings... };
- return str_build_nothrow(result, localStrings, sizeof...(Strings));
- }
- }
- // Concatenate any number of strings together and store it in an automatically allocated string. If a string is present
- // in the input buffer, the remaining strings are appended to it.
- template <typename string_type, typename... strings>
- HRESULT str_concat_nothrow(string_type& buffer, const strings&... str)
- {
- static_assert(sizeof...(str) > 0, "attempting to concatenate no strings");
- return details::str_build_nothrow(buffer, details::string_maker<string_type>::get(buffer), str_raw_ptr(str)...);
- }
- // Concatenate any number of strings together and store it in an automatically allocated string.
- template <typename string_type, typename... arguments>
- string_type str_concat(arguments&&... args)
- {
- string_type result;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(str_concat_nothrow(result, wistd::forward<arguments>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- // Concatenate any number of strings together and store it in an automatically allocated string.
- template <typename string_type, typename... arguments>
- string_type str_concat_failfast(arguments&&... args)
- {
- string_type result;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(str_concat_nothrow(result, wistd::forward<arguments>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- namespace details
- {
- // Wraps StringCchPrintFExW and stores it in an automatically allocated string. Takes a buffer followed by the same format arguments
- // that StringCchPrintfExW takes.
- template <typename string_type>
- HRESULT str_vprintf_nothrow(string_type& result, _Printf_format_string_ PCWSTR pszFormat, va_list& argsVL)
- {
- size_t lengthRequiredWithoutNull = _vscwprintf(pszFormat, argsVL);
- string_maker<string_type> maker;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(maker.make(nullptr, lengthRequiredWithoutNull));
- auto buffer = maker.buffer();
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(::StringCchVPrintfExW(buffer, lengthRequiredWithoutNull + 1, nullptr, nullptr, STRSAFE_NULL_ON_FAILURE, pszFormat, argsVL));
- result = maker.release();
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- // Wraps StringCchPrintFExW and stores it in an automatically allocated string. Takes a buffer followed by the same format arguments
- // that StringCchPrintfExW takes.
- template <typename string_type>
- HRESULT str_printf_nothrow(string_type& result, _Printf_format_string_ PCWSTR pszFormat, _In_ ...)
- {
- va_list argsVL;
- va_start(argsVL, pszFormat);
- auto hr = details::str_vprintf_nothrow(result, pszFormat, argsVL);
- va_end(argsVL);
- return hr;
- }
- // Wraps StringCchPrintFExW and stores it in an automatically allocated string. Takes a buffer followed by the same format arguments
- // that StringCchPrintfExW takes.
- template <typename string_type>
- string_type str_printf(_Printf_format_string_ PCWSTR pszFormat, _In_ ...)
- {
- string_type result;
- va_list argsVL;
- va_start(argsVL, pszFormat);
- auto hr = details::str_vprintf_nothrow(result, pszFormat, argsVL);
- va_end(argsVL);
- return result;
- }
- // Wraps StringCchPrintFExW and stores it in an automatically allocated string. Takes a buffer followed by the same format arguments
- // that StringCchPrintfExW takes.
- template <typename string_type>
- string_type str_printf_failfast(_Printf_format_string_ PCWSTR pszFormat, _In_ ...)
- {
- string_type result;
- va_list argsVL;
- va_start(argsVL, pszFormat);
- auto hr = details::str_vprintf_nothrow(result, pszFormat, argsVL);
- va_end(argsVL);
- return result;
- }
- } // namespace wil
- #endif // __WIL_RESOURCE
- // Hash deferral function for unique_any_t
- #if (defined(_UNORDERED_SET_) || defined(_UNORDERED_MAP_)) && !defined(__WIL_RESOURCE_UNIQUE_HASH)
- namespace std
- {
- template <typename storage_t>
- struct hash<wil::unique_any_t<storage_t>>
- {
- size_t operator()(wil::unique_any_t<storage_t> const &val) const
- {
- return (hash<typename wil::unique_any_t<storage_t>::pointer>()(val.get()));
- }
- };
- }
- #endif
- // shared_any and weak_any implementation using <memory> STL header
- #if defined(_MEMORY_) && defined(WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS) && !defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL) && !defined(RESOURCE_SUPPRESS_STL)
- namespace wil {
- template <typename storage_t>
- class weak_any;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- // This class provides the pointer storage behind the implementation of shared_any_t utilizing the given
- // resource_policy. It is separate from shared_any_t to allow a type-specific specialization class to plug
- // into the inheritance chain between shared_any_t and shared_storage. This allows classes like shared_event
- // to be a shared_any formed class, but also expose methods like SetEvent directly.
- template <typename unique_t>
- class shared_storage
- {
- protected:
- typedef unique_t unique_t;
- typedef typename unique_t::policy policy;
- typedef typename policy::pointer_storage pointer_storage;
- typedef typename policy::pointer pointer;
- typedef shared_storage<unique_t> base_storage;
- shared_storage() = default;
- explicit shared_storage(pointer_storage ptr)
- {
- if (policy::is_valid(ptr))
- {
- m_ptr = std::make_shared<unique_t>(unique_t(ptr)); // unique_t on the stack to prevent leak on throw
- }
- }
- shared_storage(unique_t &&other)
- {
- if (other)
- {
- m_ptr = std::make_shared<unique_t>(wistd::move(other));
- }
- }
- shared_storage(const shared_storage &other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
- {
- }
- shared_storage& operator=(const shared_storage &other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_ptr = other.m_ptr;
- return *this;
- }
- shared_storage(shared_storage &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_ptr(wistd::move(other.m_ptr))
- {
- }
- shared_storage(std::shared_ptr<unique_t> const &ptr) :
- m_ptr(ptr)
- {
- }
- void replace(shared_storage &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_ptr = wistd::move(other.m_ptr);
- }
- public:
- bool is_valid() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_ptr && m_ptr->is_valid());
- }
- void reset(pointer_storage ptr = policy::invalid_value())
- {
- if (policy::is_valid(ptr))
- {
- m_ptr = std::make_shared<unique_t>(unique_t(ptr)); // unique_t on the stack to prevent leak on throw
- }
- else
- {
- m_ptr = nullptr;
- }
- }
- void reset(unique_t &&other)
- {
- m_ptr = std::make_shared<unique_t>(wistd::move(other));
- }
- void reset(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "reset(nullptr): valid only for handle types using nullptr as the invalid value");
- reset();
- }
- template <typename allow_t = typename policy::pointer_access, typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_same<allow_t, details::pointer_access_none>::value, int>::type = 0>
- pointer get() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (m_ptr ? m_ptr->get() : policy::invalid_value());
- }
- template <typename allow_t = typename policy::pointer_access, typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_same<allow_t, details::pointer_access_all>::value, int>::type = 0>
- pointer_storage *addressof()
- {
- if (!m_ptr)
- {
- m_ptr = std::make_shared<unique_t>();
- }
- return m_ptr->addressof();
- }
- long int use_count() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_ptr.use_count();
- }
- private:
- template <typename storage_t>
- friend class ::wil::weak_any;
- std::shared_ptr<unique_t> m_ptr;
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- // This class when paired with shared_storage and an optional type-specific specialization class implements
- // the same interface as STL's shared_ptr<> for resource handle types. It is both copyable and movable, supporting
- // weak references and automatic closure of the handle upon release of the last shared_any.
- template <typename storage_t>
- class shared_any_t : public storage_t
- {
- public:
- typedef typename storage_t::policy policy;
- typedef typename policy::pointer_storage pointer_storage;
- typedef typename policy::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename storage_t::unique_t unique_t;
- // default and forwarding constructor: forwards default, all 'explicit' and multi-arg constructors to the base class
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit shared_any_t(args_t&&... args) : // should not be WI_NOEXCEPT (may forward to a throwing constructor)
- storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...)
- {
- }
- shared_any_t(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "nullptr constructor: valid only for handle types using nullptr as the invalid value");
- }
- shared_any_t(shared_any_t &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- storage_t(wistd::move(other))
- {
- }
- shared_any_t(const shared_any_t &other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- storage_t(other)
- {
- }
- shared_any_t& operator=(shared_any_t &&other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (this != wistd::addressof(other))
- {
- storage_t::replace(wistd::move(static_cast<typename storage_t::base_storage &>(other)));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- shared_any_t& operator=(const shared_any_t& other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- storage_t::operator=(other);
- return (*this);
- }
- shared_any_t(unique_t &&other) :
- storage_t(wistd::move(other))
- {
- }
- shared_any_t& operator=(unique_t &&other)
- {
- storage_t::reset(wistd::move(other));
- return (*this);
- }
- shared_any_t& operator=(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "nullptr assignment: valid only for handle types using nullptr as the invalid value");
- storage_t::reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- void swap(shared_any_t &other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- shared_any_t self(wistd::move(*this));
- operator=(wistd::move(other));
- other = wistd::move(self);
- }
- explicit operator bool() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return storage_t::is_valid();
- }
- pointer_storage *put()
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_all>::value, "operator & is not available for this handle");
- storage_t::reset();
- return storage_t::addressof();
- }
- pointer_storage *operator&()
- {
- return put();
- }
- pointer get() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(!wistd::is_same<typename policy::pointer_access, details::pointer_access_none>::value, "get(): the raw handle value is not available for this resource class");
- return storage_t::get();
- }
- // The following functions are publicly exposed by their inclusion in the base class
- // void reset(pointer_storage ptr = policy::invalid_value()) WI_NOEXCEPT
- // void reset(wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- // pointer_storage *addressof() WI_NOEXCEPT // (note: not exposed for opaque resource types)
- };
- template <typename unique_t>
- void swap(shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- left.swap(right);
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator==(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (left.get() == right.get());
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator==(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename shared_any_t<unique_t>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !left;
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator==(wistd::nullptr_t, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename shared_any_t<unique_t>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !right;
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator!=(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (!(left.get() == right.get()));
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator!=(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, wistd::nullptr_t) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename shared_any_t<unique_t>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !!left;
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator!=(wistd::nullptr_t, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<typename shared_any_t<unique_t>::policy::pointer_invalid, wistd::nullptr_t>::value, "the resource class does not use nullptr as an invalid value");
- return !!right;
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator<(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (left.get() < right.get());
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator>=(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (!(left < right));
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator>(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (right < left);
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- bool operator<=(const shared_any_t<unique_t>& left, const shared_any_t<unique_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return (!(right < left));
- }
- // This class provides weak_ptr<> support for shared_any<>, bringing the same weak reference counting and lock() acquire semantics
- // to shared_any.
- template <typename shared_t>
- class weak_any
- {
- public:
- typedef shared_t shared_t;
- weak_any() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- }
- weak_any(const shared_t &other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_weakPtr(other.m_ptr)
- {
- }
- weak_any(const weak_any &other) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_weakPtr(other.m_weakPtr)
- {
- }
- weak_any& operator=(const weak_any &right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_weakPtr = right.m_weakPtr;
- return (*this);
- }
- weak_any& operator=(const shared_t &right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_weakPtr = right.m_ptr;
- return (*this);
- }
- void reset() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_weakPtr.reset();
- }
- void swap(weak_any &other) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_weakPtr.swap(other.m_weakPtr);
- }
- bool expired() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return m_weakPtr.expired();
- }
- shared_t lock() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return shared_t(m_weakPtr.lock());
- }
- private:
- std::weak_ptr<typename shared_t::unique_t> m_weakPtr;
- };
- template <typename shared_t>
- void swap(weak_any<shared_t>& left, weak_any<shared_t>& right) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- left.swap(right);
- }
- template <typename unique_t>
- using shared_any = shared_any_t<details::shared_storage<unique_t>>;
- } // namespace wil
- #endif
- #if defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL) && (defined(_UNORDERED_SET_) || defined(_UNORDERED_MAP_)) && !defined(__WIL_RESOURCE_SHARED_HASH)
- namespace std
- {
- template <typename storage_t>
- struct hash<wil::shared_any_t<storage_t>>
- {
- size_t operator()(wil::shared_any_t<storage_t> const &val) const
- {
- return (hash<typename wil::shared_any_t<storage_t>::pointer>()(val.get()));
- }
- };
- }
- #endif
- namespace wil
- {
- #if defined(__NOTHROW_T_DEFINED) && !defined(__WIL__NOTHROW_T_DEFINED)
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` is identical to `std::make_unique()` except for the following:
- * It returns `wistd::unique_ptr`, rather than `std::unique_ptr`
- * It returns an empty (null) `wistd::unique_ptr` upon allocation failure, rather than throwing an exception
- Note that `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` is not marked WI_NOEXCEPT as it may be used to create an exception-based class that may throw in its constructor.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_nothrow<Foo>(fooConstructorParam1, fooConstructorParam2);
- if (foo)
- {
- foo->Bar();
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<_Ty>::value, wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty> >::type make_unique_nothrow(_Types&&... _Args)
- {
- return (wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty>(new(std::nothrow) _Ty(wistd::forward<_Types>(_Args)...)));
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_nothrow<Foo[]>(size); // the default constructor will be called on each Foo object
- if (foos)
- {
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- elem.Bar();
- }
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <class _Ty>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<_Ty>::value && wistd::extent<_Ty>::value == 0, wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty> >::type make_unique_nothrow(size_t _Size)
- {
- typedef typename wistd::remove_extent<_Ty>::type _Elem;
- return (wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty>(new(std::nothrow) _Elem[_Size]()));
- }
- template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
- typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::extent<_Ty>::value != 0, void>::type make_unique_nothrow(_Types&&...) = delete;
- #if !defined(__WIL_MIN_KERNEL) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_failfast<Foo>(fooConstructorParam1, fooConstructorParam2);
- foo->Bar();
- ~~~
- */
- template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<_Ty>::value, wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty> >::type make_unique_failfast(_Types&&... _Args)
- {
- #pragma warning(suppress: 28193) // temporary must be inspected (it is within the called function)
- return (wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty>(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL_ALLOC(new(std::nothrow) _Ty(wistd::forward<_Types>(_Args)...))));
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_nothrow<Foo[]>(size); // the default constructor will be called on each Foo object
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- elem.Bar();
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <class _Ty>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<_Ty>::value && wistd::extent<_Ty>::value == 0, wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty> >::type make_unique_failfast(size_t _Size)
- {
- typedef typename wistd::remove_extent<_Ty>::type _Elem;
- #pragma warning(suppress: 28193) // temporary must be inspected (it is within the called function)
- return (wistd::unique_ptr<_Ty>(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL_ALLOC(new(std::nothrow) _Elem[_Size]())));
- }
- template <class _Ty, class... _Types>
- typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::extent<_Ty>::value != 0, void>::type make_unique_failfast(_Types&&...) = delete;
- #endif // !defined(__WIL_MIN_KERNEL) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #endif // __WIL__NOTHROW_T_DEFINED
- #if defined(_WINBASE_) && !defined(__WIL_WINBASE_) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define __WIL_WINBASE_
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall SetEvent(HANDLE h) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- }
- inline void __stdcall ResetEvent(HANDLE h) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(::ResetEvent(h));
- }
- inline void __stdcall CloseHandle(HANDLE h) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(::CloseHandle(h));
- }
- inline void __stdcall ReleaseSemaphore(_In_ HANDLE h) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(::ReleaseSemaphore(h, 1, nullptr));
- }
- inline void __stdcall ReleaseMutex(_In_ HANDLE h) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(::ReleaseMutex(h));
- }
- inline void __stdcall CloseTokenLinkedToken(_In_ TOKEN_LINKED_TOKEN* linkedToken) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (linkedToken->LinkedToken && (linkedToken->LinkedToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(::CloseHandle(linkedToken->LinkedToken));
- }
- }
- enum class PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior
- {
- Cancel,
- Wait,
- NoWait,
- };
- template <PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior cancellationBehavior>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolWait
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_WAIT threadPoolWait) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::SetThreadpoolWait(threadPoolWait, nullptr, nullptr);
- ::WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks(threadPoolWait, (cancellationBehavior == PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel));
- ::CloseThreadpoolWait(threadPoolWait);
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolWait<PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_WAIT threadPoolWait) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::CloseThreadpoolWait(threadPoolWait);
- }
- };
- template <PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior cancellationBehavior>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolWork
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_WORK threadpoolWork) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks(threadpoolWork, (cancellationBehavior == PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel));
- ::CloseThreadpoolWork(threadpoolWork);
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolWork<PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_WORK threadpoolWork) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::CloseThreadpoolWork(threadpoolWork);
- }
- };
- // Non-RTL implementation for threadpool_t parameter of DestroyThreadPoolTimer<>
- struct SystemThreadPoolMethods
- {
- static void WINAPI SetThreadpoolTimer(_Inout_ PTP_TIMER Timer, _In_opt_ PFILETIME DueTime, _In_ DWORD Period, _In_opt_ DWORD WindowLength) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::SetThreadpoolTimer(Timer, DueTime, Period, WindowLength);
- }
- static void WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks(_Inout_ PTP_TIMER Timer, _In_ BOOL CancelPendingCallbacks) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks(Timer, CancelPendingCallbacks);
- }
- static void CloseThreadpoolTimer(_Inout_ PTP_TIMER Timer) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::CloseThreadpoolTimer(Timer);
- }
- };
- // SetThreadpoolTimer(timer, nullptr, 0, 0) will cancel any pending callbacks,
- // then CloseThreadpoolTimer will asynchronusly close the timer if a callback is running.
- template <typename threadpool_t, PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior cancellationBehavior>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolTimer
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_TIMER threadpoolTimer) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- threadpool_t::SetThreadpoolTimer(threadpoolTimer, nullptr, 0, 0);
- #pragma warning(suppress:4127) // conditional expression is constant
- if (cancellationBehavior != PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait)
- {
- threadpool_t::WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks(threadpoolTimer, (cancellationBehavior == PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel));
- }
- threadpool_t::CloseThreadpoolTimer(threadpoolTimer);
- }
- };
- // PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait explicitly does not block waiting for
- // callbacks when destructing.
- template <typename threadpool_t>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolTimer<threadpool_t, PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_TIMER threadpoolTimer) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- threadpool_t::CloseThreadpoolTimer(threadpoolTimer);
- }
- };
- template <PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior cancellationBehavior>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolIo
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_IO threadpoolIo) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks(threadpoolIo, (cancellationBehavior == PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel));
- ::CloseThreadpoolIo(threadpoolIo);
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct DestroyThreadPoolIo<PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>
- {
- static void Destroy(_In_ PTP_IO threadpoolIo) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::CloseThreadpoolIo(threadpoolIo);
- }
- };
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- struct handle_invalid_resource_policy : resource_policy<HANDLE, close_fn_t, close_fn, details::pointer_access_all, HANDLE, INT_PTR, -1, HANDLE>
- {
- __forceinline static bool is_valid(HANDLE ptr) WI_NOEXCEPT { return ((ptr != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (ptr != nullptr)); }
- };
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- struct handle_null_resource_policy : resource_policy<HANDLE, close_fn_t, close_fn>
- {
- __forceinline static bool is_valid(HANDLE ptr) WI_NOEXCEPT { return ((ptr != nullptr) && (ptr != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)); }
- };
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- struct handle_null_only_resource_policy : resource_policy<HANDLE, close_fn_t, close_fn>
- {
- __forceinline static bool is_valid(HANDLE ptr) WI_NOEXCEPT { return (ptr != nullptr); }
- };
- typedef resource_policy<HANDLE, decltype(&details::CloseHandle), details::CloseHandle, details::pointer_access_all> handle_resource_policy;
- }
- /// @endcond
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- using unique_any_handle_invalid = unique_any_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_invalid_resource_policy<close_fn_t, close_fn>>>;
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- using unique_any_handle_null = unique_any_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_null_resource_policy<close_fn_t, close_fn>>>;
- template <typename close_fn_t, close_fn_t close_fn>
- using unique_any_handle_null_only = unique_any_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_null_only_resource_policy<close_fn_t, close_fn>>>;
- typedef unique_any_handle_invalid<decltype(&::CloseHandle), ::CloseHandle> unique_hfile;
- typedef unique_any_handle_null<decltype(&::CloseHandle), ::CloseHandle> unique_handle;
- typedef unique_any_handle_invalid<decltype(&::FindClose), ::FindClose> unique_hfind;
- typedef unique_any<HMODULE, decltype(&::FreeLibrary), ::FreeLibrary> unique_hmodule;
- typedef unique_any_handle_null_only<decltype(&::CloseHandle), ::CloseHandle> unique_process_handle;
- typedef unique_struct<TOKEN_LINKED_TOKEN, decltype(&details::CloseTokenLinkedToken), details::CloseTokenLinkedToken> unique_token_linked_token;
- typedef unique_any<PSID, decltype(&::FreeSid), ::FreeSid> unique_sid;
- #endif
- using unique_tool_help_snapshot = unique_hfile;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_WAIT, void(*)(PTP_WAIT), details::DestroyThreadPoolWait<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_wait;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_WAIT, void(*)(PTP_WAIT), details::DestroyThreadPoolWait<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Wait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_wait_nocancel;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_WAIT, void(*)(PTP_WAIT), details::DestroyThreadPoolWait<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_wait_nowait;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_WORK, void(*)(PTP_WORK), details::DestroyThreadPoolWork<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_work;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_WORK, void(*)(PTP_WORK), details::DestroyThreadPoolWork<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Wait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_work_nocancel;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_WORK, void(*)(PTP_WORK), details::DestroyThreadPoolWork<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_work_nowait;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_TIMER, void(*)(PTP_TIMER), details::DestroyThreadPoolTimer<details::SystemThreadPoolMethods, details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_timer;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_TIMER, void(*)(PTP_TIMER), details::DestroyThreadPoolTimer<details::SystemThreadPoolMethods, details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Wait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_timer_nocancel;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_TIMER, void(*)(PTP_TIMER), details::DestroyThreadPoolTimer<details::SystemThreadPoolMethods, details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_timer_nowait;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_IO, void(*)(PTP_IO), details::DestroyThreadPoolIo<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Cancel>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_io;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_IO, void(*)(PTP_IO), details::DestroyThreadPoolIo<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::Wait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_io_nocancel;
- typedef unique_any<PTP_IO, void(*)(PTP_IO), details::DestroyThreadPoolIo<details::PendingCallbackCancellationBehavior::NoWait>::Destroy> unique_threadpool_io_nowait;
- typedef unique_any_handle_invalid<decltype(&::FindCloseChangeNotification), ::FindCloseChangeNotification> unique_hfind_change;
- #endif
- typedef unique_any<HANDLE, decltype(&details::SetEvent), details::SetEvent, details::pointer_access_noaddress> event_set_scope_exit;
- typedef unique_any<HANDLE, decltype(&details::ResetEvent), details::ResetEvent, details::pointer_access_noaddress> event_reset_scope_exit;
- // Guarantees a SetEvent on the given event handle when the returned object goes out of scope
- // Note: call SetEvent early with the reset() method on the returned object or abort the call with the release() method
- WI_NODISCARD inline event_set_scope_exit SetEvent_scope_exit(HANDLE hEvent) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(hEvent != nullptr);
- return event_set_scope_exit(hEvent);
- }
- // Guarantees a ResetEvent on the given event handle when the returned object goes out of scope
- // Note: call ResetEvent early with the reset() method on the returned object or abort the call with the release() method
- WI_NODISCARD inline event_reset_scope_exit ResetEvent_scope_exit(HANDLE hEvent) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(hEvent != nullptr);
- return event_reset_scope_exit(hEvent);
- }
- // Checks to see if the given *manual reset* event is currently signaled. The event must not be an auto-reset event.
- // Use when the event will only be set once (cancellation-style) or will only be reset by the polling thread
- inline bool event_is_signaled(HANDLE hEvent) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto status = ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, 0, FALSE);
- // Fast fail will trip for wait failures, auto-reset events, or when the event is being both Set and Reset
- // from a thread other than the polling thread (use event_wait directly for those cases).
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__((status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || ((status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, 0, FALSE))));
- return (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- }
- // Waits on the given handle for the specified duration
- inline bool handle_wait(HANDLE hEvent, DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- DWORD status = ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, dwMilliseconds, FALSE);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__((status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0));
- return (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- }
- enum class EventOptions
- {
- None = 0x0,
- ManualReset = 0x1,
- Signaled = 0x2
- };
- template <typename storage_t, typename err_policy = err_exception_policy>
- class event_t : public storage_t
- {
- public:
- // forward all base class constructors...
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit event_t(args_t&&... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {}
- // HRESULT or void error handling...
- typedef typename err_policy::result result;
- // Exception-based constructor to create an unnamed event
- event_t(EventOptions options)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions or fail fast; use the create method");
- create(options);
- }
- void ResetEvent() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- details::ResetEvent(storage_t::get());
- }
- void SetEvent() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- details::SetEvent(storage_t::get());
- }
- // Guarantees a SetEvent on the given event handle when the returned object goes out of scope
- // Note: call SetEvent early with the reset() method on the returned object or abort the call with the release() method
- WI_NODISCARD event_set_scope_exit SetEvent_scope_exit() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::SetEvent_scope_exit(storage_t::get());
- }
- // Guarantees a ResetEvent on the given event handle when the returned object goes out of scope
- // Note: call ResetEvent early with the reset() method on the returned object or abort the call with the release() method
- WI_NODISCARD event_reset_scope_exit ResetEvent_scope_exit() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::ResetEvent_scope_exit(storage_t::get());
- }
- // Checks if a *manual reset* event is currently signaled. The event must not be an auto-reset event.
- // Use when the event will only be set once (cancellation-style) or will only be reset by the polling thread
- bool is_signaled() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::event_is_signaled(storage_t::get());
- }
- // Basic WaitForSingleObject on the event handle with the given timeout
- bool wait(DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE) const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::handle_wait(storage_t::get(), dwMilliseconds);
- }
- // Tries to create a named event -- returns false if unable to do so (gle may still be inspected with return=false)
- bool try_create(EventOptions options, PCWSTR name, _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurity = nullptr, _Out_opt_ bool *pAlreadyExists = nullptr)
- {
- auto handle = ::CreateEventExW(pSecurity, name, (WI_IsFlagSet(options, EventOptions::ManualReset) ? CREATE_EVENT_MANUAL_RESET : 0) | (WI_IsFlagSet(options, EventOptions::Signaled) ? CREATE_EVENT_INITIAL_SET : 0), EVENT_ALL_ACCESS);
- if (!handle)
- {
- assign_to_opt_param(pAlreadyExists, false);
- return false;
- }
- assign_to_opt_param(pAlreadyExists, (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS));
- storage_t::reset(handle);
- return true;
- }
- // Returns HRESULT for unique_event_nothrow, void with exceptions for shared_event and unique_event
- result create(EventOptions options = EventOptions::None, PCWSTR name = nullptr, _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurity = nullptr, _Out_opt_ bool *pAlreadyExists = nullptr)
- {
- return err_policy::LastErrorIfFalse(try_create(options, name, pSecurity, pAlreadyExists));
- }
- // Tries to open the named event -- returns false if unable to do so (gle may still be inspected with return=false)
- bool try_open(_In_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, bool inheritHandle = false)
- {
- auto handle = ::OpenEventW(desiredAccess, inheritHandle, name);
- if (handle == nullptr)
- {
- return false;
- }
- storage_t::reset(handle);
- return true;
- }
- // Returns HRESULT for unique_event_nothrow, void with exceptions for shared_event and unique_event
- result open(_In_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, bool inheritHandle = false)
- {
- return err_policy::LastErrorIfFalse(try_open(name, desiredAccess, inheritHandle));
- }
- };
- typedef unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_returncode_policy>> unique_event_nothrow;
- typedef unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_failfast_policy>> unique_event_failfast;
- typedef unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_exception_policy>> unique_event;
- #endif
- enum class SlimEventType
- {
- AutoReset,
- ManualReset,
- };
- /** A lean and mean event class.
- This class provides a very similar API to `wil::unique_event` but doesn't require a kernel object.
- The two variants of this class are:
- - `wil::slim_event_auto_reset`
- - `wil::slim_event_manual_reset`
- In addition, `wil::slim_event_auto_reset` has the alias `wil::slim_event`.
- Some key differences to `wil::unique_event` include:
- - There is no 'create()' function, as initialization occurs in the constructor and can't fail.
- - The move functions have been deleted.
- - For auto-reset events, the `is_signaled()` function doesn't reset the event. (Use `ResetEvent()` instead.)
- - The `ResetEvent()` function returns the previous state of the event.
- - To create a manual reset event, use `wil::slim_event_manual_reset'.
- ~~~~
- wil::slim_event finished;
- std::thread doStuff([&finished] () {
- Sleep(10);
- finished.SetEvent();
- });
- finished.wait();
- std::shared_ptr<wil::slim_event> CreateSharedEvent(bool startSignaled)
- {
- return std::make_shared<wil::slim_event>(startSignaled);
- }
- ~~~~ */
- template <SlimEventType Type>
- class slim_event_t
- {
- public:
- slim_event_t() WI_NOEXCEPT = default;
- slim_event_t(bool isSignaled) WI_NOEXCEPT :
- m_isSignaled(isSignaled ? TRUE : FALSE)
- {
- }
- // Cannot change memory location.
- slim_event_t(const slim_event_t&) = delete;
- slim_event_t(slim_event_t&&) = delete;
- slim_event_t& operator=(const slim_event_t&) = delete;
- slim_event_t& operator=(slim_event_t&&) = delete;
- // Returns the previous state of the event.
- bool ResetEvent() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return !!InterlockedExchange(&m_isSignaled, FALSE);
- }
- void SetEvent() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // FYI: 'WakeByAddress*' invokes a full memory barrier.
- WriteRelease(&m_isSignaled, TRUE);
- #pragma warning(suppress:4127) // conditional expression is constant
- if (Type == SlimEventType::AutoReset)
- {
- WakeByAddressSingle(&m_isSignaled);
- }
- else
- {
- WakeByAddressAll(&m_isSignaled);
- }
- }
- // Checks if the event is currently signaled.
- // Note: Unlike Win32 auto-reset event objects, this will not reset the event.
- bool is_signaled() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return !!ReadAcquire(&m_isSignaled);
- }
- bool wait(DWORD timeoutMiliseconds) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (timeoutMiliseconds == 0)
- {
- return TryAcquireEvent();
- }
- else if (timeoutMiliseconds == INFINITE)
- {
- return wait();
- }
- UINT64 startTime;
- QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime(&startTime);
- UINT64 elapsedTimeMilliseconds = 0;
- while (!TryAcquireEvent())
- {
- if (elapsedTimeMilliseconds >= timeoutMiliseconds)
- {
- return false;
- }
- DWORD newTimeout = static_cast<DWORD>(timeoutMiliseconds - elapsedTimeMilliseconds);
- if (!WaitForSignal(newTimeout))
- {
- return false;
- }
- UINT64 currTime;
- QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime(&currTime);
- elapsedTimeMilliseconds = (currTime - startTime) / (10 * 1000);
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool wait() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- while (!TryAcquireEvent())
- {
- if (!WaitForSignal(INFINITE))
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- private:
- bool TryAcquireEvent() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- #pragma warning(suppress:4127) // conditional expression is constant
- if (Type == SlimEventType::AutoReset)
- {
- return ResetEvent();
- }
- else
- {
- return is_signaled();
- }
- }
- bool WaitForSignal(DWORD timeoutMiliseconds) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- LONG falseValue = FALSE;
- BOOL waitResult = WaitOnAddress(&m_isSignaled, &falseValue, sizeof(m_isSignaled), timeoutMiliseconds);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(waitResult || ::GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- return !!waitResult;
- }
- LONG m_isSignaled = FALSE;
- };
- /** An event object that will atomically revert to an unsignaled state anytime a `wait()` call succeeds (i.e. returns true). */
- using slim_event_auto_reset = slim_event_t<SlimEventType::AutoReset>;
- /** An event object that once signaled remains that way forever, unless `ResetEvent()` is called. */
- using slim_event_manual_reset = slim_event_t<SlimEventType::ManualReset>;
- /** An alias for `wil::slim_event_auto_reset`. */
- using slim_event = slim_event_auto_reset;
- typedef unique_any<HANDLE, decltype(&details::ReleaseMutex), details::ReleaseMutex, details::pointer_access_none> mutex_release_scope_exit;
- WI_NODISCARD inline mutex_release_scope_exit ReleaseMutex_scope_exit(_In_ HANDLE hMutex) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(hMutex != nullptr);
- return mutex_release_scope_exit(hMutex);
- }
- // For efficiency, avoid using mutexes when an srwlock or condition variable will do.
- template <typename storage_t, typename err_policy = err_exception_policy>
- class mutex_t : public storage_t
- {
- public:
- // forward all base class constructors...
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit mutex_t(args_t&&... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {}
- // HRESULT or void error handling...
- typedef typename err_policy::result result;
- // Exception-based constructor to create a mutex (prefer unnamed (nullptr) for the name)
- mutex_t(_In_opt_ PCWSTR name)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions or fail fast; use the create method");
- create(name);
- }
- void ReleaseMutex() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- details::ReleaseMutex(storage_t::get());
- }
- WI_NODISCARD mutex_release_scope_exit ReleaseMutex_scope_exit() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::ReleaseMutex_scope_exit(storage_t::get());
- }
- WI_NODISCARD mutex_release_scope_exit acquire(_Out_opt_ DWORD *pStatus = nullptr, DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE, BOOL bAlertable = FALSE) const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto handle = storage_t::get();
- DWORD status = ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(handle, dwMilliseconds, bAlertable);
- assign_to_opt_param(pStatus, status);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__((status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (status == WAIT_ABANDONED) || (bAlertable && (status == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)));
- return mutex_release_scope_exit(((status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (status == WAIT_ABANDONED)) ? handle : nullptr);
- }
- // Tries to create a named mutex -- returns false if unable to do so (gle may still be inspected with return=false)
- bool try_create(_In_opt_ PCWSTR name, DWORD dwFlags = 0, DWORD desiredAccess = MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, _In_opt_ PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pMutexAttributes = nullptr)
- {
- auto handle = ::CreateMutexExW(pMutexAttributes, name, dwFlags, desiredAccess);
- if (handle == nullptr)
- {
- return false;
- }
- storage_t::reset(handle);
- return true;
- }
- // Returns HRESULT for unique_mutex_nothrow, void with exceptions for shared_mutex and unique_mutex
- result create(_In_opt_ PCWSTR name = nullptr, DWORD dwFlags = 0, DWORD desiredAccess = MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, _In_opt_ PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pMutexAttributes = nullptr)
- {
- return err_policy::LastErrorIfFalse(try_create(name, dwFlags, desiredAccess, pMutexAttributes));
- }
- // Tries to open a named mutex -- returns false if unable to do so (gle may still be inspected with return=false)
- bool try_open(_In_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SYNCHRONIZE | MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE, bool inheritHandle = false)
- {
- auto handle = ::OpenMutexW(desiredAccess, inheritHandle, name);
- if (handle == nullptr)
- {
- return false;
- }
- storage_t::reset(handle);
- return true;
- }
- // Returns HRESULT for unique_mutex_nothrow, void with exceptions for shared_mutex and unique_mutex
- result open(_In_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SYNCHRONIZE | MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE, bool inheritHandle = false)
- {
- return err_policy::LastErrorIfFalse(try_open(name, desiredAccess, inheritHandle));
- }
- };
- typedef unique_any_t<mutex_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_returncode_policy>> unique_mutex_nothrow;
- typedef unique_any_t<mutex_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_failfast_policy>> unique_mutex_failfast;
- typedef unique_any_t<mutex_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_exception_policy>> unique_mutex;
- #endif
- typedef unique_any<HANDLE, decltype(&details::ReleaseSemaphore), details::ReleaseSemaphore, details::pointer_access_none> semaphore_release_scope_exit;
- WI_NODISCARD inline semaphore_release_scope_exit ReleaseSemaphore_scope_exit(_In_ HANDLE hSemaphore) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(hSemaphore != nullptr);
- return semaphore_release_scope_exit(hSemaphore);
- }
- template <typename storage_t, typename err_policy = err_exception_policy>
- class semaphore_t : public storage_t
- {
- public:
- // forward all base class constructors...
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit semaphore_t(args_t&&... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {}
- // HRESULT or void error handling...
- typedef typename err_policy::result result;
- // Note that for custom-constructors the type given the constructor has to match exactly as not all implicit conversions will make it through the
- // forwarding constructor. This constructor, for example, uses 'int' instead of 'LONG' as the count to ease that particular issue (const numbers are int by default).
- explicit semaphore_t(int initialCount, int maximumCount, _In_opt_ PCWSTR name = nullptr, DWORD desiredAccess = SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, _In_opt_ PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSemaphoreAttributes = nullptr)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions or fail fast; use the create method");
- create(initialCount, maximumCount, name, desiredAccess, pSemaphoreAttributes);
- }
- void ReleaseSemaphore(long nReleaseCount = 1, _In_opt_ long *pnPreviousCount = nullptr) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- long nPreviousCount = 0;
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(::ReleaseSemaphore(storage_t::get(), nReleaseCount, &nPreviousCount));
- assign_to_opt_param(pnPreviousCount, nPreviousCount);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD semaphore_release_scope_exit ReleaseSemaphore_scope_exit() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::ReleaseSemaphore_scope_exit(storage_t::get());
- }
- WI_NODISCARD semaphore_release_scope_exit acquire(_Out_opt_ DWORD *pStatus = nullptr, DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE, BOOL bAlertable = FALSE) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto handle = storage_t::get();
- DWORD status = ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(handle, dwMilliseconds, bAlertable);
- assign_to_opt_param(pStatus, status);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__((status == WAIT_TIMEOUT) || (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (bAlertable && (status == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)));
- return semaphore_release_scope_exit((status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) ? handle : nullptr);
- }
- // Tries to create a named event -- returns false if unable to do so (gle may still be inspected with return=false)
- bool try_create(LONG lInitialCount, LONG lMaximumCount, _In_opt_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, _In_opt_ PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSemaphoreAttributes = nullptr)
- {
- auto handle = ::CreateSemaphoreExW(pSemaphoreAttributes, lInitialCount, lMaximumCount, name, 0, desiredAccess);
- if (handle == nullptr)
- {
- return false;
- }
- storage_t::reset(handle);
- return true;
- }
- // Returns HRESULT for unique_semaphore_nothrow, void with exceptions for shared_event and unique_event
- result create(LONG lInitialCount, LONG lMaximumCount, _In_opt_ PCWSTR name = nullptr, DWORD desiredAccess = SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS, _In_opt_ PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSemaphoreAttributes = nullptr)
- {
- return err_policy::LastErrorIfFalse(try_create(lInitialCount, lMaximumCount, name, desiredAccess, pSemaphoreAttributes));
- }
- // Tries to open the named semaphore -- returns false if unable to do so (gle may still be inspected with return=false)
- bool try_open(_In_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SYNCHRONIZE | SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE, bool inheritHandle = false)
- {
- auto handle = ::OpenSemaphoreW(desiredAccess, inheritHandle, name);
- if (handle == nullptr)
- {
- return false;
- }
- storage_t::reset(handle);
- return true;
- }
- // Returns HRESULT for unique_semaphore_nothrow, void with exceptions for shared_semaphore and unique_semaphore
- result open(_In_ PCWSTR name, DWORD desiredAccess = SYNCHRONIZE | SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE, bool inheritHandle = false)
- {
- return err_policy::LastErrorIfFalse(try_open(name, desiredAccess, inheritHandle));
- }
- };
- typedef unique_any_t<semaphore_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_returncode_policy>> unique_semaphore_nothrow;
- typedef unique_any_t<semaphore_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_failfast_policy>> unique_semaphore_failfast;
- typedef unique_any_t<semaphore_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_exception_policy>> unique_semaphore;
- #endif
- typedef unique_any<SRWLOCK *, decltype(&::ReleaseSRWLockExclusive), ::ReleaseSRWLockExclusive, details::pointer_access_noaddress> rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit;
- typedef unique_any<SRWLOCK *, decltype(&::ReleaseSRWLockShared), ::ReleaseSRWLockShared, details::pointer_access_noaddress> rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit;
- WI_NODISCARD inline rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit AcquireSRWLockExclusive(_Inout_ SRWLOCK *plock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::AcquireSRWLockExclusive(plock);
- return rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit(plock);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD inline rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit AcquireSRWLockShared(_Inout_ SRWLOCK *plock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::AcquireSRWLockShared(plock);
- return rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit(plock);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD inline rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive(_Inout_ SRWLOCK *plock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit(::TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive(plock) ? plock : nullptr);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD inline rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit TryAcquireSRWLockShared(_Inout_ SRWLOCK *plock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit(::TryAcquireSRWLockShared(plock) ? plock : nullptr);
- }
- class srwlock
- {
- public:
- srwlock(const srwlock&) = delete;
- srwlock(srwlock&&) = delete;
- srwlock& operator=(const srwlock&) = delete;
- srwlock& operator=(srwlock&&) = delete;
- srwlock() = default;
- WI_NODISCARD rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit lock_exclusive() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::AcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m_lock);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit try_lock_exclusive() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive(&m_lock);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit lock_shared() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::AcquireSRWLockShared(&m_lock);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit try_lock_shared() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::TryAcquireSRWLockShared(&m_lock);
- }
- private:
- };
- typedef unique_any<CRITICAL_SECTION *, decltype(&::LeaveCriticalSection), ::LeaveCriticalSection, details::pointer_access_noaddress> cs_leave_scope_exit;
- WI_NODISCARD inline cs_leave_scope_exit EnterCriticalSection(_Inout_ CRITICAL_SECTION *pcs) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::EnterCriticalSection(pcs);
- return cs_leave_scope_exit(pcs);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD inline cs_leave_scope_exit TryEnterCriticalSection(_Inout_ CRITICAL_SECTION *pcs) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return cs_leave_scope_exit(::TryEnterCriticalSection(pcs) ? pcs : nullptr);
- }
- // Critical sections are worse than srwlocks in performance and memory usage (their only unique attribute
- // being recursive acquisition). Prefer srwlocks over critical sections when you don't need recursive acquisition.
- class critical_section
- {
- public:
- critical_section(const critical_section&) = delete;
- critical_section(critical_section&&) = delete;
- critical_section& operator=(const critical_section&) = delete;
- critical_section& operator=(critical_section&&) = delete;
- critical_section(ULONG spincount = 0) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // Initialization will not fail without invalid params...
- ::InitializeCriticalSectionEx(&m_cs, spincount, 0);
- }
- ~critical_section() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD cs_leave_scope_exit lock() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs);
- }
- WI_NODISCARD cs_leave_scope_exit try_lock() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_cs);
- }
- private:
- };
- class condition_variable
- {
- public:
- condition_variable(const condition_variable&) = delete;
- condition_variable(condition_variable&&) = delete;
- condition_variable& operator=(const condition_variable&) = delete;
- condition_variable& operator=(condition_variable&&) = delete;
- condition_variable() = default;
- void notify_one() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WakeConditionVariable(&m_cv);
- }
- void notify_all() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WakeAllConditionVariable(&m_cv);
- }
- void wait(const cs_leave_scope_exit& lock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wait_for(lock, INFINITE);
- }
- void wait(const rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit& lock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wait_for(lock, INFINITE);
- }
- void wait(const rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit& lock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wait_for(lock, INFINITE);
- }
- bool wait_for(const cs_leave_scope_exit& lock, DWORD timeoutMs) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- bool result = !!::SleepConditionVariableCS(&m_cv, lock.get(), timeoutMs);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(result || ::GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- return result;
- }
- bool wait_for(const rwlock_release_exclusive_scope_exit& lock, DWORD timeoutMs) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- bool result = !!::SleepConditionVariableSRW(&m_cv, lock.get(), timeoutMs, 0);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(result || ::GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- return result;
- }
- bool wait_for(const rwlock_release_shared_scope_exit& lock, DWORD timeoutMs) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- bool result = !!::SleepConditionVariableSRW(&m_cv, lock.get(), timeoutMs, CONDITION_VARIABLE_LOCKMODE_SHARED);
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(result || ::GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT);
- return result;
- }
- private:
- };
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template<typename string_class> struct string_allocator
- {
- static void* allocate(size_t /*size*/) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- static_assert(!wistd::is_same<string_class, string_class>::value, "This type did not provide a string_allocator, add a specialization of string_allocator to support your type.");
- return nullptr;
- }
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- // This string helper does not support the ansi wil string helpers
- template<typename string_type>
- PCWSTR string_get_not_null(const string_type& string)
- {
- return string ? string.get() : L"";
- }
- #define MAKE_UNIQUE_STRING_MAX_CCH 2147483647 // max buffer size, in characters, that we support (same as INT_MAX)
- #endif
- /** Copies a string (up to the given length) into memory allocated with a specified allocator returning null on failure.
- Use `wil::make_unique_string_nothrow()` for string resources returned from APIs that must satisfy a memory allocation contract
- that requires use of a specific allocator and free function (CoTaskMemAlloc/CoTaskMemFree, LocalAlloc/LocalFree, GlobalAlloc/GlobalFree, etc.).
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_unique_string_nothrow<wil::unique_cotaskmem_string>(L"a string of words", 8);
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- auto str = wil::make_unique_string_nothrow<unique_hlocal_string>(L"a string");
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- NOTE: If source is not null terminated, then length MUST be equal to or less than the size
- of the buffer pointed to by source.
- ~~~
- */
- template<typename string_type> string_type make_unique_string_nothrow(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- const wchar_t* source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // guard against invalid parameters (null source with -1 length)
- FAIL_FAST_IF(!source && (length == static_cast<size_t>(-1)));
- // When the source string exists, calculate the number of characters to copy up to either
- // 1) the length that is given
- // 2) the length of the source string. When the source does not exist, use the given length
- // for calculating both the size of allocated buffer and the number of characters to copy.
- size_t lengthToCopy = length;
- if (source)
- {
- size_t maxLength = length < MAKE_UNIQUE_STRING_MAX_CCH ? length : MAKE_UNIQUE_STRING_MAX_CCH;
- PCWSTR endOfSource = source;
- while (maxLength && (*endOfSource != L'\0'))
- {
- endOfSource++;
- maxLength--;
- }
- lengthToCopy = endOfSource - source;
- }
- if (length == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- length = lengthToCopy;
- }
- const size_t allocatedBytes = (length + 1) * sizeof(*source);
- auto result = static_cast<PWSTR>(details::string_allocator<string_type>::allocate(allocatedBytes));
- if (result)
- {
- if (source)
- {
- const size_t bytesToCopy = lengthToCopy * sizeof(*source);
- memcpy_s(result, allocatedBytes, source, bytesToCopy);
- result[lengthToCopy] = L'\0'; // ensure the copied string is zero terminated
- }
- else
- {
- *result = L'\0'; // ensure null terminated in the "reserve space" use case.
- }
- result[length] = L'\0'; // ensure the final char of the buffer is zero terminated
- }
- return string_type(result);
- }
- template<typename string_type> string_type make_unique_ansistring_nothrow(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // guard against invalid parameters (null source with -1 length)
- FAIL_FAST_IF(!source && (length == static_cast<size_t>(-1)));
- if (length == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- length = strlen(source);
- }
- const size_t cb = (length + 1) * sizeof(*source);
- auto result = static_cast<PSTR>(details::string_allocator<string_type>::allocate(cb));
- if (result)
- {
- if (source)
- {
- memcpy_s(result, cb, source, cb - sizeof(*source));
- }
- else
- {
- *result = '\0'; // ensure null terminated in the "reserve space" use case.
- }
- result[length] = '\0'; // ensure zero terminated
- }
- return string_type(result);
- }
- /** Copies a given string into memory allocated with a specified allocator that will fail fast on failure.
- The use of variadic templates parameters supports the 2 forms of make_unique_string, see those for more details.
- */
- template<typename string_type> string_type make_unique_string_failfast(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto result(make_unique_string_nothrow<string_type>(source, length));
- return result;
- }
- template<typename string_type> string_type make_unique_ansistring_failfast(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto result(make_unique_ansistring_nothrow<string_type>(source, length));
- return result;
- }
- /** Copies a given string into memory allocated with a specified allocator that will throw on failure.
- The use of variadic templates parameters supports the 2 forms of make_unique_string, see those for more details.
- */
- template<typename string_type> string_type make_unique_string(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- auto result(make_unique_string_nothrow<string_type>(source, length));
- return result;
- }
- template<typename string_type> string_type make_unique_ansistring(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- auto result(make_unique_ansistring_nothrow<string_type>(source, length));
- return result;
- }
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- // string_maker abstracts creating a string for common string types. This form supports the
- // wil::unique_xxx_string types. Specializations of other types like HSTRING and std::wstring
- // are found in wil\winrt.h and wil\stl.h.
- // This design supports creating the string in a single step or using two phase construction.
- template<typename string_type> struct string_maker
- {
- HRESULT make(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- const wchar_t* source,
- size_t length)
- {
- m_value = make_unique_string_nothrow<string_type>(source, length);
- return m_value ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- }
- wchar_t* buffer() { WI_ASSERT(m_value.get()); return m_value.get(); }
- string_type release() { return wistd::move(m_value); }
- // Utility to abstract access to the null terminated m_value of all string types.
- static PCWSTR get(const string_type& value) { return value.get(); }
- private:
- string_type m_value; // a wil::unique_xxx_string type.
- };
- struct SecureZeroData
- {
- void *pointer;
- size_t sizeBytes;
- SecureZeroData(void *pointer_, size_t sizeBytes_ = 0) WI_NOEXCEPT { pointer = pointer_; sizeBytes = sizeBytes_; }
- operator void *() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return pointer; }
- static void Close(SecureZeroData data) WI_NOEXCEPT { ::SecureZeroMemory(data.pointer, data.sizeBytes); }
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- typedef unique_any<void*, decltype(&details::SecureZeroData::Close), details::SecureZeroData::Close, details::pointer_access_all, details::SecureZeroData> secure_zero_memory_scope_exit;
- WI_NODISCARD inline secure_zero_memory_scope_exit SecureZeroMemory_scope_exit(_In_reads_bytes_(sizeBytes) void* pSource, size_t sizeBytes)
- {
- return secure_zero_memory_scope_exit(details::SecureZeroData(pSource, sizeBytes));
- }
- WI_NODISCARD inline secure_zero_memory_scope_exit SecureZeroMemory_scope_exit(_In_ PWSTR initializedString)
- {
- return SecureZeroMemory_scope_exit(static_cast<void*>(initializedString), wcslen(initializedString) * sizeof(initializedString[0]));
- }
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall FreeProcessHeap(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ void* p)
- {
- ::HeapFree(::GetProcessHeap(), 0, p);
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- struct process_heap_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- details::FreeProcessHeap(p);
- }
- };
- struct virtualalloc_deleter
- {
- template<typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- ::VirtualFree(p, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
- }
- };
- struct mapview_deleter
- {
- template<typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(p);
- }
- };
- template <typename T = void>
- using unique_process_heap_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, process_heap_deleter>;
- typedef unique_any<PWSTR, decltype(&details::FreeProcessHeap), details::FreeProcessHeap> unique_process_heap_string;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_process_heap_string>
- {
- static _Ret_opt_bytecap_(size) void* allocate(size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return ::HeapAlloc(::GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
- }
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- /** Manages a typed pointer allocated with VirtualAlloc
- A specialization of wistd::unique_ptr<> that frees via VirtualFree(p, 0, MEM_RELEASE).
- */
- template<typename T = void>
- using unique_virtualalloc_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, virtualalloc_deleter>;
- /** Manages a typed pointer allocated with MapViewOfFile
- A specialization of wistd::unique_ptr<> that frees via UnmapViewOfFile(p).
- */
- template<typename T>
- using unique_mapview_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, mapview_deleter>;
- #endif // __WIL_WINBASE_
- #if defined(__WIL_WINBASE_) && defined(__NOTHROW_T_DEFINED) && !defined(__WIL_WINBASE_NOTHROW_T_DEFINED)
- // unique_event_watcher, unique_event_watcher_nothrow, unique_event_watcher_failfast
- //
- // Clients must include <new> or <new.h> to enable use of this class as it uses new(std::nothrow).
- // This is to avoid the dependency on those headers that some clients can't tolerate.
- //
- // These classes makes it easy to execute a provided function when an event
- // is signaled. It will create the event handle for you, take ownership of one
- // or duplicate a handle provided. It supports the ability to signal the
- // event using SetEvent() and SetEvent_scope_exit();
- //
- // This can be used to support producer-consumer pattern
- // where a producer updates some state then signals the event when done.
- // The consumer will consume that state in the callback provided to unique_event_watcher.
- //
- // Note, multiple signals may coalesce into a single callback.
- //
- // Example use of throwing version:
- // auto globalStateWatcher = wil::make_event_watcher([]
- // {
- // currentState = GetGlobalState();
- // });
- //
- // UpdateGlobalState(value);
- // globalStateWatcher.SetEvent(); // signal observers so they can update
- //
- // Example use of non-throwing version:
- // auto globalStateWatcher = wil::make_event_watcher_nothrow([]
- // {
- // currentState = GetGlobalState();
- // });
- // RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(globalStateWatcher);
- //
- // UpdateGlobalState(value);
- // globalStateWatcher.SetEvent(); // signal observers so they can update
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- struct event_watcher_state
- {
- event_watcher_state(unique_event_nothrow &&eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- : m_callback(wistd::move(callback)), m_event(wistd::move(eventHandle))
- {
- }
- wistd::function<void()> m_callback;
- unique_event_nothrow m_event;
- // The thread pool must be last to ensure that the other members are valid
- // when it is destructed as it will reference them.
- unique_threadpool_wait m_threadPoolWait;
- };
- inline void delete_event_watcher_state(_In_opt_ event_watcher_state *watcherStorage) { delete watcherStorage; }
- typedef resource_policy<event_watcher_state *, decltype(&delete_event_watcher_state),
- delete_event_watcher_state, details::pointer_access_none> event_watcher_state_resource_policy;
- }
- /// @endcond
- template <typename storage_t, typename err_policy = err_exception_policy>
- class event_watcher_t : public storage_t
- {
- public:
- // forward all base class constructors...
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit event_watcher_t(args_t&&... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {}
- // HRESULT or void error handling...
- typedef typename err_policy::result result;
- // Exception-based constructors
- template <typename err_policy>
- event_watcher_t(unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_policy>> &&eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions or fail fast; use the create method");
- create(wistd::move(eventHandle), wistd::move(callback));
- }
- event_watcher_t(_In_ HANDLE eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions or fail fast; use the create method");
- create(eventHandle, wistd::move(callback));
- }
- event_watcher_t(wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions or fail fast; use the create method");
- create(wistd::move(callback));
- }
- template <typename event_err_policy>
- result create(unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, event_err_policy>> &&eventHandle,
- wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return err_policy::HResult(create_take_hevent_ownership(eventHandle.release(), wistd::move(callback)));
- }
- // Creates the event that you will be watching.
- result create(wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- unique_event_nothrow eventHandle;
- HRESULT hr = eventHandle.create(EventOptions::ManualReset); // auto-reset is supported too.
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- return err_policy::HResult(hr);
- }
- return err_policy::HResult(create_take_hevent_ownership(eventHandle.release(), wistd::move(callback)));
- }
- // Input is an event handler that is duplicated into this class.
- result create(_In_ HANDLE eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- unique_event_nothrow ownedHandle;
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), eventHandle, GetCurrentProcess(), &ownedHandle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
- {
- return err_policy::LastError();
- }
- return err_policy::HResult(create_take_hevent_ownership(ownedHandle.release(), wistd::move(callback)));
- }
- // Provide access to the inner event and the very common SetEvent() method on it.
- unique_event_nothrow const& get_event() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return storage_t::get()->m_event; }
- void SetEvent() const WI_NOEXCEPT { storage_t::get()->m_event.SetEvent(); }
- private:
- // Had to move this from a Lambda so it would compile in C++/CLI (which thought the Lambda should be a managed function for some reason).
- static void CALLBACK wait_callback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, void *context, TP_WAIT *pThreadPoolWait, TP_WAIT_RESULT)
- {
- auto pThis = static_cast<details::event_watcher_state *>(context);
- // Manual events must be re-set to avoid missing the last notification.
- pThis->m_event.ResetEvent();
- // Call the client before re-arming to ensure that multiple callbacks don't
- // run concurrently.
- pThis->m_callback();
- SetThreadpoolWait(pThreadPoolWait, pThis->m_event.get(), nullptr); // valid params ensure success
- }
- // To avoid template expansion (if unique_event/unique_event_nothrow forms were used) this base
- // create function takes a raw handle and assumes its ownership, even on failure.
- HRESULT create_take_hevent_ownership(_In_ HANDLE rawHandleOwnershipTaken, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- __FAIL_FAST_ASSERT__(rawHandleOwnershipTaken != nullptr); // invalid parameter
- unique_event_nothrow eventHandle(rawHandleOwnershipTaken);
- wistd::unique_ptr<details::event_watcher_state> watcherState(new(std::nothrow) details::event_watcher_state(wistd::move(eventHandle), wistd::move(callback)));
- RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(watcherState);
- watcherState->m_threadPoolWait.reset(CreateThreadpoolWait(wait_callback, watcherState.get(), nullptr));
- RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!watcherState->m_threadPoolWait);
- storage_t::reset(watcherState.release()); // no more failures after this, pass ownership
- SetThreadpoolWait(storage_t::get()->m_threadPoolWait.get(), storage_t::get()->m_event.get(), nullptr);
- return S_OK;
- }
- };
- typedef unique_any_t<event_watcher_t<details::unique_storage<details::event_watcher_state_resource_policy>, err_returncode_policy>> unique_event_watcher_nothrow;
- typedef unique_any_t<event_watcher_t<details::unique_storage<details::event_watcher_state_resource_policy>, err_failfast_policy>> unique_event_watcher_failfast;
- template <typename err_policy>
- unique_event_watcher_nothrow make_event_watcher_nothrow(unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_policy>> &&eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- unique_event_watcher_nothrow watcher;
- watcher.create(wistd::move(eventHandle), wistd::move(callback));
- return watcher; // caller must test for success using if (watcher)
- }
- inline unique_event_watcher_nothrow make_event_watcher_nothrow(_In_ HANDLE eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- unique_event_watcher_nothrow watcher;
- watcher.create(eventHandle, wistd::move(callback));
- return watcher; // caller must test for success using if (watcher)
- }
- inline unique_event_watcher_nothrow make_event_watcher_nothrow(wistd::function<void()> &&callback) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- unique_event_watcher_nothrow watcher;
- watcher.create(wistd::move(callback));
- return watcher; // caller must test for success using if (watcher)
- }
- template <typename err_policy>
- unique_event_watcher_failfast make_event_watcher_failfast(unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_policy>> &&eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return unique_event_watcher_failfast(wistd::move(eventHandle), wistd::move(callback));
- }
- inline unique_event_watcher_failfast make_event_watcher_failfast(_In_ HANDLE eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return unique_event_watcher_failfast(eventHandle, wistd::move(callback));
- }
- inline unique_event_watcher_failfast make_event_watcher_failfast(wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return unique_event_watcher_failfast(wistd::move(callback));
- }
- typedef unique_any_t<event_watcher_t<details::unique_storage<details::event_watcher_state_resource_policy>, err_exception_policy>> unique_event_watcher;
- template <typename err_policy>
- unique_event_watcher make_event_watcher(unique_any_t<event_t<details::unique_storage<details::handle_resource_policy>, err_policy>> &&eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return unique_event_watcher(wistd::move(eventHandle), wistd::move(callback));
- }
- inline unique_event_watcher make_event_watcher(_In_ HANDLE eventHandle, wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return unique_event_watcher(eventHandle, wistd::move(callback));
- }
- inline unique_event_watcher make_event_watcher(wistd::function<void()> &&callback)
- {
- return unique_event_watcher(wistd::move(callback));
- }
- #if defined(__WIL_WINBASE_) && !defined(__WIL_WINBASE_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_WINBASE_STL
- typedef shared_any_t<event_t<details::shared_storage<unique_event>>> shared_event;
- typedef shared_any_t<mutex_t<details::shared_storage<unique_mutex>>> shared_mutex;
- typedef shared_any_t<semaphore_t<details::shared_storage<unique_semaphore>>> shared_semaphore;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hfile> shared_hfile;
- typedef shared_any<unique_handle> shared_handle;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hfind> shared_hfind;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hmodule> shared_hmodule;
- typedef shared_any<unique_threadpool_wait> shared_threadpool_wait;
- typedef shared_any<unique_threadpool_wait_nocancel> shared_threadpool_wait_nocancel;
- typedef shared_any<unique_threadpool_work> shared_threadpool_work;
- typedef shared_any<unique_threadpool_work_nocancel> shared_threadpool_work_nocancel;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hfind_change> shared_hfind_change;
- #endif
- typedef weak_any<shared_event> weak_event;
- typedef weak_any<shared_mutex> weak_mutex;
- typedef weak_any<shared_semaphore> weak_semaphore;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hfile> weak_hfile;
- typedef weak_any<shared_handle> weak_handle;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hfind> weak_hfind;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hmodule> weak_hmodule;
- typedef weak_any<shared_threadpool_wait> weak_threadpool_wait;
- typedef weak_any<shared_threadpool_wait_nocancel> weak_threadpool_wait_nocancel;
- typedef weak_any<shared_threadpool_work> weak_threadpool_work;
- typedef weak_any<shared_threadpool_work_nocancel> weak_threadpool_work_nocancel;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hfind_change> weak_hfind_change;
- #endif
- #endif // __WIL_WINBASE_STL
- typedef shared_any_t<event_watcher_t<details::shared_storage<unique_event_watcher>>> shared_event_watcher;
- typedef weak_any<shared_event_watcher> weak_event_watcher;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pObjectDescriptor) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity(&pObjectDescriptor);
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- using hlocal_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::LocalFree), LocalFree>;
- template <typename T = void>
- using unique_hlocal_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, hlocal_deleter>;
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- Use `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for resources returned from APIs that must satisfy a memory allocation contract that requires the use of `LocalAlloc()` / `LocalFree()`.
- Use `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` when `LocalAlloc()` is not required.
- Allocations are initialized with placement new and will call constructors (if present), but this does not guarantee initialization.
- Note that `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` is not marked WI_NOEXCEPT as it may be used to create an exception-based class that may throw in its constructor.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<Foo>();
- if (foo)
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_hlocal_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_nothrow(Args&&... args)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value, "T has a destructor that won't be run when used with this function; use make_unique instead");
- unique_hlocal_ptr<T> sp(static_cast<T*>(::LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(T))));
- if (sp)
- {
- // use placement new to initialize memory from the previous allocation
- new (sp.get()) T(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...);
- }
- return sp;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<Foo[]>(size);
- if (foos)
- {
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_hlocal_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_nothrow(size_t size)
- {
- typedef typename wistd::remove_extent<T>::type E;
- static_assert(wistd::is_trivially_destructible<E>::value, "E has a destructor that won't be run when used with this function; use make_unique instead");
- FAIL_FAST_IF((__WI_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(E)) < size);
- size_t allocSize = sizeof(E) * size;
- unique_hlocal_ptr<T> sp(static_cast<E*>(::LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, allocSize)));
- if (sp)
- {
- // use placement new to initialize memory from the previous allocation;
- // note that array placement new cannot be used as the standard allows for operator new[]
- // to consume overhead in the allocation for internal bookkeeping
- for (auto& elem : make_range(static_cast<E*>(sp.get()), size))
- {
- new (&elem) E();
- }
- }
- return sp;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_hlocal_failfast<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_hlocal_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_failfast(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_hlocal_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_hlocal_failfast<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_hlocal_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_failfast(size_t size)
- {
- unique_hlocal_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_hlocal<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_hlocal_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_hlocal_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_hlocal<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_hlocal_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal(size_t size)
- {
- unique_hlocal_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- typedef unique_any<HLOCAL, decltype(&::LocalFree), ::LocalFree> unique_hlocal;
- typedef unique_any<PWSTR, decltype(&::LocalFree), ::LocalFree> unique_hlocal_string;
- typedef unique_any<PSTR, decltype(&::LocalFree), ::LocalFree> unique_hlocal_ansistring;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- struct localalloc_allocator
- {
- static _Ret_opt_bytecap_(size) void* allocate(size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return ::LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, size);
- }
- };
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_hlocal_string> : localalloc_allocator {};
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_hlocal_ansistring> : localalloc_allocator {};
- }
- /// @endcond
- inline auto make_hlocal_string_nothrow(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_string_nothrow<unique_hlocal_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_hlocal_string_failfast(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_string_failfast<unique_hlocal_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_hlocal_ansistring_nothrow(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_ansistring_nothrow<unique_hlocal_ansistring>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_hlocal_ansistring_failfast(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_ansistring_failfast<unique_hlocal_ansistring>(source, length);
- }
- #endif
- inline auto make_hlocal_string(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- return make_unique_string<unique_hlocal_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_hlocal_ansistring(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- return make_unique_ansistring<unique_hlocal_ansistring>(source, length);
- }
- struct hlocal_secure_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- if (p)
- {
- #pragma warning(suppress: 26006 26007) // LocalSize() ensures proper buffer length
- ::SecureZeroMemory(p, ::LocalSize(p)); // this is safe since LocalSize() returns 0 on failure
- ::LocalFree(p);
- }
- }
- };
- template <typename T = void>
- using unique_hlocal_secure_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, hlocal_secure_deleter>;
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow<Foo>();
- if (foo)
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow(Args&&... args)
- {
- return unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>(make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...).release());
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure array resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow<Foo[]>(size);
- if (foos)
- {
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow(size_t size)
- {
- return unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>(make_unique_hlocal_nothrow<T>(size).release());
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_hlocal_secure_failfast<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_secure_failfast(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure array resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_hlocal_secure_failfast<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_secure_failfast(size_t size)
- {
- unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_hlocal_secure<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_secure(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure array resources allocated with `LocalAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_hlocal_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_hlocal_secure<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_hlocal_secure(size_t size)
- {
- unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_hlocal_secure_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- typedef unique_hlocal_secure_ptr<wchar_t[]> unique_hlocal_string_secure;
- /** Copies a given string into secure memory allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_hlocal_string_nothrow()` with supplied length for more details.
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_hlocal_string_secure_nothrow(L"a string");
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- ~~~
- */
- inline auto make_hlocal_string_secure_nothrow(_In_ PCWSTR source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return unique_hlocal_string_secure(make_hlocal_string_nothrow(source).release());
- }
- /** Copies a given string into secure memory allocated with `LocalAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_hlocal_string_nothrow()` with supplied length for more details.
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_hlocal_string_secure_failfast(L"a string");
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- ~~~
- */
- inline auto make_hlocal_string_secure_failfast(_In_ PCWSTR source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- unique_hlocal_string_secure result(make_hlocal_string_secure_nothrow(source));
- return result;
- }
- /** Copies a given string into secure memory allocated with `LocalAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_hlocal_string_nothrow()` with supplied length for more details.
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_hlocal_string_secure(L"a string");
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- ~~~
- */
- inline auto make_hlocal_string_secure(_In_ PCWSTR source)
- {
- unique_hlocal_string_secure result(make_hlocal_string_secure_nothrow(source));
- return result;
- }
- #endif
- using hglobal_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::GlobalFree), ::GlobalFree>;
- template <typename T = void>
- using unique_hglobal_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, hglobal_deleter>;
- typedef unique_any<HGLOBAL, decltype(&::GlobalFree), ::GlobalFree> unique_hglobal;
- typedef unique_any<PWSTR, decltype(&::GlobalFree), ::GlobalFree> unique_hglobal_string;
- typedef unique_any<PSTR, decltype(&::GlobalFree), ::GlobalFree> unique_hglobal_ansistring;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_hglobal_string>
- {
- static _Ret_opt_bytecap_(size) void* allocate(size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return ::GlobalAlloc(GPTR, size);
- }
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- inline auto make_process_heap_string_nothrow(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_string_nothrow<unique_process_heap_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_process_heap_string_failfast(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_string_failfast<unique_process_heap_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_process_heap_string(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- return make_unique_string<unique_process_heap_string>(source, length);
- }
- typedef unique_any_handle_null<decltype(&::HeapDestroy), ::HeapDestroy> unique_hheap;
- typedef unique_any<DWORD, decltype(&::TlsFree), ::TlsFree, details::pointer_access_all, DWORD, DWORD, TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES, DWORD> unique_tls;
- typedef unique_any<PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, decltype(&::LocalFree), ::LocalFree> unique_hlocal_security_descriptor;
- typedef unique_any<PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, decltype(&details::DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity), details::DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity> unique_private_security_descriptor;
- #if defined(_WINUSER_) && !defined(__WIL__WINUSER_)
- #define __WIL__WINUSER_
- typedef unique_any<HACCEL, decltype(&::DestroyAcceleratorTable), ::DestroyAcceleratorTable> unique_haccel;
- typedef unique_any<HCURSOR, decltype(&::DestroyCursor), ::DestroyCursor> unique_hcursor;
- typedef unique_any<HWND, decltype(&::DestroyWindow), ::DestroyWindow> unique_hwnd;
- #if !defined(NOUSER) && !defined(NOWH)
- typedef unique_any<HHOOK, decltype(&::UnhookWindowsHookEx), ::UnhookWindowsHookEx> unique_hhook;
- #endif
- #if !defined(NOWINABLE)
- typedef unique_any<HWINEVENTHOOK, decltype(&::UnhookWinEvent), ::UnhookWinEvent> unique_hwineventhook;
- #endif
- #endif // __WIL__WINUSER_
- #if !defined(NOGDI) && !defined(NODESKTOP)
- typedef unique_any<HDESK, decltype(&::CloseDesktop), ::CloseDesktop> unique_hdesk;
- typedef unique_any<HWINSTA, decltype(&::CloseWindowStation), ::CloseWindowStation> unique_hwinsta;
- #endif // !defined(NOGDI) && !defined(NODESKTOP)
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL_WINBASE_DESKTOP) && !defined(__WIL_WINBASE_DESKTOP_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hheap> shared_hheap;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hlocal> shared_hlocal;
- typedef shared_any<unique_tls> shared_tls;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hlocal_security_descriptor> shared_hlocal_security_descriptor;
- typedef shared_any<unique_private_security_descriptor> shared_private_security_descriptor;
- typedef shared_any<unique_haccel> shared_haccel;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hcursor> shared_hcursor;
- #if !defined(NOGDI) && !defined(NODESKTOP)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hdesk> shared_hdesk;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hwinsta> shared_hwinsta;
- #endif // !defined(NOGDI) && !defined(NODESKTOP)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hwnd> shared_hwnd;
- #if !defined(NOUSER) && !defined(NOWH)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hhook> shared_hhook;
- #endif
- #if !defined(NOWINABLE)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hwineventhook> shared_hwineventhook;
- #endif
- typedef weak_any<shared_hheap> weak_hheap;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hlocal> weak_hlocal;
- typedef weak_any<shared_tls> weak_tls;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hlocal_security_descriptor> weak_hlocal_security_descriptor;
- typedef weak_any<shared_private_security_descriptor> weak_private_security_descriptor;
- typedef weak_any<shared_haccel> weak_haccel;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hcursor> weak_hcursor;
- #if !defined(NOGDI) && !defined(NODESKTOP)
- typedef weak_any<shared_hdesk> weak_hdesk;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hwinsta> weak_hwinsta;
- #endif // !defined(NOGDI) && !defined(NODESKTOP)
- typedef weak_any<shared_hwnd> weak_hwnd;
- #if !defined(NOUSER) && !defined(NOWH)
- typedef weak_any<shared_hhook> weak_hhook;
- #endif
- #if !defined(NOWINABLE)
- typedef weak_any<shared_hwineventhook> weak_hwineventhook;
- #endif
- #define __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_
- typedef unique_any<CO_MTA_USAGE_COOKIE, decltype(&::CoDecrementMTAUsage), ::CoDecrementMTAUsage> unique_mta_usage_cookie;
- #endif
- typedef unique_any<DWORD, decltype(&::CoRevokeClassObject), ::CoRevokeClassObject> unique_com_class_object_cookie;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall MultiQiCleanup(_In_ MULTI_QI* multiQi)
- {
- if (multiQi->pItf)
- {
- multiQi->pItf->Release();
- multiQi->pItf = nullptr;
- }
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- //! A type that calls CoRevertToSelf on destruction (or reset()).
- using unique_coreverttoself_call = unique_call<decltype(&::CoRevertToSelf), ::CoRevertToSelf>;
- //! Calls CoImpersonateClient and fail-fasts if it fails; returns an RAII object that reverts
- WI_NODISCARD inline unique_coreverttoself_call CoImpersonateClient_failfast()
- {
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(::CoImpersonateClient());
- return unique_coreverttoself_call();
- }
- typedef unique_struct<MULTI_QI, decltype(&details::MultiQiCleanup), details::MultiQiCleanup> unique_multi_qi;
- #endif // __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_
- WI_NODISCARD inline unique_coreverttoself_call CoImpersonateClient()
- {
- THROW_IF_FAILED(::CoImpersonateClient());
- return unique_coreverttoself_call();
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_) && !defined(__WIL__COMBASEAPI_H__STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL) && (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WIN8)
- #define __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H__STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_mta_usage_cookie> shared_mta_usage_cookie;
- typedef weak_any<shared_mta_usage_cookie> weak_mta_usage_cookie;
- #endif // __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H__STL
- //! A type that calls CoUninitialize on destruction (or reset()).
- using unique_couninitialize_call = unique_call<decltype(&::CoUninitialize), ::CoUninitialize>;
- //! Calls CoInitializeEx and fail-fasts if it fails; returns an RAII object that reverts
- WI_NODISCARD inline unique_couninitialize_call CoInitializeEx_failfast(DWORD coinitFlags = 0 /*COINIT_MULTITHREADED*/)
- {
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(::CoInitializeEx(nullptr, coinitFlags));
- return unique_couninitialize_call();
- }
- #endif // __WIL__COMBASEAPI_H_APP
- WI_NODISCARD inline unique_couninitialize_call CoInitializeEx(DWORD coinitFlags = 0 /*COINIT_MULTITHREADED*/)
- {
- THROW_IF_FAILED(::CoInitializeEx(nullptr, coinitFlags));
- return unique_couninitialize_call();
- }
- #endif
- #define __WIL__ROAPI_H_APP
- typedef unique_any<RO_REGISTRATION_COOKIE, decltype(&::RoRevokeActivationFactories), ::RoRevokeActivationFactories> unique_ro_registration_cookie;
- //! A type that calls RoUninitialize on destruction (or reset()).
- //! Use as a replacement for Windows::Foundation::Uninitialize.
- using unique_rouninitialize_call = unique_call<decltype(&::RoUninitialize), ::RoUninitialize>;
- //! Calls RoInitialize and fail-fasts if it fails; returns an RAII object that reverts
- //! Use as a replacement for Windows::Foundation::Initialize
- WI_NODISCARD inline unique_rouninitialize_call RoInitialize_failfast(RO_INIT_TYPE initType = RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED)
- {
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(::RoInitialize(initType));
- return unique_rouninitialize_call();
- }
- #endif // __WIL__ROAPI_H_APP
- #if defined(__WIL__ROAPI_H_APP) && defined(WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS) && !defined(__WIL__ROAPI_H_APPEXCEPTIONAL)
- //! Calls RoInitialize and throws an exception if it fails; returns an RAII object that reverts
- //! Use as a replacement for Windows::Foundation::Initialize
- WI_NODISCARD inline unique_rouninitialize_call RoInitialize(RO_INIT_TYPE initType = RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED)
- {
- THROW_IF_FAILED(::RoInitialize(initType));
- return unique_rouninitialize_call();
- }
- #endif
- #define __WIL__WINSTRING_H_
- typedef unique_any<HSTRING, decltype(&::WindowsDeleteString), ::WindowsDeleteString> unique_hstring;
- template<> inline unique_hstring make_unique_string_nothrow<unique_hstring>(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- WI_ASSERT(source != nullptr); // the HSTRING version of this function does not suport this case
- if (length == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- length = wcslen(source);
- }
- unique_hstring result;
- ::WindowsCreateString(source, static_cast<UINT32>(length), &result);
- return result;
- }
- typedef unique_any<HSTRING_BUFFER, decltype(&::WindowsDeleteStringBuffer), ::WindowsDeleteStringBuffer> unique_hstring_buffer;
- /** Promotes an hstring_buffer to an HSTRING.
- When an HSTRING_BUFFER object is promoted to a real string it must not be passed to WindowsDeleteString. The caller owns the
- HSTRING afterwards.
- ~~~
- HRESULT Type::MakePath(_Out_ HSTRING* path)
- {
- wchar_t* bufferStorage = nullptr;
- wil::unique_hstring_buffer theBuffer;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(::WindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(65, &bufferStorage, &theBuffer));
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(::PathCchCombine(bufferStorage, 65, m_foo, m_bar));
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::make_hstring_from_buffer_nothrow(wistd::move(theBuffer), path)));
- return S_OK;
- }
- ~~~
- */
- inline HRESULT make_hstring_from_buffer_nothrow(unique_hstring_buffer&& source, _Out_ HSTRING* promoted)
- {
- HRESULT hr = ::WindowsPromoteStringBuffer(source.get(), promoted);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- source.release();
- }
- return hr;
- }
- //! A fail-fast variant of `make_hstring_from_buffer_nothrow`
- inline unique_hstring make_hstring_from_buffer_failfast(unique_hstring_buffer&& source)
- {
- unique_hstring result;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(make_hstring_from_buffer_nothrow(wistd::move(source), &result));
- return result;
- }
- /** Promotes an hstring_buffer to an HSTRING.
- When an HSTRING_BUFFER object is promoted to a real string it must not be passed to WindowsDeleteString. The caller owns the
- HSTRING afterwards.
- ~~~
- wil::unique_hstring Type::Make()
- {
- wchar_t* bufferStorage = nullptr;
- wil::unique_hstring_buffer theBuffer;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(::WindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(65, &bufferStorage, &theBuffer));
- THROW_IF_FAILED(::PathCchCombine(bufferStorage, 65, m_foo, m_bar));
- return wil::make_hstring_from_buffer(wistd::move(theBuffer));
- }
- ~~~
- */
- inline unique_hstring make_hstring_from_buffer(unique_hstring_buffer&& source)
- {
- unique_hstring result;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(make_hstring_from_buffer_nothrow(wistd::move(source), &result));
- return result;
- }
- #endif
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- template<> struct string_maker<unique_hstring>
- {
- string_maker() = default;
- string_maker(const string_maker&) = delete;
- void operator=(const string_maker&) = delete;
- string_maker& operator=(string_maker&& source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- m_value = wistd::move(source.m_value);
- m_bufferHandle = wistd::move(source.m_bufferHandle);
- m_charBuffer = source.m_charBuffer;
- source.m_charBuffer = nullptr;
- return *this;
- }
- HRESULT make(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- const wchar_t* source,
- size_t length)
- {
- if (source)
- {
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(WindowsCreateString(source, static_cast<UINT32>(length), &m_value));
- }
- else
- {
- // Need to set it to the empty string to support the empty string case.
- m_value.reset();
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(WindowsPreallocateStringBuffer(static_cast<UINT32>(length), &m_charBuffer, &m_bufferHandle));
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- wchar_t* buffer() { WI_ASSERT(m_charBuffer != nullptr); return m_charBuffer; }
- const wchar_t* buffer() const { return m_charBuffer; }
- unique_hstring release()
- {
- m_charBuffer = nullptr;
- if (m_bufferHandle)
- {
- return make_hstring_from_buffer_failfast(wistd::move(m_bufferHandle));
- }
- return wistd::move(m_value);
- }
- static PCWSTR get(const wil::unique_hstring& value) { return WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(value.get(), nullptr); }
- private:
- unique_hstring m_value;
- unique_hstring_buffer m_bufferHandle;
- wchar_t* m_charBuffer = nullptr;
- };
- }
- /// @endcond
- // str_raw_ptr is an overloaded function that retrieves a const pointer to the first character in a string's buffer.
- // This is the overload for HSTRING. Other overloads available above.
- inline PCWSTR str_raw_ptr(HSTRING str)
- {
- return WindowsGetStringRawBuffer(str, nullptr);
- }
- inline PCWSTR str_raw_ptr(const unique_hstring& str)
- {
- return str_raw_ptr(str.get());
- }
- #endif // __WIL__WINSTRING_H_
- #if defined(__WIL__WINSTRING_H_) && !defined(__WIL__WINSTRING_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL__WINSTRING_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_hstring> shared_hstring;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hstring_buffer> shared_hstring_buffer;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hstring> weak_hstring;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hstring_buffer> weak_hstring_buffer;
- #endif // __WIL__WINSTRING_H_STL
- #define __WIL_WINREG_
- typedef unique_any<HKEY, decltype(&::RegCloseKey), ::RegCloseKey> unique_hkey;
- #endif // __WIL_WINREG_
- #if defined(__WIL_WINREG_) && !defined(__WIL_WINREG_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_WINREG_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_hkey> shared_hkey;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hkey> weak_hkey;
- #endif // __WIL_WINREG_STL
- #if defined(__propidl_h__) && !defined(_WIL__propidl_h__) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define _WIL__propidl_h__
- using unique_prop_variant = wil::unique_struct<PROPVARIANT, decltype(&::PropVariantClear), ::PropVariantClear, decltype(&::PropVariantInit), ::PropVariantInit>;
- #endif // _WIL__propidl_h__
- #define __WIL_OLEAUTO_H_
- using unique_variant = wil::unique_struct<VARIANT, decltype(&::VariantClear), ::VariantClear, decltype(&::VariantInit), ::VariantInit>;
- typedef unique_any<BSTR, decltype(&::SysFreeString), ::SysFreeString> unique_bstr;
- inline wil::unique_bstr make_bstr_nothrow(PCWSTR source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::unique_bstr(::SysAllocString(source));
- }
- inline wil::unique_bstr make_bstr_failfast(PCWSTR source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::unique_bstr(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL_ALLOC(::SysAllocString(source)));
- }
- inline wil::unique_bstr make_bstr(PCWSTR source)
- {
- wil::unique_bstr result(make_bstr_nothrow(source));
- return result;
- }
- #endif // __WIL_OLEAUTO_H_
- #if defined(__WIL_OLEAUTO_H_) && !defined(__WIL_OLEAUTO_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_OLEAUTO_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_bstr> shared_bstr;
- typedef weak_any<shared_bstr> weak_bstr;
- #endif // __WIL_OLEAUTO_H_STL
- #if (defined(_WININET_) || defined(_DUBINET_)) && !defined(__WIL_WININET_)
- #define __WIL_WININET_
- typedef unique_any<HINTERNET, decltype(&::InternetCloseHandle), ::InternetCloseHandle> unique_hinternet;
- #endif // __WIL_WININET_
- #if defined(__WIL_WININET_) && !defined(__WIL_WININET_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_WININET_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_hinternet> shared_hinternet;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hinternet> weak_hinternet;
- #endif // __WIL_WININET_STL
- #if defined(_WINHTTPX_) && !defined(__WIL_WINHTTP_)
- #define __WIL_WINHTTP_
- typedef unique_any<HINTERNET, decltype(&::WinHttpCloseHandle), ::WinHttpCloseHandle> unique_winhttp_hinternet;
- #endif // __WIL_WINHTTP_
- #if defined(__WIL_WINHTTP_) && !defined(__WIL_WINHTTP_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_WINHTTP_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_winhttp_hinternet> shared_winhttp_hinternet;
- typedef weak_any<shared_winhttp_hinternet> weak_winhttp_hinternet;
- #endif // __WIL_WINHTTP_STL
- #define __WIL_WINSOCKAPI_
- typedef unique_any<SOCKET, int (WINAPI*)(SOCKET), ::closesocket, details::pointer_access_all, SOCKET, SOCKET, INVALID_SOCKET, SOCKET> unique_socket;
- #endif // __WIL_WINSOCKAPI_
- #if defined(__WIL_WINSOCKAPI_) && !defined(__WIL_WINSOCKAPI_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- typedef shared_any<unique_socket> shared_socket;
- typedef weak_any<shared_socket> weak_socket;
- #endif // __WIL_WINSOCKAPI_STL
- #define __WIL_WINGDI_
- struct window_dc
- {
- HDC dc;
- HWND hwnd;
- window_dc(HDC dc_, HWND hwnd_ = nullptr) WI_NOEXCEPT { dc = dc_; hwnd = hwnd_; }
- operator HDC() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return dc; }
- static void close(window_dc wdc) WI_NOEXCEPT { ::ReleaseDC(wdc.hwnd, wdc.dc); }
- };
- typedef unique_any<HDC, decltype(&window_dc::close), window_dc::close, details::pointer_access_all, window_dc> unique_hdc_window;
- struct paint_dc
- {
- HWND hwnd;
- paint_dc(HDC hdc = nullptr) { ::ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this)); ps.hdc = hdc; }
- operator HDC() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return ps.hdc; }
- static void close(paint_dc pdc) WI_NOEXCEPT { ::EndPaint(pdc.hwnd, &pdc.ps); }
- };
- typedef unique_any<HDC, decltype(&paint_dc::close), paint_dc::close, details::pointer_access_all, paint_dc> unique_hdc_paint;
- struct select_result
- {
- HGDIOBJ hgdi;
- HDC hdc;
- select_result(HGDIOBJ hgdi_, HDC hdc_ = nullptr) WI_NOEXCEPT { hgdi = hgdi_; hdc = hdc_; }
- operator HGDIOBJ() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return hgdi; }
- static void close(select_result sr) WI_NOEXCEPT { ::SelectObject(sr.hdc, sr.hgdi); }
- };
- typedef unique_any<HGDIOBJ, decltype(&select_result::close), select_result::close, details::pointer_access_all, select_result> unique_select_object;
- inline unique_hdc_window GetDC(HWND hwnd) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return unique_hdc_window(window_dc(::GetDC(hwnd), hwnd));
- }
- inline unique_hdc_window GetWindowDC(HWND hwnd) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return unique_hdc_window(window_dc(::GetWindowDC(hwnd), hwnd));
- }
- inline unique_hdc_paint BeginPaint(HWND hwnd, _Out_opt_ PPAINTSTRUCT pPaintStruct = nullptr) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- paint_dc pdc;
- HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint(hwnd, &pdc.ps);
- assign_to_opt_param(pPaintStruct, pdc.ps);
- return (hdc == nullptr) ? unique_hdc_paint() : unique_hdc_paint(pdc);
- }
- inline unique_select_object SelectObject(HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ gdiobj) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return unique_select_object(select_result(::SelectObject(hdc, gdiobj), hdc));
- }
- typedef unique_any<HGDIOBJ, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hgdiobj;
- typedef unique_any<HPEN, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hpen;
- typedef unique_any<HBRUSH, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hbrush;
- typedef unique_any<HFONT, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hfont;
- typedef unique_any<HBITMAP, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hbitmap;
- typedef unique_any<HRGN, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hrgn;
- typedef unique_any<HPALETTE, decltype(&::DeleteObject), ::DeleteObject> unique_hpalette;
- typedef unique_any<HDC, decltype(&::DeleteDC), ::DeleteDC> unique_hdc;
- typedef unique_any<HICON, decltype(&::DestroyIcon), ::DestroyIcon> unique_hicon;
- #if !defined(NOMENUS)
- typedef unique_any<HMENU, decltype(&::DestroyMenu), ::DestroyMenu> unique_hmenu;
- #endif // !defined(NOMENUS)
- #endif // __WIL_WINGDI_
- #if defined(__WIL_WINGDI_) && !defined(__WIL_WINGDI_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_WINGDI_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_hgdiobj> shared_hgdiobj;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hpen> shared_hpen;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hbrush> shared_hbrush;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hfont> shared_hfont;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hbitmap> shared_hbitmap;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hrgn> shared_hrgn;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hpalette> shared_hpalette;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hdc> shared_hdc;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hicon> shared_hicon;
- #if !defined(NOMENUS)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hmenu> shared_hmenu;
- #endif // !defined(NOMENUS)
- typedef weak_any<shared_hgdiobj> weak_hgdiobj;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hpen> weak_hpen;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hbrush> weak_hbrush;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hfont> weak_hfont;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hbitmap> weak_hbitmap;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hrgn> weak_hrgn;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hpalette> weak_hpalette;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hdc> weak_hdc;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hicon> weak_hicon;
- #if !defined(NOMENUS)
- typedef weak_any<shared_hmenu> weak_hmenu;
- #endif // !defined(NOMENUS)
- #endif // __WIL_WINGDI_STL
- #if defined(_INC_WTSAPI) && !defined(__WIL_WTSAPI)
- #define __WIL_WTSAPI
- template<typename T>
- using unique_wtsmem_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, function_deleter<decltype(&WTSFreeMemory), WTSFreeMemory>>;
- #endif // __WIL_WTSAPI
- #define __WIL_WINSCARD_H_
- typedef unique_any<SCARDCONTEXT, decltype(&::SCardReleaseContext), ::SCardReleaseContext> unique_scardctx;
- #endif // __WIL_WINSCARD_H_
- #if defined(__WIL_WINSCARD_H_) && !defined(__WIL_WINSCARD_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_WINSCARD_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_scardctx> shared_scardctx;
- typedef weak_any<shared_scardctx> weak_scardctx;
- #endif // __WIL_WINSCARD_H_STL
- #define __WIL__WINCRYPT_H__
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall CertCloseStoreNoParam(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ HCERTSTORE hCertStore) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::CertCloseStore(hCertStore, 0);
- }
- inline void __stdcall CryptReleaseContextNoParam(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ HCRYPTPROV hCryptCtx) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::CryptReleaseContext(hCryptCtx, 0);
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- typedef unique_any<PCCERT_CONTEXT, decltype(&::CertFreeCertificateContext), ::CertFreeCertificateContext> unique_cert_context;
- typedef unique_any<PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT, decltype(&::CertFreeCertificateChain), ::CertFreeCertificateChain> unique_cert_chain_context;
- typedef unique_any<HCERTSTORE, decltype(&details::CertCloseStoreNoParam), details::CertCloseStoreNoParam> unique_hcertstore;
- typedef unique_any<HCRYPTPROV, decltype(&details::CryptReleaseContextNoParam), details::CryptReleaseContextNoParam> unique_hcryptprov;
- typedef unique_any<HCRYPTKEY, decltype(&::CryptDestroyKey), ::CryptDestroyKey> unique_hcryptkey;
- typedef unique_any<HCRYPTHASH, decltype(&::CryptDestroyHash), ::CryptDestroyHash> unique_hcrypthash;
- #endif // __WIL__WINCRYPT_H__
- #if defined(__WIL__WINCRYPT_H__) && !defined(__WIL__WINCRYPT_H__STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL__WINCRYPT_H__STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_cert_context> shared_cert_context;
- typedef shared_any<unique_cert_chain_context> shared_cert_chain_context;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hcertstore> shared_hcertstore;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hcryptprov> shared_hcryptprov;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hcryptkey> shared_hcryptkey;
- typedef shared_any<unique_hcrypthash> shared_hcrypthash;
- typedef weak_any<shared_cert_context> weak_cert_context;
- typedef weak_any<shared_cert_chain_context> weak_cert_chain_context;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hcertstore> weak_hcertstore;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hcryptprov> weak_hcryptprov;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hcryptkey> weak_hcryptkey;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hcrypthash> weak_hcrypthash;
- #endif // __WIL__WINCRYPT_H__STL
- #define __WIL_NCRYPT_H__
- using ncrypt_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::NCryptFreeBuffer), NCryptFreeBuffer>;
- template <typename T>
- using unique_ncrypt_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, ncrypt_deleter>;
- typedef unique_any<NCRYPT_PROV_HANDLE, decltype(&::NCryptFreeObject), ::NCryptFreeObject> unique_ncrypt_prov;
- typedef unique_any<NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE, decltype(&::NCryptFreeObject), ::NCryptFreeObject> unique_ncrypt_key;
- typedef unique_any<NCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE, decltype(&::NCryptFreeObject), ::NCryptFreeObject> unique_ncrypt_secret;
- #endif // __WIL_NCRYPT_H__
- #if defined(__WIL_NCRYPT_H__) && !defined(__WIL_NCRYPT_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_NCRYPT_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_ncrypt_prov> shared_ncrypt_prov;
- typedef shared_any<unique_ncrypt_key> shared_ncrypt_key;
- typedef shared_any<unique_ncrypt_secret> shared_ncrypt_secret;
- typedef weak_any<shared_ncrypt_prov> weak_ncrypt_prov;
- typedef weak_any<shared_ncrypt_key> weak_ncrypt_key;
- typedef weak_any<shared_ncrypt_secret> weak_ncrypt_secret;
- #endif // __WIL_NCRYPT_H_STL
- #define __WIL_BCRYPT_H__
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall BCryptCloseAlgorithmProviderNoFlags(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (hAlgorithm)
- {
- ::BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider(hAlgorithm, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- using bcrypt_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::BCryptFreeBuffer), BCryptFreeBuffer>;
- template <typename T>
- using unique_bcrypt_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, bcrypt_deleter>;
- typedef unique_any<BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE, decltype(&details::BCryptCloseAlgorithmProviderNoFlags), details::BCryptCloseAlgorithmProviderNoFlags> unique_bcrypt_algorithm;
- typedef unique_any<BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE, decltype(&::BCryptDestroyHash), ::BCryptDestroyHash> unique_bcrypt_hash;
- typedef unique_any<BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE, decltype(&::BCryptDestroyKey), ::BCryptDestroyKey> unique_bcrypt_key;
- typedef unique_any<BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE, decltype(&::BCryptDestroySecret), ::BCryptDestroySecret> unique_bcrypt_secret;
- #endif // __WIL_BCRYPT_H__
- #if defined(__WIL_BCRYPT_H__) && !defined(__WIL_BCRYPT_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_BCRYPT_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_bcrypt_algorithm> shared_bcrypt_algorithm;
- typedef shared_any<unique_bcrypt_hash> shared_bcrypt_hash;
- typedef shared_any<unique_bcrypt_key> shared_bcrypt_key;
- typedef shared_any<unique_bcrypt_secret> shared_bcrypt_secret;
- typedef weak_any<shared_bcrypt_algorithm> weak_bcrypt_algorithm;
- typedef weak_any<shared_bcrypt_hash> weak_bcrypt_hash;
- typedef weak_any<unique_bcrypt_key> weak_bcrypt_key;
- typedef weak_any<shared_bcrypt_secret> weak_bcrypt_secret;
- #endif // __WIL_BCRYPT_H_STL
- #if defined(__RPCNDR_H__) && !defined(__WIL__RPCNDR_H__) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define __WIL__RPCNDR_H__
- //! Function deleter for use with pointers allocated by MIDL_user_allocate
- using midl_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::MIDL_user_free), MIDL_user_free>;
- //! Unique-ptr holding a type allocated by MIDL_user_alloc or returned from an RPC invocation
- template<typename T = void> using unique_midl_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, midl_deleter>;
- //! Unique-ptr for strings allocated by MIDL_user_alloc
- using unique_midl_string = unique_midl_ptr<wchar_t>;
- using unique_midl_ansistring = unique_midl_ptr<char>;
- #endif
- namespace details
- {
- struct midl_allocator
- {
- static _Ret_opt_bytecap_(size) void* allocate(size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return ::MIDL_user_allocate(size);
- }
- };
- // Specialization to support construction of unique_midl_string instances
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_midl_string> : midl_allocator {};
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_midl_ansistring> : midl_allocator {};
- #endif
- }
- #endif // __WIL__RPCNDR_H__
- #if defined(_OBJBASE_H_) && !defined(__WIL_OBJBASE_H_) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define __WIL_OBJBASE_H_
- using cotaskmem_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::CoTaskMemFree), ::CoTaskMemFree>;
- template <typename T = void>
- using unique_cotaskmem_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, cotaskmem_deleter>;
- template <typename T>
- using unique_cotaskmem_array_ptr = unique_array_ptr<T, cotaskmem_deleter>;
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- Use `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for resources returned from APIs that must satisfy a memory allocation contract that requires the use of `CoTaskMemAlloc()` / `CoTaskMemFree()`.
- Use `wil::make_unique_nothrow()` when `CoTaskMemAlloc()` is not required.
- Allocations are initialized with placement new and will call constructors (if present), but this does not guarantee initialization.
- Note that `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` is not marked WI_NOEXCEPT as it may be used to create an exception-based class that may throw in its constructor.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<Foo>();
- if (foo)
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow(Args&&... args)
- {
- static_assert(wistd::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value, "T has a destructor that won't be run when used with this function; use make_unique instead");
- unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T> sp(static_cast<T*>(::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(T))));
- if (sp)
- {
- // use placement new to initialize memory from the previous allocation
- new (sp.get()) T(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...);
- }
- return sp;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<Foo[]>(size);
- if (foos)
- {
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow(size_t size)
- {
- typedef typename wistd::remove_extent<T>::type E;
- static_assert(wistd::is_trivially_destructible<E>::value, "E has a destructor that won't be run when used with this function; use make_unique instead");
- FAIL_FAST_IF((__WI_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(E)) < size);
- size_t allocSize = sizeof(E) * size;
- unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T> sp(static_cast<E*>(::CoTaskMemAlloc(allocSize)));
- if (sp)
- {
- // use placement new to initialize memory from the previous allocation;
- // note that array placement new cannot be used as the standard allows for operator new[]
- // to consume overhead in the allocation for internal bookkeeping
- for (auto& elem : make_range(static_cast<E*>(sp.get()), size))
- {
- new (&elem) E();
- }
- }
- return sp;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_failfast<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_failfast(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_failfast<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_failfast(size_t size)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for array resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem(size_t size)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- typedef unique_any<void*, decltype(&::CoTaskMemFree), ::CoTaskMemFree> unique_cotaskmem;
- typedef unique_any<PWSTR, decltype(&::CoTaskMemFree), ::CoTaskMemFree> unique_cotaskmem_string;
- typedef unique_any<PSTR, decltype(&::CoTaskMemFree), ::CoTaskMemFree> unique_cotaskmem_ansistring;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- struct cotaskmem_allocator
- {
- static _Ret_opt_bytecap_(size) void* allocate(size_t size) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return ::CoTaskMemAlloc(size);
- }
- };
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_cotaskmem_string> : cotaskmem_allocator {};
- template<> struct string_allocator<unique_cotaskmem_ansistring> : cotaskmem_allocator {};
- }
- /// @endcond
- inline auto make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_string_nothrow<unique_cotaskmem_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_cotaskmem_string_failfast(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1)) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return make_unique_string_failfast<unique_cotaskmem_string>(source, length);
- }
- inline auto make_cotaskmem_string(
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length != static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_reads_(length))
- _When_((source != nullptr) && length == static_cast<size_t>(-1), _In_z_)
- PCWSTR source, size_t length = static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- return make_unique_string<unique_cotaskmem_string>(source, length);
- }
- #endif // __WIL_OBJBASE_H_
- #if defined(__WIL_OBJBASE_H_) && !defined(__WIL_OBJBASE_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_OBJBASE_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_cotaskmem> shared_cotaskmem;
- typedef weak_any<shared_cotaskmem> weak_cotaskmem;
- typedef shared_any<unique_cotaskmem_string> shared_cotaskmem_string;
- typedef weak_any<shared_cotaskmem_string> weak_cotaskmem_string;
- #endif // __WIL_OBJBASE_H_STL
- struct cotaskmem_secure_deleter
- {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ T* p) const
- {
- if (p)
- {
- IMalloc* malloc;
- if (SUCCEEDED(::CoGetMalloc(1, &malloc)))
- {
- size_t const size = malloc->GetSize(p);
- if (size != static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- ::SecureZeroMemory(p, size);
- }
- malloc->Release();
- }
- ::CoTaskMemFree(p);
- }
- }
- };
- template <typename T = void>
- using unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, cotaskmem_secure_deleter>;
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow<Foo>();
- if (foo)
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow(Args&&... args)
- {
- return unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>(make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...).release());
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure array resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow<Foo[]>(size);
- if (foos)
- {
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow(size_t size)
- {
- return unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>(make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow<T>(size).release());
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_failfast<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_failfast(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure array resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_failfast<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_failfast(size_t size)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- auto foo = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_secure<Foo>();
- // initialize allocated Foo object as appropriate
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<!wistd::is_array<T>::value, unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_secure(Args&&... args)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow<T>(wistd::forward<Args>(args)...));
- return result;
- }
- /** Provides `std::make_unique()` semantics for secure array resources allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_nothrow()` for non-array types for more details.
- ~~~
- const size_t size = 42;
- auto foos = wil::make_unique_cotaskmem_secure<Foo[]>(size);
- for (auto& elem : wil::make_range(foos.get(), size))
- {
- // initialize allocated Foo objects as appropriate
- }
- ~~~
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline typename wistd::enable_if<wistd::is_array<T>::value && wistd::extent<T>::value == 0, unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T>>::type make_unique_cotaskmem_secure(size_t size)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<T> result(make_unique_cotaskmem_secure_nothrow<T>(size));
- return result;
- }
- typedef unique_cotaskmem_secure_ptr<wchar_t[]> unique_cotaskmem_string_secure;
- /** Copies a given string into secure memory allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that may not throw upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow()` with supplied length for more details.
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_cotaskmem_string_secure_nothrow(L"a string");
- if (str)
- {
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- }
- ~~~
- */
- inline unique_cotaskmem_string_secure make_cotaskmem_string_secure_nothrow(_In_ PCWSTR source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return unique_cotaskmem_string_secure(make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow(source).release());
- }
- /** Copies a given string into secure memory allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()` in a context that must fail fast upon allocation failure.
- See the overload of `wil::make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow()` with supplied length for more details.
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_cotaskmem_string_secure_failfast(L"a string");
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- ~~~
- */
- inline unique_cotaskmem_string_secure make_cotaskmem_string_secure_failfast(_In_ PCWSTR source) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_string_secure result(make_cotaskmem_string_secure_nothrow(source));
- return result;
- }
- /** Copies a given string into secure memory allocated with `CoTaskMemAlloc()`.
- See the overload of `wil::make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow()` with supplied length for more details.
- ~~~
- auto str = wil::make_cotaskmem_string_secure(L"a string");
- std::wcout << L"This is " << str.get() << std::endl; // prints "This is a string"
- ~~~
- */
- inline unique_cotaskmem_string_secure make_cotaskmem_string_secure(_In_ PCWSTR source)
- {
- unique_cotaskmem_string_secure result(make_cotaskmem_string_secure_nothrow(source));
- return result;
- }
- #endif
- #define __WIL_OLE2_H_
- typedef unique_struct<STGMEDIUM, decltype(&::ReleaseStgMedium), ::ReleaseStgMedium> unique_stg_medium;
- struct unique_hglobal_locked : public unique_any<void*, decltype(&::GlobalUnlock), ::GlobalUnlock>
- {
- unique_hglobal_locked() = delete;
- explicit unique_hglobal_locked(HGLOBAL global) : unique_any<void*, decltype(&::GlobalUnlock), ::GlobalUnlock>(global)
- {
- // GlobalLock returns a pointer to the associated global memory block and that's what callers care about.
- m_globalMemory = GlobalLock(global);
- if (!m_globalMemory)
- {
- release();
- }
- }
- explicit unique_hglobal_locked(unique_hglobal& global) : unique_hglobal_locked(global.get())
- {
- }
- explicit unique_hglobal_locked(STGMEDIUM& medium) : unique_hglobal_locked(medium.hGlobal)
- {
- }
- pointer get() const
- {
- return m_globalMemory;
- }
- private:
- pointer m_globalMemory;
- };
- //! A type that calls OleUninitialize on destruction (or reset()).
- //! Use as a replacement for Windows::Foundation::Uninitialize.
- using unique_oleuninitialize_call = unique_call<decltype(&::OleUninitialize), ::OleUninitialize>;
- //! Calls RoInitialize and fail-fasts if it fails; returns an RAII object that reverts
- //! Use as a replacement for Windows::Foundation::Initialize
- _Check_return_ inline unique_oleuninitialize_call OleInitialize_failfast()
- {
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(::OleInitialize(nullptr));
- return unique_oleuninitialize_call();
- }
- #endif // __WIL_OLE2_H_
- #if defined(__WIL_OLE2_H_) && defined(WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS) && !defined(__WIL_OLE2_H_EXCEPTIONAL)
- //! Calls RoInitialize and throws an exception if it fails; returns an RAII object that reverts
- //! Use as a replacement for Windows::Foundation::Initialize
- _Check_return_ inline unique_oleuninitialize_call OleInitialize()
- {
- THROW_IF_FAILED(::OleInitialize(nullptr));
- return unique_oleuninitialize_call();
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(_INC_COMMCTRL) && !defined(__WIL_INC_COMMCTRL) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define __WIL_INC_COMMCTRL
- typedef unique_any<HIMAGELIST, decltype(&::ImageList_Destroy), ::ImageList_Destroy> unique_himagelist;
- #endif // __WIL_INC_COMMCTRL
- #if defined(__WIL_INC_COMMCTRL) && !defined(__WIL_INC_COMMCTRL_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- typedef shared_any<unique_himagelist> shared_himagelist;
- typedef weak_any<shared_himagelist> weak_himagelist;
- #endif // __WIL_INC_COMMCTRL_STL
- #if defined(_UXTHEME_H_) && !defined(__WIL_INC_UXTHEME) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define __WIL_INC_UXTHEME
- typedef unique_any<HTHEME, decltype(&::CloseThemeData), ::CloseThemeData> unique_htheme;
- #endif // __WIL_INC_UXTHEME
- typedef unique_any<SC_HANDLE, decltype(&::CloseServiceHandle), ::CloseServiceHandle> unique_schandle;
- #endif // __WIL_HANDLE_H_WINSVC
- #if defined(__WIL_HANDLE_H_WINSVC) && !defined(__WIL_HANDLE_H_WINSVC_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- typedef shared_any<unique_schandle> shared_schandle;
- typedef weak_any<shared_schandle> weak_schandle;
- #define __WIL_INC_STDIO
- typedef unique_any<FILE*, decltype(&::_pclose), ::_pclose> unique_pipe;
- typedef unique_any<FILE*, decltype(&::fclose), ::fclose> unique_file;
- #endif // __WIL_INC_STDIO
- #if defined(__WIL_INC_STDIO) && !defined(__WIL__INC_STDIO_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL__INC_STDIO_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_pipe> shared_pipe;
- typedef weak_any<shared_pipe> weak_pipe;
- typedef shared_any<unique_file> shared_file;
- typedef weak_any<unique_file> weak_file;
- #endif // __WIL__INC_STDIO_STL
- #if defined(_NTLSA_) && !defined(__WIL_NTLSA_) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- #define __WIL_NTLSA_
- typedef unique_any<LSA_HANDLE, decltype(&::LsaClose), ::LsaClose> unique_hlsa;
- using lsa_freemem_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::LsaFreeMemory), LsaFreeMemory>;
- template <typename T>
- using unique_lsamem_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, lsa_freemem_deleter>;
- #endif // _NTLSA_
- #if defined(_NTLSA_) && !defined(__WIL_NTLSA_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_NTLSA_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_hlsa> shared_hlsa;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hlsa> weak_hlsa;
- #endif // _NTLSA_
- #if defined(_LSALOOKUP_) && !defined(__WIL_LSALOOKUP_)
- #define __WIL_LSALOOKUP_
- typedef unique_any<LSA_HANDLE, decltype(&::LsaLookupClose), ::LsaLookupClose> unique_hlsalookup;
- using lsalookup_freemem_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::LsaLookupFreeMemory), LsaLookupFreeMemory>;
- template <typename T>
- using unique_lsalookupmem_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, lsalookup_freemem_deleter>;
- #endif // _LSALOOKUP_
- #if defined(_LSALOOKUP_) && !defined(__WIL_LSALOOKUP_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- typedef shared_any<unique_hlsalookup> shared_hlsalookup;
- typedef weak_any<shared_hlsalookup> weak_hlsalookup;
- #endif // _LSALOOKUP_
- using lsa_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::LsaFreeReturnBuffer), LsaFreeReturnBuffer>;
- template <typename T>
- using unique_lsa_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, lsa_deleter>;
- #endif // __WIL_HANDLE_H_NTLSA_IFS_
- #define __WIL_WERAPI_H__
- typedef unique_any<HREPORT, decltype(&WerReportCloseHandle), WerReportCloseHandle> unique_wer_report;
- #endif
- #define __WIL_MIDLES_H__
- typedef unique_any<handle_t, decltype(&::MesHandleFree), ::MesHandleFree> unique_rpc_pickle;
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL_MIDLES_H__) && !defined(__WIL_MIDLES_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_MIDLES_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_rpc_pickle> shared_rpc_pickle;
- typedef weak_any<shared_rpc_pickle> weak_rpc_pickle;
- #endif
- #define __WIL_RPCDCE_H__
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall WpRpcBindingFree(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ RPC_BINDING_HANDLE binding)
- {
- ::RpcBindingFree(&binding);
- }
- inline void __stdcall WpRpcBindingVectorFree(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ RPC_BINDING_VECTOR* bindingVector)
- {
- ::RpcBindingVectorFree(&bindingVector);
- }
- inline void __stdcall WpRpcStringFree(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ RPC_WSTR wstr)
- {
- ::RpcStringFreeW(&wstr);
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- typedef unique_any<RPC_BINDING_HANDLE, decltype(&details::WpRpcBindingFree), details::WpRpcBindingFree> unique_rpc_binding;
- typedef unique_any<RPC_BINDING_VECTOR*, decltype(&details::WpRpcBindingVectorFree), details::WpRpcBindingVectorFree> unique_rpc_binding_vector;
- typedef unique_any<RPC_WSTR, decltype(&details::WpRpcStringFree), details::WpRpcStringFree> unique_rpc_wstr;
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL_RPCDCE_H__) && !defined(__WIL_RPCDCE_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_RPCDCE_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_rpc_binding> shared_rpc_binding;
- typedef weak_any<shared_rpc_binding> weak_rpc_binding;
- typedef shared_any<unique_rpc_binding_vector> shared_rpc_binding_vector;
- typedef weak_any<shared_rpc_binding_vector> weak_rpc_binding_vector;
- typedef shared_any<unique_rpc_wstr> shared_rpc_wstr;
- typedef weak_any<unique_rpc_wstr> weak_rpc_wstr;
- #endif
- #define __WIL_WCMAPI_H_
- using wcm_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::WcmFreeMemory), WcmFreeMemory>;
- template<typename T>
- using unique_wcm_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<T, wcm_deleter>;
- #endif
- #define __WIL_NETIOAPI_H_
- typedef unique_any<PMIB_IF_TABLE2, decltype(&::FreeMibTable), ::FreeMibTable> unique_mib_iftable;
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL_NETIOAPI_H_) && !defined(__WIL_NETIOAPI_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_NETIOAPI_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_mib_iftable> shared_mib_iftable;
- typedef weak_any<shared_mib_iftable> weak_mib_iftable;
- #endif
- #define __WIL_WLAN_WLANAPI_H
- using wlan_deleter = function_deleter<decltype(&::WlanFreeMemory), ::WlanFreeMemory>;
- template<typename T>
- using unique_wlan_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr < T, wlan_deleter >;
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall CloseWlanHandle(_Frees_ptr_ HANDLE hClientHandle)
- {
- ::WlanCloseHandle(hClientHandle, nullptr);
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- typedef unique_any<HANDLE, decltype(&details::CloseWlanHandle), details::CloseWlanHandle, details::pointer_access_all, HANDLE, INT_PTR, -1> unique_wlan_handle;
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL_WLAN_WLANAPI_H) && !defined(__WIL_WLAN_WLANAPI_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- typedef shared_any<unique_wlan_handle> shared_wlan_handle;
- typedef weak_any<shared_wlan_handle> weak_wlan_handle;
- #endif
- #if defined(_HPOWERNOTIFY_DEF_) && !defined(__WIL_HPOWERNOTIFY_DEF_H_) && !defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE)
- typedef unique_any<HPOWERNOTIFY, decltype(&::UnregisterPowerSettingNotification), ::UnregisterPowerSettingNotification> unique_hpowernotify;
- #endif
- #if defined(__WIL_WINBASE_DESKTOP) && defined(SID_DEFINED) && !defined(__WIL_PSID_DEF_H_)
- #define __WIL_PSID_DEF_H_
- typedef unique_any<PSID, decltype(&::LocalFree), ::LocalFree> unique_any_psid;
- #if defined(_OBJBASE_H_)
- typedef unique_any<PSID, decltype(&::CoTaskMemFree), ::CoTaskMemFree> unique_cotaskmem_psid;
- #endif
- #endif
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void __stdcall CloseProcessInformation(_In_ PROCESS_INFORMATION* p)
- {
- if (p->hProcess)
- {
- CloseHandle(p->hProcess);
- }
- if (p->hThread)
- {
- CloseHandle(p->hThread);
- }
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- /** Manages the outbound parameter containing handles returned by `CreateProcess()` and related methods.
- ~~~
- unique_process_information process;
- CreateProcessW(..., CREATE_SUSPENDED, ..., &process);
- THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(ResumeThread(process.hThread));
- THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(WaitForSingleObject(process.hProcess, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- ~~~
- */
- using unique_process_information = unique_struct<PROCESS_INFORMATION, decltype(&details::CloseProcessInformation), details::CloseProcessInformation>;
- #endif
- #define __WIL__PROCESSENV_
- /** Manages lifecycle of an environment-strings block
- ~~~
- wil::unique_environstrings_ptr env { ::GetEnvironmentStringsW() };
- const wchar_t *nextVar = env.get();
- while (nextVar && *nextVar)
- {
- // consume 'nextVar'
- nextVar += wcslen(nextVar) + 1;
- }
- ~~~
- */
- using unique_environstrings_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<wchar_t, function_deleter<decltype(&::FreeEnvironmentStringsW), FreeEnvironmentStringsW>>;
- //! ANSI equivalent to unique_environstrings_ptr;
- using unique_environansistrings_ptr = wistd::unique_ptr<char, function_deleter<decltype(&::FreeEnvironmentStringsA), FreeEnvironmentStringsA>>;
- #endif
- #endif
- #define __WIL_APPMODEL_H_
- typedef unique_any<PACKAGE_INFO_REFERENCE, decltype(&::ClosePackageInfo), ::ClosePackageInfo> unique_package_info_reference;
- #endif // __WIL_APPMODEL_H_
- #if defined(__WIL_APPMODEL_H_) && !defined(__WIL_APPMODEL_H_STL) && defined(WIL_RESOURCE_STL)
- #define __WIL_APPMODEL_H_STL
- typedef shared_any<unique_package_info_reference> shared_package_info_reference;
- typedef weak_any<shared_package_info_reference> weak_package_info_reference;
- #endif // __WIL_APPMODEL_H_STL
- #if defined(WDFAPI) && !defined(__WIL_WDFAPI)
- #define __WIL_WDFAPI
- namespace details
- {
- template<typename TWDFOBJECT>
- using wdf_object_resource_policy = resource_policy<TWDFOBJECT, decltype(&::WdfObjectDelete), &::WdfObjectDelete>;
- }
- template<typename TWDFOBJECT>
- using unique_wdf_any = unique_any_t<details::unique_storage<details::wdf_object_resource_policy<TWDFOBJECT>>>;
- using unique_wdf_object = unique_wdf_any<WDFOBJECT>;
- using unique_wdf_timer = unique_wdf_any<WDFTIMER>;
- using unique_wdf_work_item = unique_wdf_any<WDFWORKITEM>;
- using unique_wdf_memory = unique_wdf_any<WDFMEMORY>;
- using unique_wdf_dma_enabler = unique_wdf_any<WDFDMAENABLER>;
- using unique_wdf_dma_transaction = unique_wdf_any<WDFDMATRANSACTION>;
- using unique_wdf_common_buffer = unique_wdf_any<WDFCOMMONBUFFER>;
- using unique_wdf_key = unique_wdf_any<WDFKEY>;
- using unique_wdf_string = unique_wdf_any<WDFSTRING>;
- using unique_wdf_collection = unique_wdf_any<WDFCOLLECTION>;
- using wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit =
- unique_any<
- decltype(&::WdfWaitLockRelease),
- ::WdfWaitLockRelease,
- details::pointer_access_none>;
- inline
- _IRQL_requires_max_(PASSIVE_LEVEL)
- _Acquires_lock_(lock)
- wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit
- acquire_wdf_wait_lock(WDFWAITLOCK lock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WdfWaitLockAcquire(lock, nullptr);
- return wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit(lock);
- }
- inline
- _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL)
- _When_(return, _Acquires_lock_(lock))
- wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit
- try_acquire_wdf_wait_lock(WDFWAITLOCK lock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- LONGLONG timeout = 0;
- NTSTATUS status = ::WdfWaitLockAcquire(lock, &timeout);
- if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
- {
- return wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit(lock);
- }
- else
- {
- return wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit();
- }
- }
- using wdf_spin_lock_release_scope_exit =
- unique_any<
- decltype(&::WdfSpinLockRelease),
- ::WdfSpinLockRelease,
- details::pointer_access_none>;
- inline
- _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- _Acquires_lock_(lock)
- wdf_spin_lock_release_scope_exit
- acquire_wdf_spin_lock(WDFSPINLOCK lock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::WdfSpinLockAcquire(lock);
- return wdf_spin_lock_release_scope_exit(lock);
- }
- namespace details
- {
- template<typename TWDFLOCK>
- using unique_wdf_lock_storage = unique_storage<wdf_object_resource_policy<TWDFLOCK>>;
- class unique_wdf_spin_lock_storage : public unique_wdf_lock_storage<WDFSPINLOCK>
- {
- using wdf_lock_storage_t = unique_wdf_lock_storage<WDFSPINLOCK>;
- public:
- using pointer = wdf_lock_storage_t::pointer;
- // Forward all base class constructors, but have it be explicit.
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit unique_wdf_spin_lock_storage(args_t&& ... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : wdf_lock_storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {}
- {
- return ::WdfSpinLockCreate(attributes, out_param(*this));
- }
- _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- wdf_spin_lock_release_scope_exit acquire() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::acquire_wdf_spin_lock(wdf_lock_storage_t::get());
- }
- };
- class unique_wdf_wait_lock_storage : public unique_wdf_lock_storage<WDFWAITLOCK>
- {
- using wdf_lock_storage_t = unique_wdf_lock_storage<WDFWAITLOCK>;
- public:
- using pointer = wdf_lock_storage_t::pointer;
- // Forward all base class constructors, but have it be explicit.
- template <typename... args_t>
- explicit unique_wdf_wait_lock_storage(args_t&& ... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : wdf_lock_storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {}
- {
- return ::WdfWaitLockCreate(attributes, out_param(*this));
- }
- _IRQL_requires_max_(PASSIVE_LEVEL)
- wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit acquire() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::acquire_wdf_wait_lock(wdf_lock_storage_t::get());
- }
- _IRQL_requires_max_(APC_LEVEL)
- wdf_wait_lock_release_scope_exit try_acquire() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wil::try_acquire_wdf_wait_lock(wdf_lock_storage_t::get());
- }
- };
- }
- using unique_wdf_wait_lock = unique_any_t<details::unique_wdf_wait_lock_storage>;
- using unique_wdf_spin_lock = unique_any_t<details::unique_wdf_spin_lock_storage>;
- template<typename TWDFOBJECT>
- struct wdf_object_reference
- {
- PVOID tag = nullptr;
- wdf_object_reference() WI_NOEXCEPT = default;
- wdf_object_reference(TWDFOBJECT wdfObject, PVOID tag = nullptr) WI_NOEXCEPT
- : wdfObject(wdfObject), tag(tag)
- {
- }
- operator TWDFOBJECT() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return wdfObject;
- }
- static void close(const wdf_object_reference& wdfObjectReference) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // We don't use WdfObjectDereferenceActual because there is no way to provide the
- // correct __LINE__ and __FILE__, but if you use RAII all the way, you shouldn't have to
- // worry about where it was released, only where it was acquired.
- WdfObjectDereferenceWithTag(wdfObjectReference.wdfObject, wdfObjectReference.tag);
- }
- };
- template<typename TWDFOBJECT>
- using unique_wdf_object_reference = unique_any<TWDFOBJECT, decltype(wdf_object_reference<TWDFOBJECT>::close),
- &wdf_object_reference<TWDFOBJECT>::close, details::pointer_access_noaddress, wdf_object_reference<TWDFOBJECT>>;
- // Increment the ref-count on a WDF object a unique_wdf_object_reference for it. Use
- // WI_WdfObjectReferenceIncrement to automatically use the call-site source location. Use this
- // function only if the call-site source location is obtained from elsewhere (i.e., plumbed
- // through other abstractions).
- template<typename TWDFOBJECT>
- inline WI_NODISCARD unique_wdf_object_reference<TWDFOBJECT> wdf_object_reference_increment(
- TWDFOBJECT wdfObject, PVOID tag, LONG lineNumber, PCSTR fileName) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // Parameter is incorrectly marked as non-const, so the const-cast is required.
- ::WdfObjectReferenceActual(wdfObject, tag, lineNumber, const_cast<char*>(fileName));
- return unique_wdf_object_reference<TWDFOBJECT>{ wdf_object_reference<TWDFOBJECT>{ wdfObject, tag } };
- }
- // A macro so that we can capture __LINE__ and __FILE__.
- #define WI_WdfObjectReferenceIncrement(wdfObject, tag) \
- wil::wdf_object_reference_increment(wdfObject, tag, __LINE__, __FILE__)
- #endif
- defined(_CFGMGR32_H_) && \
- (WINVER >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) && \
- !defined(__WIL_CFGMGR32_H_)
- #define __WIL_CFGMGR32_H_
- typedef unique_any<HCMNOTIFICATION, decltype(&::CM_Unregister_Notification), ::CM_Unregister_Notification> unique_hcmnotification;
- #endif
- defined(_SWDEVICE_H_) && \
- (WINVER >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) && \
- !defined(__WIL_SWDEVICE_H_)
- #define __WIL_SWDEVICE_H_
- typedef unique_any<HSWDEVICE, decltype(&::SwDeviceClose), ::SwDeviceClose> unique_hswdevice;
- #endif
- #if defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE) && (defined(_WDMDDK_) || defined(_NTDDK_)) && !defined(__WIL_RESOURCE_WDM)
- #define __WIL_RESOURCE_WDM
- namespace details
- {
- struct kspin_lock_saved_irql
- {
- PKSPIN_LOCK spinLock = nullptr;
- kspin_lock_saved_irql() = default;
- kspin_lock_saved_irql(PKSPIN_LOCK /* spinLock */)
- {
- // This constructor exists simply to allow conversion of the pointer type to
- // pointer_storage type when constructing an invalid instance. The spinLock pointer
- // is expected to be nullptr.
- }
- // Exists to satisfy the interconvertibility requirement for pointer_storage and
- // pointer.
- explicit operator PKSPIN_LOCK() const
- {
- return spinLock;
- }
- static
- void Release(_In_ _IRQL_restores_ const kspin_lock_saved_irql& spinLockSavedIrql)
- {
- KeReleaseSpinLock(spinLockSavedIrql.spinLock, spinLockSavedIrql.savedIrql);
- }
- };
- // On some architectures KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel is a macro, and we need a thunk
- // function we can take the address of.
- inline
- _IRQL_requires_min_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- void __stdcall ReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(_Inout_ PKSPIN_LOCK spinLock) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(spinLock);
- }
- }
- using kspin_lock_guard = unique_any<PKSPIN_LOCK, decltype(details::kspin_lock_saved_irql::Release), &details::kspin_lock_saved_irql::Release,
- details::pointer_access_none, details::kspin_lock_saved_irql>;
- using kspin_lock_at_dpc_guard = unique_any<PKSPIN_LOCK, decltype(details::ReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel), &details::ReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel,
- details::pointer_access_none>;
- inline
- _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- _IRQL_saves_
- kspin_lock_guard
- acquire_kspin_lock(_In_ PKSPIN_LOCK spinLock)
- {
- details::kspin_lock_saved_irql spinLockSavedIrql;
- KeAcquireSpinLock(spinLock, &spinLockSavedIrql.savedIrql);
- spinLockSavedIrql.spinLock = spinLock;
- return kspin_lock_guard(spinLockSavedIrql);
- }
- inline
- _IRQL_requires_min_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- kspin_lock_at_dpc_guard
- acquire_kspin_lock_at_dpc(_In_ PKSPIN_LOCK spinLock)
- {
- KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(spinLock);
- return kspin_lock_at_dpc_guard(spinLock);
- }
- class kernel_spin_lock
- {
- public:
- kernel_spin_lock() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::KeInitializeSpinLock(&m_kSpinLock);
- }
- ~kernel_spin_lock() = default;
- // Cannot change memory location.
- kernel_spin_lock(const kernel_spin_lock&) = delete;
- kernel_spin_lock& operator=(const kernel_spin_lock&) = delete;
- kernel_spin_lock(kernel_spin_lock&&) = delete;
- kernel_spin_lock& operator=(kernel_spin_lock&&) = delete;
- _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- _IRQL_saves_
- kspin_lock_guard acquire() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return acquire_kspin_lock(&m_kSpinLock);
- }
- _IRQL_requires_min_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- kspin_lock_at_dpc_guard acquire_at_dpc() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return acquire_kspin_lock_at_dpc(&m_kSpinLock);
- }
- private:
- KSPIN_LOCK m_kSpinLock;
- };
- namespace details
- {
- template <EVENT_TYPE eventType>
- class kernel_event_t
- {
- public:
- explicit kernel_event_t(bool isSignaled = false) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- ::KeInitializeEvent(&m_kernelEvent, static_cast<EVENT_TYPE>(eventType), isSignaled ? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- // Cannot change memory location.
- kernel_event_t(const kernel_event_t&) = delete;
- kernel_event_t(kernel_event_t&&) = delete;
- kernel_event_t& operator=(const kernel_event_t&) = delete;
- kernel_event_t& operator=(kernel_event_t&&) = delete;
- // Get the underlying KEVENT structure for more advanced usages like
- // KeWaitForMultipleObjects or KeWaitForSingleObject with non-default parameters.
- {
- return &m_kernelEvent;
- }
- void clear() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- // The most common use-case is to clear the event with no interest in its previous
- // value. Hence, that is the functionality we provide by default. If the previous
- // value is required, one may .get() the underlying event object and call
- // ::KeResetEvent().
- ::KeClearEvent(&m_kernelEvent);
- }
- // Returns the previous state of the event.
- {
- return ::KeSetEvent(&m_kernelEvent, increment, FALSE) ? true : false;
- }
- // Checks if the event is currently signaled. Does not change the state of the event.
- bool is_signaled() const WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return ::KeReadStateEvent(const_cast<PRKEVENT>(&m_kernelEvent)) ? true : false;
- }
- // Return true if the wait was satisfied. Time is specified in 100ns units, relative
- // (negative) or absolute (positive). For more details, see the documentation of
- // KeWaitForSingleObject.
- bool wait(LONGLONG waitTime) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- LARGE_INTEGER duration;
- duration.QuadPart = waitTime;
- return wait_for_single_object(&duration);
- }
- // Waits indefinitely for the event to be signaled.
- void wait() WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- wait_for_single_object(nullptr);
- }
- private:
- bool wait_for_single_object(_In_opt_ LARGE_INTEGER* waitDuration) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- auto status = ::KeWaitForSingleObject(&m_kernelEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, waitDuration);
- // We specified Executive and non-alertable, which means some of the return values are
- // not possible.
- WI_ASSERT((status == STATUS_SUCCESS) || (status == STATUS_TIMEOUT));
- return (status == STATUS_SUCCESS);
- }
- KEVENT m_kernelEvent;
- };
- }
- using kernel_event_auto_reset = details::kernel_event_t<SynchronizationEvent>;
- using kernel_event_manual_reset = details::kernel_event_t<NotificationEvent>;
- using kernel_event = kernel_event_auto_reset; // For parity with the default for other WIL event types.
- namespace details
- {
- // Define a templated type for pool functions in order to satisfy overload resolution below
- template <typename pointer, ULONG tag>
- struct pool_helpers
- {
- static inline
- _IRQL_requires_max_(DISPATCH_LEVEL)
- void __stdcall FreePoolWithTag(pointer value) WI_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if (value)
- {
- ExFreePoolWithTag(value, tag);
- }
- }
- };
- }
- template <typename pointer, ULONG tag = 0>
- using unique_tagged_pool_ptr = unique_any<pointer, decltype(details::pool_helpers<pointer, tag>::FreePoolWithTag), &details::pool_helpers<pointer, tag>::FreePoolWithTag>;
- // For use with IRPs that need to be IoFreeIrp'ed when done, typically allocated using IoAllocateIrp.
- using unique_allocated_irp = wil::unique_any<PIRP, decltype(&::IoFreeIrp), ::IoFreeIrp, details::pointer_access_noaddress>;
- using unique_io_workitem = wil::unique_any<PIO_WORKITEM, decltype(&::IoFreeWorkItem), ::IoFreeWorkItem, details::pointer_access_noaddress>;
- #endif // __WIL_RESOURCE_WDM
- #if defined(WIL_KERNEL_MODE) && (defined(_WDMDDK_) || defined(_ZWAPI_)) && !defined(__WIL_RESOURCE_ZWAPI)
- using unique_kernel_handle = wil::unique_any<HANDLE, decltype(&::ZwClose), ::ZwClose>;
- #endif // __WIL_RESOURCE_ZWAPI
- } // namespace wil
- #pragma warning(pop)