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12 line

  1. Include-Template: /I<PATH>
  2. Define-Template: /D<DEF>
  3. Warning-Flags: /W4
  4. Compile-C-Template: cl.exe /nologo <FLAGS> /c <IN> /Fo<out>
  5. Compile-C++-Template: cl.exe /nologo <FLAGS> /c <IN> /std:c++latest /permissive- /experimental:preprocessor /EHsc /Fo<OUT>
  6. Create-Archive-Template: lib /nologo /OUT:<OUT> <IN>
  7. Link-Executable-Template: cl.exe /nologo /std:c++latest /EHsc <IN> /Fe<OUT>
  8. Archive-Suffix: .lib
  9. Object-Suffix: .obj
  10. Executable-Suffix: .exe