- jobs:
- - job: Linux_GCC8
- pool:
- vmImage: ubuntu-18.04
- steps:
- - script: sudo apt install -y python3-minimal g++-8
- displayName: Prepare System
- - script: python3 -u tools/build.py --cxx g++-8 --test --static
- displayName: Build and Run Unit Tests
- - publish: _build/ddslim
- artifact: DDSLiM Executable - Linux
- - script: python3 -u tools/test.py --exe _build/ddslim -T:gcc-8
- displayName: Smoke Tests
- - job: macOS_GCC8
- pool:
- vmImage: macOS-10.14
- steps:
- - script: brew install gcc@8
- displayName: Prepare System
- - script: python3 -u tools/build.py --cxx g++-8 --test
- displayName: Build and Run Unit Tests
- - publish: _build/ddslim
- artifact: DDSLiM Executable - macOS
- - script: python3 -u tools/test.py --exe _build/ddslim -T:gcc-8
- displayName: Smoke Tests