13 lines

  1. ; DO NOT EDIT (unless you know what you are doing)
  2. ;
  3. ; This subdirectory is a git "subrepo", and this file is maintained by the
  4. ; git-subrepo command. See https://github.com/git-commands/git-subrepo#readme
  5. ;
  6. [subrepo]
  7. remote = git@github.com:vector-of-bool/neo-buffer.git
  8. branch = develop
  9. commit = 9461eded7f661b31bcdf4f8760ebe4ebc83e9630
  10. parent = 4bc28954ef34869a5b5ad65094c6f56a23937f8b
  11. method = merge
  12. cmdver = 0.4.0