- //*********************************************************
- //
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
- // This code is licensed under the MIT License.
- //
- //*********************************************************
- #ifdef _KERNEL_MODE
- #error This header is not supported in kernel-mode.
- #endif
- #include "resource.h"
- #include <new>
- #include <lmcons.h> // for UNLEN and DNLEN
- #include <processthreadsapi.h>
- // for GetUserNameEx()
- #define SECURITY_WIN32
- #include <Security.h>
- namespace wil
- {
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- // Template specialization for TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, add more mappings here as needed
- // TODO: The mapping should be reversed to be MapTokenInfoClassToStruct since there may
- // be an info class value that uses the same structure. That is the case for the file
- // system information.
- template<typename T> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass;
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_ACCESS_INFORMATION> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenAccessInformation; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenAppContainerSid; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenDefaultDacl; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_GROUPS_AND_PRIVILEGES> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenGroupsAndPrivileges; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenIntegrityLevel; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_OWNER> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenOwner; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenPrimaryGroup; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_PRIVILEGES> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenPrivileges; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_USER> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenUser; static const bool FixedSize = false; };
- // fixed size cases
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenElevationType; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenMandatoryPolicy; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_ORIGIN> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenOrigin; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_SOURCE> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenSource; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_STATISTICS> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenStatistics; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_TYPE> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenType; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenImpersonationLevel; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- template<> struct MapTokenStructToInfoClass<TOKEN_ELEVATION> { static const TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS infoClass = TokenElevation; static const bool FixedSize = true; };
- }
- /// @endcond
- enum class OpenThreadTokenAs
- {
- Current,
- Self
- };
- /** Open the active token.
- Opens either the current thread token (if impersonating) or the current process token. Returns a token the caller
- can use with methods like get_token_information<> below. By default, the token is opened for TOKEN_QUERY and as the
- effective user.
- Consider using GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken() instead of this method when eventually calling get_token_information.
- This method returns a real handle to the effective token, but GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken() is a Pseudo-handle
- and much easier to manage.
- ~~~~
- wil::unique_handle theToken;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::open_current_access_token_nothrow(&theToken));
- ~~~~
- Callers who want more access to the token (such as to duplicate or modify the token) can pass
- any mask of the token rights.
- ~~~~
- wil::unique_handle theToken;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::open_current_access_token_nothrow(&theToken, TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES));
- ~~~~
- Services impersonating their clients may need to request that the active token is opened on the
- behalf of the service process to perform certain operations. Opening a token for impersonation access
- or privilege-adjustment are examples of uses.
- ~~~~
- wil::unique_handle callerToken;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::open_current_access_token_nothrow(&theToken, TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, true));
- ~~~~
- @param tokenHandle Receives the token opened during the operation. Must be CloseHandle'd by the caller, or
- (preferably) stored in a wil::unique_handle
- @param access Bits from the TOKEN_* access mask which are passed to OpenThreadToken/OpenProcessToken
- @param asSelf When true, and if the thread is impersonating, the thread token is opened using the
- process token's rights.
- */
- inline HRESULT open_current_access_token_nothrow(_Out_ HANDLE* tokenHandle, unsigned long access = TOKEN_QUERY, OpenThreadTokenAs openAs = OpenThreadTokenAs::Current)
- {
- HRESULT hr = (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), access, (openAs == OpenThreadTokenAs::Self), tokenHandle) ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()));
- {
- hr = (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), access, tokenHandle) ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()));
- }
- return hr;
- }
- //! Current thread or process token, consider using GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken() instead.
- inline wil::unique_handle open_current_access_token_failfast(unsigned long access = TOKEN_QUERY, OpenThreadTokenAs openAs = OpenThreadTokenAs::Current)
- {
- HANDLE rawTokenHandle;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(open_current_access_token_nothrow(&rawTokenHandle, access, openAs));
- return wil::unique_handle(rawTokenHandle);
- }
- // Exception based function to open current thread/process access token and acquire pointer to it
- //! Current thread or process token, consider using GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken() instead.
- inline wil::unique_handle open_current_access_token(unsigned long access = TOKEN_QUERY, OpenThreadTokenAs openAs = OpenThreadTokenAs::Current)
- {
- HANDLE rawTokenHandle;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(open_current_access_token_nothrow(&rawTokenHandle, access, openAs));
- return wil::unique_handle(rawTokenHandle);
- }
- // Returns tokenHandle or the effective thread token if tokenHandle is null.
- // Note, this returns an token handle who's lifetime is managed independently
- // and it may be a pseudo token, don't free it!
- inline HANDLE GetCurrentThreadEffectiveTokenWithOverride(HANDLE tokenHandle)
- {
- return tokenHandle ? tokenHandle : GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken();
- }
- /** Fetches information about a token.
- See GetTokenInformation on MSDN for what this method can return. For variable sized structs the information
- is returned to the caller as a wistd::unique_ptr<T> (like TOKEN_ORIGIN, TOKEN_USER, TOKEN_ELEVATION, etc.). For
- fixed sized, the struct is returned directly.
- The caller must have access to read the information from the provided token. This method works with both real
- (e.g. OpenCurrentAccessToken) and pseudo (e.g. GetCurrentThreadToken) token handles.
- ~~~~
- // Retrieve the TOKEN_USER structure for the current process
- wistd::unique_ptr<TOKEN_USER> user;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::get_token_information_nothrow(user, GetCurrentProcessToken()));
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(ConsumeSid(user->User.Sid));
- ~~~~
- Not specifying the token handle is the same as specifying 'nullptr' and retrieves information about the effective token.
- ~~~~
- wistd::unique_ptr<TOKEN_PRIVILEGES> privileges;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::get_token_information_nothrow(privileges));
- for (auto const& privilege : wil::GetRange(privileges->Privileges, privileges->PrivilegeCount))
- {
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(ConsumePrivilege(privilege));
- }
- ~~~~
- @param tokenInfo Receives a pointer to a structure containing the results of GetTokenInformation for the requested
- type. The type of <T> selects which TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS will be used.
- @param tokenHandle Specifies which token will be queried. When nullptr, the thread's effective current token is used.
- @return S_OK on success, a FAILED hresult containing the win32 error from querying the token otherwise.
- */
- template <typename T, wistd::enable_if_t<!details::MapTokenStructToInfoClass<T>::FixedSize>* = nullptr>
- inline HRESULT get_token_information_nothrow(wistd::unique_ptr<T>& tokenInfo, HANDLE tokenHandle = nullptr)
- {
- tokenInfo.reset();
- tokenHandle = GetCurrentThreadEffectiveTokenWithOverride(tokenHandle);
- DWORD tokenInfoSize = 0;
- const auto infoClass = details::MapTokenStructToInfoClass<T>::infoClass;
- RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!((!GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, infoClass, nullptr, 0, &tokenInfoSize)) &&
- (::GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)));
- wistd::unique_ptr<char> tokenInfoClose(
- static_cast<char*>(operator new(tokenInfoSize, std::nothrow)));
- RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(tokenInfoClose.get());
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, infoClass, tokenInfoClose.get(), tokenInfoSize, &tokenInfoSize));
- tokenInfo.reset(reinterpret_cast<T *>(tokenInfoClose.release()));
- return S_OK;
- }
- template <typename T, wistd::enable_if_t<details::MapTokenStructToInfoClass<T>::FixedSize>* = nullptr>
- inline HRESULT get_token_information_nothrow(_Out_ T* tokenInfo, HANDLE tokenHandle = nullptr)
- {
- *tokenInfo = {};
- tokenHandle = GetCurrentThreadEffectiveTokenWithOverride(tokenHandle);
- DWORD tokenInfoSize = sizeof(T);
- const auto infoClass = details::MapTokenStructToInfoClass<T>::infoClass;
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, infoClass, tokenInfo, tokenInfoSize, &tokenInfoSize));
- return S_OK;
- }
- namespace details
- {
- template<typename T, typename policy, wistd::enable_if_t<!details::MapTokenStructToInfoClass<T>::FixedSize>* = nullptr>
- wistd::unique_ptr<T> GetTokenInfoWrap(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- wistd::unique_ptr<T> temp;
- policy::HResult(get_token_information_nothrow(temp, token));
- return temp;
- }
- template<typename T, typename policy, wistd::enable_if_t<details::MapTokenStructToInfoClass<T>::FixedSize>* = nullptr>
- T GetTokenInfoWrap(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- T temp{};
- policy::HResult(get_token_information_nothrow(&temp, token));
- return temp;
- }
- }
- //! A variant of get_token_information<T> that fails-fast on errors retrieving the token
- template <typename T>
- inline auto get_token_information_failfast(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- return details::GetTokenInfoWrap<T, err_failfast_policy>(token);
- }
- //! Overload of GetTokenInformationNoThrow that retrieves a token linked from the provided token
- inline HRESULT get_token_information_nothrow(unique_token_linked_token& tokenInfo, HANDLE tokenHandle = nullptr)
- {
- static_assert(sizeof(tokenInfo) == sizeof(TOKEN_LINKED_TOKEN), "confusing size mismatch");
- tokenHandle = GetCurrentThreadEffectiveTokenWithOverride(tokenHandle);
- DWORD tokenInfoSize = 0;
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::GetTokenInformation(tokenHandle, TokenLinkedToken,
- tokenInfo.reset_and_addressof(), sizeof(tokenInfo), &tokenInfoSize));
- return S_OK;
- }
- /** Retrieves the linked-token information for a token.
- Fails-fast if the link information cannot be retrieved.
- ~~~~
- auto link = get_linked_token_information_failfast(GetCurrentThreadToken());
- auto tokenUser = get_token_information<TOKEN_USER>(link.LinkedToken);
- ~~~~
- @param token Specifies the token to query. Pass nullptr to use the current effective thread token
- @return unique_token_linked_token containing a handle to the linked token
- */
- inline unique_token_linked_token get_linked_token_information_failfast(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- unique_token_linked_token tokenInfo;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(get_token_information_nothrow(tokenInfo, token));
- return tokenInfo;
- }
- /** Fetches information about a token.
- See get_token_information_nothrow for full details.
- ~~~~
- auto user = wil::get_token_information<TOKEN_USER>(GetCurrentProcessToken());
- ConsumeSid(user->User.Sid);
- ~~~~
- Pass 'nullptr' (or omit the parameter) as tokenHandle to retrieve information about the effective token.
- ~~~~
- auto privs = wil::get_token_information<TOKEN_PRIVILEGES>(privileges);
- for (auto& priv : wil::make_range(privs->Privileges, privs->Privilieges + privs->PrivilegeCount))
- {
- if (priv.Attributes & SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)
- {
- // ...
- }
- }
- ~~~~
- @return A pointer to a structure containing the results of GetTokenInformation for the requested type. The type of
- <T> selects which TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS will be used.
- @param token Specifies which token will be queried. When nullptr or not set, the thread's effective current token is used.
- */
- template <typename T>
- inline auto get_token_information(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- return details::GetTokenInfoWrap<T, err_exception_policy>(token);
- }
- /** Retrieves the linked-token information for a token.
- Throws an exception if the link information cannot be retrieved.
- ~~~~
- auto link = get_linked_token_information(GetCurrentThreadToken());
- auto tokenUser = get_token_information<TOKEN_USER>(link.LinkedToken);
- ~~~~
- @param token Specifies the token to query. Pass nullptr to use the current effective thread token
- @return unique_token_linked_token containing a handle to the linked token
- */
- inline unique_token_linked_token get_linked_token_information(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- unique_token_linked_token tokenInfo;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(get_token_information_nothrow(tokenInfo, token));
- return tokenInfo;
- }
- #endif
- /// @cond
- namespace details
- {
- inline void RevertImpersonateToken(_Pre_opt_valid_ _Frees_ptr_opt_ HANDLE oldToken)
- {
- FAIL_FAST_IMMEDIATE_IF(!::SetThreadToken(nullptr, oldToken));
- if (oldToken)
- {
- ::CloseHandle(oldToken);
- }
- }
- }
- /// @endcond
- using unique_token_reverter = wil::unique_any<
- decltype(&details::RevertImpersonateToken),
- details::RevertImpersonateToken,
- details::pointer_access_none,
- -1,
- /** Temporarily impersonates a token on this thread.
- This method sets a new token on a thread, restoring the current token when the returned object
- is destroyed. Useful for impersonating other tokens or running as 'self,' especially in services.
- ~~~~
- HRESULT OpenFileAsSessionuser(PCWSTR filePath, DWORD session, _Out_ HANDLE* opened)
- {
- wil::unique_handle userToken;
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(QueryUserToken(session, &userToken));
- wil::unique_token_reverter reverter;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::impersonate_token_nothrow(userToken.get(), reverter));
- wil::unique_hfile userFile(::CreateFile(filePath, ...));
- RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!userFile && (::GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));
- *opened = userFile.release();
- return S_OK;
- }
- ~~~~
- @param token A token to impersonate, or 'nullptr' to run as the process identity.
- */
- inline HRESULT impersonate_token_nothrow(HANDLE token, unique_token_reverter& reverter)
- {
- wil::unique_handle currentToken;
- // Get the token for the current thread. If there wasn't one, the reset will clear it as well
- if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, ¤tToken))
- {
- }
- // Update the current token
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::SetThreadToken(nullptr, token));
- reverter.reset(currentToken.release()); // Ownership passed
- return S_OK;
- }
- /** Temporarily clears any impersonation on this thread.
- This method resets the current thread's token to nullptr, indicating that it is not impersonating
- any user. Useful for elevating to whatever identity a service or higher-privilege process might
- be capable of running under.
- ~~~~
- HRESULT DeleteFileRetryAsSelf(PCWSTR filePath)
- {
- if (!::DeleteFile(filePath))
- {
- wil::unique_token_reverter reverter;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::run_as_self_nothrow(reverter));
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(TakeOwnershipOfFile(filePath));
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(GrantDeleteAccess(filePath));
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::DeleteFile(filePath));
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- ~~~~
- */
- inline HRESULT run_as_self_nothrow(unique_token_reverter& reverter)
- {
- return impersonate_token_nothrow(nullptr, reverter);
- }
- inline unique_token_reverter impersonate_token_failfast(HANDLE token)
- {
- unique_token_reverter oldToken;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(impersonate_token_nothrow(token, oldToken));
- return oldToken;
- }
- inline unique_token_reverter run_as_self_failfast()
- {
- return impersonate_token_failfast(nullptr);
- }
- /** Temporarily impersonates a token on this thread.
- This method sets a new token on a thread, restoring the current token when the returned object
- is destroyed. Useful for impersonating other tokens or running as 'self,' especially in services.
- ~~~~
- wil::unique_hfile OpenFileAsSessionuser(_In_z_ const wchar_t* filePath, DWORD session)
- {
- wil::unique_handle userToken;
- THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(QueryUserToken(session, &userToken));
- auto priorToken = wil::impersonate_token(userToken.get());
- wil::unique_hfile userFile(::CreateFile(filePath, ...));
- return userFile;
- }
- ~~~~
- @param token A token to impersonate, or 'nullptr' to run as the process identity.
- */
- inline unique_token_reverter impersonate_token(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- unique_token_reverter oldToken;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(impersonate_token_nothrow(token, oldToken));
- return oldToken;
- }
- /** Temporarily clears any impersonation on this thread.
- This method resets the current thread's token to nullptr, indicating that it is not impersonating
- any user. Useful for elevating to whatever identity a service or higher-privilege process might
- be capable of running under.
- ~~~~
- void DeleteFileRetryAsSelf(_In_z_ const wchar_t* filePath)
- {
- if (!::DeleteFile(filePath) && (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED))
- {
- auto priorToken = wil::run_as_self();
- TakeOwnershipOfFile(filePath);
- GrantDeleteAccess(filePath);
- ::DeleteFile(filePath);
- }
- }
- ~~~~
- */
- inline unique_token_reverter run_as_self()
- {
- return impersonate_token(nullptr);
- }
- namespace details
- {
- template<size_t AuthorityCount> struct static_sid_t
- {
- BYTE Revision;
- BYTE SubAuthorityCount;
- DWORD SubAuthority[AuthorityCount];
- PSID get()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<PSID>(this);
- }
- template<size_t other> static_sid_t& operator=(const static_sid_t<other>& source)
- {
- static_assert(other <= AuthorityCount, "Cannot assign from a larger static sid to a smaller one");
- if (&this->Revision != &source.Revision)
- {
- memcpy(this, &source, sizeof(source));
- }
- return *this;
- }
- };
- }
- /** Returns a structure containing a Revision 1 SID initialized with the authorities provided
- Replaces AllocateAndInitializeSid by constructing a structure laid out like a PSID, but
- returned like a value. The resulting object is suitable for use with any method taking PSID,
- passed by "&the_sid" or via "the_sid.get()"
- ~~~~
- // Change the owner of the key to administrators
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_ERROR(SetNamedSecurityInfo(keyPath, SE_REGISTRY_KEY, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &systemSid, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
- ~~~~
- */
- template<typename... Ts> constexpr auto make_static_sid(const SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY& authority, Ts&&... subAuthorities)
- {
- using sid_t = details::static_sid_t<sizeof...(subAuthorities)>;
- static_assert(sizeof...(subAuthorities) <= SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES, "too many sub authorities");
- static_assert(offsetof(sid_t, Revision) == offsetof(_SID, Revision), "layout mismatch");
- static_assert(offsetof(sid_t, SubAuthorityCount) == offsetof(_SID, SubAuthorityCount), "layout mismatch");
- static_assert(offsetof(sid_t, IdentifierAuthority) == offsetof(_SID, IdentifierAuthority), "layout mismatch");
- static_assert(offsetof(sid_t, SubAuthority) == offsetof(_SID, SubAuthority), "layout mismatch");
- return sid_t { SID_REVISION, sizeof...(subAuthorities), authority, { static_cast<DWORD>(subAuthorities)... } };
- }
- //! Variant of static_sid that defaults to the NT authority
- template<typename... Ts> constexpr auto make_static_nt_sid(Ts&& ... subAuthorities)
- {
- return make_static_sid(SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY, wistd::forward<Ts>(subAuthorities)...);
- }
- /** Determines whether a specified security identifier (SID) is enabled in an access token.
- This function determines whether a security identifier, described by a given set of subauthorities, is enabled
- in the given access token. Note that only up to eight subauthorities can be passed to this function.
- ~~~~
- bool IsGuest()
- {
- }
- ~~~~
- @param result This will be set to true if and only if a security identifier described by the given set of subauthorities is enabled in the given access token.
- @param token A handle to an access token. The handle must have TOKEN_QUERY access to the token, and must be an impersonation token. If token is nullptr, test_token_membership
- uses the impersonation token of the calling thread. If the thread is not impersonating, the function duplicates the thread's primary token to create an impersonation token.
- @param sidAuthority A reference to a SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY structure. This structure provides the top-level identifier authority value to set in the SID.
- @param subAuthorities Up to 15 subauthority values to place in the SID (this is a systemwide limit)
- @return S_OK on success, a FAILED hresult containing the win32 error from creating the SID or querying the token otherwise.
- */
- template<typename... Ts> HRESULT test_token_membership_nothrow(_Out_ bool* result, _In_opt_ HANDLE token,
- const SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY& sidAuthority, Ts&&... subAuthorities)
- {
- *result = false;
- auto tempSid = make_static_sid(sidAuthority, wistd::forward<Ts>(subAuthorities)...);
- BOOL isMember;
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(CheckTokenMembership(token, &tempSid, &isMember));
- *result = (isMember != FALSE);
- return S_OK;
- }
- /** Determine whether a token represents an app container
- This method uses the passed in token and emits a boolean indicating that
- whether TokenIsAppContainer is true.
- ~~~~
- HRESULT OnlyIfAppContainer()
- {
- bool isAppContainer;
- RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::get_token_is_app_container_nothrow(nullptr, isAppContainer));
- RETURN_HR(...);
- }
- ~~~~
- @param token A token to get info about, or 'nullptr' to run as the current thread.
- */
- inline HRESULT get_token_is_app_container_nothrow(_In_opt_ HANDLE token, bool& value)
- {
- DWORD isAppContainer = 0;
- DWORD returnLength = 0;
- RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::GetTokenInformation(
- token ? token : GetCurrentThreadEffectiveToken(),
- TokenIsAppContainer,
- &isAppContainer,
- sizeof(isAppContainer),
- &returnLength));
- value = (isAppContainer != 0);
- return S_OK;
- }
- //! A variant of get_token_is_app_container_nothrow that fails-fast on errors retrieving the token information
- inline bool get_token_is_app_container_failfast(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- bool value = false;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(get_token_is_app_container_nothrow(token, value));
- return value;
- }
- //! A variant of get_token_is_app_container_nothrow that throws on errors retrieving the token information
- inline bool get_token_is_app_container(HANDLE token = nullptr)
- {
- bool value = false;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(get_token_is_app_container_nothrow(token, value));
- return value;
- }
- template<typename... Ts> bool test_token_membership_failfast(_In_opt_ HANDLE token,
- const SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY& sidAuthority, Ts&&... subAuthorities)
- {
- bool result;
- FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(test_token_membership_nothrow(&result, token, sidAuthority, wistd::forward<Ts>(subAuthorities)...));
- return result;
- }
- template<typename... Ts> bool test_token_membership(_In_opt_ HANDLE token, const SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY& sidAuthority,
- Ts&&... subAuthorities)
- {
- bool result;
- THROW_IF_FAILED(test_token_membership_nothrow(&result, token, sidAuthority, wistd::forward<Ts>(subAuthorities)...));
- return result;
- }
- #endif
- } //namespace wil