- #include <dds/build/builder.hpp>
- #include <dds/catalog/catalog.hpp>
- #include <dds/catalog/get.hpp>
- #include <dds/dym.hpp>
- #include <dds/error/errors.hpp>
- #include <dds/repo/repo.hpp>
- #include <dds/repoman/repoman.hpp>
- #include <dds/source/dist.hpp>
- #include <dds/toolchain/from_json.hpp>
- #include <dds/util/fs.hpp>
- #include <dds/util/log.hpp>
- #include <dds/util/paths.hpp>
- #include <dds/util/result.hpp>
- #include <dds/util/signal.hpp>
- #include <boost/leaf/handle_error.hpp>
- #include <boost/leaf/handle_exception.hpp>
- #include <fmt/ostream.h>
- #include <json5/parse_data.hpp>
- #include <neo/assert.hpp>
- #include <neo/sqlite3/error.hpp>
- #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/action/join.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/range/conversion.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/view/concat.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/view/group_by.hpp>
- #include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
- #include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
- #include <dds/3rd/args.hxx>
- #include <filesystem>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <locale.h>
- #include <sstream>
- namespace {
- using string_flag = args::ValueFlag<std::string>;
- using path_flag = args::ValueFlag<dds::fs::path>;
- struct toolchain_flag : string_flag {
- toolchain_flag(args::Group& grp)
- : string_flag{grp,
- "toolchain_file",
- "Path/identifier of the toolchain to use",
- {"toolchain", 't'}} {}
- dds::toolchain get_toolchain() {
- if (*this) {
- return get_arg();
- } else {
- auto found = dds::toolchain::get_default();
- if (!found) {
- dds::throw_user_error<dds::errc::no_default_toolchain>();
- }
- return *found;
- }
- }
- dds::toolchain get_arg() {
- const auto tc_path = this->Get();
- if (tc_path.find(":") == 0) {
- auto default_tc = tc_path.substr(1);
- auto tc = dds::toolchain::get_builtin(default_tc);
- if (!tc.has_value()) {
- dds::throw_user_error<
- dds::errc::invalid_builtin_toolchain>("Invalid built-in toolchain name '{}'",
- default_tc);
- }
- return std::move(*tc);
- } else {
- return dds::parse_toolchain_json5(dds::slurp_file(tc_path));
- // return dds::parse_toolchain_dds(dds::slurp_file(tc_path));
- }
- }
- };
- struct repo_path_flag : path_flag {
- repo_path_flag(args::Group& grp)
- : path_flag{grp,
- "dir",
- "Path to the DDS repository directory",
- {"repo-dir"},
- dds::repository::default_local_path()} {}
- };
- struct catalog_path_flag : path_flag {
- catalog_path_flag(args::Group& cmd)
- : path_flag(cmd,
- "catalog-path",
- "Override the path to the catalog database",
- {"catalog", 'c'},
- dds::dds_data_dir() / "catalog.db") {}
- dds::catalog open() { return dds::catalog::open(Get()); }
- };
- struct num_jobs_flag : args::ValueFlag<int> {
- num_jobs_flag(args::Group& cmd)
- : ValueFlag(cmd,
- "jobs",
- "Set the number of parallel jobs when compiling files",
- {"jobs", 'j'},
- 0) {}
- };
- /**
- * Base class holds the actual argument parser
- */
- struct cli_base {
- args::ArgumentParser& parser;
- args::HelpFlag _help{parser, "help", "Display this help message and exit", {'h', "help"}};
- // Test argument:
- args::Flag _verify_ident{parser,
- "test",
- "Print `yes` and exit 0. Useful for scripting.",
- {"are-you-the-real-dds?"}};
- args::MapFlag<std::string, dds::log::level> log_level{
- parser,
- "log-level",
- "Set the logging level",
- {"log-level", 'l'},
- {
- {"trace", dds::log::level::trace},
- {"debug", dds::log::level::debug},
- {"info", dds::log::level::info},
- {"warn", dds::log::level::warn},
- {"error", dds::log::level::error},
- {"critical", dds::log::level::critical},
- },
- dds::log::level::info,
- };
- args::Group cmd_group{parser, "Available Commands"};
- };
- /**
- * Flags common to all subcommands
- */
- struct common_flags {
- args::Command& cmd;
- args::HelpFlag _help{cmd, "help", "Print this help message and exit", {'h', "help"}};
- };
- /**
- * Flags common to project-related commands
- */
- struct common_project_flags {
- args::Command& cmd;
- path_flag root{cmd,
- "project_dir",
- "Path to the directory containing the project",
- {'p', "project-dir"},
- dds::fs::current_path()};
- };
- /*
- ###### ### ######## ### ## ####### ######
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####
- ## ######### ## ######### ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ## ## ## ## ## ######## ####### ######
- */
- struct cli_catalog {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group, "catalog", "Manage the package catalog"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Group cat_group{cmd, "Catalog subcommands"};
- struct {
- cli_catalog& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.cat_group, "create", "Create a catalog database"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- int run() {
- // Simply opening the DB will initialize the catalog
- cat_path.open();
- return 0;
- }
- } create{*this};
- struct {
- cli_catalog& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.cat_group, "import", "Import entries into a catalog"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- args::Flag import_stdin{cmd, "stdin", "Import JSON from stdin", {"stdin"}};
- args::Flag init{cmd, "initial", "Re-import the initial catalog contents", {"initial"}};
- args::ValueFlagList<std::string>
- json_paths{cmd,
- "json",
- "Import catalog entries from the given JSON files",
- {"json", 'j'}};
- int run() {
- auto cat = cat_path.open();
- if (init.Get()) {
- cat.import_initial();
- }
- for (const auto& json_fpath : json_paths.Get()) {
- cat.import_json_file(json_fpath);
- }
- if (import_stdin.Get()) {
- std::ostringstream strm;
- strm << std::cin.rdbuf();
- cat.import_json_str(strm.str());
- }
- return 0;
- }
- } import{*this};
- struct {
- cli_catalog& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.cat_group, "get", "Obtain an sdist from a catalog listing"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- path_flag out{cmd,
- "out",
- "The directory where the source distributions will be placed",
- {"out-dir", 'o'},
- dds::fs::current_path()};
- args::PositionalList<std::string> requirements{cmd,
- "requirement",
- "The package IDs to obtain"};
- int run() {
- auto cat = cat_path.open();
- for (const auto& req : requirements.Get()) {
- auto id = dds::package_id::parse(req);
- dds::dym_target dym;
- auto info = cat.get(id);
- if (!info) {
- dds::throw_user_error<dds::errc::no_such_catalog_package>(
- "No package in the catalog matched the ID '{}'.{}",
- req,
- dym.sentence_suffix());
- }
- auto tsd = dds::get_package_sdist(*info);
- auto out_path = out.Get();
- auto dest = out_path / id.to_string();
- dds_log(info, "Create sdist at {}", dest.string());
- dds::fs::remove_all(dest);
- dds::safe_rename(tsd.sdist.path, dest);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- } get{*this};
- struct {
- cli_catalog& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.cat_group, "add", "Manually add an entry to the catalog database"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- args::Positional<std::string> pkg_id{cmd,
- "<id>",
- "The name@version ID of the package to add",
- args::Options::Required};
- args::Positional<std::string> uri{cmd,
- "<uri>",
- "The URI of the package",
- args::Options::Required};
- // string_flag auto_lib{cmd,
- // "auto-lib",
- // "Set the auto-library information for this package",
- // {"auto-lib"}};
- args::ValueFlagList<std::string> deps{cmd,
- "depends",
- "The dependencies of this package",
- {"depends", 'd'}};
- string_flag description{cmd, "description", "A description of the package", {"desc"}};
- int run() {
- auto ident = dds::package_id::parse(pkg_id.Get());
- std::vector<dds::dependency> deps;
- for (const auto& dep : this->deps.Get()) {
- auto dep_id = dds::package_id::parse(dep);
- assert(false && "TODO");
- // deps.push_back({dep_id.name, dep_id.version});
- }
- auto remote = dds::parse_remote_url(uri.Get());
- neo_assertion_breadcrumbs("Running 'catalog add'",
- uri.Get(),
- description.Get(),
- pkg_id.Get());
- dds::package_info info{ident, std::move(deps), description.Get(), remote};
- cat_path.open().store(info);
- return 0;
- }
- } add{*this};
- struct {
- cli_catalog& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.cat_group, "list", "List the contents of the catalog"};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- string_flag name{cmd, "name", "Only list packages with the given name", {"name", 'n'}};
- int run() {
- auto cat = cat_path.open();
- auto pkgs = name ? cat.by_name(name.Get()) : cat.all();
- for (const dds::package_id& pk : pkgs) {
- std::cout << pk.to_string() << '\n';
- }
- return 0;
- }
- } list{*this};
- struct {
- cli_catalog& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.cat_group,
- "show",
- "Show information about a single package in the catalog"};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- args::Positional<std::string> ident{cmd,
- "package-id",
- "A package identifier to show",
- args::Options::Required};
- void print_remote_info(const dds::git_remote_listing& git) {
- std::cout << "Git URL: " << git.url << '\n';
- std::cout << "Git Ref: " << git.ref << '\n';
- if (git.auto_lib) {
- std::cout << "Auto-lib: " << git.auto_lib->name << "/" << git.auto_lib->namespace_
- << '\n';
- }
- }
- void print_remote_info(const dds::http_remote_listing& http) {
- fmt::print("HTTP/S URL: {}", http.url);
- if (http.auto_lib) {
- fmt::print("Auto-lib: {}/{}", http.auto_lib->name, http.auto_lib->namespace_);
- }
- }
- void print_remote_info(std::monostate) {
- }
- int run() {
- auto pk_id = dds::package_id::parse(ident.Get());
- auto cat = cat_path.open();
- auto pkg = cat.get(pk_id);
- if (!pkg) {
- dds_log(error, "No package '{}' in the catalog", pk_id.to_string());
- return 1;
- }
- std::cout << "Name: " << pkg->ident.name << '\n'
- << "Version: " << pkg->ident.version << '\n';
- for (const auto& dep : pkg->deps) {
- std::cout << "Depends: " << dep.to_string() << '\n';
- }
- std::visit([&](const auto& remote) { print_remote_info(remote); }, pkg->remote);
- std::cout << "Description:\n " << pkg->description << '\n';
- return 0;
- }
- } show{*this};
- int run() {
- if (create.cmd) {
- return create.run();
- } else if (import.cmd) {
- return import.run();
- } else if (get.cmd) {
- return get.run();
- } else if (add.cmd) {
- return add.run();
- } else if (list.cmd) {
- return list.run();
- } else if (show.cmd) {
- return show.run();
- } else {
- assert(false);
- std::terminate();
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- ######## ######## ######## ####### ## ## ### ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ### ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## #### ##
- ######## ###### ######## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ####
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###
- ## ## ######## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ##
- */
- struct cli_repoman {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group, "repoman", "Manage a package package repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Group repoman_group{cmd, "Repoman subcommand"};
- struct {
- cli_repoman& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repoman_group, "init", "Initialize a new repository directory"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Positional<dds::fs::path> where{cmd,
- "<repo-path>",
- "Directory where the repository will be created",
- args::Options::Required};
- string_flag name{cmd,
- "<name>",
- "Give the repository a name (should be GLOBALLY unique). If not provided, "
- "a new random one will be generated.",
- {"name"}};
- int run() {
- auto repo
- = dds::repo_manager::create(where.Get(),
- name ? std::make_optional(name.Get()) : std::nullopt);
- dds_log(info, "Created new repository '{}' in {}", repo.root(), repo.name());
- return 0;
- }
- } init{*this};
- struct {
- cli_repoman& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repoman_group, "import", "Import packages into a repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Positional<dds::fs::path> where{cmd,
- "<repo-path>",
- "Directory of the repository to import",
- args::Options::Required};
- args::PositionalList<dds::fs::path> files{cmd,
- "<targz-path>",
- "Path to one or more sdist archives to import"};
- int run() {
- auto repo = dds::repo_manager::open(where.Get());
- for (auto pkg : files.Get()) {
- repo.import_targz(pkg);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- } import{*this};
- struct {
- cli_repoman& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repoman_group, "remove", "Remove packages from the repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Positional<dds::fs::path> where{cmd,
- "<repo-path>",
- "Directory of the repository to import",
- args::Options::Required};
- args::PositionalList<std::string> packages{cmd,
- "<package-id>",
- "One or more identifiers of packages to remove"};
- int run() {
- auto repo = dds::repo_manager::open(where.Get());
- for (auto& str : packages) {
- auto pkg_id = dds::package_id::parse(str);
- repo.delete_package(pkg_id);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- } remove{*this};
- struct {
- cli_repoman& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repoman_group, "ls", "List packages in the repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Positional<dds::fs::path> where{cmd,
- "<repo-path>",
- "Directory of the repository to inspect",
- args::Options::Required};
- int run() {
- auto repo = dds::repo_manager::open(where.Get());
- for (auto pkg_id : repo.all_packages()) {
- std::cout << pkg_id.to_string() << '\n';
- }
- return 0;
- }
- } ls{*this};
- dds::result<int> _run() {
- if (init.cmd) {
- return init.run();
- } else if (import.cmd) {
- return import.run();
- } else if (remove.cmd) {
- return remove.run();
- } else if (ls.cmd) {
- return ls.run();
- }
- return 66;
- }
- int run() {
- return boost::leaf::try_handle_all( //
- [&]() -> dds::result<int> {
- try {
- return _run();
- } catch (...) {
- return dds::capture_exception();
- }
- },
- [](dds::e_sqlite3_error_exc,
- boost::leaf::match<neo::sqlite3::errc, neo::sqlite3::errc::constraint_unique>,
- dds::e_repo_import_targz tgz,
- dds::package_id pkg_id) {
- dds_log(error,
- "Package {} (from {}) is already present in the repository",
- pkg_id.to_string(),
- tgz.path);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_sqlite3_error_exc e, dds::e_repo_import_targz tgz) {
- dds_log(error,
- "Database error while importing tar file {}: {}",
- tgz.path,
- e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_sqlite3_error_exc e, dds::e_init_repo init, dds::e_init_repo_db init_db) {
- dds_log(
- error,
- "SQLite error while initializing repository in [{}] (SQlite database {}): {}",
- init.path,
- init_db.path,
- e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_system_error_exc e, dds::e_repo_import_targz tgz) {
- dds_log(error, "Failed to import package archive {}: {}", tgz.path, e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_system_error_exc e, dds::e_open_repo_db db) {
- dds_log(error,
- "Error while opening repository database {}: {}",
- db.path,
- e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_sqlite3_error_exc e, dds::e_init_repo init) {
- dds_log(error,
- "SQLite error while initializing repository in [{}]: {}",
- init.path,
- e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_system_error_exc e, dds::e_repo_delete_targz tgz, dds::package_id pkg_id) {
- dds_log(error,
- "Cannot delete requested package '{}' from repository (Archive {}): {}",
- pkg_id.to_string(),
- tgz.path,
- e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](dds::e_system_error_exc e) {
- dds_log(error, "Unhandled system_error: {}", e.message);
- return 1;
- },
- [](boost::leaf::diagnostic_info const& info) {
- dds_log(error, "Unknown error: {}", info);
- return 42;
- });
- }
- };
- /*
- ######## ######## ######## #######
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ######## ###### ######## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ######## ## #######
- */
- struct cli_repo {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group, "repo", "Manage the package repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- repo_path_flag where{cmd};
- args::Group repo_group{cmd, "Repo subcommands"};
- struct {
- cli_repo& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repo_group, "ls", "List repository contents"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- int run() {
- auto list_contents = [&](dds::repository repo) {
- auto same_name = [](auto&& a, auto&& b) {
- return a.manifest.pkg_id.name == b.manifest.pkg_id.name;
- };
- auto all = repo.iter_sdists();
- auto grp_by_name = all //
- | ranges::views::group_by(same_name) //
- | ranges::views::transform(ranges::to_vector) //
- | ranges::views::transform([](auto&& grp) {
- assert(grp.size() > 0);
- return std::pair(grp[0].manifest.pkg_id.name, grp);
- });
- for (const auto& [name, grp] : grp_by_name) {
- dds_log(info, "{}:", name);
- for (const dds::sdist& sd : grp) {
- dds_log(info, " - {}", sd.manifest.pkg_id.version.to_string());
- }
- }
- return 0;
- };
- return dds::repository::with_repository(parent.where.Get(),
- dds::repo_flags::read,
- list_contents);
- }
- } ls{*this};
- struct {
- cli_repo& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repo_group,
- "import",
- "Import a source distribution archive file into the repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::PositionalList<std::string>
- sdist_paths{cmd,
- "sdist-path-or-url",
- "Path/URL to one or more source distribution archives"};
- args::Flag force{cmd,
- "replace-if-exists",
- "Replace an existing package in the repository",
- {"replace"}};
- args::Flag import_stdin{cmd,
- "import-stdin",
- "Import a source distribution tarball from stdin",
- {"stdin"}};
- int run() {
- auto import_sdists = [&](dds::repository repo) {
- auto if_exists_action
- = force.Get() ? dds::if_exists::replace : dds::if_exists::throw_exc;
- for (std::string_view tgz_where : sdist_paths.Get()) {
- auto tmp_sd
- = (tgz_where.starts_with("http://") || tgz_where.starts_with("https://"))
- ? dds::download_expand_sdist_targz(tgz_where)
- : dds::expand_sdist_targz(tgz_where);
- repo.add_sdist(tmp_sd.sdist, if_exists_action);
- }
- if (import_stdin) {
- auto tmp_sd = dds::expand_sdist_from_istream(std::cin, "<stdin>");
- repo.add_sdist(tmp_sd.sdist, if_exists_action);
- }
- return 0;
- };
- return dds::repository::with_repository(parent.where.Get(),
- dds::repo_flags::write_lock
- | dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent,
- import_sdists);
- }
- } import_{*this};
- struct {
- cli_repo& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.repo_group, "init", "Initialize a directory as a repository"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- int run() {
- if (parent.where.Get().empty()) {
- throw args::ParseError("The --dir flag is required");
- }
- auto repo_dir = dds::fs::absolute(parent.where.Get());
- dds::repository::with_repository(repo_dir, dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent, [](auto) {
- });
- return 0;
- }
- } init{*this};
- int run() {
- if (ls.cmd) {
- return ls.run();
- } else if (init.cmd) {
- return init.run();
- } else if (import_.cmd) {
- return import_.run();
- } else {
- assert(false);
- std::terminate();
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- ###### ######## #### ###### ########
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ## ## ## ###### ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ######## #### ###### ##
- */
- struct cli_sdist {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group, "sdist", "Work with source distributions"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- args::Group sdist_group{cmd, "`sdist` commands"};
- struct {
- cli_sdist& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.sdist_group, "create", "Create a source distribution"};
- common_project_flags project{cmd};
- path_flag out{cmd, "out", "The destination of the source distribution", {"out"}};
- args::Flag force{cmd,
- "replace-if-exists",
- "Forcibly replace an existing distribution",
- {"replace"}};
- int run() {
- dds::sdist_params params;
- params.project_dir = project.root.Get();
- params.dest_path = out.Get();
- params.force = force.Get();
- params.include_apps = true;
- params.include_tests = true;
- auto pkg_man = dds::package_manifest::load_from_directory(project.root.Get());
- if (!pkg_man) {
- dds::throw_user_error<dds::errc::invalid_pkg_manifest>(
- "Creating a source distribution requires a package manifest");
- }
- std::string default_filename = fmt::format("{}@{}.tar.gz",
- pkg_man->pkg_id.name,
- pkg_man->pkg_id.version.to_string());
- auto default_filepath = dds::fs::current_path() / default_filename;
- auto out_path = out.Matched() ? out.Get() : default_filepath;
- dds::create_sdist_targz(out_path, params);
- dds_log(info, "Generate source distribution at [{}]", out_path.string());
- return 0;
- }
- } create{*this};
- struct {
- cli_sdist& parent;
- args::Command cmd{parent.sdist_group,
- "export",
- "Export a source distribution to a repository"};
- common_project_flags project{cmd};
- repo_path_flag repo_where{cmd};
- args::Flag force{cmd,
- "replace-if-exists",
- "Replace an existing export in the repository",
- {"replace"}};
- int run() {
- auto repo_dir = repo_where.Get();
- // TODO: Generate a unique name to avoid conflicts
- auto tmp_sdist = dds::fs::temp_directory_path() / ".dds-sdist";
- if (dds::fs::exists(tmp_sdist)) {
- dds::fs::remove_all(tmp_sdist);
- }
- dds::sdist_params params;
- params.project_dir = project.root.Get();
- params.dest_path = tmp_sdist;
- params.force = true;
- auto sdist = dds::create_sdist(params);
- dds::repository::with_repository( //
- repo_dir,
- dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent | dds::repo_flags::write_lock,
- [&](dds::repository repo) { //
- repo.add_sdist(sdist,
- force.Get() ? dds::if_exists::replace
- : dds::if_exists::throw_exc);
- });
- return 0;
- }
- } export_{*this};
- int run() {
- if (create.cmd) {
- return create.run();
- } else if (export_.cmd) {
- return export_.run();
- } else {
- assert(false && "Unreachable");
- std::terminate();
- }
- }
- };
- void load_project_deps(dds::builder& bd,
- const dds::package_manifest& man,
- dds::path_ref cat_path,
- dds::path_ref repo_path) {
- auto cat = dds::catalog::open(cat_path);
- // Build the dependencies
- dds::repository::with_repository( //
- repo_path,
- dds::repo_flags::write_lock | dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent,
- [&](dds::repository repo) {
- // Download dependencies
- auto deps = repo.solve(man.dependencies, cat);
- dds::get_all(deps, repo, cat);
- for (const dds::package_id& pk : deps) {
- auto sdist_ptr = repo.find(pk);
- assert(sdist_ptr);
- dds::sdist_build_params deps_params;
- deps_params.subdir
- = dds::fs::path("_deps") / sdist_ptr->manifest.pkg_id.to_string();
- bd.add(*sdist_ptr, deps_params);
- }
- });
- }
- dds::builder create_project_builder(dds::path_ref pr_dir,
- dds::path_ref cat_path,
- dds::path_ref repo_path,
- bool load_deps,
- const dds::sdist_build_params& project_params) {
- auto man = dds::package_manifest::load_from_directory(pr_dir).value_or(dds::package_manifest{});
- dds::builder builder;
- if (load_deps) {
- load_project_deps(builder, man, cat_path, repo_path);
- }
- builder.add(dds::sdist{std::move(man), pr_dir}, project_params);
- return builder;
- }
- /*
- ###### ####### ## ## ######## #### ## ########
- ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ### ## ######## ## ## ######
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ####### ## ## ## #### ######## ########
- */
- struct cli_compile_file {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group, "compile-file", "Compile a single file"};
- common_flags _flags{cmd};
- common_project_flags project{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- repo_path_flag repo_path{cmd};
- args::Flag no_warnings{cmd, "no-warnings", "Disable compiler warnings", {"no-warnings"}};
- toolchain_flag tc_filepath{cmd};
- path_flag
- lm_index{cmd,
- "lm_index",
- "Path to an existing libman index from which to load deps (usually INDEX.lmi)",
- {"lm-index", 'I'}};
- num_jobs_flag n_jobs{cmd};
- path_flag out{cmd,
- "out",
- "The root build directory",
- {"out"},
- dds::fs::current_path() / "_build"};
- args::PositionalList<dds::fs::path> source_files{cmd,
- "source-files",
- "One or more source files to compile"};
- int run() {
- dds::sdist_build_params main_params = {
- .subdir = "",
- .build_tests = true,
- .build_apps = true,
- .enable_warnings = !no_warnings.Get(),
- };
- auto bd = create_project_builder(project.root.Get(),
- cat_path.Get(),
- repo_path.Get(),
- /* load_deps = */ !lm_index,
- main_params);
- bd.compile_files(source_files.Get(),
- {
- .out_root = out.Get(),
- .existing_lm_index
- = lm_index ? std::make_optional(lm_index.Get()) : std::nullopt,
- .emit_lmi = {},
- .toolchain = tc_filepath.get_toolchain(),
- .parallel_jobs = n_jobs.Get(),
- });
- return 0;
- }
- };
- /*
- ######## ## ## #### ## ########
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ######## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ######## ####### #### ######## ########
- */
- struct cli_build {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group, "build", "Build a project"};
- common_flags _common{cmd};
- common_project_flags project{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- repo_path_flag repo_path{cmd};
- args::Flag no_tests{cmd, "no-tests", "Do not build and run tests", {"no-tests"}};
- args::Flag no_apps{cmd, "no-apps", "Do not compile and link applications", {"no-apps"}};
- args::Flag no_warnings{cmd, "no-warings", "Disable build warnings", {"no-warnings"}};
- toolchain_flag tc_filepath{cmd};
- path_flag
- lm_index{cmd,
- "lm_index",
- "Path to an existing libman index from which to load deps (usually INDEX.lmi)",
- {"lm-index", 'I'}};
- num_jobs_flag n_jobs{cmd};
- path_flag out{cmd,
- "out",
- "The root build directory",
- {"out"},
- dds::fs::current_path() / "_build"};
- int run() {
- dds::sdist_build_params main_params = {
- .subdir = "",
- .build_tests = !no_tests.Get(),
- .run_tests = !no_tests.Get(),
- .build_apps = !no_apps.Get(),
- .enable_warnings = !no_warnings.Get(),
- };
- auto bd = create_project_builder(project.root.Get(),
- cat_path.Get(),
- repo_path.Get(),
- /* load_deps = */ !lm_index,
- main_params);
- bd.build({
- .out_root = out.Get(),
- .existing_lm_index = lm_index ? std::make_optional(lm_index.Get()) : std::nullopt,
- .emit_lmi = {},
- .toolchain = tc_filepath.get_toolchain(),
- .parallel_jobs = n_jobs.Get(),
- });
- return 0;
- }
- };
- /*
- ######## ## ## #### ## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ###### ######## ######
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ######## ####### #### ######## ######## ######## ######## ## ######
- */
- struct cli_build_deps {
- cli_base& base;
- args::Command cmd{base.cmd_group,
- "build-deps",
- "Build a set of dependencies and emit a libman index"};
- toolchain_flag tc{cmd};
- repo_path_flag repo_path{cmd};
- catalog_path_flag cat_path{cmd};
- num_jobs_flag n_jobs{cmd};
- args::ValueFlagList<dds::fs::path> deps_files{cmd,
- "deps-file",
- "Install dependencies from the named files",
- {"deps", 'd'}};
- path_flag out_path{cmd,
- "out-path",
- "Directory where build results should be placed",
- {"out", 'o'},
- dds::fs::current_path() / "_deps"};
- path_flag lmi_path{cmd,
- "lmi-path",
- "Path to the output libman index file (INDEX.lmi)",
- {"lmi-path"},
- dds::fs::current_path() / "INDEX.lmi"};
- args::PositionalList<std::string> deps{cmd, "deps", "List of dependencies to install"};
- int run() {
- dds::build_params params;
- params.out_root = out_path.Get();
- params.toolchain = tc.get_toolchain();
- params.parallel_jobs = n_jobs.Get();
- params.emit_lmi = lmi_path.Get();
- dds::builder bd;
- dds::sdist_build_params sdist_params;
- auto all_file_deps = deps_files.Get() //
- | ranges::views::transform([&](auto dep_fpath) {
- dds_log(info, "Reading deps from {}", dep_fpath.string());
- return dds::dependency_manifest::from_file(dep_fpath).dependencies;
- })
- | ranges::actions::join;
- auto cmd_deps = ranges::views::transform(deps.Get(), [&](auto dep_str) {
- return dds::dependency::parse_depends_string(dep_str);
- });
- auto all_deps = ranges::views::concat(all_file_deps, cmd_deps) | ranges::to_vector;
- auto cat = cat_path.open();
- dds::repository::with_repository( //
- repo_path.Get(),
- dds::repo_flags::write_lock | dds::repo_flags::create_if_absent,
- [&](dds::repository repo) {
- // Download dependencies
- dds_log(info, "Loading {} dependencies", all_deps.size());
- auto deps = repo.solve(all_deps, cat);
- dds::get_all(deps, repo, cat);
- for (const dds::package_id& pk : deps) {
- auto sdist_ptr = repo.find(pk);
- assert(sdist_ptr);
- dds::sdist_build_params deps_params;
- deps_params.subdir = sdist_ptr->manifest.pkg_id.to_string();
- dds_log(info, "Dependency: {}", sdist_ptr->manifest.pkg_id.to_string());
- bd.add(*sdist_ptr, deps_params);
- }
- });
- bd.build(params);
- return 0;
- }
- };
- } // namespace
- /*
- ## ## ### #### ## ##
- ### ### ## ## ## ### ##
- #### #### ## ## ## #### ##
- ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ######### ## ## ####
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ###
- ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
- */
- int main_fn(const std::vector<std::string>& argv) {
- spdlog::set_pattern("[%H:%M:%S] [%^%-5l%$] %v");
- args::ArgumentParser parser("DDS - The drop-dead-simple library manager");
- cli_base cli{parser};
- cli_compile_file compile_file{cli};
- cli_build build{cli};
- cli_sdist sdist{cli};
- cli_repo repo{cli};
- cli_repoman repoman{cli};
- cli_catalog catalog{cli};
- cli_build_deps build_deps{cli};
- try {
- parser.ParseCLI(argv);
- } catch (const args::Help&) {
- std::cout << parser;
- return 0;
- } catch (const args::Error& e) {
- std::cerr << parser;
- std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
- return 1;
- }
- dds::install_signal_handlers();
- dds::log::current_log_level = cli.log_level.Get();
- try {
- if (cli._verify_ident) {
- std::cout << "yes\n";
- return 0;
- } else if (compile_file.cmd) {
- return compile_file.run();
- } else if (build.cmd) {
- return build.run();
- } else if (sdist.cmd) {
- return sdist.run();
- } else if (repo.cmd) {
- return repo.run();
- } else if (repoman.cmd) {
- return repoman.run();
- } else if (catalog.cmd) {
- return catalog.run();
- } else if (build_deps.cmd) {
- return build_deps.run();
- } else {
- assert(false);
- std::terminate();
- }
- } catch (const dds::user_cancelled&) {
- dds_log(critical, "Operation cancelled by user");
- return 2;
- } catch (const dds::error_base& e) {
- dds_log(error, "{}", e.what());
- dds_log(error, "{}", e.explanation());
- dds_log(error, "Refer: {}", e.error_reference());
- return 1;
- } catch (const std::exception& e) {
- dds_log(critical, e.what());
- return 2;
- }
- }
- std::string wstr_to_u8str(std::wstring_view in) {
- if (in.empty()) {
- return "";
- }
- auto req_size = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,
- 0,
- in.data(),
- static_cast<int>(in.size()),
- nullptr,
- 0,
- nullptr,
- nullptr);
- neo_assert(invariant,
- req_size > 0,
- "Failed to convert given unicode string for main() argv",
- req_size,
- std::system_category().message(::GetLastError()),
- ::GetLastError());
- std::string ret;
- ret.resize(req_size);
- ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,
- 0,
- in.data(),
- static_cast<int>(in.size()),
- ret.data(),
- static_cast<int>(ret.size()),
- nullptr,
- nullptr);
- return ret;
- }
- int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
- std::vector<std::string> u8_argv;
- ::setlocale(LC_ALL, ".utf8");
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
- u8_argv.emplace_back(wstr_to_u8str(argv[i]));
- }
- return main_fn(u8_argv);
- }
- #else
- int main(int argc, char** argv) { return main_fn({argv + 1, argv + argc}); }
- #endif