37 lines

  1. DDS
  2. ######
  3. **dds** is the Drop-Dead-Simple build and library management tool.
  4. dds is a hybrid build system and package manager with a few distinguishing
  5. design decisions that set it apart from current offerings. There's a lot to
  6. learn, but I'm glad you're here! I hope you find ``dds`` useful to you and your
  7. projects.
  8. If you're completely new and have no idea what the project is about, check out
  9. the :doc:`tut/index` page.
  10. .. toctree::
  11. :maxdepth: 2
  12. tut/index
  13. guide/index
  14. design
  15. dev/index
  16. err/index
  17. .. Hide the link to the error reference since we don't want it cluttering our
  18. main toc, but we want Sphinx to not consider it "unreferenced." We'll generate
  19. our own link
  20. .. seealso::
  21. For in-depth error and troubleshooting information see: :doc:`err/index`.
  22. Indices and tables
  23. ==================
  24. * :ref:`genindex`
  25. * :ref:`modindex`
  26. * :ref:`search`