- #ifndef META_HPP
- #define META_HPP
- #include <cstddef>
- #include <initializer_list>
- #include <meta/meta_fwd.hpp>
- #include <type_traits>
- #include <utility>
- #ifdef __clang__
- #pragma GCC diagnostic push
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas"
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpragmas"
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-deprecated-sync"
- #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-variable-declarations"
- #endif
- namespace meta
- {
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T>
- constexpr T *_nullptr_v()
- {
- return nullptr;
- }
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr T *nullptr_v = nullptr;
- #endif
- }
- struct nil_
- {
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(trait) T>
- using _t = typename T::type;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T>
- constexpr typename T::type::value_type _v = T::type::value;
- #endif
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename T>
- using _t = defer<_t, T>;
- }
- template <std::size_t N>
- using size_t = std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N>;
- template <bool B>
- using bool_ = std::integral_constant<bool, B>;
- template <int I>
- using int_ = std::integral_constant<int, I>;
- template <char Ch>
- using char_ = std::integral_constant<char, Ch>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T>
- using inc = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value + 1), T::type::value + 1>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T>
- using dec = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value - 1), T::type::value - 1>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using plus = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value + U::type::value),
- T::type::value + U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using minus = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value - U::type::value),
- T::type::value - U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using multiplies = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value * U::type::value),
- T::type::value * U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using divides = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value / U::type::value),
- T::type::value / U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T>
- using negate = std::integral_constant<decltype(-T::type::value), -T::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using modulus = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value % U::type::value),
- T::type::value % U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using equal_to = bool_<T::type::value == U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using not_equal_to = bool_<T::type::value != U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using greater = bool_<(T::type::value > U::type::value)>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using less = bool_<(T::type::value < U::type::value)>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using greater_equal = bool_<(T::type::value >= U::type::value)>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using less_equal = bool_<(T::type::value <= U::type::value)>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using bit_and = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value & U::type::value),
- T::type::value & U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using bit_or = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value | U::type::value),
- T::type::value | U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) U>
- using bit_xor = std::integral_constant<decltype(T::type::value ^ U::type::value),
- T::type::value ^ U::type::value>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) T>
- using bit_not = std::integral_constant<decltype(~T::type::value), ~T::type::value>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename T>
- using inc = defer<inc, T>;
- template <typename T>
- using dec = defer<dec, T>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using plus = defer<plus, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using minus = defer<minus, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using multiplies = defer<multiplies, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using divides = defer<divides, T, U>;
- template <typename T>
- using negate = defer<negate, T>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using modulus = defer<modulus, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using equal_to = defer<equal_to, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using not_equal_to = defer<not_equal_to, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using greater = defer<greater, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using less = defer<less, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using greater_equal = defer<greater_equal, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using less_equal = defer<less_equal, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using bit_and = defer<bit_and, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using bit_or = defer<bit_or, T, U>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using bit_xor = defer<bit_xor, T, U>;
- template <typename T>
- using bit_not = defer<bit_not, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- enum class indices_strategy_
- {
- done,
- repeat,
- recurse
- };
- constexpr indices_strategy_ strategy_(std::size_t cur, std::size_t end)
- {
- return cur >= end ? indices_strategy_::done
- : cur * 2 <= end ? indices_strategy_::repeat
- : indices_strategy_::recurse;
- }
- template <typename T>
- constexpr std::size_t range_distance_(T begin, T end)
- {
- return begin <= end ? static_cast<std::size_t>(end - begin)
- : throw "The start of the integer_sequence must not be "
- "greater than the end";
- }
- template <std::size_t End, typename State, indices_strategy_ Status_>
- struct make_indices_
- {
- using type = State;
- };
- template <typename T, T, typename>
- struct coerce_indices_
- {
- };
- }
- template <typename T, T... Is>
- struct integer_sequence
- {
- using value_type = T;
- static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept { return sizeof...(Is); }
- };
- #endif
- template <std::size_t... Is>
- using index_sequence = integer_sequence<std::size_t, Is...>;
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T, T N>
- __make_integer_seq<integer_sequence, T, N> make_integer_sequence_();
- }
- template <typename T, T N>
- using make_integer_sequence = decltype(detail::make_integer_sequence_<T, N>());
- template <std::size_t N>
- using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, N>;
- #else
- template <std::size_t N>
- using make_index_sequence =
- _t<detail::make_indices_<N, index_sequence<0>, detail::strategy_(1, N)>>;
- template <typename T, T N>
- using make_integer_sequence =
- _t<detail::coerce_indices_<T, 0, make_index_sequence<static_cast<std::size_t>(N)>>>;
- #endif
- template <typename T, T From, T To>
- using integer_range =
- _t<detail::coerce_indices_<T, From,
- make_index_sequence<detail::range_distance_(From, To)>>>;
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename>
- struct concat_indices_
- {
- };
- template <std::size_t... Is, std::size_t... Js>
- struct concat_indices_<index_sequence<Is...>, index_sequence<Js...>>
- {
- using type = index_sequence<Is..., (Js + sizeof...(Is))...>;
- };
- template <>
- struct make_indices_<0u, index_sequence<0>, indices_strategy_::done>
- {
- using type = index_sequence<>;
- };
- template <std::size_t End, std::size_t... Values>
- struct make_indices_<End, index_sequence<Values...>, indices_strategy_::repeat>
- : make_indices_<End, index_sequence<Values..., (Values + sizeof...(Values))...>,
- detail::strategy_(sizeof...(Values) * 2, End)>
- {
- };
- template <std::size_t End, std::size_t... Values>
- struct make_indices_<End, index_sequence<Values...>, indices_strategy_::recurse>
- : concat_indices_<index_sequence<Values...>,
- make_index_sequence<End - sizeof...(Values)>>
- {
- };
- template <typename T, T Offset, std::size_t... Values>
- struct coerce_indices_<T, Offset, index_sequence<Values...>>
- {
- using type =
- integer_sequence<T, static_cast<T>(static_cast<T>(Values) + Offset)...>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename... Args>
- using invoke = typename Fn::template invoke<Args...>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn, typename... Args>
- using invoke = defer<invoke, Fn, Args...>;
- }
- template <typename T>
- struct id
- {
- #if defined(META_WORKAROUND_CWG_1558) && !defined(META_DOXYGEN_INVOKED)
- static id impl(void *);
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = _t<decltype(id::impl(static_cast<list<Ts...> *>(nullptr)))>;
- #else
- template <typename...>
- using invoke = T;
- #endif
- using type = T;
- };
- template <typename T>
- using id_t = _t<id<T>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename T>
- using id = defer<id, T>;
- }
- #if defined(META_WORKAROUND_CWG_1558) && !defined(META_DOXYGEN_INVOKED)
- template <typename... Ts>
- using void_ = invoke<id<void>, Ts...>;
- #else
- template <typename...>
- using void_ = void;
- #endif
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_trait_v = trait<T>;
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_callable_v = invocable<T>;
- #else
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename = void>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_trait_ = false;
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_trait_<T, void_<typename T::type>> = true;
- template <typename, typename = void>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_callable_ = false;
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_callable_<T, void_<quote<T::template invoke>>> = true;
- }
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_trait_v = detail::is_trait_<T>;
- template <typename T>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool is_callable_v = detail::is_callable_<T>;
- #endif
- template <typename T>
- using is_trait = bool_<is_trait_v<T>>;
- template <typename T>
- using is_callable = bool_<is_callable_v<T>>;
- #else
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename = void>
- struct is_trait_
- {
- using type = std::false_type;
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct is_trait_<T, void_<typename T::type>>
- {
- using type = std::true_type;
- };
- template <typename, typename = void>
- struct is_callable_
- {
- using type = std::false_type;
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct is_callable_<T, void_<quote<T::template invoke>>>
- {
- using type = std::true_type;
- };
- }
- template <typename T>
- using is_trait = _t<detail::is_trait_<T>>;
- template <typename T>
- using is_callable = _t<detail::is_callable_<T>>;
- #endif
- namespace detail
- {
- template <template <typename...> class, typename...>
- struct defer_
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- requires valid<C, Ts...> struct defer_<C, Ts...>
- {
- using type = C<Ts...>;
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class, T...>
- struct defer_i_
- {
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- requires valid_i<T, C, Is...> struct defer_i_<T, C, Is...>
- {
- using type = C<Is...>;
- };
- #elif defined(META_WORKAROUND_MSVC_703656)
- template <typename, template <typename...> class, typename...>
- struct _defer_
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- struct _defer_<void_<C<Ts...>>, C, Ts...>
- {
- using type = C<Ts...>;
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- using defer_ = _defer_<void, C, Ts...>;
- template <typename, typename T, template <T...> class, T...>
- struct _defer_i_
- {
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- struct _defer_i_<void_<C<Is...>>, T, C, Is...>
- {
- using type = C<Is...>;
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- using defer_i_ = _defer_i_<void, T, C, Is...>;
- #else
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts,
- template <typename...> class D = C>
- id<D<Ts...>> try_defer_(int);
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- nil_ try_defer_(long);
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- using defer_ = decltype(detail::try_defer_<C, Ts...>(0));
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is, template <T...> class D = C>
- id<D<Is...>> try_defer_i_(int);
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- nil_ try_defer_i_(long);
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- using defer_i_ = decltype(detail::try_defer_i_<T, C, Is...>(0));
- #endif
- template <typename T>
- using _t_t = _t<_t<T>>;
- }
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- struct defer : detail::defer_<C, Ts...>
- {
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- struct defer_i : detail::defer_i_<T, C, Is...>
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
- using defer_trait = defer<detail::_t_t, detail::defer_<C, Ts...>>;
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is>
- using defer_trait_i = defer<detail::_t_t, detail::defer_i_<T, C, Is...>>;
- template <typename T>
- using sizeof_ = meta::size_t<sizeof(T)>;
- template <typename T>
- using alignof_ = meta::size_t<alignof(T)>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename T>
- using sizeof_ = defer<sizeof_, T>;
- template <typename T>
- using alignof_ = defer<alignof_, T>;
- }
- template <typename T, template <typename...> class C>
- using is = bool_<is_v<T, C>>;
- #else
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, template <typename...> class>
- struct is_ : std::false_type
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, template <typename...> class C>
- struct is_<C<Ts...>, C> : std::true_type
- {
- };
- }
- template <typename T, template <typename...> class C>
- using is = _t<detail::is_<T, C>>;
- #endif
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable)... Fns>
- struct compose_
- {
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn0>
- struct compose_<Fn0>
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = invoke<Fn0, Ts...>;
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn0, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable)... Fns>
- struct compose_<Fn0, Fns...>
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = invoke<Fn0, invoke<compose_<Fns...>, Ts...>>;
- };
- template <typename... Fns>
- using compose = compose_<Fns...>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Fns>
- using compose = defer<compose, Fns...>;
- }
- template <template <typename...> class C>
- struct quote
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = _t<defer<C, Ts...>>;
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C>
- struct quote_i
- {
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral)... Ts>
- using invoke = _t<defer_i<T, C, Ts::type::value...>>;
- };
- #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) && __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 8 && \
- template <template <typename...> class C>
- struct quote_trait
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = _t<invoke<quote<C>, Ts...>>;
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C>
- struct quote_trait_i
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = _t<invoke<quote_i<T, C>, Ts...>>;
- };
- #else
- template <template <typename...> class C>
- using quote_trait = compose<quote<_t>, quote<C>>;
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C>
- using quote_trait_i = compose<quote<_t>, quote_i<T, C>>;
- #endif
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename... Ts>
- struct bind_front
- {
- template <typename... Us>
- using invoke = invoke<Fn, Ts..., Us...>;
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename... Us>
- struct bind_back
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = invoke<Fn, Ts..., Us...>;
- };
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn, typename... Ts>
- using bind_front = defer<bind_front, Fn, Ts...>;
- template <typename Fn, typename... Ts>
- using bind_back = defer<bind_back, Fn, Ts...>;
- }
- namespace extension
- {
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename L>
- struct apply
- {
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename Ret, typename... Args>
- struct apply<Fn, Ret(Args...)> : lazy::invoke<Fn, Ret, Args...>
- {
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, template <typename...> class T,
- typename... Ts>
- struct apply<Fn, T<Ts...>> : lazy::invoke<Fn, Ts...>
- {
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename T, T... Is>
- struct apply<Fn, integer_sequence<T, Is...>>
- : lazy::invoke<Fn, std::integral_constant<T, Is>...>
- {
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename L>
- using apply = _t<extension::apply<Fn, L>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn, typename L>
- using apply = defer<apply, Fn, L>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn,
- META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Q = quote<list>>
- using curry = compose<Fn, Q>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using uncurry = bind_front<quote<apply>, Fn>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn, typename Q = quote<list>>
- using curry = defer<curry, Fn, Q>;
- template <typename Fn>
- using uncurry = defer<uncurry, Fn>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- struct flip
- {
- private:
- template <typename... Ts>
- struct impl
- {
- };
- template <typename A, typename B, typename... Ts>
- struct impl<A, B, Ts...> : lazy::invoke<Fn, B, A, Ts...>
- {
- };
- public:
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = _t<impl<Ts...>>;
- };
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn>
- using flip = defer<flip, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename...>
- struct on_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn, typename... Gs>
- struct on_<Fn, Gs...>
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = invoke<Fn, invoke<compose<Gs...>, Ts>...>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable)... Fns>
- using on_ = detail::on_<Fns...>;
- template <typename... Fns>
- using on = on_<Fns...>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn, typename G>
- using on = defer<on, Fn, G>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename...>
- struct _if_
- {
- };
- template <integral If>
- struct _if_<If> : std::enable_if<_v<If>>
- {
- };
- template <integral If, typename Then>
- struct _if_<If, Then> : std::enable_if<_v<If>, Then>
- {
- };
- template <integral If, typename Then, typename Else>
- struct _if_<If, Then, Else> : std::conditional<_v<If>, Then, Else>
- {
- };
- #elif defined(__clang__)
- template <typename, typename = bool>
- struct _if_
- {
- };
- template <typename If>
- struct _if_<list<If>, decltype(bool(If::type::value))> : std::enable_if<If::type::value>
- {
- };
- template <typename If, typename Then>
- struct _if_<list<If, Then>, decltype(bool(If::type::value))>
- : std::enable_if<If::type::value, Then>
- {
- };
- template <typename If, typename Then, typename Else>
- struct _if_<list<If, Then, Else>, decltype(bool(If::type::value))>
- : std::conditional<If::type::value, Then, Else>
- {
- };
- #else
- template <typename, typename = std::true_type>
- struct _if_
- {
- };
- template <typename If>
- struct _if_<list<If>, bool_<If::type::value>>
- {
- using type = void;
- };
- template <typename If, typename Then>
- struct _if_<list<If, Then>, bool_<If::type::value>>
- {
- using type = Then;
- };
- template <typename If, typename Then, typename Else>
- struct _if_<list<If, Then, Else>, bool_<If::type::value>>
- {
- using type = Then;
- };
- template <typename If, typename Then, typename Else>
- struct _if_<list<If, Then, Else>, bool_<!If::type::value>>
- {
- using type = Else;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <typename... Args>
- using if_ = _t<detail::_if_<Args...>>;
- template <bool If, typename... Args>
- using if_c = _t<detail::_if_<bool_<If>, Args...>>;
- #else
- template <typename... Args>
- using if_ = _t<detail::_if_<list<Args...>>>;
- template <bool If, typename... Args>
- using if_c = _t<detail::_if_<list<bool_<If>, Args...>>>;
- #endif
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Args>
- using if_ = defer<if_, Args...>;
- template <bool If, typename... Args>
- using if_c = if_<bool_<If>, Args...>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename...>
- struct _and_
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct _and_<> : std::true_type
- {
- };
- template <integral B, typename... Bs>
- requires (bool(B::type::value)) struct _and_<B, Bs...> : _and_<Bs...>
- {
- };
- template <integral B, typename... Bs>
- requires (!bool(B::type::value)) struct _and_<B, Bs...> : std::false_type
- {
- };
- template <typename...>
- struct _or_
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct _or_<> : std::false_type
- {
- };
- template <integral B, typename... Bs>
- requires (bool(B::type::value)) struct _or_<B, Bs...> : std::true_type
- {
- };
- template <integral B, typename... Bs>
- requires (!bool(B::type::value)) struct _or_<B, Bs...> : _or_<Bs...>
- {
- };
- #else
- template <bool>
- struct _and_
- {
- template <typename...>
- using invoke = std::true_type;
- };
- template <>
- struct _and_<false>
- {
- template <typename B, typename... Bs>
- using invoke = invoke<
- if_c<!B::type::value, id<std::false_type>, _and_<0 == sizeof...(Bs)>>,
- Bs...>;
- };
- template <bool>
- struct _or_
- {
- template <typename = void>
- using invoke = std::false_type;
- };
- template <>
- struct _or_<false>
- {
- template <typename B, typename... Bs>
- using invoke = invoke<
- if_c<B::type::value, id<std::true_type>, _or_<0 == sizeof...(Bs)>>,
- Bs...>;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <bool B>
- using not_c = bool_<!B>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) B>
- using not_ = not_c<B::type::value>;
- template <bool... Bs>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool and_v = (true && ... && Bs);
- template <bool... Bs>
- #if defined(META_WORKAROUND_MSVC_756112) || defined(META_WORKAROUND_GCC_86356)
- using and_c = bool_<and_v<Bs...>>;
- #else
- using and_c = bool_<(true && ... && Bs)>;
- #endif
- #else
- #if defined(META_WORKAROUND_GCC_66405)
- template <bool... Bs>
- using and_c = meta::bool_<
- META_IS_SAME(integer_sequence<bool, true, Bs...>,
- integer_sequence<bool, Bs..., true>)>;
- #else
- template <bool... Bs>
- struct and_c
- : meta::bool_<
- META_IS_SAME(integer_sequence<bool, Bs...>,
- integer_sequence<bool, (Bs || true)...>)>
- {};
- #endif
- template <bool... Bs>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool and_v =
- META_IS_SAME(integer_sequence<bool, Bs...>,
- integer_sequence<bool, (Bs || true)...>);
- #endif
- #endif
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral)... Bs>
- using strict_and_ = and_c<Bs::type::value...>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using strict_and = strict_and_<Bs...>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using and_ = _t<detail::_and_<Bs...>>;
- #else
- using and_ = _t<defer<detail::_and_<0 == sizeof...(Bs)>::template invoke, Bs...>>;
- #endif
- template <bool... Bs>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool or_v = (false || ... || Bs);
- template <bool... Bs>
- #if defined(META_WORKAROUND_MSVC_756112) || defined(META_WORKAROUND_GCC_86356)
- using or_c = bool_<or_v<Bs...>>;
- #else
- using or_c = bool_<(false || ... || Bs)>;
- #endif
- #else
- template <bool... Bs>
- struct or_c
- : meta::bool_<
- !META_IS_SAME(integer_sequence<bool, Bs...>,
- integer_sequence<bool, (Bs && false)...>)>
- {};
- template <bool... Bs>
- META_INLINE_VAR constexpr bool or_v =
- !META_IS_SAME(integer_sequence<bool, Bs...>,
- integer_sequence<bool, (Bs && false)...>);
- #endif
- #endif
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral)... Bs>
- using strict_or_ = or_c<Bs::type::value...>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using strict_or = strict_or_<Bs...>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using or_ = _t<detail::_or_<Bs...>>;
- #else
- using or_ = _t<defer<detail::_or_<0 == sizeof...(Bs)>::template invoke, Bs...>>;
- #endif
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Bs>
- using and_ = defer<and_, Bs...>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using or_ = defer<or_, Bs...>;
- template <typename B>
- using not_ = defer<not_, B>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using strict_and = defer<strict_and, Bs...>;
- template <typename... Bs>
- using strict_or = defer<strict_or, Bs...>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename, typename>
- struct fold_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn, typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
- typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
- struct compose10_
- {
- template <typename X, typename Y>
- using F = invoke<Fn, X, Y>;
- template <typename S>
- using invoke =
- F<F<F<F<F<F<F<F<F<F<_t<S>, T0>, T1>, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>, T7>, T8>, T9>;
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct compose_
- {
- template <typename X, typename Y>
- using F = invoke<Fn, X, Y>;
- template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
- typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9,
- typename State>
- using invoke =
- F<F<F<F<F<F<F<F<F<F<State, T0>, T1>, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>, T7>, T8>, T9>;
- };
- template <typename State, typename Fn>
- struct fold_<list<>, State, Fn>
- {
- using type = State;
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... Tail, typename State, typename Fn>
- requires valid<invoke, Fn, State, Head>
- struct fold_<list<Head, Tail...>, State, Fn>
- : fold_<list<Tail...>, invoke<Fn, State, Head>, Fn>
- {
- };
- template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
- typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename... Tail,
- typename State, typename Fn>
- requires valid<invoke, compose_<Fn>, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, State>
- struct fold_<list<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, Tail...>, State, Fn>
- : fold_<list<Tail...>,
- invoke<compose_<Fn>, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, State>, Fn>
- {
- };
- #else
- template <typename Fn, typename T0>
- struct compose1_
- {
- template <typename X>
- using invoke = invoke<Fn, _t<X>, T0>;
- };
- template <typename State, typename Fn>
- struct fold_<list<>, State, Fn> : State
- {
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... Tail, typename State, typename Fn>
- struct fold_<list<Head, Tail...>, State, Fn>
- : fold_<list<Tail...>, lazy::invoke<compose1_<Fn, Head>, State>, Fn>
- {
- };
- template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
- typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename... Tail,
- typename State, typename Fn>
- struct fold_<list<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, Tail...>, State, Fn>
- : fold_<list<Tail...>,
- lazy::invoke<compose10_<Fn, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9>, State>, Fn>
- {
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename State, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using fold = _t<detail::fold_<L, State, Fn>>;
- #else
- using fold = _t<detail::fold_<L, id<State>, Fn>>;
- #endif
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename State, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using accumulate = fold<L, State, Fn>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename State, typename Fn>
- using fold = defer<fold, L, State, Fn>;
- template <typename L, typename State, typename Fn>
- using accumulate = defer<accumulate, L, State, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename, typename>
- struct reverse_fold_
- {
- };
- template <typename State, typename Fn>
- struct reverse_fold_<list<>, State, Fn>
- {
- using type = State;
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... L, typename State, typename Fn>
- requires trait<reverse_fold_<list<L...>, State, Fn>> struct reverse_fold_<
- list<Head, L...>, State, Fn>
- : lazy::invoke<Fn, _t<reverse_fold_<list<L...>, State, Fn>>, Head>
- {
- };
- #else
- template <typename Head, typename... Tail, typename State, typename Fn>
- struct reverse_fold_<list<Head, Tail...>, State, Fn>
- : lazy::invoke<compose1_<Fn, Head>, reverse_fold_<list<Tail...>, State, Fn>>
- {
- };
- #endif
- template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
- typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename... Tail,
- typename State, typename Fn>
- struct reverse_fold_<list<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, Tail...>, State, Fn>
- : lazy::invoke<compose10_<Fn, T9, T8, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0>,
- reverse_fold_<list<Tail...>, State, Fn>>
- {
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename State, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using reverse_fold = _t<detail::reverse_fold_<L, State, Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename State, typename Fn>
- using reverse_fold = defer<reverse_fold, L, State, Fn>;
- }
- using npos = meta::size_t<std::size_t(-1)>;
- template <typename... Ts>
- struct list
- {
- using type = list;
- static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept { return sizeof...(Ts); }
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using size = meta::size_t<L::size()>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using size = defer<size, L>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename... Lists>
- struct concat_
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct concat_<>
- {
- using type = list<>;
- };
- template <typename... L1>
- struct concat_<list<L1...>>
- {
- using type = list<L1...>;
- };
- template <typename... L1, typename... L2>
- struct concat_<list<L1...>, list<L2...>>
- {
- using type = list<L1..., L2...>;
- };
- template <typename... L1, typename... L2, typename... L3>
- struct concat_<list<L1...>, list<L2...>, list<L3...>>
- {
- using type = list<L1..., L2..., L3...>;
- };
- template <typename... L1, typename... L2, typename... L3, typename... Rest>
- struct concat_<list<L1...>, list<L2...>, list<L3...>, Rest...>
- : concat_<list<L1..., L2..., L3...>, Rest...>
- {
- };
- template <typename... L1, typename... L2, typename... L3, typename... L4,
- typename... L5, typename... L6, typename... L7, typename... L8,
- typename... L9, typename... L10, typename... Rest>
- struct concat_<list<L1...>, list<L2...>, list<L3...>, list<L4...>, list<L5...>,
- list<L6...>, list<L7...>, list<L8...>, list<L9...>, list<L10...>,
- Rest...>
- : concat_<list<L1..., L2..., L3..., L4..., L5..., L6..., L7..., L8..., L9..., L10...>,
- Rest...>
- {
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like)... Ls>
- using concat_ = _t<detail::concat_<Ls...>>;
- template <typename... Lists>
- using concat = concat_<Lists...>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Lists>
- using concat = defer<concat, Lists...>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) ListOfLists>
- using join = apply<quote<concat>, ListOfLists>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename ListOfLists>
- using join = defer<join, ListOfLists>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename... Args>
- struct transform_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, invocable Fn>
- requires and_v<valid<invoke, Fn, Ts>...>
- struct transform_<list<Ts...>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<invoke<Fn, Ts>...>;
- };
- template <typename... Ts, typename... Us, invocable Fn>
- requires and_v<valid<invoke, Fn, Ts, Us>...>
- struct transform_<list<Ts...>, list<Us...>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<invoke<Fn, Ts, Us>...>;
- };
- #else
- template <typename, typename = void>
- struct transform_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, typename Fn>
- struct transform_<list<list<Ts...>, Fn>, void_<invoke<Fn, Ts>...>>
- {
- using type = list<invoke<Fn, Ts>...>;
- };
- template <typename... Ts0, typename... Ts1, typename Fn>
- struct transform_<list<list<Ts0...>, list<Ts1...>, Fn>,
- void_<invoke<Fn, Ts0, Ts1>...>>
- {
- using type = list<invoke<Fn, Ts0, Ts1>...>;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <typename... Args>
- using transform = _t<detail::transform_<Args...>>;
- #else
- template <typename... Args>
- using transform = _t<detail::transform_<list<Args...>>>;
- #endif
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Args>
- using transform = defer<transform, Args...>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T, std::size_t>
- using first_ = T;
- template <typename T, typename Ints>
- struct repeat_n_c_
- {
- };
- template <typename T, std::size_t... Is>
- struct repeat_n_c_<T, index_sequence<Is...>>
- {
- using type = list<first_<T, Is>...>;
- };
- }
- template <std::size_t N, typename T = void>
- using repeat_n_c = _t<detail::repeat_n_c_<T, make_index_sequence<N>>>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) N, typename T = void>
- using repeat_n = repeat_n_c<N::type::value, T>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename N, typename T = void>
- using repeat_n = defer<repeat_n, N, T>;
- template <std::size_t N, typename T = void>
- using repeat_n_c = defer<repeat_n, meta::size_t<N>, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, std::size_t N, typename = void>
- struct at_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, std::size_t N>
- struct at_<list<Ts...>, N, void_<__type_pack_element<N, Ts...>>>
- {
- using type = __type_pack_element<N, Ts...>;
- };
- #else
- template <typename VoidPtrs>
- struct at_impl_;
- template <typename... VoidPtrs>
- struct at_impl_<list<VoidPtrs...>>
- {
- static nil_ eval(...);
- template <typename T, typename... Us>
- static T eval(VoidPtrs..., T *, Us *...);
- };
- template <typename L, std::size_t N>
- struct at_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, std::size_t N>
- struct at_<list<Ts...>, N>
- : decltype(at_impl_<repeat_n_c<N, void *>>::eval(static_cast<id<Ts> *>(nullptr)...))
- {
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, std::size_t N>
- using at_c = _t<detail::at_<L, N>>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) N>
- using at = at_c<L, N::type::value>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename N>
- using at = defer<at, L, N>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename VoidPtrs>
- struct drop_impl_
- {
- static nil_ eval(...);
- };
- template <typename... VoidPtrs>
- struct drop_impl_<list<VoidPtrs...>>
- {
- static nil_ eval(...);
- template <typename... Ts>
- static id<list<Ts...>> eval(VoidPtrs..., id<Ts> *...);
- };
- template <>
- struct drop_impl_<list<>>
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- static id<list<Ts...>> eval(id<Ts> *...);
- };
- template <typename L, std::size_t N>
- struct drop_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, std::size_t N>
- struct drop_<list<Ts...>, N>
- : decltype(drop_impl_<repeat_n_c<N, void *>>::eval(detail::nullptr_v<id<Ts>>...))
- #else
- : decltype(drop_impl_<repeat_n_c<N, void *>>::eval(detail::_nullptr_v<id<Ts>>()...))
- #endif
- {
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, std::size_t N>
- using drop_c = _t<detail::drop_<L, N>>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) N>
- using drop = drop_c<L, N::type::value>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename N>
- using drop = defer<drop, L, N>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L>
- struct front_
- {
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
- struct front_<list<Head, Tail...>>
- {
- using type = Head;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using front = _t<detail::front_<L>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using front = defer<front, L>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L>
- struct back_
- {
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
- struct back_<list<Head, Tail...>>
- {
- using type = at_c<list<Head, Tail...>, sizeof...(Tail)>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using back = _t<detail::back_<L>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using back = defer<back, L>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename... Ts>
- using push_front = apply<bind_front<quote<list>, Ts...>, L>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using push_front = defer<push_front, Ts...>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L>
- struct pop_front_
- {
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... L>
- struct pop_front_<list<Head, L...>>
- {
- using type = list<L...>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using pop_front = _t<detail::pop_front_<L>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using pop_front = defer<pop_front, L>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename... Ts>
- using push_back = apply<bind_back<quote<list>, Ts...>, L>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using push_back = defer<push_back, Ts...>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using min_ = if_<less<U, T>, U, T>;
- template <typename T, typename U>
- using max_ = if_<less<U, T>, T, U>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral)... Ts>
- using min_ = fold<pop_front<list<Ts...>>, front<list<Ts...>>, quote<detail::min_>>;
- template <typename... Ts>
- using min = min_<Ts...>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral)... Ts>
- using max_ = fold<pop_front<list<Ts...>>, front<list<Ts...>>, quote<detail::max_>>;
- template <typename... Ts>
- using max = max_<Ts...>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... Ts>
- using min = defer<min, Ts...>;
- template <typename... Ts>
- using max = defer<max, Ts...>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using empty = bool_<0 == size<L>::type::value>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using empty = defer<empty, L>;
- }
- template <typename F, typename S>
- using pair = list<F, S>;
- template <typename Pair>
- using first = front<Pair>;
- template <typename Pair>
- using second = front<pop_front<Pair>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Pair>
- using first = defer<first, Pair>;
- template <typename Pair>
- using second = defer<second, Pair>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- constexpr std::size_t find_index_i_(bool const *const first, bool const *const last,
- std::size_t N = 0)
- {
- return first == last ? npos::value
- : *first ? N : find_index_i_(first + 1, last, N + 1);
- }
- template <typename L, typename T>
- struct find_index_
- {
- };
- template <typename V>
- struct find_index_<list<>, V>
- {
- using type = npos;
- };
- template <typename... T, typename V>
- struct find_index_<list<T...>, V>
- {
- static constexpr bool s_v[sizeof...(T)] = {META_IS_SAME(T, V)...};
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[] = {META_IS_SAME(T, V)...};
- #endif
- using type = size_t<find_index_i_(s_v, s_v + sizeof...(T))>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T>
- using find_index = _t<detail::find_index_<L, T>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T>
- using find_index = defer<find_index, L, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- constexpr std::size_t reverse_find_index_i_(bool const *const first,
- bool const *const last, std::size_t N)
- {
- return first == last
- ? npos::value
- : *(last - 1) ? N - 1 : reverse_find_index_i_(first, last - 1, N - 1);
- }
- template <typename L, typename T>
- struct reverse_find_index_
- {
- };
- template <typename V>
- struct reverse_find_index_<list<>, V>
- {
- using type = npos;
- };
- template <typename... T, typename V>
- struct reverse_find_index_<list<T...>, V>
- {
- static constexpr bool s_v[sizeof...(T)] = {META_IS_SAME(T, V)...};
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[] = {META_IS_SAME(T, V)...};
- #endif
- using type = size_t<reverse_find_index_i_(s_v, s_v + sizeof...(T), sizeof...(T))>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T>
- using reverse_find_index = _t<detail::reverse_find_index_<L, T>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T>
- using reverse_find_index = defer<reverse_find_index, L, T>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T>
- using find = drop<L, min<find_index<L, T>, size<L>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T>
- using find = defer<find, L, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, typename T, typename State = list<>>
- struct reverse_find_
- {
- };
- template <typename T, typename State>
- struct reverse_find_<list<>, T, State>
- {
- using type = State;
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... L, typename T, typename State>
- struct reverse_find_<list<Head, L...>, T, State> : reverse_find_<list<L...>, T, State>
- {
- };
- template <typename... L, typename T, typename State>
- struct reverse_find_<list<T, L...>, T, State>
- : reverse_find_<list<L...>, T, list<T, L...>>
- {
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T>
- using reverse_find = drop<L, min<reverse_find_index<L, T>, size<L>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T>
- using reverse_find = defer<reverse_find, L, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- struct find_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct find_if_<list<>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<>;
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... L, typename Fn>
- requires integral<invoke<Fn, Head>>
- struct find_if_<list<Head, L...>, Fn>
- : if_<invoke<Fn, Head>, id<list<Head, L...>>, find_if_<list<L...>, Fn>>
- {
- };
- #else
- constexpr bool const *find_if_i_(bool const *const begin, bool const *const end)
- {
- return begin == end || *begin ? begin : find_if_i_(begin + 1, end);
- }
- template <typename L, typename Fn, typename = void>
- struct find_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct find_if_<list<>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<>;
- };
- template <typename... L, typename Fn>
- struct find_if_<list<L...>, Fn,
- void_<integer_sequence<bool, bool(invoke<Fn, L>::type::value)...>>>
- {
- static constexpr bool s_v[sizeof...(L)] = {invoke<Fn, L>::type::value...};
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[] = {invoke<Fn, L>::type::value...};
- #endif
- using type =
- drop_c<list<L...>, detail::find_if_i_(s_v, s_v + sizeof...(L)) - s_v>;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using find_if = _t<detail::find_if_<L, Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using find_if = defer<find_if, L, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn, typename State = list<>>
- struct reverse_find_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn, typename State>
- struct reverse_find_if_<list<>, Fn, State>
- {
- using type = State;
- };
- template <typename Head, typename... L, typename Fn, typename State>
- requires integral<invoke<Fn, Head>>
- struct reverse_find_if_<list<Head, L...>, Fn, State>
- : reverse_find_if_<list<L...>, Fn, if_<invoke<Fn, Head>, list<Head, L...>, State>>
- {
- };
- #else
- constexpr bool const *reverse_find_if_i_(bool const *const begin, bool const *const pos,
- bool const *const end)
- {
- return begin == pos
- ? end
- : *(pos - 1) ? pos - 1 : reverse_find_if_i_(begin, pos - 1, end);
- }
- template <typename L, typename Fn, typename = void>
- struct reverse_find_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct reverse_find_if_<list<>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<>;
- };
- template <typename... L, typename Fn>
- struct reverse_find_if_<
- list<L...>, Fn,
- void_<integer_sequence<bool, bool(invoke<Fn, L>::type::value)...>>>
- {
- static constexpr bool s_v[sizeof...(L)] = {invoke<Fn, L>::type::value...};
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[] = {invoke<Fn, L>::type::value...};
- #endif
- using type =
- drop_c<list<L...>, detail::reverse_find_if_i_(s_v, s_v + sizeof...(L),
- s_v + sizeof...(L)) -
- s_v>;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using reverse_find_if = _t<detail::reverse_find_if_<L, Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using reverse_find_if = defer<reverse_find_if, L, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, typename T, typename U>
- struct replace_
- {
- };
- template <typename... L, typename T, typename U>
- struct replace_<list<L...>, T, U>
- {
- using type = list<if_c<META_IS_SAME(T, L), U, L>...>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T, typename U>
- using replace = _t<detail::replace_<L, T, U>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T, typename U>
- using replace = defer<replace, T, U>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, typename C, typename U>
- struct replace_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename... L, typename C, typename U>
- requires and_v<integral<invoke<C, L>>...>
- struct replace_if_<list<L...>, C, U>
- {
- using type = list<if_<invoke<C, L>, U, L>...>;
- };
- #else
- template <typename L, typename C, typename U, typename = void>
- struct replace_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename... L, typename C, typename U>
- struct replace_if_<list<L...>, C, U,
- void_<integer_sequence<bool, bool(invoke<C, L>::type::value)...>>>
- {
- using type = list<if_<invoke<C, L>, U, L>...>;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename C, typename U>
- using replace_if = _t<detail::replace_if_<L, C, U>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename C, typename U>
- using replace_if = defer<replace_if, C, U>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename>
- struct count_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, typename T>
- struct count_<list<Ts...>, T>
- {
- using type = meta::size_t<((std::size_t)META_IS_SAME(T, Ts) + ...)>;
- };
- #else
- constexpr std::size_t count_i_(bool const *const begin, bool const *const end,
- std::size_t n)
- {
- return begin == end ? n : detail::count_i_(begin + 1, end, n + *begin);
- }
- template <typename T>
- struct count_<list<>, T>
- {
- using type = meta::size_t<0>;
- };
- template <typename... L, typename T>
- struct count_<list<L...>, T>
- {
- static constexpr bool s_v[sizeof...(L)] = {META_IS_SAME(T, L)...};
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[] = {META_IS_SAME(T, L)...};
- #endif
- using type = meta::size_t<detail::count_i_(s_v, s_v + sizeof...(L), 0u)>;
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T>
- using count = _t<detail::count_<L, T>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T>
- using count = defer<count, L, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename, typename>
- struct count_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, typename Fn>
- requires (integral<invoke<Fn, Ts>> && ...)
- struct count_if_<list<Ts...>, Fn>
- {
- using type = meta::size_t<((std::size_t)(bool)_v<invoke<Fn, Ts>> + ...)>;
- };
- #else
- template <typename L, typename Fn, typename = void>
- struct count_if_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct count_if_<list<>, Fn>
- {
- using type = meta::size_t<0>;
- };
- template <typename... L, typename Fn>
- struct count_if_<list<L...>, Fn,
- void_<integer_sequence<bool, bool(invoke<Fn, L>::type::value)...>>>
- {
- using type = meta::size_t<((std::size_t)(bool)invoke<Fn, L>::type::value + ...)>;
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[sizeof...(L)] = {invoke<Fn, L>::type::value...};
- #else
- static constexpr bool s_v[] = {invoke<Fn, L>::type::value...};
- #endif
- using type = meta::size_t<detail::count_i_(s_v, s_v + sizeof...(L), 0u)>;
- #endif
- };
- #endif
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using count_if = _t<detail::count_if_<L, Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using count_if = defer<count_if, L, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename Pred>
- struct filter_
- {
- template <typename A>
- using invoke = if_c<invoke<Pred, A>::type::value, list<A>, list<>>;
- };
- }
- template <typename L, typename Pred>
- using filter = join<transform<L, detail::filter_<Pred>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using filter = defer<filter, L, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T>
- struct static_const
- {
- static constexpr T value{};
- };
- template <typename T>
- constexpr T static_const<T>::value;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- struct for_each_fn
- {
- template <class Fn, class... Args>
- constexpr auto operator()(list<Args...>, Fn f) const -> Fn
- {
- return (void)std::initializer_list<int>{((void)f(Args{}), 0)...}, f;
- }
- };
- }
- inline constexpr detail::for_each_fn for_each{};
- #else
- namespace
- {
- constexpr auto &&for_each = detail::static_const<detail::for_each_fn>::value;
- }
- #endif
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) ListOfLists>
- using transpose = fold<ListOfLists, repeat_n<size<front<ListOfLists>>, list<>>,
- bind_back<quote<transform>, quote<push_back>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename ListOfLists>
- using transpose = defer<transpose, ListOfLists>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) ListOfLists>
- using zip_with = transform<transpose<ListOfLists>, uncurry<Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn, typename ListOfLists>
- using zip_with = defer<zip_with, Fn, ListOfLists>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) ListOfLists>
- using zip = transpose<ListOfLists>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename ListOfLists>
- using zip = defer<zip, ListOfLists>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T>
- using uncvref_t = _t<std::remove_cv<_t<std::remove_reference<T>>>>;
- template <typename Sequence>
- struct as_list_ : lazy::invoke<uncurry<quote<list>>, Sequence>
- {
- };
- }
- template <typename Sequence>
- using as_list = _t<detail::as_list_<detail::uncvref_t<Sequence>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Sequence>
- using as_list = defer<as_list, Sequence>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L, typename State = list<>>
- struct reverse_ : lazy::fold<L, State, quote<push_front>>
- {
- };
- template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
- typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9, typename... Ts,
- typename... Us>
- struct reverse_<list<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, Ts...>, list<Us...>>
- : reverse_<list<Ts...>, list<T9, T8, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0, Us...>>
- {
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using reverse = _t<detail::reverse_<L>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using reverse = defer<reverse, L>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using not_fn = compose<quote<not_>, Fn>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename Fn>
- using not_fn = defer<not_fn, Fn>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using all_of = empty<find_if<L, not_fn<Fn>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using all_of = defer<all_of, L, Fn>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using any_of = not_<empty<find_if<L, Fn>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using any_of = defer<any_of, L, Fn>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using none_of = empty<find_if<L, Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using none_of = defer<none_of, L, Fn>;
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, typename T>
- using in = not_<empty<find<L, T>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename T>
- using in = defer<in, L, T>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename L>
- struct inherit_
- {
- };
- template <typename... L>
- struct inherit_<list<L...>> : L...
- {
- using type = inherit_;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using inherit = meta::_t<detail::inherit_<L>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using inherit = defer<inherit, L>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename Set, typename T>
- struct in_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Set, typename T>
- struct in_<list<Set...>, T> : bool_<META_IS_BASE_OF(id<T>, inherit<list<id<Set>...>>)>
- {
- };
- template <typename Set, typename T>
- struct insert_back_
- {
- };
- template <typename... Set, typename T>
- struct insert_back_<list<Set...>, T>
- {
- using type = if_<in_<list<Set...>, T>, list<Set...>, list<Set..., T>>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L>
- using unique = fold<L, list<>, quote_trait<detail::insert_back_>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L>
- using unique = defer<unique, L>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename Fn>
- struct partition_
- {
- template <typename, typename>
- #else
- template <typename, typename, typename = void>
- #endif
- struct impl
- {
- };
- template <typename... Yes, typename... No, typename A>
- requires integral<invoke<Fn, A>>
- struct impl<pair<list<Yes...>, list<No...>>, A>
- #else
- struct impl<pair<list<Yes...>, list<No...>>, A,
- void_<bool_<invoke<Fn, A>::type::value>>>
- #endif
- {
- using type = if_<invoke<Fn, A>, pair<list<Yes..., A>, list<No...>>,
- pair<list<Yes...>, list<No..., A>>>;
- };
- template <typename State, typename A>
- using invoke = _t<impl<State, A>>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using partition = fold<L, pair<list<>, list<>>, detail::partition_<Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using partition = defer<partition, L, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn, typename A, typename B, typename... Ts>
- using part_ = partition<list<B, Ts...>, bind_back<Fn, A>>;
- template <list_like L, invocable Fn>
- #else
- template <typename, typename, typename = void>
- #endif
- struct sort_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct sort_<list<>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<>;
- };
- template <typename A, typename Fn>
- struct sort_<list<A>, Fn>
- {
- using type = list<A>;
- };
- template <typename A, typename B, typename... Ts, typename Fn>
- requires trait<sort_<first<part_<Fn, A, B, Ts...>>, Fn>> &&
- trait<sort_<second<part_<Fn, A, B, Ts...>>, Fn>>
- struct sort_<list<A, B, Ts...>, Fn>
- #else
- struct sort_<
- list<A, B, Ts...>, Fn,
- void_<_t<sort_<first<part_<Fn, A, B, Ts...>>, Fn>>>>
- #endif
- {
- using P = part_<Fn, A, B, Ts...>;
- using type = concat<_t<sort_<first<P>, Fn>>, list<A>, _t<sort_<second<P>, Fn>>>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) L, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(invocable) Fn>
- using sort = _t<detail::sort_<L, Fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename L, typename Fn>
- using sort = defer<sort, L, Fn>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T, int = 0>
- struct protect_;
- template <typename, int = 0>
- struct vararg_;
- template <typename T, int = 0>
- struct is_valid_;
- template <typename If, typename... Ts>
- using lazy_if_ = lazy::_t<defer<_if_, If, protect_<Ts>...>>;
- #else
- using lazy_if_ = lazy::_t<defer<_if_, list<If, protect_<Ts>...>>>;
- #endif
- template <typename A, typename T, typename Fn, typename Ts>
- struct subst1_
- {
- using type = list<list<T>>;
- };
- template <typename T, typename Fn, typename Ts>
- struct subst1_<Fn, T, Fn, Ts>
- {
- using type = list<>;
- };
- template <typename A, typename T, typename Fn, typename Ts>
- struct subst1_<vararg_<A>, T, Fn, Ts>
- {
- using type = list<Ts>;
- };
- template <typename As, typename Ts>
- using substitutions_ = push_back<
- join<transform<
- concat<As, repeat_n_c<size<Ts>{} + 2 - size<As>{}, back<As>>>,
- concat<Ts, repeat_n_c<2, back<As>>>,
- bind_back<quote_trait<subst1_>, back<As>, drop_c<Ts, size<As>{} - 2>>>>,
- list<back<As>>>;
- #if 0
- template <list_like As, list_like Ts>
- requires (_v<size<Ts>> + 2 >= _v<size<As>>)
- using substitutions = substitutions_<As, Ts>;
- #else
- template <typename As, typename Ts>
- using substitutions =
- #ifdef META_WORKAROUND_MSVC_702792
- invoke<if_c<(size<Ts>::value + 2 >= size<As>::value), quote<substitutions_>>, As,
- Ts>;
- #else
- invoke<if_c<(size<Ts>{} + 2 >= size<As>{}), quote<substitutions_>>, As, Ts>;
- #endif
- #endif
- template <typename T>
- struct is_vararg_ : std::false_type
- {
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct is_vararg_<vararg_<T>> : std::true_type
- {
- };
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Tags>
- using is_variadic_ = is_vararg_<at<push_front<Tags, void>, dec<size<Tags>>>>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Tags, bool IsVariadic = is_variadic_<Tags>::value>
- struct lambda_;
- template <typename... As>
- struct lambda_<list<As...>, false>
- {
- private:
- static constexpr std::size_t arity = sizeof...(As) - 1;
- using Tags = list<As...>;
- using Fn = back<Tags>;
- template <typename T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- struct impl;
- template <typename T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- using lazy_impl_ = lazy::_t<defer<impl, T, protect_<Args>>>;
- #if 0
- template <typename, list_like>
- #else
- template <typename, typename, typename = void>
- #endif
- struct subst_
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- #if 0//def META_CONCEPT
- requires valid<C, _t<impl<Ts, Args>>...> struct subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args>
- #else
- struct subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args, void_<C<_t<impl<Ts, Args>>...>>>
- #endif
- {
- using type = C<_t<impl<Ts, Args>>...>;
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is, typename Args>
- #if 0//def META_CONCEPT
- requires valid_i<T, C, Is...> struct subst_<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args>
- #else
- struct subst_<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args, void_<C<Is...>>>
- #endif
- {
- using type = C<Is...>;
- };
- template <typename T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- struct impl : if_c<(reverse_find_index<Tags, T>() != npos()),
- lazy::at<Args, reverse_find_index<Tags, T>>, id<T>>
- {
- };
- template <typename T, typename Args>
- struct impl<protect_<T>, Args>
- {
- using type = T;
- };
- template <typename T, typename Args>
- struct impl<is_valid_<T>, Args>
- {
- using type = is_trait<impl<T, Args>>;
- };
- template <typename If, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<if_, If, Ts...>, Args> // Short-circuit if_
- : impl<lazy_impl_<lazy_if_<If, Ts...>, Args>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename B, typename... Bs, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<and_, B, Bs...>, Args> // Short-circuit and_
- : impl<lazy_impl_<lazy_if_<B, lazy::and_<Bs...>, protect_<std::false_type>>, Args>,
- Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename B, typename... Bs, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<or_, B, Bs...>, Args> // Short-circuit or_
- : impl<lazy_impl_<lazy_if_<B, protect_<std::true_type>, lazy::or_<Bs...>>, Args>,
- Args>
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<C, Ts...>, Args> : subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args> : subst_<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<C<Ts...>, Args> : subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<lambda_<list<Ts...>, false>, Args>
- {
- using type = compose<uncurry<lambda_<list<As..., Ts...>, false>>,
- curry<bind_front<quote<concat>, Args>>>;
- };
- template <typename... Bs, typename Args>
- struct impl<lambda_<list<Bs...>, true>, Args>
- {
- using type = compose<typename lambda_<list<As..., Bs...>, true>::thunk,
- bind_front<quote<concat>, transform<Args, quote<list>>>,
- curry<bind_front<quote<substitutions>, list<Bs...>>>>;
- };
- public:
- template <typename... Ts>
- requires (sizeof...(Ts) == arity) using invoke = _t<impl<Fn, list<Ts..., Fn>>>;
- #else
- using invoke = _t<if_c<sizeof...(Ts) == arity, impl<Fn, list<Ts..., Fn>>>>;
- #endif
- };
- template <typename... As>
- struct lambda_<list<As...>, true>
- {
- private:
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) T, bool IsVar>
- friend struct lambda_;
- using Tags = list<As...>;
- template <typename T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- struct impl;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- using eval_impl_ = bind_back<quote_trait<impl>, Args>;
- template <typename T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- using lazy_impl_ = lazy::_t<defer<impl, T, protect_<Args>>>;
- template <template <typename...> class C, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args,
- using try_subst_ = apply<quote<C>, join<transform<Ts, eval_impl_<Args>>>>;
- #if 0
- template <typename, list_like>
- #else
- template <typename, typename, typename = void>
- #endif
- struct subst_
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- #if 0//def META_CONCEPT
- requires is_true<try_subst_<C, Args, list<Ts...>>> struct subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args>
- #else
- struct subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args, void_<try_subst_<C, Args, list<Ts...>>>>
- #endif
- {
- using type = list<try_subst_<C, Args, list<Ts...>>>;
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is, typename Args>
- #if 0//def META_CONCEPT
- requires valid_i<T, C, Is...> struct subst_<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args>
- #else
- struct subst_<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args, void_<C<Is...>>>
- #endif
- {
- using type = list<C<Is...>>;
- };
- template <typename T, META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) Args>
- struct impl : if_c<(reverse_find_index<Tags, T>() != npos()),
- lazy::at<Args, reverse_find_index<Tags, T>>, id<list<T>>>
- {
- };
- template <typename T, typename Args>
- struct impl<protect_<T>, Args>
- {
- using type = list<T>;
- };
- template <typename T, typename Args>
- struct impl<is_valid_<T>, Args>
- {
- using type = list<is_trait<impl<T, Args>>>;
- };
- template <typename If, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<if_, If, Ts...>, Args> // Short-circuit if_
- : impl<lazy_impl_<lazy_if_<If, Ts...>, Args>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename B, typename... Bs, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<and_, B, Bs...>, Args> // Short-circuit and_
- : impl<lazy_impl_<lazy_if_<B, lazy::and_<Bs...>, protect_<std::false_type>>, Args>,
- Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename B, typename... Bs, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<or_, B, Bs...>, Args> // Short-circuit or_
- : impl<lazy_impl_<lazy_if_<B, protect_<std::true_type>, lazy::or_<Bs...>>, Args>,
- Args>
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer<C, Ts...>, Args> : subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename T, template <T...> class C, T... Is, typename Args>
- struct impl<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args> : subst_<defer_i<T, C, Is...>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts, typename Args>
- struct impl<C<Ts...>, Args> : subst_<defer<C, Ts...>, Args>
- {
- };
- template <typename... Bs, bool IsVar, typename Args>
- struct impl<lambda_<list<Bs...>, IsVar>, Args>
- {
- using type =
- list<compose<typename lambda_<list<As..., Bs...>, true>::thunk,
- bind_front<quote<concat>, Args>,
- curry<bind_front<quote<substitutions>, list<Bs...>>>>>;
- };
- struct thunk
- {
- template <typename S, typename R = _t<impl<back<Tags>, S>>>
- requires (_v<size<R>> == 1) using invoke = front<R>;
- #else
- using invoke = if_c<size<R>{} == 1, front<R>>;
- #endif
- };
- public:
- template <typename... Ts>
- using invoke = invoke<thunk, substitutions<Tags, list<Ts...>>>;
- };
- }
- template <typename... Ts>
- requires (sizeof...(Ts) > 0) using lambda = detail::lambda_<list<Ts...>>;
- #else
- using lambda = if_c<(sizeof...(Ts) > 0), detail::lambda_<list<Ts...>>>;
- #endif
- template <typename T>
- using is_valid = detail::is_valid_<T>;
- template <typename T>
- using vararg = detail::vararg_<T>;
- template <typename T>
- using protect = detail::protect_<T>;
- template <typename Tag, typename Value>
- struct var;
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename...>
- struct let_
- {
- };
- template <typename Fn>
- struct let_<Fn>
- {
- using type = lazy::invoke<lambda<Fn>>;
- };
- template <typename Tag, typename Value, typename... Rest>
- struct let_<var<Tag, Value>, Rest...>
- {
- using type = lazy::invoke<lambda<Tag, _t<let_<Rest...>>>, Value>;
- };
- }
- template <typename... As>
- using let = _t<_t<detail::let_<As...>>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename... As>
- using let = defer<let, As...>;
- }
- inline namespace placeholders
- {
- struct _a;
- struct _b;
- struct _c;
- struct _d;
- struct _e;
- struct _f;
- struct _g;
- struct _h;
- struct _i;
- using _args = vararg<void>;
- using _args_a = vararg<_a>;
- using _args_b = vararg<_b>;
- using _args_c = vararg<_c>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename M2, typename M>
- struct cartesian_product_fn
- {
- template <typename X>
- struct lambda0
- {
- template <typename Xs>
- using lambda1 = list<push_front<Xs, X>>;
- using type = join<transform<M2, quote<lambda1>>>;
- };
- using type = join<transform<M, quote_trait<lambda0>>>;
- };
- }
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(list_like) ListOfLists>
- using cartesian_product =
- reverse_fold<ListOfLists, list<list<>>, quote_trait<detail::cartesian_product_fn>>;
- namespace lazy
- {
- template <typename ListOfLists>
- using cartesian_product = defer<cartesian_product, ListOfLists>;
- }
- namespace detail
- {
- template <bool>
- struct add_const_if
- {
- template <typename T>
- using invoke = T const;
- };
- template <>
- struct add_const_if<false>
- {
- template <typename T>
- using invoke = T;
- };
- }
- template <bool If>
- using add_const_if_c = detail::add_const_if<If>;
- template <META_TYPE_CONSTRAINT(integral) If>
- using add_const_if = add_const_if_c<If::type::value>;
- template <bool If, typename T>
- using const_if_c = typename add_const_if_c<If>::template invoke<T>;
- template <typename If, typename T>
- using const_if = typename add_const_if<If>::template invoke<T>;
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename State, typename Ch>
- using atoi_ = if_c<(Ch::value >= '0' && Ch::value <= '9'),
- std::integral_constant<typename State::value_type,
- State::value * 10 + (Ch::value - '0')>>;
- }
- inline namespace literals
- {
- template <char... Chs>
- constexpr fold<list<char_<Chs>...>, meta::size_t<0>, quote<detail::atoi_>>
- operator"" _z()
- {
- return {};
- }
- }
- }
- #if defined(__apple_build_version__) || (defined(__clang__) && __clang_major__ < 6)
- template <class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS allocator;
- template <class, class>
- struct META_TEMPLATE_VIS pair;
- template <class>
- struct META_TEMPLATE_VIS hash;
- template <class>
- struct META_TEMPLATE_VIS less;
- template <class>
- struct META_TEMPLATE_VIS equal_to;
- template <class>
- struct META_TEMPLATE_VIS char_traits;
- inline namespace __cxx11 {
- #endif
- template <class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS basic_string;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
- inline namespace __cxx11 {
- #endif
- template <class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS list;
- #if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
- }
- #endif
- template <class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS forward_list;
- template <class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS vector;
- template <class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS deque;
- template <class, class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS map;
- template <class, class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS multimap;
- template <class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS set;
- template <class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS multiset;
- template <class, class, class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS unordered_map;
- template <class, class, class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS unordered_multimap;
- template <class, class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS unordered_set;
- template <class, class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS unordered_multiset;
- template <class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS queue;
- template <class, class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS priority_queue;
- template <class, class>
- class META_TEMPLATE_VIS stack;
- namespace meta
- {
- namespace detail
- {
- template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
- using std_list = std::list<T, A>;
- template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
- using std_forward_list = std::forward_list<T, A>;
- template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
- using std_vector = std::vector<T, A>;
- template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
- using std_deque = std::deque<T, A>;
- template <typename T, typename C = std::char_traits<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
- using std_basic_string = std::basic_string<T, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename V, typename C = std::less<K>,
- typename A = std::allocator<std::pair<K const, V>>>
- using std_map = std::map<K, V, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename V, typename C = std::less<K>,
- typename A = std::allocator<std::pair<K const, V>>>
- using std_multimap = std::multimap<K, V, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename C = std::less<K>, typename A = std::allocator<K>>
- using std_set = std::set<K, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename C = std::less<K>, typename A = std::allocator<K>>
- using std_multiset = std::multiset<K, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename V, typename H = std::hash<K>,
- typename C = std::equal_to<K>,
- typename A = std::allocator<std::pair<K const, V>>>
- using std_unordered_map = std::unordered_map<K, V, H, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename V, typename H = std::hash<K>,
- typename C = std::equal_to<K>,
- typename A = std::allocator<std::pair<K const, V>>>
- using std_unordered_multimap = std::unordered_multimap<K, V, H, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename H = std::hash<K>, typename C = std::equal_to<K>,
- typename A = std::allocator<K>>
- using std_unordered_set = std::unordered_set<K, H, C, A>;
- template <typename K, typename H = std::hash<K>, typename C = std::equal_to<K>,
- typename A = std::allocator<K>>
- using std_unordered_multiset = std::unordered_multiset<K, H, C, A>;
- template <typename T, typename C = std_deque<T>>
- using std_queue = std::queue<T, C>;
- template <typename T, typename C = std_vector<T>,
- class D = std::less<typename C::value_type>>
- using std_priority_queue = std::priority_queue<T, C, D>;
- template <typename T, typename C = std_deque<T>>
- using std_stack = std::stack<T, C>;
- }
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::list> : quote<detail::std_list>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::deque> : quote<detail::std_deque>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::forward_list> : quote<detail::std_forward_list>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::vector> : quote<detail::std_vector>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::basic_string> : quote<detail::std_basic_string>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::map> : quote<detail::std_map>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::multimap> : quote<detail::std_multimap>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::set> : quote<detail::std_set>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::multiset> : quote<detail::std_multiset>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::unordered_map> : quote<detail::std_unordered_map>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::unordered_multimap> : quote<detail::std_unordered_multimap>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::unordered_set> : quote<detail::std_unordered_set>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::unordered_multiset> : quote<detail::std_unordered_multiset>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::queue> : quote<detail::std_queue>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::priority_queue> : quote<detail::std_priority_queue>
- {
- };
- template <>
- struct quote<::std::stack> : quote<detail::std_stack>
- {
- };
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef __clang__
- #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
- #endif
- #endif