- #include "./argument_parser.hpp"
- /// XXX: Refactor this after pulling debate:: out of dds
- #include <dds/dym.hpp>
- #include <boost/leaf/error.hpp>
- #include <boost/leaf/exception.hpp>
- #include <boost/leaf/on_error.hpp>
- #include <fmt/color.h>
- #include <fmt/format.h>
- #include <neo/scope.hpp>
- #include <set>
- using strv = std::string_view;
- using namespace debate;
- namespace {
- struct parse_engine {
- debate::detail::parser_state& state;
- const argument_parser* bottom_parser;
- // Keep track of how many positional arguments we have seen
- int positional_index = 0;
- // Keep track of what we've seen
- std::set<const argument*> seen{};
- auto current_arg() const noexcept { return state.current_arg(); }
- auto at_end() const noexcept { return state.at_end(); }
- void shift() noexcept { return state.shift(); }
- void see(const argument& arg) {
- auto did_insert = seen.insert(&arg).second;
- if (!did_insert && !arg.can_repeat) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_repitition("Invalid repitition"));
- }
- }
- void run() {
- auto _ = boost::leaf::on_error([this] { return e_argument_parser{*bottom_parser}; });
- while (!at_end()) {
- parse_another();
- }
- // Parsed everything successfully. Cool.
- finalize();
- }
- std::optional<std::string> find_nearest_arg_spelling(std::string_view given) const noexcept {
- std::vector<std::string> candidates;
- // Only match arguments of the corrent type
- auto parser = bottom_parser;
- while (parser) {
- for (auto& arg : parser->arguments()) {
- for (auto& l : arg.long_spellings) {
- candidates.push_back("--" + l);
- }
- for (auto& s : arg.short_spellings) {
- candidates.push_back("-" + s);
- }
- }
- parser = parser->parent().pointer();
- }
- if (bottom_parser->subparsers()) {
- auto&& grp = *bottom_parser->subparsers();
- for (auto& p : grp._p_subparsers) {
- candidates.push_back(p.name);
- }
- }
- return dds::did_you_mean(given, candidates);
- }
- void parse_another() {
- auto given = current_arg();
- auto did_parse = try_parse_given(given);
- if (!did_parse) {
- neo_defer {
- auto dym = find_nearest_arg_spelling(given);
- if (dym) {
- boost::leaf::current_error().load(e_did_you_mean{*dym});
- }
- };
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(unrecognized_argument("Unrecognized argument"),
- e_arg_spelling{std::string(given)});
- }
- }
- bool try_parse_given(const strv given) {
- if (given.size() < 2 || given[0] != '-') {
- if (try_parse_positional(given)) {
- return true;
- }
- return try_parse_subparser(given);
- } else if (given[1] == '-') {
- // Two hyphens is a long argument
- return try_parse_long(given.substr(2), given);
- } else {
- // A single hyphen, shorthand argument(s)
- return try_parse_short(given.substr(1), given);
- }
- }
- /*
- ## ####### ## ## ######
- ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
- ## ## ## #### ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####
- ## ## ## ## #### ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ### ## ##
- ######## ####### ## ## ######
- */
- bool try_parse_long(strv tail, const strv given) {
- if (tail == "help") {
- }
- auto argset = bottom_parser;
- while (argset) {
- if (try_parse_long_1(*argset, tail, given)) {
- return true;
- }
- argset = argset->parent().pointer();
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool try_parse_long_1(const argument_parser& argset, strv tail, const strv) {
- for (const argument& cand : argset.arguments()) {
- auto matched = cand.try_match_long(tail);
- if (matched.empty()) {
- continue;
- }
- tail.remove_prefix(matched.size());
- shift();
- auto long_arg = fmt::format("--{}", matched);
- auto _ = boost::leaf::on_error(e_argument{cand}, e_arg_spelling{long_arg});
- see(cand);
- return dispatch_long(cand, tail, long_arg);
- }
- // None of the arguments matched
- return false;
- }
- bool dispatch_long(const argument& arg, strv tail, strv given) {
- if (arg.nargs == 0) {
- if (!tail.empty()) {
- // We should not have a value
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_arguments("Argument does not expect a value"),
- e_wrong_val_num{1});
- }
- // Just a switch. Dispatch
- arg.action(given, given);
- return true;
- }
- // We expect at least one value
- neo_assert(invariant,
- tail.empty() || tail[0] == '=',
- "Invalid argparsing state",
- tail,
- given);
- if (!tail.empty()) {
- // Given with an '=', as in: '--long-option=value'
- tail.remove_prefix(1);
- // The remainder is a single value
- if (arg.nargs > 1) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_arguments("Invalid number of values"),
- e_wrong_val_num{1});
- }
- arg.action(tail, given);
- } else {
- // Trailing words are arguments
- for (auto i = 0; i < arg.nargs; ++i) {
- if (at_end()) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_arguments(
- "Invalid number of argument values"),
- e_wrong_val_num{i});
- }
- arg.action(current_arg(), given);
- shift();
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- ###### ## ## ####### ######## ########
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ######### ## ## ######## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ## ## ####### ## ## ##
- */
- bool try_parse_short(strv tail, const strv given) {
- if (tail == "h") {
- }
- auto argset = bottom_parser;
- while (argset) {
- auto new_tail = try_parse_short_1(*argset, tail, given);
- if (new_tail == tail) {
- // No characters were consumed...
- argset = argset->parent().pointer();
- } else {
- // Got one argument. Re-seek back to the bottom-most active parser
- argset = bottom_parser;
- tail = new_tail;
- }
- if (tail.empty()) {
- // We parsed the full group
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Did not match anything...
- return false;
- }
- strv try_parse_short_1(const argument_parser& argset, const strv tail, const strv) {
- for (const argument& cand : argset.arguments()) {
- auto matched = cand.try_match_short(tail);
- if (matched.empty()) {
- continue;
- }
- auto short_tail = tail.substr(matched.size());
- std::string short_arg = fmt::format("-{}", matched);
- auto _ = boost::leaf::on_error(e_argument{cand}, e_arg_spelling{short_arg});
- see(cand);
- return dispatch_short(cand, short_tail, short_arg);
- }
- // Didn't match anything. Return the original group unmodified
- return tail;
- }
- strv dispatch_short(const argument& arg, strv tail, strv spelling) {
- if (!arg.nargs) {
- // Just a switch. Consume a single character
- arg.action("", spelling);
- return tail;
- } else if (arg.nargs == 1) {
- // Want one value
- if (tail.empty()) {
- // The next argument is the value
- shift();
- if (at_end()) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_arguments("Expected a value"));
- }
- arg.action(current_arg(), spelling);
- shift();
- // We consumed the whole group, so return empty as the remaining:
- return "";
- } else {
- // Consume the remainder of the argument as the value
- arg.action(tail, spelling);
- shift();
- return "";
- }
- } else {
- // Consume the next arguments
- if (!tail.empty()) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_arguments(
- "Wrong number of argument values given"),
- e_wrong_val_num{1});
- }
- shift();
- for (auto i = 0; i < arg.nargs; ++i) {
- if (at_end()) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(invalid_arguments("Wrong number of argument values"),
- e_wrong_val_num{i});
- }
- arg.action(current_arg(), spelling);
- shift();
- }
- return "";
- }
- }
- /*
- ######## ####### ###### #### ######## #### ####### ## ## ### ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ##
- ######## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ######### ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##
- ## ####### ###### #### ## #### ####### ## ## ## ## ########
- */
- bool try_parse_positional(strv given) {
- int pos_idx = 0;
- for (auto& arg : bottom_parser->arguments()) {
- if (!arg.is_positional()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (pos_idx != this->positional_index) {
- // Not yet
- ++pos_idx;
- continue;
- }
- // We've found the next one that needs a value
- neo_assert(expects,
- arg.nargs == 1,
- "Positional arguments must have their nargs=1. For more than one "
- "positional, use multiple positional arguments objects.",
- arg.nargs,
- given,
- positional_index);
- // Just invoke the action
- auto _ = boost::leaf::on_error(e_arg_spelling{arg.preferred_spelling()});
- see(arg);
- arg.action(given, given);
- if (!arg.can_repeat) {
- // This argument isn't repeatable. Advance past it
- ++this->positional_index;
- // If an arg is repeatable, it will always be the "next positional" to parse,
- // and subsequent positionals are inherently unreachable.
- }
- shift();
- return true;
- }
- // No one accepted the value. We do not follow the chain of subcommands for positionals
- return false;
- }
- /*
- ###### ## ## ######## ######## ### ######## ###### ######## ########
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ## ## ######## ######## ## ## ######## ###### ###### ########
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ####### ######## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ######## ## ##
- */
- bool try_parse_subparser(const strv given) {
- if (!bottom_parser->subparsers()) {
- return false;
- }
- auto& group = *bottom_parser->subparsers();
- for (auto& cand : group._p_subparsers) {
- if (cand.name == given) {
- // This parser is now the bottom of the chain
- if (group.action) {
- group.action(given, group.valname);
- }
- if (cand.action) {
- cand.action();
- }
- bottom_parser = &cand._p_parser;
- positional_index = 0;
- shift();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*
- ######## #### ## ## ### ## #### ######## ########
- ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ######
- ## ## ## #### ######### ## ## ## ##
- ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ##
- ## #### ## ## ## ## ######## #### ######## ########
- */
- void finalize() {
- auto argset = bottom_parser;
- while (argset) {
- finalize(*argset);
- argset = argset->parent().pointer();
- }
- if (bottom_parser->subparsers() && bottom_parser->subparsers()->required) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(missing_required("Expected a subcommand"));
- }
- }
- void finalize(const argument_parser& argset) {
- for (auto& arg : argset.arguments()) {
- if (arg.required && !seen.contains(&arg)) {
- BOOST_LEAF_THROW_EXCEPTION(missing_required("Required argument is missing"),
- e_argument{arg});
- }
- }
- }
- };
- } // namespace
- void debate::detail::parser_state::run(const argument_parser& bottom) {
- parse_engine{*this, &bottom}.run();
- }
- argument& argument_parser::add_argument(argument arg) noexcept {
- _arguments.push_back(std::move(arg));
- return _arguments.back();
- }
- subparser_group& argument_parser::add_subparsers(subparser_group grp) noexcept {
- _subparsers.emplace(std::move(grp));
- _subparsers->_p_parent_ = this;
- return *_subparsers;
- }
- argument_parser& subparser_group::add_parser(subparser sub) {
- _p_subparsers.push_back(std::move(sub));
- auto& p = _p_subparsers.back()._p_parser;
- p._parent = _p_parent_;
- return p;
- }
- std::string argument_parser::usage_string(std::string_view progname) const noexcept {
- std::string subcommand_suffix;
- auto tail_parser = this;
- while (tail_parser) {
- for (auto& arg : tail_parser->arguments()) {
- if (arg.is_positional() && arg.required && tail_parser != this) {
- subcommand_suffix = " " + arg.preferred_spelling() + subcommand_suffix;
- }
- }
- if (!tail_parser->_name.empty()) {
- subcommand_suffix = " " + tail_parser->_name + subcommand_suffix;
- }
- tail_parser = tail_parser->_parent.pointer();
- }
- auto ret = fmt::format("Usage: {}{}", progname, subcommand_suffix);
- auto indent = ret.size() + 1;
- if (indent > 40) {
- ret.push_back('\n');
- indent = 10;
- ret.append(indent, ' ');
- }
- std::size_t col = indent;
- for (auto& arg : _arguments) {
- auto synstr = arg.syntax_string();
- if (col + synstr.size() > 79 && col > indent) {
- ret.append("\n");
- ret.append(indent - 1, ' ');
- col = indent - 1;
- }
- ret.append(" " + synstr);
- col += synstr.size() + 1;
- }
- if (subparsers()) {
- std::string subcommand_str = " {";
- auto& subs = subparsers()->_p_subparsers;
- for (auto it = subs.cbegin(); it != subs.cend();) {
- subcommand_str.append(it->name);
- ++it;
- if (it != subs.cend()) {
- subcommand_str.append(",");
- }
- }
- subcommand_str.append("}");
- if (col + subcommand_str.size() > 79 && col > indent) {
- ret.append("\n");
- ret.append(indent - 1, ' ');
- }
- ret.append(subcommand_str);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- std::string argument_parser::help_string(std::string_view progname) const noexcept {
- std::string ret;
- ret = usage_string(progname);
- ret.append("\n\n");
- if (!_description.empty()) {
- ret.append(_description);
- ret.append("\n\n");
- }
- bool any_required = false;
- for (auto& arg : arguments()) {
- if (!arg.required) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!any_required) {
- ret.append("required arguments:\n\n");
- }
- any_required = true;
- ret.append(arg.help_string());
- ret.append("\n");
- }
- bool any_non_required = false;
- for (auto& arg : arguments()) {
- if (arg.required) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!any_non_required) {
- ret.append("optional arguments:\n\n");
- }
- any_non_required = true;
- ret.append(arg.help_string());
- ret.append("\n");
- }
- if (subparsers()) {
- ret.append("Subcommands:\n\n");
- if (!subparsers()->description.empty()) {
- ret.append(fmt::format(" {}\n\n", subparsers()->description));
- }
- for (auto& sub : subparsers()->_p_subparsers) {
- ret.append(fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, "{}", sub.name));
- ret.append("\n ");
- ret.append(sub.help);
- ret.append("\n\n");
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }