- The Local Package Repository
- ``dds`` maintains a local repository of packages that it has obtained at the
- request of a user. The packages themselves are stored as
- :doc:`source distributions <source-dists>` (``dds`` does not store the binaries
- that it builds within the repository).
- Reading Repository Contents
- ***************************
- Most times, ``dds`` will manage the repository content silently, but it may be
- useful to see what ``dds`` is currently storing away.
- The content of the repostiory can be seen with the ``repo`` subcommand::
- > dds repo ls
- This will print the names of packages that ``dds`` has downloaded, as well as
- the versions of each.
- Obtaining Packages
- ******************
- .. seealso:: See also: :doc:`catalog`
- When ``dds`` builds a package, it will also build the dependency libraries of
- that package. In order for the dependency build to succeed, it must have a
- local copy of the source distribution of that dependency.
- When ``dds`` performs dependency resolution, it will consider both existing
- packages in the local repository, as well as packages that are available from
- the :doc:`package catalog <catalog>`. If the dependency solution requires any
- packages that are not in the local repository, it will use the information in
- the catalog to obtain a source distribution for each missing package. These
- source distributions will automatically be added to the local repository, and
- later dependency resolutions will not need to download that package again.
- Manually Downloading a Dependency
- =================================
- It may be useful to obtain a copy of the source distribution of a package
- contained in the catalog. The ``catalog get`` command can be used to do this::
- > dds catalog get <name>@<version>
- This will obtain the source distribution of the package matching the named
- identifier and place that distribution in current working directory, using the
- package ID as the name of the source distribution directory::
- $ dds catalog get spdlog@1.4.2
- [ ... ]
- $ ls .
- .
- ..
- spdlog@1.4.2
- $ ls ./spdlog@1.4.2/
- include/
- src/
- library.json5
- package.json5
- .. _repo.export-local:
- Exporting a Project into the Repository
- ***************************************
- ``dds`` can only use packages that are available in the local repository. For
- packages that have a listing in the catalog, this is not a problem. But if one
- is developing a local package and wants to allow it to be used in another local
- package, that can be done by exporting a source distribution from the package
- root::
- > dds sdist export
- This command will create a source distribution and place it in the local
- repository. The package is now available to other projects on the local system.
- .. note::
- This doesn't export in "editable" mode: A snapshot of the package root
- will be taken and exported to the local repository.
- If one tries to export a package root into a repository that already contains
- a package with a matching identifier, ``dds`` will issue an error. If the
- ``
- forcibly replace the package in the local repository with a new copy.