123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081 |
- /***************************************************
- This is an example for the Adafruit STMPE610 Resistive
- touch screen controller breakout
- ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/1571
- Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
- These breakouts use SPI or I2C to communicate
- Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
- please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
- products from Adafruit!
- Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
- MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
- ****************************************************/
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <Wire.h>
- #include "Adafruit_STMPE610.h"
- // Pick one of three wiring options below!
- // Option #1 - uses I2C, connect to hardware I2C port only!
- // SCL to I2C clock (#A5 on Uno) and SDA to I2C data (#A4 on Uno)
- // tie MODE to GND and POWER CYCLE (there is no reset pin)
- Adafruit_STMPE610 touch = Adafruit_STMPE610();
- // Option #2 - use hardware SPI, connect to hardware SPI port only!
- // SDI to MOSI, SDO to MISO, and SCL to SPI CLOCK
- // on Arduino Uno, that's 11, 12 and 13 respectively
- // Then pick a CS pin, any pin is OK but we suggest #10 on an Uno
- // tie MODE to 3.3V and POWER CYCLE the STMPE610 (there is no reset pin)
- //Adafruit_STMPE610 touch = Adafruit_STMPE610(STMPE_CS);
- // Option #3 - use software SPI, connect to *any* 4 I/O pins!
- // define the following pins to whatever 4 you want and wire up!
- // Tie MODE to 3.3V and POWER CYCLE the STMPE610 (there is no reset pin)
- // Adafruit_STMPE610 touch = Adafruit_STMPE610(STMPE_CS, STMPE_SDI, STMPE_SDO, STMPE_SCK);
- /******************/
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- Serial.println("Adafruit STMPE610 example");
- Serial.flush();
- // if using hardware SPI on an Uno #10 must be an output, remove line
- // if using software SPI or I2C
- pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
- // If using I2C you can select the I2C address (there are two options) by calling
- // touch.begin(0x41), the default, or touch.begin(0x44) if A0 is tied to 3.3V
- // If no address is passed, 0x41 is used
- if (! touch.begin()) {
- Serial.println("STMPE not found!");
- while(1);
- }
- Serial.println("Waiting for touch sense");
- }
- void loop() {
- uint16_t x, y;
- uint8_t z;
- if (touch.touched()) {
- // read x & y & z;
- while (! touch.bufferEmpty()) {
- Serial.print(touch.bufferSize());
- touch.readData(&x, &y, &z);
- Serial.print("->(");
- Serial.print(x); Serial.print(", ");
- Serial.print(y); Serial.print(", ");
- Serial.print(z);
- Serial.println(")");
- }
- touch.writeRegister8(STMPE_INT_STA, 0xFF); // reset all ints
- }
- delay(10);
- }