12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182838485 |
- #include <MIDI.h>
- // This program will measure the time needed to receive, parse and process a
- // NoteOn message.
- // For it to work, please connect RX and TX on the MIDI port:
- // Due, Leonardo and other USB-native Arduinos: Serial1
- // All other Arduinos: Connect pins 2 and 3.
- // The program will then wait for 100 loops and print the results.
- #if defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || defined(USBCON)
- // Print through USB and bench with Hardware serial
- MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(HardwareSerial, Serial1, midiBench);
- #else
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- SoftwareSerial midiSerial(2,3);
- MIDI_CREATE_INSTANCE(SoftwareSerial, midiSerial, midiBench);
- #endif
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned long gTime_start = 0;
- unsigned long gTime_stop = 0;
- unsigned gCounter = 0;
- unsigned long gTime_sum = 0;
- unsigned long gTime_min = -1;
- unsigned long gTime_max = 0;
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handleNoteOn(byte inChannel, byte inNote, byte inVelocity)
- {
- gTime_stop = micros();
- const unsigned long diff = gTime_stop - gTime_start;
- gTime_sum += diff;
- if (diff > gTime_max) gTime_max = diff;
- if (diff < gTime_min) gTime_min = diff;
- if (gCounter++ >= 1000)
- {
- const unsigned long average = gTime_sum / (float)gCounter;
- Serial.println("Time to receive NoteOn: ");
- Serial.print("Average: ");
- Serial.print(average);
- Serial.println(" microsecs");
- Serial.print("Min: ");
- Serial.print(gTime_min);
- Serial.println(" microsecs");
- Serial.print("Max: ");
- Serial.print(gTime_max);
- Serial.println(" microsecs");
- gCounter = 0;
- gTime_sum = 0;
- gTime_max = 0;
- gTime_min = -1;
- midiBench.turnThruOff();
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setup()
- {
- midiBench.setHandleNoteOn(handleNoteOn);
- midiBench.begin();
- Serial.begin(115200);
- while(!Serial);
- Serial.println("Arduino Ready");
- midiBench.sendNoteOn(69,127,1);
- }
- void loop()
- {
- gTime_start = micros();
- midiBench.read();
- }