/* Another example adapted from ugfx http://ugfx.org This actually shows a problem of RA8875 library, writing one pixel it's fast but write many single pixels in the same time not and speed suffer. It shoul be a workaround that I'm actually study, this will fix also loading big images from SD memory card and so on. */ #include #include #define RA8875_CS 10 #define RA8875_RESET 9//any pin or nothing! RA8875 tft = RA8875(RA8875_CS, RA8875_RESET); const int MAX = 256; float cx, cy; float zoom = 1.0f; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //while (!Serial) {;} Serial.println("RA8875 start"); // begin display: Choose from: RA8875_480x272, RA8875_800x480, RA8875_800x480ALT, Adafruit_480x272, Adafruit_800x480 tft.begin(RA8875_800x480); cx = -0.086f; cy = 0.85f; } void loop() { mandelbrot(-2.0f * zoom + cx, -1.5f * zoom + cy, 2.0f * zoom + cx, 1.5f * zoom + cy); zoom *= 0.7f; if (zoom <= 0.00001f) zoom = 1.0f; } void mandelbrot(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { unsigned int i, j; uint16_t iter; uint16_t color; float sy = y2 - y1; float sx = x2 - x1; for (i = 0; i < tft.width(); i++) { for (j = 0; j < tft.height(); j++) { float cy = j * sy / tft.height() + y1; float cx = i * sx / tft.width() + x1; float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, xx = 0.0f, yy = 0.0f; for (iter = 0; iter <= MAX && (xx + yy) < 4.0f; iter++) { xx = x * x; yy = y * y; y = 2.0f * x * y + cy; x = xx - yy + cx; } color = ((iter << 7 & 0xF8) << 8) | ((iter << 4 & 0xFC) << 3) | (iter >> 3); tft.drawPixel(i, j, color); } } }