#include #include #include // use this to do Color c = RGB(...) instead of `RGB c = RGB(...)` or ssd1351::LowColor c = RGB(...) // because it's slightly faster and guarantees you won't be sending wrong colours to the display. // Choose color depth - IndexedColor, LowColor and HighColor currently supported // typedef ssd1351::IndexedColor Color; // typedef ssd1351::LowColor Color; typedef ssd1351::HighColor Color; // Choose display buffering - NoBuffer or SingleBuffer currently supported // auto display = ssd1351::SSD1351(); auto display = ssd1351::SSD1351(); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Booting..."); display.begin(); display.setTextSize(1); Serial.println("Display set up."); } void loop() { unsigned long before = millis(); display.fillScreen(ssd1351::RGB()); if (millis() > 5000) { display.setFont(FreeMonoBold24pt7b); display.setTextSize(1); } char test_string[] = "Test"; uint16_t w = display.getTextWidth(test_string); display.setCursor(64 - w/2, 40); display.setTextColor(ssd1351::RGB(255, 255, 255)); display.print(test_string); display.drawLine(63, 0, 63, 96, ssd1351::RGB(255, 0, 0)); display.updateScreen(); Serial.println(millis() - before); }