/*************************************************** This is a library for the Adafruit STMPE610 Resistive touch screen controller breakout ----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/1571 Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams These breakouts use SPI or I2C to communicate Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution ****************************************************/ #ifndef _ADAFRUIT_STMPE610H_ #define _ADAFRUIT_STMPE610H_ #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #include #define STMPE_ADDR 0x41 #define STMPE_SYS_CTRL1 0x03 #define STMPE_SYS_CTRL1_RESET 0x02 #define STMPE_SYS_CTRL2 0x04 #define STMPE_TSC_CTRL 0x40 #define STMPE_TSC_CTRL_EN 0x01 #define STMPE_TSC_CTRL_XYZ 0x00 #define STMPE_TSC_CTRL_XY 0x02 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL 0x09 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL_POL_HIGH 0x04 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL_POL_LOW 0x00 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL_EDGE 0x02 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL_LEVEL 0x00 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL_ENABLE 0x01 #define STMPE_INT_CTRL_DISABLE 0x00 #define STMPE_INT_EN 0x0A #define STMPE_INT_EN_TOUCHDET 0x01 #define STMPE_INT_EN_FIFOTH 0x02 #define STMPE_INT_EN_FIFOOF 0x04 #define STMPE_INT_EN_FIFOFULL 0x08 #define STMPE_INT_EN_FIFOEMPTY 0x10 #define STMPE_INT_EN_ADC 0x40 #define STMPE_INT_EN_GPIO 0x80 #define STMPE_INT_STA 0x0B #define STMPE_INT_STA_TOUCHDET 0x01 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL1 0x20 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL1_12BIT 0x08 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL1_10BIT 0x00 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL2 0x21 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL2_1_625MHZ 0x00 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL2_3_25MHZ 0x01 #define STMPE_ADC_CTRL2_6_5MHZ 0x02 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG 0x41 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_1SAMPLE 0x00 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_2SAMPLE 0x40 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_4SAMPLE 0x80 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_8SAMPLE 0xC0 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_10US 0x00 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_50US 0x08 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_100US 0x10 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_500US 0x18 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_1MS 0x20 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_5MS 0x28 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_10MS 0x30 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_DELAY_50MS 0x38 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_10US 0x00 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_100US 0x01 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_500US 0x02 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_1MS 0x03 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_5MS 0x04 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_10MS 0x05 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_50MS 0x06 #define STMPE_TSC_CFG_SETTLE_100MS 0x07 #define STMPE_FIFO_TH 0x4A #define STMPE_FIFO_SIZE 0x4C #define STMPE_FIFO_STA 0x4B #define STMPE_FIFO_STA_RESET 0x01 #define STMPE_FIFO_STA_OFLOW 0x80 #define STMPE_FIFO_STA_FULL 0x40 #define STMPE_FIFO_STA_EMPTY 0x20 #define STMPE_FIFO_STA_THTRIG 0x10 #define STMPE_TSC_I_DRIVE 0x58 #define STMPE_TSC_I_DRIVE_20MA 0x00 #define STMPE_TSC_I_DRIVE_50MA 0x01 #define STMPE_TSC_DATA_X 0x4D #define STMPE_TSC_DATA_Y 0x4F #define STMPE_TSC_FRACTION_Z 0x56 #define STMPE_GPIO_SET_PIN 0x10 #define STMPE_GPIO_CLR_PIN 0x11 #define STMPE_GPIO_DIR 0x13 #define STMPE_GPIO_ALT_FUNCT 0x17 class TS_Point { public: TS_Point(void); TS_Point(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z); bool operator==(TS_Point); bool operator!=(TS_Point); int16_t x, y, z; }; class Adafruit_STMPE610{ public: Adafruit_STMPE610(uint8_t cspin, uint8_t mosipin, uint8_t misopin, uint8_t clkpin); Adafruit_STMPE610(uint8_t cs); Adafruit_STMPE610(void); boolean begin(uint8_t i2caddr = STMPE_ADDR); void writeRegister8(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val); uint16_t readRegister16(uint8_t reg); uint8_t readRegister8(uint8_t reg); void readData(uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y, uint8_t *z); uint16_t getVersion(); boolean touched(void); boolean bufferEmpty(void); uint8_t bufferSize(void); TS_Point getPoint(void); private: uint8_t spiIn(); void spiOut(uint8_t x); int8_t _CS, _MOSI, _MISO, _CLK; uint8_t _i2caddr; int m_spiMode; }; #endif