#include // As long as the button is held down, the LED will blink // Build the circuit indicated here: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Button #define BUTTON 2 #define LED 13 // A variable to store the current LED state int ledState = LOW; // Instantiate a Bounce object with a 5 millisecond debounce time Bounce bouncer = Bounce( BUTTON,5 ); void setup() { pinMode(BUTTON,INPUT); pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); } void loop() { // Update and monitor a change of input if ( bouncer.update() ) { // Get the state of the button int value = bouncer.read(); // Toggle the LED if the button is held if ( value == HIGH) { // Make the button retrigger in 500 milliseconds bouncer.rebounce(500); if ( ledState == LOW ) { ledState = HIGH; } else { ledState = LOW; } } else { ledState = LOW; } digitalWrite(LED, ledState ); } }