PlatformIO package of the Teensy core framework compatible with GCC 10 & C++20


SysEx Encoding & Decoding

There are various ways of encoding & decoding arbitrary 8-bit wide data into SysEx, which is 7-bit wide.

The official documentation for FileDump data exchanges states the following:

The 8-bit file data needs to be converted to 7-bit form, with the result that every 7 bytes of file data translates to 8 bytes in the MIDI stream.

For each group of 7 bytes (of file data) the top bit from each is used to construct an eigth byte, which is sent first. So:

  >   AAAAaaaa BBBBbbbb CCCCcccc DDDDdddd EEEEeeee FFFFffff GGGGgggg
  > ```
  > becomes:
  > ```
  >   0ABCDEFG 0AAAaaaa 0BBBbbbb 0CCCcccc 0DDDdddd 0EEEeeee 0FFFffff 0GGGgggg
  > ```
  > The final group may have less than 7 bytes, and is coded as follows
  > (e.g. with 3 bytes in the final group):
  > ```
  >   0ABC0000 0AAAaaaa 0BBBbbbb 0CCCcccc
  > ```

## SysEx encoding / decoding functions

The MIDI library supplies two functions to do this, `encodeSysEx` and `decodeSysEx`.

Example usage:
#include <MIDI.h>

static const byte myData[12] = {
    // Hex dump: CAFEBABE BAADF00D FACADE42
    0xca, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xbe, 0xba, 0xad, 0xf0, 0x0d,
    0xfa, 0xca, 0xde, 0x42

byte encoded[16];
const unsigned encodedSize = midi::encodeSysEx(myData, encoded, 12);
// Encoded hex dump: 07 4a 7e 3a 3e 3a 2d 70 07 0d 7a 4a 5e 42

byte decoded[12];
const unsigned decoded = midi::decodeSysEx(encoded, decoded, encodedSize);

Special case for Korg devices

Korg apparently uses another convention for their SysEx encoding / decoding, where:

AAAAaaaa BBBBbbbb CCCCcccc DDDDdddd EEEEeeee FFFFffff GGGGgggg


0GFEDCBA 0AAAaaaa 0BBBbbbb 0CCCcccc 0DDDdddd 0EEEeeee 0FFFffff 0GGGgggg

The order of the bits in the “header” byte is reversed. To follow this beheaviour, set the inFlipHeaderBits argument to true.


void handleSysEx(byte* inData, unsigned inSize)
    // SysEx body data starts at 3rd byte: F0 42 aa bb cc dd F7
    // 42 being the hex value of the Korg SysEx ID.
    const unsigned dataStartOffset   = 2;
    const unsigned encodedDataLength = inSize - 3; // Remove F0 42 & F7

    // Create a large enough buffer where to decode the message
    byte decodedData[64];

    const unsigned decodedSize = decodeSysEx(inData + dataStartOffset,
                                             true); // flip header bits
    // Do stuff with your message

See original discussion in issue #92.