- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # Generate an archive with packaged content for easier delivery.
- # The generated archive contains:
- # - Source files (MIDI.cpp / MIDI.h)
- # - Resources (keywords.txt)
- # - Examples for Arduino IDE
- # - Installation scripts
- cd "`dirname "${0}"`"
- root="${PWD}/.."
- build="$root/build/dist/MIDI"
- echo "root: $root"
- echo "build: $build"
- # Create a destination directory structure
- mkdir -p "$build/examples"
- mkdir -p "$build/src"
- # Copy sources
- cp -rf "$root/src" "$build"
- # Copy resources
- cp -f "$root/keywords.txt" "$build/"
- cp -f "$root/library.properties" "$build/"
- cp -f "$root/library.json" "$build/"
- cp -f "$root/LICENSE" "$build/"
- # Copy examples
- cp -rf "$root/examples" "$build"
- # Generate package
- cd "$build/.."
- zip -r Arduino_MIDI_Library.zip MIDI
- # Generate doc
- cd "$root/doc"
- doxygen