- /*
- ks0108_Arduino.h - Arduino library support for ks0108 and compatable graphic LCDs
- Copyright (c)2008 Michael Margolis All right reserved
- This is the configuration file for mapping Arduino (ATmega168) pins to the ks0108 Graphics LCD library
- */
- #ifndef KS0108_CONFIG_H
- #define KS0108_CONFIG_H
- /*********************************************************/
- /* Configuration for assigning LCD bits to Arduino Pins */
- /*********************************************************/
- /* Arduino pins used for Commands
- * default assignment uses the first five analog pins
- */
- #define CSEL1 14 // CS1 Bit // swap pin assignments with CSEL2 if left/right image is reversed
- #define CSEL2 15 // CS2 Bit
- #define R_W 16 // R/W Bit
- #define D_I 17 // D/I Bit
- #define EN 18 // EN Bit
- //#define RES 19 // Reset Bit // uncomment this to contol LCD reset on this pin
- /* option: uncomment the next line if all command pins are on the same port for slight speed & code size improvement */
- #define LCD_CMD_PORT PORTC // Command Output Register for pins 14-19
- /* Arduino pins used for LCD Data
- * un-comment ONE of the following pin options that corresponds to the wiring of data bits 0-3
- */
- #define dataPins8to11 // bits 0-3 assigned to arduino pins 8-11, bits 4-7 assigned to arduino pins 4-7
- //#define dataPins14to17 //bits 0-3 assigned to arduino pins 14-17, bits 4-7 assigned to arduino pins 4-7. (note command pins must be changed)
- //#define dataPins0to3 // bits 0-3 assigned to arduino pins 0-3 , bits 4-7 assigned to arduino pins 4-7, this is marginally the fastest option but its only available on runtime board without hardware rs232.
- /* NOTE: all above options assume LCD data bits 4-7 are connected to arduino pins 4-7 */
- /*******************************************************/
- /* end of Arduino configuration */
- /*******************************************************/
- #ifndef dataPins0to3 // this is the only option on standard arduino where all data bits are on same port
- #define LCD_DATA_NIBBLES // if this is defined then data i/o is split into two operations
- #endif
- // these macros map pins to ports using the defines above
- // the following should not be changed unless you really know what your doing
- #ifdef dataPins0to3
- #define LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL D // port for low nibble: D=pins 0-3
- #endif
- #ifdef dataPins14to17
- #define LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL C // port for low nibble: C=pins 14-17 (using this requires reasignment of command pins)
- #endif
- #ifdef dataPins8to11 // the following is the defualt setting
- #define LCD_DATA_LOW_NBL B // port for low nibble, B=pins 8-11
- #endif
- #define LCD_DATA_HIGH_NBL D // port for high nibble: D=pins 4-7, B & C not available on std arduino
- // macros to fast write data to pins known at compile time, this is over 30 times faster than digitalWrite
- #define fastWriteHigh(_pin_) ( _pin_ < 8 ? PORTD |= 1 << (_pin_ & 0x07) : ( _pin_ < 14 ? PORTB |= 1 << ((_pin_ -8) & 0x07) : PORTC |= 1 << ((_pin_ -14) & 0x07) ) )
- #define fastWriteLow(_pin_) ( _pin_ < 8 ? PORTD &= ~(1 << (_pin_ & 0x07)) : ( _pin_ < 14 ? PORTB &= ~(1 << ((_pin_ -8) & 0x07) ) : PORTC &= ~(1 << ((_pin_ -14) & 0x07) ) ) )
- #endif