- /******************************************************************
- An example of how use an external ROM chip with RA8875, this time
- the ER3303_1 (same as GT23L24T3Y or GT30H24T3Y), an unified chinese
- font rom.
- In short:
- 1) use setExternalFontRom to set ROM and it's correct encoding
- 2) use setFont(EXTFONT) to use the external font
- 3) to switch back to internal font ROM, use setFont(INTFONT)
- Library can handle the following Font ROM:
- GT21L16T1W, GT21H16T1W, GT23L16U2W, GT30H24T3Y, GT23L24T3Y, GT23L24M1Z,
- GT23L32S4W, GT30H32S4W, ER3303_1
- Each font ROM has it's encoding so follow font rom datasheet!
- Not working? You don't have the correct font rom installed!
- Choose yours!
- ******************************************************************/
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <RA8875.h>
- #define RA8875_CS 10
- #define RA8875_RESET 9//any pin or nothing!
- RA8875 tft = RA8875(RA8875_CS,RA8875_RESET);
- uint16_t tx, ty;
- void setup()
- {
- // begin display: Choose from: RA8875_480x272, RA8875_800x480, RA8875_800x480ALT, Adafruit_480x272, Adafruit_800x480
- tft.begin(RA8875_800x480);
- //tft.changeMode(TEXT);
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_WHITE);
- //now set the external rom font ER3303_1 an unified chinese font chip,
- //it contains also some ASCII char and use GB12345 encoding.
- //It's important to read your font chip datasheet or you will
- //get from nothing ti garbage on screen!
- tft.setExternalFontRom(ER3303_1,GB12345);
- //switch to external rom
- tft.setFont(EXTFONT);
- //now write some chinese....
- //note that when using ext font chip the size will be X24
- //since most of font maps are 24x24.
- tft.print("ÉîÛÚÐñÈÕ¶«·½¿Æ¼¼ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾"); //
- //the X16 sixe of ROM ER3303_1 can also use ASCII...
- tft.setFontSize(X16);//switch to X16
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_RED);
- tft.setCursor(0,50);
- tft.println("ABCD 1234567890"); //I will use println this time!
- //switch to internal rom
- tft.setFont(INTFONT);
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_GREEN);
- tft.println("ABCD 1234567890");
- //not bad neh? you can use different encodings without use
- //any MCU memory, just add an hardware font chip and istruct library.
- tft.setFont(EXTFONT);
- //you can switching back on the fly to EXTFONT
- tft.print("ÉîÛÚÐñÈÕ¶«·½¿Æ¼¼ÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾");
- //voilà
- }
- void loop()
- {
- }