- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include "TeensyThreads.h"
- volatile int p1 = 0;
- volatile int p2 = 0;
- volatile int p3 = 0;
- volatile int p4 = 0;
- void my_priv_func1(int data){
- p1 = 0;
- data *= 1000; // convert sec to ms;
- int mx = millis();
- while(1) {
- p1++;
- if ((int)millis() - mx > data) break;
- }
- }
- void my_priv_func2() {
- p2 = 0;
- while(1) p2++;
- }
- void my_priv_func3() {
- p3 = 0;
- while(1) p3++;
- }
- void my_priv_func_lock(void *lock) {
- Threads::Mutex *m = (Threads::Mutex *) lock;
- p4 = 0;
- m->lock();
- uint32_t mx = millis();
- while(millis() - mx < 500) p1++;
- m->unlock();
- }
- Threads::Mutex count_lock;
- volatile int count1 = 0;
- volatile int count2 = 0;
- volatile int count3 = 0;
- void lock_test1() {
- while(1) {
- count_lock.lock();
- for(int i=0; i<500; i++) count1++;
- count_lock.unlock();
- }
- }
- void lock_test2() {
- while(1) {
- count_lock.lock();
- for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) count2++;
- count_lock.unlock();
- }
- }
- void lock_test3() {
- while(1) {
- count_lock.lock();
- for(int i=0; i<100; i++) count3++;
- count_lock.unlock();
- }
- }
- int ratio_test(int a, int b, float r) {
- float f = (float)a / (float)b;
- if (a < b) f = 1.0/f;
- if (f > r) return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- void showp() {
- Serial.print(p1);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(p2);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(p3);
- Serial.println();
- }
- int id1, id2, id3;
- void delay2(uint32_t ms)
- {
- int mx = millis();
- while(millis() - mx < ms);
- }
- #define delayx delay
- class subtest {
- public:
- int value;
- void h(int x) { value = x; }
- int test(Threads::Mutex *lk) { return lk->getState(); }
- int getValue() { return value; }
- } subinst;
- class WireTest {
- public:
- bool beginTransaction() { return 1; }
- bool endTransaction() { return 1; }
- bool other() { return 1; }
- };
- int stack_fault = 0;
- int stack_id = 0;
- void stack_overflow_isr(void) {
- stack_fault = 1;
- threads.kill(threads.id());
- }
- // turn off optimizations or the optimizer will remove the recursion because
- // it is smart enough to know it doesn't do anything
- void __attribute__((optimize("O0"))) recursive_thread(int level) {
- if (stack_fault) return;
- char x[128]; // use up some stack space
- delay(20);
- recursive_thread(level+1);
- }
- void runtest() {
- int save_p;
- int save_time;
- float rate;
- // benchmark with no threading
- my_priv_func1(1);
- save_time = p1;
- Serial.print("CPU speed consistency ");
- my_priv_func1(1);
- rate = (float)p1 / (float)save_time;
- if (rate < 1.2 && rate > 0.8) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread start ");
- id1 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 1);
- delayx(300);
- if (p1 != 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread run state ");
- if (threads.getState(id1) == Threads::RUNNING) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread return ");
- delayx(1000);
- save_p = p1;
- delayx(300);
- if (p1 != 0 && p1 == save_p) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread speed ");
- rate = (float)p1 / (float)save_time;
- if (rate < 0.7 && rate > 0.3) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Speed no threads: ");
- Serial.println(save_time);
- Serial.print("Speed 1 thread: ");
- Serial.println(p1);
- Serial.print("Ratio: ");
- Serial.println(rate);
- Serial.print("Test set time slice ");
- id1 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 1);
- delayx(2000);
- save_p = p1;
- id1 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 1);
- threads.setTimeSlice(id1, 200);
- delayx(2000);
- float expected = (float)save_p * 2.0*200.0 / ((float)threads.DEFAULT_TICKS + 200.0);
- rate = (float)p1 / (float)expected;
- if (rate > 0.9 && rate < 1.1) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Speed default ticks: ");
- Serial.println(save_p);
- Serial.print("Speed 200 ticks: ");
- Serial.println(p1);
- Serial.print("Expected: ");
- Serial.println(expected);
- Serial.print("Ratio with expected: ");
- Serial.println(rate);
- Serial.print("Test delay yield ");
- id1 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 1);
- threads.delay(1100);
- rate = (float)p1 / (float)save_time;
- if (rate > 0.7 && rate < 1.4) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Yield wait ratio: ");
- Serial.println(rate);
- Serial.print("Test thread end state ");
- if (threads.getState(id1) == Threads::ENDED) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread reinitialize ");
- p2 = 0;
- id2 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func2);
- delayx(200);
- if (p2 != 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test stack usage ");
- int sz = threads.getStackUsed(id2);
- // Seria.println(sz);
- if (sz>=40 && sz<=48) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread suspend ");
- delayx(200);
- threads.suspend(id2);
- delayx(200);
- save_p = p2;
- delayx(200);
- if (p2 != 0 && p2 == save_p) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread restart ");
- p2 = 0;
- threads.restart(id2);
- delayx(1000);
- if (p2 != 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread stop ");
- threads.stop();
- delayx(200);
- p2 = 0;
- delayx(200);
- if (p2 == 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread start ");
- threads.start();
- delayx(200);
- if (p2 != 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread wait ");
- id3 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 1);
- int time = millis();
- int r = threads.wait(id3);
- delayx(100);
- time = millis() - time;
- if (r==id3) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread wait time ");
- if (time > 1000 && time < 2000) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread kill ");
- id3 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 2);
- delayx(300);
- threads.kill(id3);
- delayx(300);
- save_p = p1;
- delayx(300);
- if (save_p==p1) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- delayx(1000);
- Serial.print("Test std::thread scope ");
- {
- std::thread th2(my_priv_func3);
- delayx(500);
- }
- delayx(500);
- save_p = p3;
- delayx(500);
- if (p3 != 0 && p3 == save_p) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test basic lock ");
- id1 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func1, 2);
- delayx(500);
- {
- Threads::Suspend lock;
- save_p = p1;
- delayx(500);
- if (save_p == p1) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- }
- Serial.print("Test basic unlock ");
- delayx(500);
- if (save_p != p1) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test mutex lock state ");
- Threads::Mutex mx;
- mx.lock();
- r = mx.try_lock();
- if (r == 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test mutex lock thread ");
- id1 = threads.addThread(my_priv_func_lock, &mx);
- delayx(200);
- if (p4 == 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test mutex unlock ");
- mx.unlock();
- delayx(500);
- if (p1 != 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test fast locks ");
- id1 = threads.addThread(lock_test1);
- id2 = threads.addThread(lock_test2);
- id3 = threads.addThread(lock_test3);
- delayx(3000);
- threads.kill(id1);
- threads.kill(id2);
- threads.kill(id3);
- if (ratio_test(count1, count2, 1.2)) Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- //else if (ratio_test(count1, count3, 1.2)) Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- else Serial.println("OK");
- Serial.print(count1);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(count2);
- Serial.print(" ");
- Serial.print(count3);
- Serial.println();
- Serial.print("Test std::mutex lock ");
- std::mutex g_mutex;
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
- if (g_mutex.try_lock() == 0) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- }
- Serial.print("Test std::mutex unlock ");
- if (g_mutex.try_lock() == 1) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- g_mutex.unlock();
- Serial.print("Test Grab init ");
- subinst.h(10);
- ThreadWrap(subinst, sub2);
- #define subinst ThreadClone(sub2)
- if(subinst.getValue() == 10) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test Grab set ");
- subinst.h(25);
- if(subinst.getValue() == 25) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test Grab lock ");
- if (subinst.test(&(sub2.getLock())) == 1) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- Serial.print("Test thread stack overflow ");
- uint8_t *mstack = new uint8_t[1024];
- stack_id = threads.addThread(recursive_thread, 0, 512, mstack+512);
- threads.delay(2000);
- threads.kill(stack_id);
- if (stack_fault) Serial.println("OK");
- else Serial.println("***FAIL***");
- delete[] mstack;
- }
- void runloop() {
- static int timeloop = millis();
- static int mx = 0;
- static int count = 0;
- if (millis() - mx > 5000) {
- Serial.print(count);
- Serial.print(": ");
- Serial.print((millis() - timeloop)/1000);
- Serial.print(" sec ");
- showp();
- count++;
- mx = millis();
- }
- }
- void setup() {
- delay(1000);
- runtest();
- Serial.println("Test infinite loop (will not end)");
- }
- void loop() {
- runloop();
- }