- /*
- ====================
- Reports through serial (57600 baud) the time since
- a button press (transition from HIGH to LOW).
- */
- // Include the Bounce2 library found here :
- // https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce-Arduino-Wiring
- #include <Bounce2.h>
- #define BUTTON_PIN 2
- #define LED_PIN 13
- // Instantiate a Bounce object :
- Bounce debouncer = Bounce();
- unsigned long buttonPressTimeStamp;
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(57600);
- // Setup the button with an internal pull-up :
- // After setting up the button, setup the Bounce instance :
- debouncer.attach(BUTTON_PIN);
- debouncer.interval(5);
- // Setup the LED :
- pinMode(LED_PIN,OUTPUT);
- }
- void loop() {
- // Update the Bounce instance :
- debouncer.update();
- // Call code if Bounce fell (transition from HIGH to LOW) :
- if ( debouncer.fell() ) {;
- Serial.println( millis()-buttonPressTimeStamp );
- buttonPressTimeStamp = millis();
- }
- }