- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include "ILI9488_t3.h"
- #include "MathUtil.h"
- #include "BaseTransition.h"
- const float HALFTONE_SPEED = 0.06f;
- const float HALFTONE_SLOPE = 0.5f;
- const int_fast8_t HALFTONE_CIRC_SIZE = 15;
- const uint_fast8_t HALFTONE_CIRC_SPACING = (uint_fast8_t)(HALFTONE_CIRC_SIZE * cos(M_PI/6.0f)) * 2 - 1;
- class TransitionHalftone : public BaseTransition {
- public:
- TransitionHalftone() : BaseTransition() {};
- void init( ILI9488_t3 tft );
- void restart( ILI9488_t3 tft, uint_fast16_t color );
- void perFrame( ILI9488_t3 tft, FrameParams frameParams );
- boolean isComplete();
- private:
- float _phase = 0;
- uint_fast16_t _color;
- boolean _isComplete = false;
- };
- void TransitionHalftone::init( ILI9488_t3 tft ) {
- }
- void TransitionHalftone::restart( ILI9488_t3 tft, uint_fast16_t inColor ) {
- //uint_fast16_t w = tft.width();
- //uint_fast16_t h = tft.height();
- _phase = 0;
- _color = inColor;
- _isComplete = false;
- }
- void TransitionHalftone::perFrame( ILI9488_t3 tft, FrameParams frameParams ) {
- uint_fast16_t w = (uint_fast16_t)tft.width();
- uint_fast16_t h = (uint_fast16_t)tft.height();
- uint_fast16_t w_2 = (w>>1);
- uint_fast16_t h_2 = (h>>1);
- float _prevPhase = _phase;
- _phase += frameParams.timeMult * HALFTONE_SPEED;
- boolean anySmallCircles = false;
- // Draw circes, offset so circles grow out from center
- int_fast8_t across = (w / (HALFTONE_CIRC_SPACING*cos(M_PI/6.0f))) + 1;
- int_fast8_t across_2 = (across>>1);
- int_fast8_t down = h / HALFTONE_CIRC_SPACING + 1;
- int_fast8_t down_2 = (down>>1)+1;
- for( int_fast8_t i=-across_2; i<=across_2; i++ ) {
- for( int_fast8_t j=-down_2; j<=down_2; j++ ) {
- float i_f = (float)(i);
- float j_f = (float)(j);
- if( i & 0x1 ) j_f -= 0.5f; // Stagger odd columns, so a triangular lattice is formed
- float distance = sqrtf( i_f*i_f + j_f*j_f );
- int_fast8_t prevSize = HALFTONE_CIRC_SIZE * constrain( _prevPhase - distance*HALFTONE_SLOPE, 0.0f, 1.0f );
- int_fast8_t size = HALFTONE_CIRC_SIZE * constrain( _phase - distance*HALFTONE_SLOPE, 0.0f, 1.0f );
- if( size < HALFTONE_CIRC_SIZE ) anySmallCircles = true;
- // Only redraw circles that change size
- if( size > prevSize ) {
- int_fast16_t x = w_2 + i_f*HALFTONE_CIRC_SPACING;
- int_fast16_t y = h_2 + j_f*HALFTONE_CIRC_SPACING;
- tft.fillCircle( x, y, size, _color );
- // Circle drawing issue: Circles at the top of the screen aren't filling correctly,
- // so just draw a box there :P
- if( j == -down_2 ) {
- tft.fillRect( max( x-size, 0 ), max( y-size, 0 ), size*2, size*2, _color );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // When all circles are full-size, the transition is done!
- _isComplete = !anySmallCircles;
- }
- boolean TransitionHalftone::isComplete() {
- return _isComplete;
- }
- #endif