- #!/bin/bash
- # Ugly little Bash script, generates a set of .h files for GFX using
- # GNU FreeFont sources. There are three fonts: 'Mono' (Courier-like),
- # 'Sans' (Helvetica-like) and 'Serif' (Times-like); four styles: regular,
- # bold, oblique or italic, and bold+oblique or bold+italic; and four
- # sizes: 9, 12, 18 and 24 point. No real error checking or anything,
- # this just powers through all the combinations, calling the fontconvert
- # utility and redirecting the output to a .h file for each combo.
- # Adafruit_GFX repository does not include the source outline fonts
- # (huge zipfile, different license) but they're easily acquired:
- # http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/freefont/
- convert=./fontconvert
- inpath=~/Desktop/freefont/
- outpath=../Fonts/
- fonts=(FreeMono FreeSans FreeSerif)
- styles=("" Bold Italic BoldItalic Oblique BoldOblique)
- sizes=(9 12 18 24)
- for f in ${fonts[*]}
- do
- for index in ${!styles[*]}
- do
- st=${styles[$index]}
- for si in ${sizes[*]}
- do
- infile=$inpath$f$st".ttf"
- if [ -f $infile ] # Does source combination exist?
- then
- outfile=$outpath$f$st$si"pt7b.h"
- # printf "%s %s %s > %s\n" $convert $infile $si $outfile
- $convert $infile $si > $outfile
- fi
- done
- done
- done