- #if defined(FASTLED_APOLLO3)
- // Clockless support for the SparkFun Artemis / Ambiq Micro Apollo3 Blue
- // Uses SysTick to govern the pulse timing
- //*****************************************************************************
- //
- // Code taken from Ambiq Micro's am_hal_systick.c
- // and converted to inline static for speed
- //
- //! @brief Get the current count value in the SYSTICK.
- //!
- //! This function gets the current count value in the systick timer.
- //!
- //! @return Current count value.
- //
- //*****************************************************************************
- __attribute__ ((always_inline)) inline static uint32_t __am_hal_systick_count() {
- return SysTick->VAL;
- }
- template <uint8_t DATA_PIN, int T1, int T2, int T3, EOrder RGB_ORDER = RGB, int XTRA0 = 0, bool FLIP = false, int WAIT_TIME = 50>
- class ClocklessController : public CPixelLEDController<RGB_ORDER> {
- typedef typename FastPin<DATA_PIN>::port_ptr_t data_ptr_t;
- typedef typename FastPin<DATA_PIN>::port_t data_t;
- CMinWait<WAIT_TIME> mWait;
- public:
- virtual void init() {
- // Initialize everything
- // Configure DATA_PIN for FastGPIO (settings are in fastpin_apollo3.h)
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::setOutput();
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::lo();
- // Make sure the system clock is running at the full 48MHz
- am_hal_clkgen_control(AM_HAL_CLKGEN_CONTROL_SYSCLK_MAX, 0);
- // Make sure interrupts are enabled
- //am_hal_interrupt_master_enable();
- // Enable SysTick Interrupts in the NVIC
- //NVIC_EnableIRQ(SysTick_IRQn);
- // SysTick is 24-bit and counts down (not up)
- // Stop the SysTick (just in case it is already running).
- // This clears the ENABLE bit in the SysTick Control and Status Register (SYST_CSR).
- // In Ambiq naming convention, the control register is SysTick->CTRL
- am_hal_systick_stop();
- // Call SysTick_Config
- // This is defined in core_cm4.h
- // It loads the specified LOAD value into the SysTick Reload Value Register (SYST_RVR)
- // In Ambiq naming convention, the reload register is SysTick->LOAD
- // It sets the SysTick interrupt priority
- // It clears the SysTick Current Value Register (SYST_CVR)
- // In Ambiq naming convention, the current value register is SysTick->VAL
- // Finally it sets these bits in the SysTick Control and Status Register (SYST_CSR):
- // CLKSOURCE: SysTick uses the processor clock
- // TICKINT: When the count reaches zero, the SysTick exception (interrupt) is changed to pending
- // ENABLE: Enables the counter
- // SysTick_Config returns 0 if successful. 1 indicates a failure (the LOAD value was invalid).
- SysTick_Config(0xFFFFFFUL); // The LOAD value needs to be 24-bit
- }
- virtual uint16_t getMaxRefreshRate() const { return 400; }
- protected:
- virtual void showPixels(PixelController<RGB_ORDER> & pixels) {
- mWait.wait();
- if(!showRGBInternal(pixels)) {
- sei(); delayMicroseconds(WAIT_TIME); cli();
- showRGBInternal(pixels);
- }
- mWait.mark();
- }
- template<int BITS> __attribute__ ((always_inline)) inline static void writeBits(register uint32_t & next_mark, register uint8_t & b) {
- // SysTick counts down (not up) and is 24-bit
- for(register uint32_t i = BITS-1; i > 0; i--) { // We could speed this up by using Bit Banding
- while(__am_hal_systick_count() > next_mark) { ; } // Wait for the remainder of this cycle to complete
- // Calculate next_mark (the time of the next DATA_PIN transition) by subtracting T1+T2+T3
- // SysTick counts down (not up) and is 24-bit
- next_mark = (__am_hal_systick_count() - (T1+T2+T3)) & 0xFFFFFFUL;
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::hi();
- if(b&0x80) {
- // "1 code" = longer pulse width
- while((__am_hal_systick_count() - next_mark) > (T3+(3*(F_CPU/24000000)))) { ; }
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::lo();
- } else {
- // "0 code" = shorter pulse width
- while((__am_hal_systick_count() - next_mark) > (T2+T3+(4*(F_CPU/24000000)))) { ; }
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::lo();
- }
- b <<= 1;
- }
- while(__am_hal_systick_count() > next_mark) { ; }// Wait for the remainder of this cycle to complete
- // Calculate next_mark (the time of the next DATA_PIN transition) by subtracting T1+T2+T3
- // SysTick counts down (not up) and is 24-bit
- next_mark = (__am_hal_systick_count() - (T1+T2+T3)) & 0xFFFFFFUL;
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::hi();
- if(b&0x80) {
- // "1 code" = longer pulse width
- while((__am_hal_systick_count() - next_mark) > (T3+(2*(F_CPU/24000000)))) { ; }
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::lo();
- } else {
- // "0 code" = shorter pulse width
- while((__am_hal_systick_count() - next_mark) > (T2+T3+(4*(F_CPU/24000000)))) { ; }
- FastPin<DATA_PIN>::lo();
- }
- }
- // This method is made static to force making register Y available to use for data on AVR - if the method is non-static, then
- // gcc will use register Y for the this pointer.
- static uint32_t showRGBInternal(PixelController<RGB_ORDER> pixels) {
- // Setup the pixel controller and load/scale the first byte
- pixels.preStepFirstByteDithering();
- register uint8_t b = pixels.loadAndScale0();
- cli();
- // Calculate next_mark (the time of the next DATA_PIN transition) by subtracting T1+T2+T3
- // SysTick counts down (not up) and is 24-bit
- // The subtraction could underflow (wrap round) so let's mask the result to 24 bits
- register uint32_t next_mark = (__am_hal_systick_count() - (T1+T2+T3)) & 0xFFFFFFUL;
- while(pixels.has(1)) { // Keep going for as long as we have pixels
- pixels.stepDithering();
- cli();
- // Have we already missed the next_mark?
- if(__am_hal_systick_count() < next_mark) {
- // If we have exceeded next_mark by an excessive amount, then bail (return 0)
- if((next_mark - __am_hal_systick_count()) > ((WAIT_TIME-INTERRUPT_THRESHOLD)*CLKS_PER_US)) { sei(); return 0; }
- }
- #endif
- // Write first byte, read next byte
- writeBits<8+XTRA0>(next_mark, b);
- b = pixels.loadAndScale1();
- // Write second byte, read 3rd byte
- writeBits<8+XTRA0>(next_mark, b);
- b = pixels.loadAndScale2();
- // Write third byte, read 1st byte of next pixel
- writeBits<8+XTRA0>(next_mark, b);
- b = pixels.advanceAndLoadAndScale0();
- sei();
- #endif
- }; // end of while(pixels.has(1))
- // Unfortunately SysTick relies on an interrupt to reload it once it reaches zero
- // and having interrupts disabled for most of the above means the interrupt doesn't get serviced.
- // So we had better reload it here instead...
- am_hal_systick_load(0xFFFFFFUL);
- sei();
- return (1);
- }
- };
- #endif
- #endif