- #ifndef __INC_PIXELSET_H
- #define __INC_PIXELSET_H
- #include "FastLED.h"
- #ifndef abs
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- ///// Represents a set of CRGB led objects. Provides the [] array operator, and works like a normal array in that case.
- ///// This should be kept in sync with the set of functions provided by CRGB as well as functions in colorutils. Note
- ///// that a pixel set is a window into another set of led data, it is not its own set of led data.
- template<class PIXEL_TYPE>
- class CPixelView {
- public:
- const int8_t dir;
- const int len;
- PIXEL_TYPE * const leds;
- PIXEL_TYPE * const end_pos;
- public:
- /// PixelSet copy constructor
- inline CPixelView(const CPixelView & other) : dir(other.dir), len(other.len), leds(other.leds), end_pos(other.end_pos) {}
- /// pixelset constructor for a pixel set starting at the given PIXEL_TYPE* and going for _len leds. Note that the length
- /// can be backwards, creating a PixelSet that walks backwards over the data
- /// @param leds point to the raw led data
- /// @param len how many leds in this set
- inline CPixelView(PIXEL_TYPE *_leds, int _len) : dir(_len < 0 ? -1 : 1), len(_len), leds(_leds), end_pos(_leds + _len) {}
- /// PixelSet constructor for the given set of leds, with start and end boundaries. Note that start can be after
- /// end, resulting in a set that will iterate backwards
- /// @param leds point to the raw led data
- /// @param start the start index of the leds for this array
- /// @param end the end index of the leds for this array
- inline CPixelView(PIXEL_TYPE *_leds, int _start, int _end) : dir(((_end-_start)<0) ? -1 : 1), len((_end - _start) + dir), leds(_leds + _start), end_pos(_leds + _start + len) {}
- /// Get the size of this set
- /// @return the size of the set
- int size() { return abs(len); }
- /// Whether or not this set goes backwards
- /// @return whether or not the set is backwards
- bool reversed() { return len < 0; }
- /// do these sets point to the same thing (note, this is different from the contents of the set being the same)
- bool operator==(const CPixelView & rhs) const { return leds == rhs.leds && len == rhs.len && dir == rhs.dir; }
- /// do these sets point to the different things (note, this is different from the contents of the set being the same)
- bool operator!=(const CPixelView & rhs) const { return leds != rhs.leds || len != rhs.len || dir != rhs.dir; }
- /// access a single element in this set, just like an array operator
- inline PIXEL_TYPE & operator[](int x) const { if(dir & 0x80) { return leds[-x]; } else { return leds[x]; } }
- /// Access an inclusive subset of the leds in this set. Note that start can be greater than end, which will
- /// result in a reverse ordering for many functions (useful for mirroring)
- /// @param start the first element from this set for the new subset
- /// @param end the last element for the new subset
- inline CPixelView operator()(int start, int end) { return CPixelView(leds, start, end); }
- /// Access an inclusive subset of the leds in this set, starting from the first.
- /// @param end the last element for the new subset
- /// Not sure i want this? inline CPixelView operator()(int end) { return CPixelView(leds, 0, end); }
- /// Return the reverse ordering of this set
- inline CPixelView operator-() { return CPixelView(leds, len - dir, 0); }
- /// Return a pointer to the first element in this set
- inline operator PIXEL_TYPE* () const { return leds; }
- /// Assign the passed in color to all elements in this set
- /// @param color the new color for the elements in the set
- inline CPixelView & operator=(const PIXEL_TYPE & color) {
- for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) = color; }
- return *this;
- }
- void dump() const {
- /**
- Serial.print("len: "); Serial.print(len); Serial.print(", dir:"); Serial.print((int)dir);
- Serial.print(", range:"); Serial.print((uint32_t)leds); Serial.print("-"); Serial.print((uint32_t)end_pos);
- Serial.print(", diff:"); Serial.print((int32_t)(end_pos - leds));
- Serial.println("");
- **/
- }
- /// Copy the contents of the passed in set to our set. Note if one set is smaller than the other, only the
- /// smallest number of items will be copied over.
- inline CPixelView & operator=(const CPixelView & rhs) {
- for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) {
- (*pixel) = (*rhspixel);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /// @name modification/scaling operators
- //@{
- /// Add the passed in value to r,g, b for all the pixels in this set
- inline CPixelView & addToRGB(uint8_t inc) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) += inc; } return *this; }
- /// Add every pixel in the other set to this set
- inline CPixelView & operator+=(CPixelView & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) { (*pixel) += (*rhspixel); } return *this; }
- /// Subtract the passed in value from r,g,b for all pixels in this set
- inline CPixelView & subFromRGB(uint8_t inc) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) -= inc; } return *this; }
- /// Subtract every pixel in the other set from this set
- inline CPixelView & operator-=(CPixelView & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) { (*pixel) -= (*rhspixel); } return *this; }
- /// Increment every pixel value in this set
- inline CPixelView & operator++() { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel)++; } return *this; }
- /// Increment every pixel value in this set
- inline CPixelView & operator++(int DUMMY_ARG) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel)++; } return *this; }
- /// Decrement every pixel value in this set
- inline CPixelView & operator--() { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel)--; } return *this; }
- /// Decrement every pixel value in this set
- inline CPixelView & operator--(int DUMMY_ARG) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel)--; } return *this; }
- /// Divide every led by the given value
- inline CPixelView & operator/=(uint8_t d) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) /= d; } return *this; }
- /// Shift every led in this set right by the given number of bits
- inline CPixelView & operator>>=(uint8_t d) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) >>= d; } return *this; }
- /// Multiply every led in this set by the given value
- inline CPixelView & operator*=(uint8_t d) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) *= d; } return *this; }
- /// Scale every led by the given scale
- inline CPixelView & nscale8_video(uint8_t scaledown) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel).nscale8_video(scaledown); } return *this;}
- /// Scale down every led by the given scale
- inline CPixelView & operator%=(uint8_t scaledown) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel).nscale8_video(scaledown); } return *this; }
- /// Fade every led down by the given scale
- inline CPixelView & fadeLightBy(uint8_t fadefactor) { return nscale8_video(255 - fadefactor); }
- /// Scale every led by the given scale
- inline CPixelView & nscale8(uint8_t scaledown) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel).nscale8(scaledown); } return *this; }
- /// Scale every led by the given scale
- inline CPixelView & nscale8(PIXEL_TYPE & scaledown) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel).nscale8(scaledown); } return *this; }
- /// Scale every led in this set by every led in the other set
- inline CPixelView & nscale8(CPixelView & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) { (*pixel).nscale8((*rhspixel)); } return *this; }
- /// Fade every led down by the given scale
- inline CPixelView & fadeToBlackBy(uint8_t fade) { return nscale8(255 - fade); }
- /// Apply the PIXEL_TYPE |= operator to every pixel in this set with the given PIXEL_TYPE value (bringing each channel to the higher of the two values)
- inline CPixelView & operator|=(const PIXEL_TYPE & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) |= rhs; } return *this; }
- /// Apply the PIXEL_TYPE |= operator to every pixel in this set with every pixel in the passed in set
- inline CPixelView & operator|=(const CPixelView & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) { (*pixel) |= (*rhspixel); } return *this; }
- /// Apply the PIXEL_TYPE |= operator to every pixel in this set
- inline CPixelView & operator|=(uint8_t d) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) |= d; } return *this; }
- /// Apply the PIXEL_TYPE &= operator to every pixel in this set with the given PIXEL_TYPE value (bringing each channel down to the lower of the two values)
- inline CPixelView & operator&=(const PIXEL_TYPE & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) &= rhs; } return *this; }
- /// Apply the PIXEL_TYPE &= operator to every pixel in this set with every pixel in the passed in set
- inline CPixelView & operator&=(const CPixelView & rhs) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) { (*pixel) &= (*rhspixel); } return *this; }
- /// APply the PIXEL_TYPE &= operator to every pixel in this set with the passed in value
- inline CPixelView & operator&=(uint8_t d) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { (*pixel) &= d; } return *this; }
- //@}
- /// Returns whether or not any leds in this set are non-zero
- inline operator bool() { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { if((*pixel)) return true; } return false; }
- // Color util functions
- inline CPixelView & fill_solid(const PIXEL_TYPE & color) { *this = color; return *this; }
- inline CPixelView & fill_solid(const CHSV & color) { if(dir>0) { *this = color; return *this; } }
- inline CPixelView & fill_rainbow(uint8_t initialhue, uint8_t deltahue=5) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_rainbow(leds,len,initialhue,deltahue);
- } else {
- ::fill_rainbow(leds+len+1,-len,initialhue,deltahue);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & fill_gradient(const CHSV & startcolor, const CHSV & endcolor, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode = SHORTEST_HUES) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_gradient(leds,len,startcolor, endcolor, directionCode);
- } else {
- ::fill_gradient(leds + len + 1, (-len), endcolor, startcolor, directionCode);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & fill_gradient(const CHSV & c1, const CHSV & c2, const CHSV & c3, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode = SHORTEST_HUES) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_gradient(leds, len, c1, c2, c3, directionCode);
- } else {
- ::fill_gradient(leds + len + 1, -len, c3, c2, c1, directionCode);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & fill_gradient(const CHSV & c1, const CHSV & c2, const CHSV & c3, const CHSV & c4, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode = SHORTEST_HUES) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_gradient(leds, len, c1, c2, c3, c4, directionCode);
- } else {
- ::fill_gradient(leds + len + 1, -len, c4, c3, c2, c1, directionCode);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & fill_gradient_RGB(const PIXEL_TYPE & startcolor, const PIXEL_TYPE & endcolor, TGradientDirectionCode directionCode = SHORTEST_HUES) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_gradient_RGB(leds,len,startcolor, endcolor);
- } else {
- ::fill_gradient_RGB(leds + len + 1, (-len), endcolor, startcolor);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & fill_gradient_RGB(const PIXEL_TYPE & c1, const PIXEL_TYPE & c2, const PIXEL_TYPE & c3) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_gradient_RGB(leds, len, c1, c2, c3);
- } else {
- ::fill_gradient_RGB(leds + len + 1, -len, c3, c2, c1);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & fill_gradient_RGB(const PIXEL_TYPE & c1, const PIXEL_TYPE & c2, const PIXEL_TYPE & c3, const PIXEL_TYPE & c4) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::fill_gradient_RGB(leds, len, c1, c2, c3, c4);
- } else {
- ::fill_gradient_RGB(leds + len + 1, -len, c4, c3, c2, c1);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & nblend(const PIXEL_TYPE & overlay, fract8 amountOfOverlay) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), _end = end(); pixel != _end; ++pixel) { ::nblend((*pixel), overlay, amountOfOverlay); } return *this; }
- inline CPixelView & nblend(const CPixelView & rhs, fract8 amountOfOverlay) { for(iterator pixel = begin(), rhspixel = rhs.begin(), _end = end(), rhs_end = rhs.end(); (pixel != _end) && (rhspixel != rhs_end); ++pixel, ++rhspixel) { ::nblend((*pixel), (*rhspixel), amountOfOverlay); } return *this; }
- // Note: only bringing in a 1d blur, not sure 2d blur makes sense when looking at sub arrays
- inline CPixelView & blur1d(fract8 blur_amount) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::blur1d(leds, len, blur_amount);
- } else {
- ::blur1d(leds + len + 1, -len, blur_amount);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & napplyGamma_video(float gamma) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::napplyGamma_video(leds, len, gamma);
- } else {
- ::napplyGamma_video(leds + len + 1, -len, gamma);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- inline CPixelView & napplyGamma_video(float gammaR, float gammaG, float gammaB) {
- if(dir >= 0) {
- ::napplyGamma_video(leds, len, gammaR, gammaG, gammaB);
- } else {
- ::napplyGamma_video(leds + len + 1, -len, gammaR, gammaG, gammaB);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // TODO: Make this a fully specified/proper iterator
- template <class T>
- class pixelset_iterator_base {
- T * leds;
- const int8_t dir;
- public:
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline pixelset_iterator_base(const pixelset_iterator_base & rhs) : leds(rhs.leds), dir(rhs.dir) {}
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline pixelset_iterator_base(T * _leds, const char _dir) : leds(_leds), dir(_dir) {}
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline pixelset_iterator_base& operator++() { leds += dir; return *this; }
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline pixelset_iterator_base operator++(int) { pixelset_iterator_base tmp(*this); leds += dir; return tmp; }
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline bool operator==(pixelset_iterator_base & other) const { return leds == other.leds; } // && set==other.set; }
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline bool operator!=(pixelset_iterator_base & other) const { return leds != other.leds; } // || set != other.set; }
- __attribute__((always_inline)) inline PIXEL_TYPE& operator*() const { return *leds; }
- };
- typedef pixelset_iterator_base<PIXEL_TYPE> iterator;
- typedef pixelset_iterator_base<const PIXEL_TYPE> const_iterator;
- iterator begin() { return iterator(leds, dir); }
- iterator end() { return iterator(end_pos, dir); }
- iterator begin() const { return iterator(leds, dir); }
- iterator end() const { return iterator(end_pos, dir); }
- const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(leds, dir); }
- const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(end_pos, dir); }
- };
- typedef CPixelView<CRGB> CRGBSet;
- __attribute__((always_inline))
- inline CRGB *operator+(const CRGBSet & pixels, int offset) { return (CRGB*)pixels + offset; }
- template<int SIZE>
- class CRGBArray : public CPixelView<CRGB> {
- CRGB rawleds[SIZE];
- public:
- CRGBArray() : CPixelView<CRGB>(rawleds, SIZE) {}
- using CPixelView::operator=;
- };
- #endif