- /*
- Basic Text Functions (only internal fonts)
- Here's an example of how to use text commands on RA8875
- It shows many commands and all commented so you can figure out the library ability
- */
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <RA8875.h>
- #define RA8875_CS 10 //remember that (apart 8 bit CPU's) you cannot use any pin here! See docs
- #define RA8875_RESET 9//any pin or nothing!
- RA8875 tft = RA8875(RA8875_CS, RA8875_RESET); //Teensy3/arduino's
- void setup()
- {
- Serial.begin(38400);
- long unsigned debug_start = millis ();
- while (!Serial && ((millis () - debug_start) <= 5000)) ;
- Serial.println("RA8875 start");
- //initialization routine
- // begin display: Choose from: RA8875_480x272, RA8875_800x480, RA8875_800x480ALT, Adafruit_480x272, Adafruit_800x480
- tft.begin(RA8875_800x480);//or whatever you have
- //following it's already by begin function but
- //if you like another background color....
- tft.fillWindow(RA8875_BLACK);//fill window black
- //now set a text color, background transparent
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_WHITE);
- Serial.println(tft.getFontWidth(true));
- Serial.println(tft.getFontHeight(true));
- //use the classic print an println command
- tft.print("Hello World");
- //by default the text location is set to 0,0
- //now set it at 50,20 pixels and different color
- tft.setCursor(50, 20); //set cursor work in pixel!!!
- //this time we not using transparent background
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_RED, RA8875_GREEN);
- tft.print("Hello World");
- //by default we using the internal font
- //so some manipulation it's possible
- tft.setFontScale(1);//font x1
- Serial.println(tft.getFontWidth());
- Serial.println(tft.getFontHeight());
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_RED);
- tft.print("Hello World");
- //We can use current cursor location for some job...
- int16_t currentX, currentY;//we need this for store current cursor location
- tft.getCursor(currentX, currentY);//now we transfer to the currentX,currentY vars the location
- //now we have the location, lets draw a white pixel
- tft.drawPixel(currentX, currentY, RA8875_WHITE); //did you see the white dot?
- tft.setFontScale(0);//reset font scale
- //here's an alternative...
- //tft.setFontScale(0,1);xscale,yscale arbitrary x & y scaling
- tft.setCursor(0, 50);
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_YELLOW);
- tft.println("ABCDEF 1 2 3 4");//this time println!
- tft.setFontSpacing(5);//now give 5 pix extra spacing between chars
- tft.println("ABCDEF 1 2 3 4");
- tft.setFontSpacing(0);//reset spacing
- //here's a useful feature of setCursor
- tft.setCursor(CENTER, CENTER); //this set text exact in the screen regardless his lenght and scale
- tft.setFontScale(1);//font x2
- tft.setTextGrandient(RA8875_YELLOW,RA8875_MAGENTA);
- tft.print("I'm in the center");
- //now use the autocenter feature
- tft.setFontScale(0);//reset font scale
- tft.drawRect((tft.width() / 2) - 25, (tft.height() / 2) - 100, 50, 50, RA8875_RED);//draw a box above the center
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_YELLOW);
- //this will center the text inside the box!!!
- tft.setCursor((tft.width() / 2), (tft.height() / 2) - 75, true);
- tft.print("AB");
- tft.setFontScale(0);//reset font scale
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_CYAN, RA8875_BLACK);
- tft.setCursor(50, 100);
- // Now play with cursor styles
- tft.print("Cursor Example: IBEAM");
- tft.showCursor(IBEAM, true); //activate cursor iBeam blinking
- delay(3000);
- tft.setCursor(50, 100);
- tft.print("Cursor Example: UNDER");
- tft.showCursor(UNDER, true); //activate cursor iBeam blinking
- delay(3000);
- tft.setCursor(50, 100);
- tft.print("Cursor Example: BLOCK");
- tft.showCursor(BLOCK, true); //activate cursor iBeam blinking
- delay(3000);
- tft.setCursor(50, 100);
- tft.print(" ");
- tft.showCursor(NOCURSOR, false); //deactivate cursor
- delay(1000);
- tft.setFontScale(0, 3); //font x0,x4
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_CYAN, RA8875_BLACK);
- //here's another unusual command, setFontAdvance enable/disable font advance
- //so you don't have to use setCursor a lot when you need to update numbers on screen
- tft.cursorIncrement(false);//turn off autoAdvance
- tft.setCursor(100, 100);
- for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- tft.print(i, DEC);
- delay(200);
- }
- tft.print(" ");
- tft.cursorIncrement(true);//back to normal
- tft.setFontScale(2);//font x3
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_BLUE, RA8875_BLACK);
- }
- unsigned long i = 0;
- void loop()
- {
- tft.setCursor(50, 100);
- if (i > 999) {
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_CYAN, RA8875_BLACK);
- }
- if (i > 9999) {
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_MAGENTA, RA8875_BLACK);
- }
- if (i > 99999) {
- tft.setTextColor(RA8875_RED, RA8875_BLACK);
- }
- if (i > 999999) i = 0;
- tft.print(i, DEC);
- delay(1);
- i++;
- }