- % Talkie library
- % Copyright 2011 Peter Knight
- % This code is released under GPLv2 license.
- %
- % Main LPC mapping code.
- % Converts WAV file into LPC model parameters.
- clear
- params = [];
- % LPC10 encoder
- % Read source file
- [a,sampleRate, bitDepth] = wavread('TomsDiner8.wav');
- b=a.*0; % Output buffer, matching size
- % LPC10 frame is 25ms at 8000Hz
- frameTime = 0.025;
- frameSamples = sampleRate * frameTime;
- W = 2*frameSamples; % Window is twice as long as frame, to allow for windowing overlaps
- % Precalculate hanning window, length 2 frames
- hannWindow = transpose(0.5*(1-cos(2*pi*(0:(W-1))/(W-1))));
- % Precalculate phases for 1Hz
- phase = (1:W)*2*pi/sampleRate;
- lpcOrder=10;
- lena = length(a);
- for frameStart = 1:W/2:(lena-W)
- % Window chunk of input
- frameChunk = a(frameStart:(frameStart+W-1),1);
- frameWindowed = (frameChunk .* hannWindow);
- % Measure energy
- frameEnergy = sqrt(mean(frameWindowed.*frameWindowed));
- % Measure pitch
- pitch = 235; % Mid point of Suzanne Vega's pitch range
- [pitch,pitchScore] = pitchRefine(frameWindowed,pitch,100,sampleRate);
- [pitch,pitchScore] = pitchRefine(frameWindowed,pitch,30,sampleRate);
- [pitch,pitchScore] = pitchRefine(frameWindowed,pitch,10,sampleRate);
- [pitch,pitchScore] = pitchRefine(frameWindowed,pitch,3,sampleRate);
- % Consonant detection
- if (pitchScore/frameEnergy > 0.1)
- isVoiced = 1;
- else
- isVoiced = 0;
- pitch = 0;
- end
- % Calculate LPC coefficients
- r = autocorrelate(frameWindowed,lpcOrder+1);
- [k,g] = levinsonDurbin(r,lpcOrder);
- if isVoiced==0
- g = 0.1*g;
- end
- [frameStart/lena,g] % Show status
- % Quantise to match bit coding
- [pitch,g,k,frameBits] = lpcQuantise(pitch,g,k);
- params = vertcat(params,frameBits);
- % Synthesise from parameters
- d = lpcSynth(pitch,g,k,W,lpcOrder,sampleRate);
- d = d .* hannWindow;
- % Write back pitch to output wav
- b(frameStart:(frameStart+2*frameSamples-1)) = b(frameStart:(frameStart+2*frameSamples-1)) + d;
- end
- b = transpose(b);
- wavwrite(b,8000,16,'TomsDinerPitch.wav');
- csvwrite('tomsDinerStream.csv',params);