PlatformIO package of the Teensy core framework compatible with GCC 10 & C++20
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56 rindas

  1. Version:
  2. 1.0 12 Feb 2012 - initial release
  3. 1.1 09 Apr 2012 - added support for more display modules
  4. added support for String objects to print()
  5. fixed a bug in printNumF()
  6. added optional minimum length and filler character to pintNumI() and printNumF()
  7. added option to disable unneeded controller chip code to minimize memory use
  8. 1.2 14 Apr 2012 - added support for more display modules
  9. added getDisplayXSize() and getDisplayYSize()
  10. 1.3 03 Jun 2012 - added support for more display modules
  11. fixed a bug in the ITDB02-25H init
  12. 2.0 21 Jan 2013 - added support for Arduino Due and Arduino Leonardo
  13. added support for the "AquaLEDSource All in One Super Screw Shield" on chipKit Max32
  14. added support for more display modules
  15. fixed a bug in printNumF()
  16. optimized drawLine()
  17. optimized 16bit data transfer
  18. optimized some 8bit data transfer
  19. added option to use pre-defined RGB565 values with setColor(), setBackColor() and fillScr()
  20. added functions getColor(), getBackColor(), getFont(), getFontXsize() and getFontYsize()
  21. added 16 VGA standard colors as pre-defined color literal
  22. rearranged the manual to keep related functions grouped together
  23. 2.01 05 Feb 2013 - fixed a bug that only shows up on linux-based systems
  24. 2.1 29 Mar 2013 - added support for Electronics Lees 3.2" display shield Rev B on Arduinos
  25. fixed a bug that only shows up on some linux-based systems
  26. added built-in support for using display shields designed for Arduino Uno on Arduino Mega
  27. changed license to CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
  28. 2.2 01 May 2013 - added support for ElecFreaks TFT01-5.0 and TFT01-7.0
  29. added support for chipKit uC32
  30. restructured files slightly
  31. 2.3 08 May 2013 - added support for transparent text background
  32. fixed a bug in printNumF()
  33. 2.4 11 May 2013 - added basic support for multiple display modules from Coldtears
  34. 2.41 12 May 2013 - made some changes to facilitate the use of add-on libraries
  35. 2.42 17 Jun 2013 - fixed a small bug in drawBitmap()
  36. fixed a bug in the 16-bit Arduino Due driver
  37. 2.5 25 Jul 2013 - fixed a bug where some lines were 1 pixel too short
  38. fixed a bug in the init code for 7" modules that were only visible in portrait mode
  39. added basic support for more display modules from Coldtears
  40. updated ImageConverter565 to v2.0
  41. added ImgConv v1.0 - Command line image converter
  42. added manual for image converters
  43. fixed some omissions in memorysaver.h
  44. 2.51 02 Aug 2013 - updated ImageConverter565 to v2.1
  45. fixed a typo in the tools manual name
  46. 2.6 07 Sep 2013 - added support for 4 more ElecFreaks display modules
  47. added support for Watterott electronics MI0283QT-9A display module
  48. fixed a bug in the "Arduino (ARM)/UTFT_Demo_480x272" example
  49. 2.7 03 Nov 2013 - added support Bobuino (ATmega1284P)
  50. optimized Arduino Due driver slightly
  51. 2.71 06 Dec 2013 - added support for ElecFreaks TFT01-4.3
  52. added support for Coldtears 3.5" and 4.0" modules
  53. minor changes to the library constructor
  54. removed unused variables
  55. 2.72 12 Dec 2013 - added support for ElecFreaks TFT-2.4 v1.2