package fs import ( "bufio" "os" "os/exec" "testing" . "" ) func setup(handler func(f string)) { filename := "/tmp/tmpfile" if file, err := os.Create(filename); err == nil { defer file.Close() defer os.Remove(filename) buffer := bufio.NewWriter(file) buffer.WriteString("I'm just a temp. file") buffer.Flush() handler(filename) } } func TestAbs(t *testing.T) { Convey("Absolute path check", t, func() { So(Abs("/tmp"), ShouldEqual, "/tmp") }) } func TestCopy(t *testing.T) { Convey("Copy files/directories recursively", t, func() { filename := "GoAnywhereFake" exec.Command("touch", Abs("~/"+filename)).Run() defer os.Remove("/tmp/" + filename) err := Copy("~/"+filename, "/tmp") So(Exists("/tmp/"+filename), ShouldBeTrue) So(err, ShouldBeNil) exec.Command("mkdir", Abs("~/GoAnywhere")).Run() exec.Command("touch", Abs("~/GoAnywhere/Fake")).Run() defer os.RemoveAll("~/GoAnywhere") err = Copy("~/GoAnywhere", "/tmp") So(Exists("/tmp/GoAnywhere"), ShouldBeTrue) So(err, ShouldBeNil) }) } func TestExists(t *testing.T) { Convey("Checks if the given path exists", t, func() { exists := Exists("/tmp") So(exists, ShouldBeTrue) exists = Exists("/NotExists") So(exists, ShouldBeFalse) }) } func TestIsDir(t *testing.T) { setup(func(filename string) { flag := IsDir(filename) Convey("Checks if the given path is a directory", t, func() { So(flag, ShouldBeFalse) }) }) flag := IsDir("/tmp") Convey("Checks if the given path is a directory", t, func() { So(flag, ShouldBeTrue) }) } func TestIsFile(t *testing.T) { setup(func(filename string) { flag := IsFile(filename) Convey("Checks if the given path is a file", t, func() { So(flag, ShouldBeTrue) }) }) flag := IsFile("/tmp") Convey("Checks if the given path is a file", t, func() { So(flag, ShouldBeFalse) }) }