module.exports = function(RED) { function BooleanLogicUltimate(config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config); var node = this; node.config = config; node.jSonStates = {}; // JSON object with elements. It's not an array! Format: {"Rain":true,"Dusk":true,"MotionSensor":true} node.sInitializeWith = typeof node.config.sInitializeWith === "undefined" ? "WaitForPayload" : node.config.sInitializeWith; var fs = require('fs'); var decimal = /^\s*[+-]{0,1}\s*([\d]+(\.[\d]*)*)\s*$/ // Helper for the config html, to be able to delete the peristent states file RED.httpAdmin.get("/stateoperation_delete", RED.auth.needsPermission(''), function (req, res) { //node.send({ req: req }); // Detele the persist file //var _node = RED.nodes.getNode(req.query.nodeid); // Gets node object from nodeit, because when called from the config html, the node object is not defined var _nodeid = req.query.nodeid; try { if (fs.existsSync("states/" + _nodeid.toString())) fs.unlinkSync("states/" + _nodeid.toString()); } catch (error) { } res.json({ status: 220 }); }); // Populate the state array with the persisten file if (node.config.persist == true) { try { var contents = fs.readFileSync("states/" +; if (typeof contents !== 'undefined') { node.jSonStates = JSON.parse(contents); setNodeStatus({fill: "blue",shape: "ring",text: "Loaded persistent states (" + Object.keys(node.jSonStates).length + " total)."}); } } catch (error) { setNodeStatus({fill: "grey",shape: "ring",text: "No persistent states"}); } } else { setNodeStatus({fill: "yellow",shape: "dot",text: "Waiting for input states"}); } // 14/08/2019 If some inputs are to be initialized, create a dummy items in the array initUndefinedInputs(); this.on('input', function (msg) { var topic = msg.topic; var payload = msg.payload; if (topic !== undefined && payload !== undefined) { var value = ToBoolean( payload ); // 14/08/2019 if inputs are initialized, remove a "dummy" item from the state's array, as soon as new topic arrives if(node.sInitializeWith !== "WaitForPayload") { // Search if the current topic is in the state array if (typeof node.jSonStates[topic] === "undefined") { // Delete one dummy for (let index = 0; index < node.config.inputCount; index++) { if (node.jSonStates.hasOwnProperty("dummy" + index)) { // delete node.jSonStates["dummy" + index]; // break; } } } } // Add current attribute node.jSonStates[topic] = value; // Save the state array to a perisistent file if (node.config.persist == true) { try { if (!fs.existsSync("states")) fs.mkdirSync("states"); fs.writeFileSync("states/" +,JSON.stringify(node.jSonStates)); } catch (error) { setNodeStatus({fill: "red",shape: "dot",text: "Node cannot write to filesystem: " + error}); } } // Do we have as many inputs as we expect? var keyCount = Object.keys(node.jSonStates).length; if( keyCount == node.config.inputCount ) { var resAND = CalculateResult("AND"); var resOR = CalculateResult("OR"); var resXOR = CalculateResult("XOR"); if (node.config.filtertrue == "onlytrue") { if (!resAND) { resAND = null }; if (!resOR) { resOR = null }; if (!resXOR) { resXOR = null }; } // Operation mode evaluation if (node.config.outputtriggeredby == "onlyonetopic") { if (typeof node.config.triggertopic !== "undefined" && node.config.triggertopic !== "" && msg.hasOwnProperty("topic") && msg.topic !=="" && node.config.triggertopic === msg.topic) { SetResult(resAND, resOR, resXOR, node.config.topic); } else { setNodeStatus({ fill: "grey", shape: "ring", text: "Saved (" + (msg.hasOwnProperty("topic") ? msg.topic : "empty input topic") + ") " + value}); } } else { SetResult(resAND, resOR, resXOR, node.config.topic); } } else if(keyCount > node.config.inputCount ) { setNodeStatus({ fill: "gray", shape: "ring", text: "Reset due to unexpected new topic"}); DeletePersistFile(); } else { setNodeStatus({ fill: "green", shape: "ring", text: "Arrived topic " + keyCount + " of " + node.config.inputCount}); } } }); this.on('close', function(removed, done) { if (removed) { // This node has been deleted // Delete persistent states on change/deploy DeletePersistFile(); } else { // This node is being restarted } done(); }); function DeletePersistFile (){ // Detele the persist file try { if (fs.existsSync("states/" + fs.unlinkSync("states/" +; setNodeStatus({fill: "red",shape: "ring",text: "Persistent states deleted ("")."}); } catch (error) { setNodeStatus({fill: "red",shape: "ring",text: "Error deleting persistent file: " + error.toString()}); } node.jSonStates = {}; // Resets inputs // 14/08/2019 If the inputs are to be initialized, create a dummy items in the array initUndefinedInputs(); } function initUndefinedInputs() { if (node.sInitializeWith !== "WaitForPayload") { var nTotalDummyToCreate = Number(node.config.inputCount) - Object.keys(node.jSonStates).length; if (nTotalDummyToCreate > 0) {"BooleanLogicUltimate: Will create " + nTotalDummyToCreate + " dummy (" + node.sInitializeWith + ") values") for (let index = 0; index < nTotalDummyToCreate; index++) { node.jSonStates["dummy" + index] = node.sInitializeWith === "false" ? false : true; } setTimeout(() => { setNodeStatus({fill: "green",shape: "ring",text: "Initialized " + nTotalDummyToCreate + " undefined inputs with " + node.sInitializeWith});}, 4000) } } } function setNodeStatus({fill, shape, text}) { var dDate = new Date(); node.status({fill: fill,shape: shape,text: text + " (" + dDate.getDate() + ", " + dDate.toLocaleTimeString() + ")"}) } function CalculateResult(_operation) { var res; if( _operation == "XOR") { res = PerformXOR(); } else { // We need a starting value to perform AND and OR operations. var keys = Object.keys(node.jSonStates); res = node.jSonStates[keys[0]]; for( var i = 1; i < keys.length; ++i ) { var key = keys[i]; res = PerformSimpleOperation( _operation, res, node.jSonStates[key] ); } } return res; } function PerformXOR() { // XOR = exclusively one input is true. As such, we just count the number of true values and compare to 1. var trueCount = 0; for( var key in node.jSonStates ) { if( node.jSonStates[key] ) { trueCount++; } } return trueCount == 1; } function PerformSimpleOperation( operation, val1, val2 ) { var res; if( operation === "AND" ) { res = val1 && val2; } else if( operation === "OR" ) { res = val1 || val2; } else { node.error( "Unknown operation: " + operation ); } return res; } function ToBoolean( value ) { var res = false; if (typeof value === 'boolean') { res = value; } else if( typeof value === 'number' || typeof value === 'string' ) { // Is it formated as a decimal number? if( decimal.test( value ) ) { var v = parseFloat( value ); res = v != 0; } else { res = value.toLowerCase() === "true"; } } return res; }; function SetResult(_valueAND, _valueOR, _valueXOR, optionalTopic) { setNodeStatus({fill: "green",shape: "dot",text: "(AND)" + _valueAND + " (OR)" +_valueOR + " (XOR)" +_valueXOR}); if (_valueAND!=null){ var msgAND = { topic: optionalTopic === undefined ? "result" : optionalTopic, operation:"AND", payload: _valueAND }; } if (_valueOR!=null){ var msgOR = { topic: optionalTopic === undefined ? "result" : optionalTopic, operation:"OR", payload: _valueOR }; } if (_valueXOR!=null){ var msgXOR = { topic: optionalTopic === undefined ? "result" : optionalTopic, operation:"XOR", payload: _valueXOR }; } node.send([msgAND,msgOR,msgXOR]); }; } RED.nodes.registerType("BooleanLogicUltimate",BooleanLogicUltimate); }