Teensy development platform for PlatformIO compatible with GCC10 & C++20
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platformio.ini 1.0KB

pirms 4 gadiem
  1. ; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
  2. ;
  3. ; Build options: build flags, source filter, extra scripting
  4. ; Upload options: custom port, speed and extra flags
  5. ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
  6. ;
  7. ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
  8. ; http://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
  9. [env:teensy2]
  10. platform = teensy
  11. framework = arduino
  12. board = teensy2
  13. [env:teensy2pp]
  14. platform = teensy
  15. framework = arduino
  16. board = teensy2pp
  17. [env:teensy30]
  18. platform = teensy
  19. framework = arduino
  20. board = teensy30
  21. [env:teensy31]
  22. platform = teensy
  23. framework = arduino
  24. board = teensy31
  25. [env:teensylc]
  26. platform = teensy
  27. framework = arduino
  28. board = teensylc
  29. [env:teensy35]
  30. platform = teensy
  31. framework = arduino
  32. board = teensy35
  33. [env:teensy36]
  34. platform = teensy
  35. framework = arduino
  36. board = teensy36
  37. [env:teensy40]
  38. platform = teensy
  39. framework = arduino
  40. board = teensy40
  41. [env:teensy41]
  42. platform = teensy
  43. framework = arduino
  44. board = teensy41