преди 7 години
  1. # Contributing
  2. ## Issues
  3. **Issues** are used to report bugs, problems, feature requests, ask questions or other kind of suggestions. An issue ***should include***:
  4. - Good and meaningful title
  5. - Detailed description
  6. ### Problems and Bugs
  7. Problem and bug reports ***need also***:
  8. - Expected and actual behaviour
  9. - Used version, compiler and platform
  10. - Minimal example or steps to reproduce
  11. ## Pull Requests
  12. **Pull requests** are used to submit contributions to the project. A pull request ***should include***:
  13. - Good and meaningful title
  14. - Detailed description
  15. - Descriptive commit messages
  16. If the PR is related to an *Issue*, please reference it in the description or title.
  17. ### Code
  18. The contributed code should match these criteria:
  19. - Pass all Unit Tests and CI Builds
  20. - Proper Test Cases
  21. - Merge cleanly, without conflicts
  22. - Follow the projects code style
  23. - Does not introduce external dependencies
  24. - 4 Spaces – no Tabs
  25. - UTF-8 encoding
  26. ## Further readings
  27. - [Github Guide: How to Contribute to Open Source](https://opensource.guide/how-to-contribute/)