- /*
- * Scope Guard
- * Copyright (C) 2017 offa
- *
- * This file is part of Scope Guard.
- *
- * Scope Guard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Scope Guard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Scope Guard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- #include "unique_resource.h"
- #include <catch.hpp>
- #include <trompeloeil.hpp>
- using namespace trompeloeil;
- namespace
- {
- using Handle = int;
- using PtrHandle = std::add_pointer_t<Handle>;
- struct CallMock
- {
- MAKE_MOCK1(deleter, void(Handle));
- };
- struct ThrowOnCopyMock
- {
- ThrowOnCopyMock()
- {
- }
- ThrowOnCopyMock(const ThrowOnCopyMock&) noexcept(false)
- {
- throw std::exception{};
- }
- ThrowOnCopyMock(ThrowOnCopyMock&&) = delete;
- ThrowOnCopyMock& operator=(const ThrowOnCopyMock&) noexcept(false)
- {
- throw std::exception{};
- }
- ThrowOnCopyMock& operator=(ThrowOnCopyMock&&) = delete;
- };
- struct NotNothrowMoveMock
- {
- NotNothrowMoveMock(CallMock* mo) : m_mock(mo)
- {
- }
- NotNothrowMoveMock(const NotNothrowMoveMock& other) : m_mock(other.m_mock)
- {
- throw std::exception{};
- }
- NotNothrowMoveMock(NotNothrowMoveMock&& other) noexcept(false) : m_mock(other.m_mock)
- {
- }
- NotNothrowMoveMock& operator=(const NotNothrowMoveMock&)
- {
- throw "Not implemented";
- }
- NotNothrowMoveMock& operator=(NotNothrowMoveMock&&)
- {
- throw "Not implemented";
- }
- CallMock* m_mock;
- };
- struct ConditialThrowOnCopyMock
- {
- explicit ConditialThrowOnCopyMock(Handle h, bool shouldThrow) : m_handle(h), m_shouldThrow(shouldThrow)
- {
- }
- ConditialThrowOnCopyMock(const ConditialThrowOnCopyMock& other) : m_handle(other.m_handle), m_shouldThrow(other.m_shouldThrow)
- {
- if( m_shouldThrow == true )
- {
- throw std::exception{};
- }
- }
- ConditialThrowOnCopyMock(ConditialThrowOnCopyMock&&) = default;
- ConditialThrowOnCopyMock& operator=(const ConditialThrowOnCopyMock& other)
- {
- if( &other != this )
- {
- m_handle = other.m_handle;
- m_shouldThrow = other.m_shouldThrow;
- if( m_shouldThrow == true )
- {
- throw std::exception{};
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- ConditialThrowOnCopyMock& operator=(ConditialThrowOnCopyMock&&) = default;
- Handle m_handle;
- bool m_shouldThrow;
- };
- struct CopyMock
- {
- CopyMock() {}
- CopyMock(const CopyMock&) { }
- };
- CallMock m;
- void deleter(Handle h)
- {
- m.deleter(h);
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("construction with move", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("construction with copy", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- const Handle h{3};
- const auto d = [](auto v) { m.deleter(v); };
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(h, d);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("construction with copy calls deleter and rethrows on failed copy", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- const ThrowOnCopyMock noMove;
- const auto d = [](const auto&) { m.deleter(3); };
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- sr::unique_resource<decltype(noMove), decltype(d)> guard{noMove, d};
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }());
- }
- TEST_CASE("move-construction with move", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- auto movedFrom = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- auto guard = std::move(movedFrom);
- CHECK(guard.get() == 3);
- }
- TEST_CASE("move-construction with copy", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(7));
- auto d = [](auto) { deleter(7); };
- const CopyMock copyMock;
- sr::unique_resource<CopyMock, decltype(d)> movedFrom{copyMock, d};
- auto guard = std::move(movedFrom);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("move assignment calls deleter", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- auto moveFrom = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(4));
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{4}, deleter);
- guard = std::move(moveFrom);
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("deleter called on destruction", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("reset calls deleter", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- guard.reset();
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("reset does not call deleter if released", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3)).TIMES(0);
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- guard.release();
- guard.reset();
- }
- TEST_CASE("reset sets new value and calls deleter on previous", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(7));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- guard.reset(Handle{7});
- }
- TEST_CASE("reset handles exception on assignment", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(7));
- auto d = [](const auto& v) { deleter(v.m_handle); };
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(ConditialThrowOnCopyMock{3, false}, d);
- guard.reset(ConditialThrowOnCopyMock{7, true});
- }
- TEST_CASE("release disables deleter", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3)).TIMES(0);
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- guard.release();
- }
- TEST_CASE("get returns resource", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- CHECK(guard.get() == 3);
- }
- TEST_CASE("pointer access returns resource" "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- const auto p = std::make_pair(3, 4);
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(&p, [](auto*) { });
- REQUIRE(guard->first == 3);
- REQUIRE(guard->second == 4);
- }
- TEST_CASE("pointer dereference returns resource" "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- Handle h{5};
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(PtrHandle{&h}, [](auto*) { });
- REQUIRE(*guard == 5);
- }
- TEST_CASE("deleter access", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- guard.release();
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(8));
- guard.get_deleter()(8);
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("swap", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(7));
- auto guard1 = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{3}, deleter);
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- auto guard2 = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{7}, deleter);
- guard2.swap(guard1);
- REQUIRE(guard1.get() == 7);
- REQUIRE(guard2.get() == 3);
- }
- }
- TEST_CASE("make unique resource", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(7));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(Handle{7}, deleter);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("make unique resource with reference wrapper", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(3));
- Handle h{3};
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource(std::ref(h), deleter);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("make unique resource checked", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- REQUIRE_CALL(m, deleter(4));
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource_checked(Handle{4}, Handle{-1}, deleter);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }
- TEST_CASE("make unique resource checked releases if invalid", "[UniqueResource]")
- {
- auto guard = sr::make_unique_resource_checked(Handle{-1}, Handle{-1}, deleter);
- static_cast<void>(guard);
- }