/* Audio Library Note Frequency Detection & Guitar/Bass Tuner * Copyright (c) 2015, Colin Duffy * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice, development funding notice, and this permission * notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef AudioTuner_h_ #define AudioTuner_h_ #include "AudioStream.h" #include "arm_math.h" /*********************************************************************** * Safe to adjust these values below * * * * This parameter defines the size of the buffer. * * * * 1. AUDIO_GUITARTUNER_BLOCKS - Buffer size is 128 * AUDIO_BLOCKS. * * The more AUDIO_GUITARTUNER_BLOCKS the lower * * the frequency you can detect. The default * * (24) is set to measure down to 29.14 Hz * * or B(flat)0. * * * * 2. MAX_COEFF - Maxium number of coefficeints for the FIR filter. * * * ***********************************************************************/ #define AUDIO_GUITARTUNER_BLOCKS 24 #define MAX_COEFF 200 /***********************************************************************/ class AudioTuner : public AudioStream { public: /** * constructor to setup Audio Library and initialize * * @return none */ AudioTuner( void ) : AudioStream( 1, inputQueueArray ), data( 0.0 ), coeff_p( NULL ), enabled( false ), new_output( false ), coeff_size( 0 ) { } /** * initialize variables and start * * @param threshold Allowed uncertainty * @param coeff coefficients for fir filter * @param taps number of coefficients, even * @param factor must be power of 2 */ void begin( float threshold, int16_t *coeff, uint8_t taps, uint8_t factor ); /** * sets threshold value * * @param thresh * @return none */ void threshold( float p ); /** * triggers true when valid frequency is found * * @return flag to indicate valid frequency is found */ bool available( void ); /** * get frequency * * @return frequency in hertz */ float read( void ); /** * get predicitity * * @return probability of frequency found */ float probability( void ); /** * fir decimation coefficents * * @return none */ void coeff( int16_t *p, int n ); /** * Audio Library calls this update function ~2.9ms * * @return none */ virtual void update( void ); private: /** * check the sampled data for fundamental frequency * * @param yin buffer to hold sum*tau value * @param rs buffer to hold running sum for sampled window * @param head buffer index * @param tau lag we are currently working on this gets incremented * * @return tau */ uint16_t estimate( uint64_t *yin, uint64_t *rs, uint16_t head, uint16_t tau ); /** * process audio data * * @return none */ void process( int16_t *p ); /** * Variables */ float periodicity, yin_threshold, data; uint64_t running_sum, yin_buffer[5], rs_buffer[5]; uint16_t tau_global; int16_t AudioBuffer[AUDIO_GUITARTUNER_BLOCKS*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES] __attribute__ ( ( aligned ( 4 ) ) ); int16_t coeff_state[AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES + MAX_COEFF]; int16_t *coeff_p; uint8_t yin_idx, state, coeff_size, decimation_factor, decimation_shift; volatile bool new_output, process_buffer, enabled; audio_block_t *inputQueueArray[1]; arm_fir_decimate_instance_q15 firDecimateInst; }; #endif