<p align="center"> <b>Guitar and Bass Tuner Library</b><br> <b>Teensy 3.1 v2.0</b><br> </p> >Software algorithm ([YIN]) for guitar and bass tuning using a Teensy Audio Library. This audio object's algorithm can be some what memory and processor hungry but will allow you to detect with fairly good accuracy the fundamental frequencies f<sub>o</sub> from electric guitars and basses. >>You can install this as a normal Arduino Library and will work with the Audio Library, no need to edit the Audio libraries source now. <!-- language: lang-none --> Hookup Guide - 1.2v DC Bias and High Pass Filter - No Amplification *--------------------------------------------------* | | | Pull Down Resistor | ' | | *------------/\/\/\-------------* |' '| | | 47K | _|_'_|_ | | | |` ` ` `| | *---)|+---* | | ` ` ` | | | 10uF | | |` ` ` `| | TEENSY 3.1 | | | | ` ` ` | | _______________ *-/\/\/\--* | |` ` ` `| | |GND |_____| Vin| | 2.2K | | | ` ` ` | | |0 ----- AGND|<-* | | |` ` ` `| | |1 |`````| 3.3V|>---/\/\/\--*--/\/\/\--* | | ` ` ` | | |2 | | 23| 10K 47K | | |` ` ` `| | |3 ----- 22| | | | ` ` ` | | |4 |'| 21| | | \=====/ | |5 ------ 20| | | | '`| | |6 |::::::::| 19| | REMOVE | | S`| | |7 |::::::::| 18| | DC | | H`| | |8 |::::::::| 17| | BIAS | | I`| | |9 ------A2/16|<---SIGNAL-1.2v-BIAS---*---+|(----* | E`|>--ANGD--* |10 --- 15| 1.2VDC 10uF | | L`| |11 |(`)| 14| | | D`| |12 --- 13| | | `| --------------- | |===| | \_/ | /T\ | .-I-. *---<\ P / \_/ >Many optimizations have been done to the [YIN] algorithm for frequencies between 29-360Hz. >>While its still using a brute force method ( n<sup>2</sup> ) for finding the fundamental frequency f<sub>o</sub>, it is tuned to skip certain <b>tau</b> (<img src="http://latex.numberempire.com/render?%5Cinline%20%5Chuge%20%5Cmathbf%7B%5Ctau%7D&sig=845639da85c0dd8e2de679817b06639c"/></img>) values and focus mostly on frequencies found in the bass and guitar. >>>The input is double buffered so while you are processing one buffer it is filling the other to double throughput. >>>>There are a few parameters that can be adjusted to "dial in" the algorithm for better estimations. The defaults are what I found that have the best trade off for speed and accuracy. <h4>AudioTuner.h</h4> ``` /****************************************************************/ #define SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_1 1 // 44100 sample rate #define SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_2 2 // 22050 sample rate #define SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_4 4 // 11025 sample rate #define SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_8 8 // 5512.5 sample rate #define SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_16 16 // 2756.25 sample rate #define SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_32 32 // 1378.125 sample rate /**************************************************************** * Safe to adjust these values below * ****************************************************************/ // Adjust number of samples to collect in buffer here, also effects // convergence speed and resolution. #define NUM_SAMPLES 2048 // make a power of two // larger the divide-by, less resolution and lower the frequency for // a given number of samples that can be detected. Also effects // convergence speed. #define SAMPLE_SKIP SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_2 /****************************************************************/ ``` ``` SAMPLE_RATE_DIVIDE_BY_x --> This sets 'SAMPLE_SKIP' to pass on every (x) data point from the Audio Block being saved to the buffer, it determines the sample rate. ``` ``` NUM_SAMPLES --> This the size of each buffer, there two for double buffering. ``` ``` SAMPLE_SKIP --> This sets your sample window length and sampling rate. Sample Window Size is (NUM_SAMPLES * SAMPLE_SKIP) of the ~44100 samples every second. Sample Rate is (AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_EXACT / SAMPLE_SKIP). ``` <div> <b>YIN Algorithm</b> <ol> <li><b>Difference Function -</b> Squared difference of the (signal - signal lag(<img src="http://latex.numberempire.com/render?%5Cinline%20%5Chuge%20%5Cmathbf%7B%5Ctau%7D&sig=845639da85c0dd8e2de679817b06639c"/></img>))<br> <img src="http://latex.numberempire.com/render?%5Chuge%20d_%7Bt%7D%20%5Cbig%28%20%5Ctau%20%5Cbig%29%20%3D%20%5Csum_%7Bj%3D1%7D%5EW%20%20%5Cbig%28x_%7Bj%7D-x_%7Bj%2B%5Ctau%7D%5Cbig%29%5E%7B2%7D&sig=da6a2a10a134437679df399dbb9327df" /></li> <li><b>Cumulative Mean Normalized Difference Function -</b> Calculate the cumulative mean on the normalized difference signal<br><img src="http://latex.numberempire.com/render?%5Cinline%20%5Chuge%20d%27_%7Bt%7D%20%5Cbig%28%20%5Ctau%20%5Cbig%29%20%3D%5Cbegin%7Bcases%7D1%2C%20%26%20%5Ctau%20%3D%200%5C%5Cd_%7Bt%7D%20%5Cbig%28%20%5Ctau%20%5Cbig%29%5Cdiagup%20%26%5Cleft%5B%28%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7B%5Ctau%7D%29%5Csum_%7Bj%3D1%7D%5E%5Ctau%20%20d_%7Bt%7D%20%28j%29%5Cright%5D%5Cend%7Bcases%7D&sig=15a0b31a37bd5db3074f854711119bb3" /></li> <li><b>Absolute Threshold -</b> Fix for subharmonic error with Autocorrelation, choose (<img src="http://latex.numberempire.com/render?%5Cinline%20%5Chuge%20%5Cmathbf%7B%5Ctau%7D&sig=845639da85c0dd8e2de679817b06639c"/></img>) that gives a minimum <img src="http://latex.numberempire.com/render?%5Chuge%20d%27&sig=ec41ac0239b48a3c53617da8e4ca64c7"/></li> </ol> </div> [YIN]:http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/pcm/cheveign/pss/2002_JASA_YIN.pdf