Updated (12/7/17 v3.1)
- Fix wrong include.
Updated (02/17/17 v3.0)
- Now we decimate the signal before analysis, significant speed up.
- More robust algorithm to determine the fundamental frequency.
Updated (11/23/15 v2.3)
- Totally new method to gather and process data, data is available after 24 Blocks of data have been collected (~69.6ms) for all frequencies.
- Double buffer to collect Audio data, while one collects the other buffer is processed.
Updated (10/12/15 v2.2)
- Fixed yin cpu usage throttling code in update function.
- Function initialize second param takes a float (0.0 - 1.0).
- Fix many spelling and grammar errors. :(
Updated (10/11/15 v2.1)
- Made yin implementation faster and more reliable.
- Improved user interface.
Updated (7/10/15 v2.0)
- First commit