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Merge pull request #376 from FrankBoesing/SGTL5000-Master

Add SGTl5000 MasterMode
Paul Stoffregen преди 4 години
No account linked to committer's email address
променени са 2 файла, в които са добавени 68 реда и са изтрити 16 реда
  1. +64
  2. +4

+ 64
- 15
control_sgtl5000.cpp Целия файл

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
// 7:0 REVID 0x00 - revision number for SGTL5000.

#define CHIP_DIG_POWER 0x0002
// 6 ADC_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the ADC block, both digital & analog,
// 6 ADC_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the ADC block, both digital & analog,
// 5 DAC_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the DAC block, both analog and digital
// 4 DAP_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the DAP block
// 1 I2S_OUT_POWERUP 1=Enable, 0=disable the I2S data output
@@ -509,16 +509,36 @@ void AudioControlSGTL5000::setAddress(uint8_t level)

bool AudioControlSGTL5000::enable(void)
bool AudioControlSGTL5000::enable(void) {
#if defined(KINETISL)
return enable(16000000); // SGTL as Master with 16MHz MCLK from Teensy LC
return enable(0);

bool AudioControlSGTL5000::enable(const unsigned extMCLK, const uint32_t pllFreq)
muted = true;
//Check if we are in Master Mode and if the Teensy had a reset:
unsigned int n = read(CHIP_I2S_CTRL);
if ( (extMCLK > 0) && (n == (0x0030 | (1<<7))) ) {
//Yes. Do not initialize.
muted = false;
semi_automated = true;
return true;

//Serial.print("chip ID = ");
//unsigned int n = read(CHIP_ID);
//Serial.println(n, HEX);

muted = true;

int r = write(CHIP_ANA_POWER, 0x4060); // VDDD is externally driven with 1.8V
if (!r) return false;
write(CHIP_LINREG_CTRL, 0x006C); // VDDA & VDDIO both over 3.1V
@@ -526,23 +546,52 @@ bool AudioControlSGTL5000::enable(void)
write(CHIP_SHORT_CTRL, 0x4446); // allow up to 125mA
write(CHIP_ANA_CTRL, 0x0137); // enable zero cross detectors
write(CHIP_ANA_POWER, 0x40FF); // power up: lineout, hp, adc, dac
if (extMCLK > 0) {
//SGTL is I2S Master
//Datasheet Pg. 14: Using the PLL - Asynchronous SYS_MCLK input
if (extMCLK > 17000000) {
write(CHIP_CLK_TOP_CTRL, 1);
} else {
write(CHIP_CLK_TOP_CTRL, 0);

uint32_t int_divisor = (pllFreq / extMCLK) & 0x1f;
uint32_t frac_divisor = (uint32_t)((((float)pllFreq / extMCLK) - int_divisor) * 2048.0f) & 0x7ff;
write(CHIP_PLL_CTRL, (int_divisor << 11) | frac_divisor);
write(CHIP_ANA_POWER, 0x40FF | (1<<10) | (1<<8) ); // power up: lineout, hp, adc, dac, PLL_POWERUP, VCOAMP_POWERUP
} else {
//SGTL is I2S Slave
write(CHIP_ANA_POWER, 0x40FF); // power up: lineout, hp, adc, dac

write(CHIP_DIG_POWER, 0x0073); // power up all digital stuff
write(CHIP_LINE_OUT_VOL, 0x1D1D); // default approx 1.3 volts peak-to-peak
write(CHIP_CLK_CTRL, 0x0004); // 44.1 kHz, 256*Fs
write(CHIP_I2S_CTRL, 0x0030); // SCLK=64*Fs, 16bit, I2S format
if (extMCLK > 0) {
//SGTL is I2S Master
write(CHIP_CLK_CTRL, 0x0004 | 0x03); // 44.1 kHz, 256*Fs, use PLL
write(CHIP_I2S_CTRL, 0x0030 | (1<<7)); // SCLK=64*Fs, 16bit, I2S format
} else {
//SGTL is I2S Slave
write(CHIP_CLK_CTRL, 0x0004); // 44.1 kHz, 256*Fs
write(CHIP_I2S_CTRL, 0x0030); // SCLK=64*Fs, 16bit, I2S format

// default signal routing is ok?
write(CHIP_SSS_CTRL, 0x0010); // ADC->I2S, I2S->DAC
write(CHIP_ADCDAC_CTRL, 0x0000); // disable dac mute
write(CHIP_DAC_VOL, 0x3C3C); // digital gain, 0dB
write(CHIP_ANA_HP_CTRL, 0x7F7F); // set volume (lowest level)
write(CHIP_ANA_CTRL, 0x0036); // enable zero cross detectors
//mute = false;
semi_automated = true;
return true;

unsigned int AudioControlSGTL5000::read(unsigned int reg)
unsigned int val;
@@ -796,7 +845,7 @@ void AudioControlSGTL5000::eqFilter(uint8_t filterNum, int *filterParameters)
// TODO: add the part that selects 7 PEQ filters.
if(semi_automated) automate(1,1,filterNum+1);
@@ -816,23 +865,23 @@ void AudioControlSGTL5000::eqFilter(uint8_t filterNum, int *filterParameters)
0 - 0 dB
1 - 6.0 dB
2 - 12 dB
lbiResponse; Integrator Response
0 - 0 mS
1 - 25 mS
2 - 50 mS
3 - 100 mS
0 - Hard limit disabled. AVC Compressor/Expander enabled.
1 - Hard limit enabled. The signal is limited to the programmed threshold (signal saturates at the threshold)
floating point in range 0 to -96 dB
floating point figure is dB/s rate at which gain is increased
floating point figure is dB/s rate at which gain is reduced
@@ -935,12 +984,12 @@ void calcBiquad(uint8_t filtertype, float fC, float dB_Gain, float Q, uint32_t q

float A;
if(filtertype<FILTER_PARAEQ) A=pow(10,dB_Gain/20); else A=pow(10,dB_Gain/40);
float W0 = 2*3.14159265358979323846*fC/fS;
float W0 = 2*3.14159265358979323846*fC/fS;
float cosw=cosf(W0);
float sinw=sinf(W0);
//float alpha = sinw*sinh((log(2)/2)*BW*W0/sinw);
//float beta = sqrt(2*A);
float alpha = sinw / (2 * Q);
float alpha = sinw / (2 * Q);
float beta = sqrtf(A)/Q;
float b0,b1,b2,a0,a1,a2;

+ 4
- 1
control_sgtl5000.h Целия файл

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#ifndef control_sgtl5000_h_
#define control_sgtl5000_h_

#include <AudioStream.h>
#include "AudioControl.h"

class AudioControlSGTL5000 : public AudioControl
@@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ class AudioControlSGTL5000 : public AudioControl
AudioControlSGTL5000(void) : i2c_addr(0x0A) { }
void setAddress(uint8_t level);
bool enable(void);
bool enable(void);//For Teensy LC the SGTL acts as master, for all other Teensys as slave.
bool enable(const unsigned extMCLK, const uint32_t pllFreq = (4096.0l * AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_EXACT) ); //With extMCLK > 0, the SGTL acts as Master
bool disable(void) { return false; }
bool volume(float n) { return volumeInteger(n * 129 + 0.499); }
bool inputLevel(float n) {return false;}
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ public:
unsigned short surroundSoundEnable(void);
unsigned short surroundSoundDisable(void);
void killAutomation(void) { semi_automated=false; }
void setMasterMode(uint32_t freqMCLK_in);

bool muted;
